< Efeso 4 >
1 Ku lulo, anga mutungwa kunsoko a Mukulu, kumusinja mugende kuniganiila nu witangwi naza Itunda umitangila.
I therefore, being prisoner in the Lord, praie you that yee walke worthie of the vocation whereunto yee are called,
2 Mikie ku kutuna pihi nu ukulu nu upolo nu ugimya. Muzi hooeela mu ulowa.
With all humblenesse of minde, and meekenesse, with long suffering, supporting one an other through loue,
3 Itumi ku kinyangulu kuuika u ung'wi nua ng'wau ngwelu mu kitungo nika ulyuuku.
Endeuouring to keepe the vnitie of the Spirit in the bond of peace.
4 Ukoli muili ung'wi nu ng'wau ng'welu ung'wi, anga nai iza matuilee ga mitangilwe nu kulukuulu na upoeelya ling'wi ni la witangwi nu anyu.
There is one body, and one Spirit, euen as yee are called in one hope of your vocation.
5 Hangi ukoli mukulu ung'wi, uhuiili ung'wi wogigwa ung'wi.
There is one Lord, one Faith, one Baptisme,
6 Hangi Itunda ung'wi hangi Tata nua ihi. Ung'wenso ukoli migulya a ihi. ung'wenso ukoli migulya a ihi, nu mukati a ihi.
One God and Father of all, which is aboue all, and through all, and in you all.
7 Ku kila ung'wi nu itu winkii igwe u uhumi u uhumi kuniganiila ni ngele a uhumi nu ang'wa Kristo.
But vnto euery one of vs is giuen grace, according to the measure of the gift of Christ.
8 Inge anga u ukilisigwa nu uligitilye: “Nai ulumile migulya nangulu, ai uatongee i a holwa mu utungwaa, akapumya u uhumi ku antu''.
Wherfore he saith, Whe he asceded vp on hie, he led captiuity captiue, and gaue gifts vnto men.
9 Inge ntuni indogoelyo a ''Ai ulumile'' Kwa ala kinga ai usimile ga ni nkika nia pihi nia ihi?
(Nowe, in that hee ascended, what is it but that he had also descended first into the lowest partes of the earth?
10 Nuanso nai iza ai usimile inge muntu yuyo yuyoo niiza ga ai ulumile migulya a ilunde lihi. ai witumile izi iti u ukoli nu akwe utule mu intu yihi.
Hee that descended, is euen the same that ascended, farre aboue all heauens, that hee might fill all things)
11 U Kristo ai upumilye u uhumi anga itii: atung'waa, anyakidagu, ainjilisti, adimi ni a ng'walimu.
Hee therefore gaue some to be Apostles, and some Prophets, and some Euangelists, and some Pastours, and Teachers,
12 Ai witumile izi kua aiilya i ahuiili kunsoko a milimo ni a uaiilya, kunsoko a kuuzenga muili nu ang'wa Kristo.
For the repairing of the Saintes, for the woorke of the ministerie, and for the edification of the bodie of Christ,
13 Ukituma izi kupikiila u sese kihi ku pikiile u ug'wi nua uhuiili nu uhungu nua ng'wana wang'wa Itunda. Ukituma izi kuhume kung'adila anga awo ni apikiie u unyansuku nu ukondaniie nu angwa Kristo.
Till we all meete together (in the vnitie of faith and that acknowledging of the Sonne of God) vnto a perfite man, and vnto the measure of the age of the fulnesse of Christ,
14 Iki inge iti kina kuleke kutula hangi anga ang'yinya, kuleke kiputigwa kunu nuko, Iti kina kina kuleke kuholwa ni kila mpyani a ng'wega nua umanyisigwa, ku ulugu nua antu mu uhugu nua ukongelwa nu ulimie.
That we henceforth be no more children, wauering and caried about with euery winde of doctrine, by the deceit of men, and with craftines, whereby they lay in wait to deceiue.
15 Badala akwe, kutambule i tai mu ulowa nu kukila kukilinkiila mu nzila yihi mukati akwe niiza yuyo itwe, u Kristo.
But let vs folowe the truth in loue, and in all things, grow vp into him, which is the head, that is, Christ.
16 Kristo ukaminkaniilye, ku palung'wi, muili wihi nua uhuiili, ukaminkanigwe palung'wi ni kila nungo iti kina muili wihi ukule nu kizenga u wenso mu ulowa.
By whome al the body being coupled and knit together by euery ioynt, for ye furniture therof (according to the effectual power, which is in the measure of euery part) receiueth increase of the body, vnto the edifying of itselfe in loue.
17 Ku lulo kuligitya ili, hangi kumusinja mu Mukulu muleke kugenda hangi anga antu a mahi ni akugenda mu shanga ilu nua mahala ao.
This I say therefore and testifie in the Lord, that yee hencefoorth walke not as other Gentiles walke, in vanitie of their minde,
18 Akitiwe kiti mu masigo ao. Azunsigwe kupuma mu upanga nu ang'wi Itunda ku upungu nu ukkoli mukati ao kunsoko a ukaku nua nkolo ni ao.
Hauing their vnderstanding darkened, and being strangers from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the hardnesse of their heart:
19 Shanga ijaa i minyala. Ilekee akola ku ulaku mu ntendo ni nshapu, mu kila mpyani nia ubii nua nkolo.
Which being past feeling, haue giuen themselues vnto wantonnesse, to woorke all vncleannesse, euen with griedinesse.
20 Ku iti, Izi shanga ai mumanyisilye kutula u kristo.
But yee haue not so learned Christ,
21 Nsigile kina migulye kutula ng'wenso. Nsigile kina matuilee mukumanyisigwa mu ng'wenso, anga udu i tai ni koli mukati ang'wa Kristo.
If so be yee haue heard him, and haue bene taught by him, as the trueth is in Iesus,
22 Kusinja mutugule imakani ihi na kigendi nu lugendo ni lanyu nu la kali, inge untu nua kali, nu i olaa kunsoko a nsila nia ukongelwa.
That is, that yee cast off, concerning the conuersation in time past, that olde man, which is corrupt through the deceiueable lustes,
23 Tuguli u untu nuanyu nua kali iti kina muzipigwe apya mu nkolo ni mahala anyu.
And be renued in the spirit of your minde,
24 Itumi izi iti muhume kutugala untu upya, nu itongile ni Itunda, Uumbilwe mu tai ane nu welu nua tai.
And put on ye new man, which after God is created vnto righteousnes, and true holines.
25 Kululo, uikie kuli u ukongelwa, ''Ligityi itai, kila ung'wi nu munyakisali nu akwe'' kunsoko udu ki anyamuhangu ku kila ung'wi ku miakwe.
Wherefore cast off lying, and speake euery man truth vnto his neighbour: for we are members one of another.
26 Mutule ni ikuo, ku iti muleke kituma umulandu'' i lyoa lileke kuhaiila ize mukoli mimkuo ni lanyu.
Bee angrie, but sinne not: let not the sunne goe downe vpon your wrath,
27 Leki kuminkiilyi u mulugu i lyoma.
Neither giue place to the deuill.
28 Wihi nuiaa kusinja nualeke kia hangi. Badala akwe inge kusinja witume mulimo. Witume i milimo ni kete i nsailo ku mikono akwe, iti kina ahume kumuaiilya u muntu nu kete u lwinzo.
Let him that stole, steale no more: but let him rather labour, and worke with his handes the thing which is good, that hee may haue to giue vnto him that needeth.
29 Ntambu ni mbii ileke kupuma mu malangu anyu. Badala akwe, imakani kusinja apume mu malangu na nonee ku lwinzo. Kuinkiilya nsailo awo niategeeye.
Let no corrupt comunication proceed out of your mouths: but that which is good, to ye vse of edifying, that it may minister grace vnto the hearers.
30 Hangi leki kumuhumyi i kinya uwai u ng'wau ng'welu nu ang'wi Itunda. Inge ku ng'wenso kina maikiigwe ugomola ku nsoko a mahiku na ugunwa.
And grieue not the holy Spirit of God, by whom ye are sealed vnto ye day of redemption.
31 Kusinja muuike kuli u wai wihi, u utaki, ikuo, wilea. ituki, palung'wi ni kila mpyani nia ubii, Tuli miakende unyenye ku nyenye.
Let all bitternesse, and anger, and wrath, crying, and euill speaking be put away from you, with all maliciousnesse.
32 Mutule nu iaisa. Milekele unyenye ku nyenye, anga lilo Itunda mu ng'wa kristo nai umulekee unyenye.
Be ye courteous one to another, and tender hearted, freely forgiuing one another, euen as God for Christes sake, freely forgaue you.