< Roma 7 >

1 Saudara-saudari, khususnya kalian yang orang Yahudi, saya mau mengingatkan hal penting mengenai hukum Taurat: Peraturan-peraturannya hanya berlaku selama manusia masih hidup.
My fellow believers, you know about laws. So you certainly know (OR, I want you to remember) that people have to obey laws [PRS] [only] while [they are] alive. [RHQ]
2 Contohnya seperti seorang perempuan yang sudah menikah, ikatan pernikahan itu berlaku selama suaminya masih hidup. Kalau suaminya meninggal, dia bebas dari peraturan pernikahan yang ada dalam hukum Taurat.
For example, a woman is required by the law {the law requires a woman} [to obey and be faithful to her husband] as long as he is alive. But if her husband dies, she is freed [from having to] {[no longer has to]} [obey] the law about [remaining married to] her husband.
3 Bila perempuan itu menikah atau bersetubuh dengan laki-laki lain sewaktu suaminya masih hidup, maka menurut peraturan, dia berzina. Jika suaminya sudah meninggal, dia bebas dari peraturan pernikahan itu. Jadi, kalau perempuan itu menikah dengan laki-laki lain sesudah suaminya meninggal, dia tidak berzina.
Therefore, a woman will be called {people will call a woman} an adulteress if she lives with another man while her husband is alive. But if her husband dies, she no longer [has to obey] that law. Then she will not be an adulteress if she marries another man.
4 Demikian juga, Saudara-saudari, karena kita secara rohani sudah bersatu dengan tubuh Kristus, maka ketahuilah bahwa diri kita yang lama sudah mati bersama Dia. Dengan begitu, kita sudah bebas dari kewajiban untuk hidup menurut hukum Taurat. Dan kita juga tahu bahwa kita sudah bersatu dengan Kristus ketika Dia dihidupkan kembali dari kematian. Berarti kita dibebaskan supaya cara hidup kita memuliakan Allah.
Likewise, my fellow believers, [just like people are free from having to obey any law after they die] [MET], you [and I] have been freed {[God] has freed you [and me]} from having [to obey] all the Jewish rituals and laws [MET]. [That is because it is as though] we died with Christ [when he was crucified]. Now you [and I] belong to someone else [MET], [like a woman who marries again after her husband dies belongs to another man]. Specifically, you [and I] belong to [Christ], who has come back to life {whom [God] has caused to live again after he died}, in order that we may live righteously [IDM] to [honor] God.
5 Dahulu, kita sepenuhnya dikendalikan oleh naluri yang berdosa. Adanya hukum Taurat justru memancing keinginan untuk melanggarnya, sehingga kita semakin berbuat dosa. Demikianlah sifat dasar kita yang berdosa menyeret kita ke dalam kebinasaan.
When our self-directed nature [controlled] us, desires [that led us to] sin were acting in our bodies. [Those desires were increased because of our knowing God’s] laws [PRS]. As a result [we did evil things] [IDM] [that] caused us to be separated from God.
6 Dahulu, kita terikat pada hukum Taurat ibarat seseorang yang terikat dalam pernikahan. Tetapi sekarang, kita dibebaskan dari hukum Taurat karena kita mengetahui bahwa diri kita yang lama sudah mati. Jadi, yang mengatur kita bukan lagi ikatan hukum Taurat itu! Sekarang kita melayani Allah dengan cara baru menurut Roh Kudus, bukan dengan cara lama menurut peraturan-peraturan yang tertulis.
But now we are freed {free} from [having to obey all the Jewish] rituals— [it is as though] we have died. The result is that now we are not controlled by those rituals {those rituals do not control us now}. So we serve God, not by [having to obey] those rituals, which is the old way, but in the new way, as [God’s] Spirit [helps us to serve him].
7 Mungkin ada di antara kalian yang berpikir bahwa saya bermaksud mengatakan, “Hukum Taurat tidak baik.” Maksud saya bukan seperti itu! Kalau hukum Taurat tidak pernah ada, saya tidak akan pernah mengerti dan menyadari dosa-dosa saya. Contohnya, kalau hukum Taurat tidak menuliskan, “Jangan menginginkan milik orang lain,” saya tidak akan tahu bahwa saya bersalah waktu melakukan itu.
[Someone might object], saying, “(The laws [that God gave Moses] must be evil [if our sinful desires] are increased because of our knowing those laws. [MTY]/Are not the laws [that God gave Moses] evil [if they stir up our sinful desires]?)” [MTY, RHQ] [I would reply] that they certainly are not [evil, even though our sinful desires are increased]. What I would reply is that I, [for example], realized that [what I was doing] was sinful only because [of what is written] {[Moses wrote]} [in] those laws. For example, I realized that coveting [is sinful] only because he wrote in those laws [PRS], “You must not covet.”
8 Namun, kuasa dosa dalam tubuh saya justru menggunakan larangan itu untuk membujuk saya agar semakin menginginkan segala macam hal yang tidak baik. Seandainya larangan hukum Taurat tidak pernah ada, kuasa dosa dalam diri saya tidak bisa menggunakan larangan-larangan itu sebagai alat untuk membujuk saya.
And because of what that commandment [stated], my sinful [desire to have things that belong to others] [PRS] caused me to covet in many ways. [Our desire to] sin is not stimulated [MET] when there is no law [that prohibits our doing sinful things].
9 Dahulu, sebelum mengenal peraturan hukum Taurat, saya merasa sudah hidup dengan baik. Tetapi ketika saya belajar tentang peraturan-peraturan Hukum itu, keinginan dosa semakin menguasai hidup saya,
Formerly, when I did not [know] what God’s laws [required], I used to live [without worrying about what I was doing]. But when I [became aware that God] commanded, [“You must not covet],” I suddenly realized [PRS] that I was sinning,
10 sehingga secara rohani saya mati dan terpisah dari Allah. Sebenarnya, hukum Taurat dimaksudkan untuk memimpin manusia kepada hidup kekal, tetapi bagi saya malah mendatangkan kebinasaan.
and [I realized that] I was separated from God. The laws that [I thought would enable me to] live [eternally as a result of my obeying them] caused me [to realize that] I was separated from God!
11 Kuasa dosa dalam diri saya menggunakan peraturan Hukum itu untuk memancing saya berbuat dosa, dan dengan demikian membuat saya semakin jauh dari Allah.
[My desire to] sin found a way [PRS] to deceive me [by making me think wrongly that] I could keep [on sinning and at the same time obey] those laws [enough so that I would live eternally], and [thus it] caused me to be separated from God [PRS].
12 Hukum Taurat memang suci. Peraturannya pun suci, benar, dan baik.
So [we conclude that] the laws [that God gave to Moses] are holy. What God commanded [about not coveting, along with all the other things that he commanded], is also holy, and it is just and good.
13 Apakah itu berarti bahwa sesuatu yang baik mendatangkan kematian rohani bagi saya? Tidak! Namun, kuasa dosa bekerja melalui sesuatu yang baik untuk mematikan saya secara rohani. Hal itu terjadi supaya saya bisa menyadari betapa jahatnya kuasa dosa yang ada dalam diri saya, dan bahwa kuasa dosa menggunakan peraturan yang baik sebagai alat kejahatan.
So, [if someone were to object] saying, “[The laws that God gave Moses], which are good, (resulted in my being separated from God!/did they result in my being separated from God?) [RHQ]” [I would reply], “Certainly they did not [do that]!” But instead, those [laws], which are good, stimulated [my desire to] sin. I knew that the result was that I was separated from God. And also, because I [learned what God had] commanded, [I knew that] what I was doing was [truly] sinful.
14 Jadi, kita tahu bahwa hukum Taurat berasal dari Allah dan diberikan untuk memimpin kita kepada kehidupan rohani. Tetapi saya ini manusia lemah. Karena keinginan-keinginan badani yang jahat, saya menjadi budak dosa.
We know that the laws [that God gave Moses came from God’s] Spirit. But as for me, I am [influenced by my] self-directed nature. [It is as though] I have been forced to become a slave of [my desire to] sin [MET].
15 Bahkan saya sendiri tidak mengerti kelakuan saya. Saya tidak melakukan hal-hal yang baik, padahal yang baik itulah yang sebenarnya ingin saya lakukan. Sebaliknya, saya malah melakukan hal-hal yang jahat, yang sama sekali tidak ingin saya lakukan.
The things that I do, I [often] [HYP] do not understand. That is, [sometimes] [HYP] it is [the good things] that I want [to do] that I do not do. [And sometimes] [HYP] it is the [evil] things that I detest that I do.
16 Nah, karena saya menyadari bahwa kelakuan saya salah, itu artinya saya setuju bahwa hukum Taurat itu benar.
Since I [do] the [evil] things that I do not want [to] do, I agree that the laws [of God] are good.
17 Tetapi sesungguhnya, yang melakukan hal-hal jahat itu bukan saya, melainkan kuasa dosa yang hidup dalam diri saya.
So, it is not that I do [evil things because I wish to do them]. Instead, [what happens is that] I do sinful things because the desire to sin [causes me to do them]. The [desire to] sin (is within/permeates) me [PRS].
18 Saya mengakui bahwa saya tidak mampu hidup benar sesuai hukum Taurat. Maksudnya, saya tidak sanggup hidup dengan baik karena kelemahan manusia yang ada dalam diri saya. Saya memang ingin melakukan yang baik, tetapi tidak bisa.
I know that my self-directed nature will not [let me] [PRS] [do] anything that is good. I know this because I want [to do what is good], but I do not do what is good.
19 Dengan kata lain, saya tidak melakukan hal baik seperti kemauan saya, tetapi tetap melakukan hal jahat, yang tidak saya sukai.
I do not do the good things that I want to do. Instead, it is evil things that I do not want to do that I do.
20 Jadi, kalau saya tidak menyukai apa yang saya lakukan, sesungguhnya bukan saya yang melakukannya, tetapi kuasa dosa yang ada dalam diri saya!
Because I do [evil things] that I do not want to do, it is not that I do [evil things because I want to]. Instead, [I do them because] my self-directed nature, which permeates me [PRS], [causes me to do them].
21 Maka inilah kesimpulannya: Walaupun saya ingin melakukan hal-hal yang baik sesuai hukum Taurat, tetapi saya terlalu mudah melakukan yang jahat!
I find, then, that what always happens is that when I want to do what is good, there is an evil [desire] present within me that [PRS] [prevents me from doing good].
22 Hati saya menyukai semua peraturan dalam hukum Taurat,
With my new inner nature I like the laws of God very much.
23 tetapi ternyata ada sesuatu, seperti peraturan lain, yang bekerja dalam diri saya. Peraturan itu berlawanan dengan peraturan Allah yang saya sukai dalam hati saya. Peraturan lain yang bekerja dalam anggota-anggota tubuh saya adalah kuasa dosa, dan kuasa dosa itu mengikat saya agar menjadi budak dosa.
Nevertheless, I sense that there is a different force that is in (my body/me) [PRS, SYN]. It is opposed to what with my mind [I desire to do] [MET], and it puts me inescapably under the control of [MET] the sinful [desires] that I have [SYN].
24 Jadi beginilah persoalan saya dulu: Dalam pikiran, saya selalu ingin menjalankan semua peraturan hukum Taurat yang diberikan Allah. Tetapi karena naluri yang berdosa, saya masih diperbudak oleh kuasa dosa. Lalu saya menyadari, “Celakalah aku! Tanpa pertolongan Allah, aku tidak mungkin selamat dari kuasa dosa yang ada dalam tubuhku! Kuasa itu akan membinasakan aku!” Karena itulah saya sangat bersyukur kepada Allah atas semua yang sudah Dia perbuat bagi kita melalui Penguasa kita Kristus Yesus!
[When I consider this], I [feel that I] am a very wretched person. I want someone to set me free from the control of what my body [desires], in order that I might not be separated from God. [RHQ] [I also think that what I have experienced is the same as what all believers experience].
I thank God that it is by Jesus Christ our Lord [that we can be free from the control of what our bodies desire]. So, [with our minds, you and] I on the one hand want to obey God’s laws. [But also], [you and] I [often let] our sinful [desires control us] because of our self-directed nature.

< Roma 7 >