< Giacomo 5 >
1 E ora a voi, ricchi: piangete e gridate per le sciagure che vi sovrastano!
Now [I have something to say to] the rich people [who do not believe in Christ and who] ([oppress you/cause you to suffer]). Listen [to me], you rich people! You should weep and wail [loudly] [DOU] because you will experience terrible troubles [PRS]!
2 Le vostre ricchezze sono imputridite,
Your wealth [of various kinds] is [worthless] [MET], [as though it were] rotted. Your fine clothes are [worthless] [MET], [as though] termites had ruined them.
3 le vostre vesti sono state divorate dalle tarme; il vostro oro e il vostro argento sono consumati dalla ruggine, la loro ruggine si leverà a testimonianza contro di voi e divorerà le vostre carni come un fuoco. Avete accumulato tesori per gli ultimi giorni!
Your gold and silver are [worthless] [MET], [as though they were] corroded. [When God judges you], this worthless wealth [MTY] of yours will be evidence [PRS] that you are guilty [of being greedy], and as rust and fire [destroy] [MET, SYN] things, [God] will severely punish you [SIM]. You have ([in vain/uselessly]) (stored up/accumulated) [wealth] at a time when [God] is about to [judge you] [MTY].
4 Ecco, il salario da voi defraudato ai lavoratori che hanno mietuto le vostre terre grida; e le proteste dei mietitori sono giunte alle orecchie del Signore degli eserciti.
Think [about what you have done]. You have not paid wages to the workmen who have harvested your fields for you, [with the result that] [PRS] those reapers are crying out [to God for him to help them]. [And God], the all-powerful Lord, has heard their loud cries.
5 Avete gozzovigliato sulla terra e vi siete saziati di piaceri, vi siete ingrassati per il giorno della strage.
You have lived luxuriously, just to have pleasure [here] on earth. [Just like cattle fatten themselves, not realizing that] they will be slaughtered [MET], you have [lived just for pleasure] [MTY], [not realizing that God will severely punish you].
6 Avete condannato e ucciso il giusto ed egli non può opporre resistenza.
You have [arranged for others/judges to] condemn innocent people. You have [arranged for others to kill] some people. [And even though] those people had not done anything wrong, they were not [able to] defend themselves against you. [My fellow believers, that is what I say to the rich people] ([who oppress you/cause you to suffer]).
7 Siate dunque pazienti, fratelli, fino alla venuta del Signore. Guardate l'agricoltore: egli aspetta pazientemente il prezioso frutto della terra finché abbia ricevuto le piogge d'autunno e le piogge di primavera.
So, my fellow believers, [although rich people cause you to suffer], be patient until the Lord [Jesus Christ] comes [back]. Remember that when farmers [plant a field], they wait for their valuable crops to grow. They must wait patiently for the rain [that comes] at the planting season and for more rain [that comes] just before the harvest season. They wait [for] the crops [to grow and mature before they can harvest them].
8 Siate pazienti anche voi, rinfrancate i vostri cuori, perché la venuta del Signore è vicina.
[Similarly], you also should [wait] patiently and trust the Lord [Jesus] firmly, because he is coming [back] soon [and will judge all people fairly].
9 Non lamentatevi, fratelli, gli uni degli altri, per non essere giudicati; ecco, il giudice è alle porte.
My fellow believers, do not complain about each other, in order that you will not be condemned [and punished by the Lord Jesus] {in order that [the Lord Jesus] will not condemn you}. It is he who will judge us, and he is ready to appear.
10 Prendete, o fratelli, a modello di sopportazione e di pazienza i profeti che parlano nel nome del Signore.
My fellow believers, as an example [of how to be patient], (consider/think about) the prophets whom the Lord [God sent long ago] to speak his messages [MTY]. [Although people caused] the prophets to suffer a lot, they endured it patiently.
11 Ecco, noi chiamiamo beati quelli che hanno sopportato con pazienza. Avete udito parlare della pazienza di Giobbe e conoscete la sorte finale che gli riserbò il Signore, perché il Signore è ricco di misericordia e di compassione.
And we know that [God] (approves of/is pleased with) those who endure [suffering for him]. You have also heard about Job. You know that [although he suffered much], the Lord [God] finally caused things to turn out well [for Job because] he endured [that suffering] (OR, because he continued [to trust God]). [And from that we know] that the Lord is very compassionate and kind.
12 Soprattutto, fratelli miei, non giurate, né per il cielo, né per la terra, né per qualsiasi altra cosa; ma il vostro «sì» sia sì, e il vostro «no» no, per non incorrere nella condanna.
Also, my fellow believers, [I want to say] something important [about how you talk]. [If you say that you will do something], do not say, “If I do not do it, may [God in] heaven [MTY] punish me.” Do not even say, “If I do not do it, may [someone here on] earth [MTY] punish me.” Do not say anything like that. Instead, if you say “Yes,” then [do what you said that you would do]. If you say “No,” then do not [do it]. Otherwise, [God] will condemn you.
13 Chi tra voi è nel dolore, preghi; chi è nella gioia salmeggi.
Whoever among you is experiencing trouble [RHQ] should pray [that God would help him. Whoever] is cheerful/happy [RHQ] should sing songs of praise [to God].
14 Chi è malato, chiami a sé i presbiteri della Chiesa e preghino su di lui, dopo averlo unto con olio, nel nome del Signore.
Whoever among you is sick [RHQ] should call the leaders of the congregation [to come to pray for him]. They should put [olive] oil on him and, with the Lord’s authority [MTY] (OR, calling on the Lord [to heal him]), pray.
15 E la preghiera fatta con fede salverà il malato: il Signore lo rialzerà e se ha commesso peccati, gli saranno perdonati.
And if they truly trust [in the Lord] when they pray [PRS], the sick person will be healed. The Lord will heal him. And if that person has sinned ([in a way that caused him to be/and because of that he became]) [sick, if he] ([confesses what he did/says that he did what is wrong]), he will be forgiven {[the Lord] will forgive him}.
16 Confessate perciò i vostri peccati gli uni agli altri e pregate gli uni per gli altri per essere guariti. Molto vale la preghiera del giusto fatta con insistenza.
So, [because the Lord is able to heal the sick and to forgive sins], tell each other the sinful things that you have done, and pray for each other in order that you may be healed {that [God] may heal you} [physically and spiritually]. If righteous people [pray and] ask fervently [for God to do something, God] will certainly do it in a powerful way.
17 Elia era un uomo della nostra stessa natura: pregò intensamente che non piovesse e non piovve sulla terra per tre anni e sei mesi.
[Although the prophet] Elijah was (an ordinary person/just a human being) like us, he earnestly prayed that it would not rain. [As a result], it did not rain for three and a half years.
18 Poi pregò di nuovo e il cielo diede la pioggia e la terra produsse il suo frutto.
Then he prayed again, [asking God to send rain], and [as a result God] [MTY] sent rain, and plants [grew and] produced crops [again].
19 Fratelli miei, se uno di voi si allontana dalla verità e un altro ve lo riconduce,
My fellow believers, if anyone of you stops obeying the true message [from God], someone from among you should persuade that person to once again do [what God has told us to do]. [If he stops doing what is wrong],
20 costui sappia che chi riconduce un peccatore dalla sua via di errore, salverà la sua anima dalla morte e coprirà una moltitudine di peccati.
the one [who persuaded him] should realize that [because] he has enabled the person who was sinning to stop doing what is wrong, [God] will save that person from ([spiritual] death/being separated from him forever), and will forgive [his] many sins.