< Romani 6 >
1 Che diremo dunque? Continuiamo a restare nel peccato perché abbondi la grazia?
Someone might [RHQ] say [in reply to what I have written] that [since God acted kindly toward us] in a way we did not deserve [because we sinned], perhaps we should continue to sin in order that he may continue to act even more kindly toward us [and keep on forgiving us]! [RHQ]
2 E' assurdo! Noi che gia siamo morti al peccato, come potremo ancora vivere nel peccato?
[I would reply], No, certainly not! We [ought to consider that] our sinful desires [MET] [cannot make us do what they want us to do], [just like we cannot make] a corpse do what we want it to do. So it is not right that we continue to sin! [RHQ]
3 O non sapete che quanti siamo stati battezzati in Cristo Gesù, siamo stati battezzati nella sua morte?
When we were baptized {[asked someone to] baptize us} in order to show that we have a relationship with (OR, are united to) Jesus Christ, our [being baptized was to declare that it was as though] we died with Christ. ([I want] you to remember that!/Do you not know that?) [RHQ]
4 Per mezzo del battesimo siamo dunque stati sepolti insieme a lui nella morte, perché come Cristo fu risuscitato dai morti per mezzo della gloria del Padre, così anche noi possiamo camminare in una vita nuova.
So, when we were baptized {someone baptized us}, [it was as though] we were buried with Christ. [We were baptized] in order to indicate that [we would not let our sinful desires make us do what they want us to do, just like people cannot make] a corpse [do what they want it to] do [MET]. We [were baptized] to [signify that we would] continually conduct our lives in a new way, just like Christ was caused to live again in a new way by the great [power] of [God his] Father.
5 Se infatti siamo stati completamente uniti a lui con una morte simile alla sua, lo saremo anche con la sua risurrezione.
Because of our close relationship with Christ, we have [separated ourselves from the former way in which we conducted our lives], just like he [was separated from his physical life when he] died [MET]. But God will also certainly [enable us to live in a new way, just like he] enabled Christ to live again.
6 Sappiamo bene che il nostro uomo vecchio è stato crocifisso con lui, perché fosse distrutto il corpo del peccato, e noi non fossimo più schiavi del peccato.
We must keep remembering that when Christ died on the cross [MET], [it was as though] our sinful nature [died with him. It has] lost its power to make us do what it wants us to do [MET]. That happened in order that we would not do the sinful [things that our bodies] [MET], which desire to sin, want us to do, and in order that we would no longer have to sin [MET], as slaves [have to do what their masters want].
7 Infatti chi è morto, è ormai libero dal peccato.
[We are, as it were, freed] {[free]} [from] sinful [desires] [MET] [controlling us, just like] those who have died are free [from anything controlling them].
8 Ma se siamo morti con Cristo, crediamo che anche vivremo con lui,
Since [it is as though] we died with Christ, we believe that we will continue to live with him.
9 sapendo che Cristo risuscitato dai morti non muore più; la morte non ha più potere su di lui.
We know that since [God] enabled Christ to live again after he died, Christ will never die again. Nothing will ever be able to make him die again [PRS].
10 Per quanto riguarda la sua morte, egli morì al peccato una volta per tutte; ora invece per il fatto che egli vive, vive per Dio.
When he died, he died once for [people] who had sinned, and he will never die again; but in regard to his living [again now], he lives in order to [serve/honor] God.
11 Così anche voi consideratevi morti al peccato, ma viventi per Dio, in Cristo Gesù.
Similarly, you must consider that [it is as though] you have become [unable to do what your] sinful [desires] [MET] want, as a corpse [is not able to do what anyone wants it to do]. You must also consider that because of your relationship to Christ Jesus you are living [in a new way] in order to [serve/honor] God.
12 Non regni più dunque il peccato nel vostro corpo mortale, sì da sottomettervi ai suoi desideri;
So, do not let the [desire to] sin [PRS] control your bodies [MET] with the result that you do the sinful things that you desire to do. [Remember that] your bodies will surely die, [but your spirits will never die].
13 non offrite le vostre membra come strumenti di ingiustizia al peccato, ma offrite voi stessi a Dio come vivi tornati dai morti e le vostre membra come strumenti di giustizia per Dio.
Do not let any of your body parts do wicked things, as [you did] [MET] [when you were spiritually] dead. Instead, present yourselves to God as people who are alive [spiritually]. Present all your body parts to God, [to allow him] to use them to [do] righteous things.
14 Il peccato infatti non dominerà più su di voi poiché non siete più sotto la legge, ma sotto la grazia.
Do not let a [desire to] sin control you [PRS]. The laws [that God gave Moses] did not enable you [to stop sinning]. But [now] God controls you and kindly helps you [not to sin].
15 Che dunque? Dobbiamo commettere peccati perché non siamo più sotto la legge, ma sotto la grazia? E' assurdo!
[I suppose that certain people might think about what I have just said and they might] say [RHQ], “[You say that] the laws [God gave Moses] did not [enable us to stop sinning, but that God is now] treating us kindly in ways we do not deserve. ([That seems to mean that God permits] us to continue sinning./[Does that mean that God permits] us to continue sinning?) [RHQ]” My reply to that is no, we should certainly not continue [sinning]
16 Non sapete voi che, se vi mettete a servizio di qualcuno come schiavi per obbedirgli, siete schiavi di colui al quale servite: sia del peccato che porta alla morte, sia dell'obbedienza che conduce alla giustizia?
[Slaves] have to obey [what their masters command] [MET] [them to do]. (I want you to remember this./Do you not know this?) [RHQ] Similarly, if you present yourselves to someone [in order to] obey him, you will be the slaves [MET] of the person you obey. Similarly, [if you have yielded yourselves to do the] sinful things [you desire], you are slaves of your sinful desires [PRS], and you will be eternally separated from God. [If you have yielded yourselves] to obey [God], you are slaves of God and you need to [live] righteously.
17 Rendiamo grazie a Dio, perché voi eravate schiavi del peccato, ma avete obbedito di cuore a quell'insegnamento che vi è stato trasmesso
You were once slaves [to] your sinful [desires]. But you began to sincerely obey the new teaching [MET] that you were taught {that [people] taught you}. I thank God for that.
18 e così, liberati dal peccato, siete diventati servi della giustizia.
[I] also [thank God that] you have been freed {[that] he has freed you} from [being controlled by a desire to] sin, and that you have become [as though you were] slaves [MET] to [living] righteously [MET].
19 Parlo con esempi umani, a causa della debolezza della vostra carne. Come avete messo le vostre membra a servizio dell'impurità e dell'iniquità a pro dell'iniquità, così ora mettete le vostre membra a servizio della giustizia per la vostra santificazione.
I am illustrating what I say [by talking about slavery] because your human nature prevents you from understanding [spiritual truth] easily. [In the past] you willingly did the immoral and unlawful things that [your minds compelled] your bodies to do [MET], [just like] slaves [do what their masters compel them to do]. As a result, you did even more unlawful things. Now, [you need to] willingly allow [your minds to compel] your bodies to [act] righteously [MET], in order that you will behave in a holy/pure way.
20 Quando infatti eravate sotto la schiavitù del peccato, eravate liberi nei riguardi della giustizia.
When you were [like] slaves [because your sinful desires compelled you to do] sinful things [MET], you were not [concerned about behaving] righteously [MET].
21 Ma quale frutto raccoglievate allora da cose di cui ora vi vergognate? Infatti il loro destino è la morte.
Nevertheless, [doing] those things resulted in your being separated from God, so you did not benefit at all from [doing] the [sinful] things that you are now ashamed of. [RHQ]
22 Ora invece, liberati dal peccato e fatti servi di Dio, voi raccogliete il frutto che vi porta alla santificazione e come destino avete la vita eterna. (aiōnios )
But you have been freed {[God] has freed you} from [letting the desire to] sin control you. You have become [as though you are] [MET] the slaves of God. So now the result is that God has caused you to completely belong to him and, as a result, you will live eternally. (aiōnios )
23 Perché il salario del peccato è la morte; ma il dono di Dio è la vita eterna in Cristo Gesù nostro Signore. (aiōnios )
[What people receive for] sinning [is that they are] eternally separated from God. That is [like] wages that [people receive] [MET]. But what God gives us is a gift. What he gives us is that we live eternally because of [our relationship with] (OR, because [we are united to]) Christ Jesus our Lord. (aiōnios )