< Ntendo nia itumi 26 >

1 Iti gwa, uAgripa akamutambuila uPaulo, 'Ugombigwe kitambuilya.' Uugwa uPaulo akagoola u mukono nuakwe akitambuilya iti.
And Agrippa said unto Paul, 'It is permitted to thee to speak for thyself;' then Paul having stretched forth the hand, was making a defence:
2 “Kiona ni munya ulowa, Mutemi Agripa, iti kituma u usemelwa nuane ntongeela ako lelo ku usemelwa wihi nua Ayahudi.
'Concerning all things of which I am accused by Jews, king Agrippa, I have thought myself happy, being about to make a defence before thee to-day,
3 Lukulu, ku nsoko u ewe ingi wi mulingi nua ntendo nia Ayahudi ni makolyo. Iti gwa kulompa untegeelye ku ugimya.
especially knowing thee to be acquainted with all things — both customs and questions — among Jews; wherefore, I beseech thee, patiently to hear me.
4 Tai, i Ayahudi ihi alingile iti nai nikie puma u ugalimanga nuane mu ingu nuane uko ku Yerusalemu.
'The manner of my life then, indeed, from youth — which from the beginning was among my nation, in Jerusalem — know do all the Jews,
5 Aningile puma u ng'wandyo hangi atakiwe kugomba kina ai nikiie anga Mufarisayo, ikumbiko ni likete u uambiila tai utaki mu kizindaalo ni kitu.
knowing me before from the first, (if they may be willing to testify, ) that after the most exact sect of our worship, I lived a Pharisee;
6 Itungili nimikile apa namulwe ku nsoko unene naligozee ilago naiza Itunda ai ulitumile ni atata itu.
and now for the hope of the promise made to the fathers by God, I have stood judged,
7 Ili ingi ilago naiza i ndugu yitu ikumi na ibiili ai isumbiiye kusingiilya anga amipoelye Itunda ku ngulu utiku nu mung'wi. hangi kunsoko a uhuiili uwu, mutemi Agripa, kina i Ayahudi akunsemela.
to which our twelve tribes, intently night and day serving, do hope to come, concerning which hope I am accused, king Agrippa, by the Jews;
8 Ku niki wihi kati anyu usigile ingi ikuilwa kina Itunda wi iusha i ashi?
why is it judged incredible with you, if God doth raise the dead?
9 Itungo ling'wi ai nsigile mukola kina ai nziituma makani idu ku lina nilang'wa Yesu nua ku Nazareti.
'I, indeed, therefore, thought with myself, that against the name of Jesus of Nazareth it behoved [me] many things to do,
10 Ai nitumile aya mu Yerusalemu; Ai niatungile i ahuiili idu mu kadulumu, hangi ai natulaa nu uhumi kupuma ku akulu nia akuhani kituma iti; ni matungo niakubulagwa, ai nikua kula kitalao.
which also I did in Jerusalem, and many of the saints I in prison did shut up, from the chief priests having received the authority; they also being put to death, I gave my vote against them,
11 Nkua idu ai niapisiilya mu matekeelo ihi hangi ai ngemile kuazipya auhite u uhuiili nuao. Ai nkete ikuo nangaluu migulya ao hangi ai niazunsilye ga nu mu isali nia uziila
and in every synagogue, often punishing them, I was constraining [them] to speak evil, being also exceedingly mad against them, I was also persecuting [them] even unto strange cities.
12 Matungo nai natulaa kituma aya, ainongoe ku Dameski, nize nkete u uhumi nu ulagiiligwa kupuma ku akuhani ni akulu,
'In which things, also, going on to Damascus — with authority and commission from the chief priests —
13 nai nikatula munzila matungo a mung'wi, Mutemi, nikihenga welu kupuma kilunde nai watula utaki kukila i mpasu hangi ukelya ku upilimikiilya unene ni antu nai atula atungile u muhinzo palung'wi nu nene.
at mid-day, I saw in the way, O king, out of heaven, above the brightness of the sun, shining round about me a light — and those going on with me;
14 Usese kihi nai kikagwa pihi, ai nigulye luli lukitambulya nu nene luzeligitya mu ntambu a Kiebrania; 'Sauli, Sauli ku niki ukunaja? Ingi ikaku kitalako ku ukua ilambi u mushokoo.
and we all having fallen to the earth, I heard a voice speaking unto me, and saying in the Hebrew dialect, Saul, Saul, why me dost thou persecute? hard for thee against pricks to kick!
15 Papo nikaligitya, 'U ewe ingi nyenyu, Mukulu? uMukulu akasukiilya, ' Unene ingiYesu naiza ukunaja.
'And I said, Who art thou, Lord? and he said, I am Jesus whom thou dost persecute;
16 Itungili humbuka wimike ku migulu ako; nsoko ku isigo ili unene nigeeleka kitalako, nukuhoie kutula wi munya mulimo hangi mu kuiili migulya a makani naiza ulingile kutula unene itungili ni makani ni nikakulagiila panyambele;
but rise, and stand upon thy feet, for for this I appeared to thee, to appoint thee an officer and a witness both of the things thou didst see, and of the things [in which] I will appear to thee,
17 hangi Nikakuguna kupuma ku antu ni anyaingu niize ku ulagiilya,
delivering thee from the people, and the nations, to whom now I send thee,
18 kupitya i miho ao nu kuaheja mu kiti kulongola mu welu nu kupuma mu ngulu nia mulugu amupilukile Itunda; iti alije kusingiilya kupuma kung'wa Itunda ulekelwa nua milandu nu usali naza nia inkiiye awo nai niabague ku uhuiili nu ukoli kitalane.
to open their eyes, to turn [them] from darkness to light, and [from] the authority of the Adversary unto God, for their receiving forgiveness of sins, and a lot among those having been sanctified, by faith that [is] toward me.
19 Iti gwa, mutemi Agripa, shanga ai nihumile kupiluka u muloto nua kilunde,
'Whereupon, king Agrippa, I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision,
20 kuiti, ku awo niakoli mu Dameski hanza, ni uugwa ku Yerusalemu ni ihi ihi nuku Yudea, hangi ga ku antu ni a mahi mangiiza, ai ntanantilye kina ile itunu nu kumupilukila Itunda, itume i ntendo ni itakiwe kila itunu.
but to those in Damascus first, and to those in Jerusalem, to all the region also of Judea, and to the nations, I was preaching to reform, and to turn back unto God, doing works worthy of reformation;
21 Ku nsoko iyo i Ayahudi ai amambile mi itekeelo, akagema kumbulaga.
because of these things the Jews — having caught me in the temple — were endeavouring to kill [me].
22 Itunda unzaiiye kupikiila itungili, iti gwa nimikaa nu ku kuiila ku antu nia nakanda nu ku awo niakulu migulya a ayo naiza anyakidagu nu Musa ai aligitilye akupumila ni shanga ingiiza;
'Having obtained, therefore, help from God, till this day, I have stood witnessing both to small and to great, saying nothing besides the things that both the prophets and Moses spake of as about to come,
23 kina uKristo kusinja ukagigwa hangi ukutula wang'wandyo kiuka kupuma mu ashi nu kutanantya u welu ku Ayahudi nu ku anyaingu.
that the Christ is to suffer, whether first by a rising from the dead, he is about to proclaim light to the people and to the nations.'
24 uPaulo nai wakamala kitambuilya, uFesto ai uligitilye ku luli lukulu, 'Paulo, u ewe wi muhali! kilingi kako kakutendilee utule wimuhali.
And, he thus making a defence, Festus with a loud voice said, 'Thou art mad, Paul; much learning doth turn thee mad;'
25 Kuiti uPaulo akaligitya, Unene shanga ni muhali, mukulu Festo; kuiti ku ugimya kuligitya i makani nai a tai ntili.
and he saith, 'I am not mad, most noble Festus, but of truth and soberness the sayings I speak forth;
26 Ku nsoko mutemi ulingile kutula i makani aya; ni iti, kuligitya ku ulyuuku kitalakwe; ku nsoko ili shanga ai litumilwe anga ku mpelo.
for the king doth know concerning these things, before whom also I speak boldly, for none of these things, I am persuaded, are hidden from him; for this thing hath not been done in a corner;
27 Itii, uhuiie i anyakidagu, Mutemi Agripa? Ningile kina uhuiie.
thou dost believe, king Agrippa, the prophets? I have known that thou dost believe!'
28 uAgripa akamuila uPaulo, 'Ku itungo ikupi uhumile kumpema unene nu kuntenda ni Mukristo?
And Agrippa said unto Paul, 'In a little thou dost persuade me to become a Christian!'
29 uPaulo akaligitya, “Kumulompa Itunda kina, ku itungo ikupi ang'wi ilipu, shanga u ewe du, ila ihi ga niantegeeye i lelo, atule anga unene, kuiti bila minyororo iyi na kadulumu.”
and Paul said, 'I would have wished to God, both in a little, and in much, not only thee, but also all those hearing me to-day, to become such as I also am — except these bonds.'
30 Uugwa u mutemi ai wimikile, nu liwali, nu Bernike ga, ni awo nai akoli ikie palung'wi ni enso,
And, he having spoken these things, the king rose up, and the governor, Bernice also, and those sitting with them,
31 nai ahegile mu ugalagalo, ai itambuie enso ku enso nu kuligitya, 'Muntu uyu shanga utakiwe insha ang'wi kitungo.
and having withdrawn, they were speaking unto one another, saying — 'This man doth nothing worthy of death or of bonds;'
32 uAgripa akamuila uFesto, “Muntu uyu aza uhumile kuikwa ilyuuku anga aza wahite kutema u rufaa kung'wa Kaisari.”
and Agrippa said to Festus, 'This man might have been released if he had not appealed to Caesar.'

< Ntendo nia itumi 26 >