< Nehemia 3 >

1 Kemudian kami mulai membangun kembali benteng kota Yerusalem beserta gerbang-gerbangnya. Inilah daftar kelompok orang yang bekerja, ditulis secara urut berdasarkan posisi mereka pada tembok. Di Gerbang Domba dan tembok sekitarnya sampai Menara Mea dan Menara Hananel: Imam Besar Elyasib dan para imam lainnya. Merekalah yang memasang pintu dan membangun tembok, lalu menahbiskannya.
[(This is a list/These are the names) of the people who helped to rebuild the wall around Jerusalem]. Eliashib the Supreme Priest and the other priests began to rebuild it at the Sheep Gate. They also put the gates in their places. They built the wall as far as the Tower of 100 Soldiers and [further north] to the Tower of Hananel, and they dedicated it to God.
2 Bagian tembok berikutnya dibangun oleh kelompok dari kota Yeriko. Di sebelah mereka ada kelompok Zakur anak Imri.
Next to them, [beyond the Tower of Hananel, ] men from Jericho built [part of the wall]. Next to them, Zaccur, the son of Imri, built [part of the wall].
3 Di Gerbang Ikan dan tembok sekitarnya ada keluarga Hasena. Mereka memasang tiang-tiang dan pintu serta membuat palang-palangnya dan semua alat besi penahannya.
The sons of Hassenaah built the Fish Gate. The put in their places the wooden beams above the gates, and also the doors, the bolts, and the bars [for locking the gate].
4 Selanjutnya, perbaikan tembok sampai ke Gerbang Lama dikerjakan oleh empat kelompok berikut: Kelompok Meremot anak Uria, cucu Hakos. Kelompok Mesulam anak Berekia, cucu Mesezabel. Kelompok Zadok anak Bana.
Next to them, Meremoth, the son of Uriah and grandson of Hakkoz, repaired [the next part of the wall]. Next to him, Meshullam, the son of Berekiah and grandson of Meshezabel, repaired [the next part of the wall]. Next to him, Zadok the son of Baana repaired the next part of the wall.
5 Kelompok dari kota Tekoa. (Mereka ikut bekerja meskipun para bangsawan kota mereka menolak untuk membantu.)
Next to him, the men from Tekoa [town] repaired [part of the wall], but the leaders of Tekoa refused to do the work that their boss/supervisor assigned to them.
6 Perbaikan Gerbang Lama dan tembok berikutnya: Kelompok Yoyada anak Paseah dan Mesulam anak Besodeya. Mereka memasang tiang-tiang dan pintu gerbang, lengkap dengan palang-palang pintunya dan semua alat besi penahannya.
Joiada the son of Paseah, and Meshullam the son of Besodeiah, repaired the Old Gate. They also put in their places the beams above the gate and put in the bolts and the bars [for locking the gate].
7 Melaca dari Gibeon, Yadon dari Meronot, beserta orang-orang kota Gibeon dan Mispa. (Kota-kota itu berada di wilayah kekuasaan gubernur di Sebelah Barat sungai Efrat.) Mereka memperbaiki bagian tembok berikutnya dari pintu Gerbang Lama.
Next to them, Melatiah from Gibeon [city], Jadon from Meronoth [town], and other men from Gibeon and from Mizpah [city], which was where the governor of the province west of the [Euphrates] River lived, repaired [part of the wall].
8 Selanjutnya, perbaikan tembok sampai ke Tembok Lebar dikerjakan oleh kelompok Uziel anak Harhaya, yang adalah perajin emas, dan Hananya, seorang pembuat minyak wangi.
Next to them, Uzziel, the son of Harhaiah, and Hananiah repaired the wall as far as the Broad/Wide Wall. Harhaiah made things from gold, and Hananiah made perfumes.
9 Bagian tembok berikutnya dikerjakan oleh kelompok Refaya anak Hur, pejabat yang berwenang atas setengah dari wilayah Yerusalem.
Next to them, Rephaiah the son of Hur, who ruled half of Jerusalem District, repaired [part of the wall].
10 Yedaya anak Harumaf memperbaiki tembok kota di seberang rumahnya. Di sebelahnya ada kelompok Hatus anak Hasabneya.
Next to him, Jedaiah the son of Harumaph repaired [part of the wall] near his house. Next to him, Hattush the son of Hashabneiah repaired [part of the wall].
11 Bagian tembok selanjutnya dan Menara Perapian diperbaiki oleh kelompok Malkia anak Harim dan Hasub anak Pahat Moab.
Malchijah the son of Harim, and Hashub the son of Pahath-Moab, repaired a section [of the wall], and also repaired the Tower of the Ovens.
12 Perbaikan tembok yang berikut dilakukan oleh Salum anak Halohes, yaitu pemimpin setengah wilayah di Yerusalem, bersama anak-anak perempuannya.
Next to them, Shallum the son of Hallohesh, who ruled the other half of Jerusalem District, repaired [part of the wall]. His daughters [helped him with the work].
13 Gerbang Lembah dan tembok sekitarnya dikerjakan oleh Hanun dan penduduk kota Zanoa. Mereka memasang pintunya, membuat palang-palangnya dan alat besi penahannya, serta memperbaiki tembok itu sejauh kira-kira 450 meter sampai ke Gerbang Pembuangan Sampah.
Hanun and people from Zanoah [city] repaired the Valley Gate. They put the gates in their places, and also put in the bolts and bars [for locking the gate]. They repaired the wall for (1,500 feet/500 meters), as far as the Dung Gate.
14 Di Gerbang Pembuangan Sampah, kelompok Malkia anak Rekab, penguasa wilayah Bet Kerem, membuat pintu baru serta palang-palang dan alat besi penahannya.
Malchijah the son of Rechab, who ruled Beth-Haccherem District, repaired the Dung Gate. He also put in their places the bolts and bars [for locking the gate].
15 Gerbang Air Mancur dan tembok sekitarnya dikerjakan oleh kelompok Salum anak Kohoze, penguasa wilayah Mispa. Mereka memasang pintu, palang-palangnya, dan alat besi penahannya, juga memperbaiki tembok di Kolam Siloam di sebelah taman kerajaan sampai ke tangga yang menurun dari Kota Daud.
Shallum the son of Colhozeh, who ruled Mizpah District, repaired the Fountain Gate. He put/built a roof over the gate, and put in their places the gates and the bolts and the bars [for locking the gate]. Near the Pool of Shelah he built the wall next to the king’s garden, as far as the steps that went down from the City of David.
16 Tembok pada bagian di seberang pemakaman Daud sampai kolam penampungan air dan Rumah Para Pahlawan diperbaiki oleh kelompok Nehemia anak Azbuk, pejabat yang berwenang atas setengah wilayah Bet Zur.
Next to him, Nehemiah the son of Azbuk, who ruled half of the Beth-Zur District, repaired [the wall] as far as the tombs [in the City] of David, to the reservoir that the people had made and the army barracks.
17 Pada bagian berikutnya, Rehum anak Bani memimpin kelompok orang Lewi dalam perbaikan tembok. Di sebelah mereka, kelompok Hasabya, pemimpin setengah daerah Kehila, memperbaiki tembok di bagian itu mewakili masyarakat daerahnya.
Next to him, several descendants of Levi [who helped the priests] repaired [parts of the wall]. Rehum the son of Bani repaired one section. Hashabiah, who ruled half of the Keilah District, repaired the next section on behalf of the people of his district.
18 Selanjutnya, ada kelompok Bawai anak Henadad, pemimpin setengah daerah Kehila lainnya, bersama orang-orang dari daerahnya. Mereka memperbaiki tembok.
Bavvai the son of Henadad, who ruled the other half of the Keilah District, repaired [the next section] along with other descendants of Levi.
19 Bagian tembok kota di depan gudang senjata sampai bagian sudut diperbaiki oleh kelompok Ezer anak Yesua, pemimpin kota Mispa.
Next to him, Ezer the son of Jeshua, who ruled Mizpah [city], repaired another section in front of the [steps which] went up to the (armory/building where the weapons are kept), as far as where the wall turns [a bit to the right].
20 Dari bagian sudut sampai pintu masuk rumah Imam Besar Elyasib, perbaikan dikerjakan oleh kelompok Baruk anak Zabai.
Next to him, Baruch the son of Zabbai repaired a section, as far as the door of the house of Eliashib the Supreme Priest.
21 Dari pintu rumah Elyasib sampai ke ujung rumah itu, perbaikan tembok dikerjakan oleh kelompok Meremot anak Uria dan cucu Hakos.
Next to him, Meremoth the son of Uriah and grandson of Hakkoz, repaired a section from the door of Eliashib’s house to the end of Eliahib’s house.
22 Bagian tembok berikutnya diperbaiki oleh para imam yang tinggal di daerah sekitar Yerusalem.
Next to him, [several priests repaired parts of the wall]. Priests from the area near Jerusalem repaired [one section].
23 Benyamin dan Hasub memperbaiki tembok di depan rumah mereka. Azarya anak Maaseya dan cucu Ananya memperbaiki tembok di samping rumahnya.
Next to them, Benjamin and Hasshub repaired [a section] in front of their house. Azariah, the son of Maaseiah and grandson of Ananiah, repaired the next [section] in front of his house.
24 Dari rumah Azarya sampai ke bagian sudut, tembok diperbaiki oleh Binui anak Henadad.
Next to him, Binnui the son of Henadad repaired a section, from Azariah’s house to where the wall turns a bit.
25 Pada bagian sudut di seberang menara tinggi di istana raja, dekat teras penjaga, tembok diperbaiki oleh Palal anak Uzai. Pedaya anak Paros dan
[Next to him], Palal the son of Uzai repaired [a section], from where the wall turns and from where the watchtower is taller than the upper palace, the one where King [Solomon] had lived. The watchtower is near the courtyard where the guards [live].
26 para pegawai rumah TUHAN yang tinggal di Ofel memperbaiki tembok dari Gerbang Air ke arah timur sampai menara yang menonjol itu.
Next to him, Pedaiah the son of Parosh repaired [a section] toward the east to a place near the Water Gate and near the tall tower. That part of the wall is near Ophel [Hill], where the temple servants lived.
27 Bagian berikutnya, mulai dari menara itu sampai tembok Ofel, dikerjakan oleh kelompok orang Tekoa.
Next to him, men from Tekoa [town] repaired another section, from near the tall tower as far as the wall near Ophel [Hill]. [That was the second section that they repaired].
28 Di Gerbang Kuda dan tembok sekitarnya, para imam memperbaiki tembok. Tiap orang mengerjakan bagiannya di depan rumah masing-masing.
A group of priests repaired [the wall] north from the Horse Gate. Each one repaired the section near his own house.
29 Zadok anak Imer memperbaiki tembok yang berada di depan rumahnya. Semaya anak Sekanya, penjaga Gerbang Timur, juga melakukan perbaikan.
Next to them, Zadok the son of Immer repaired [the section] in front of his house. Next to him, Shemaiah the son of Shecaniah, who (was the gatekeeper at/opened and closed) the East Gate, repaired [the next section].
30 Hananya anak Selemya dan Hanun anak Zalaf yang keenam memperbaiki bagian berikutnya. Mesulam anak Berekya melakukan perbaikan tembok di depan rumahnya.
Next to him, Hananiah the son of Shelemiah, and Hanun the sixth son of Zalaph, repaired a section. That was the second [section that they repaired]. Next to them, Meshullam the son of Berekiah, made repairs across from where he lived.
31 Malkia, yang juga perajin emas, membangun kembali bagian berikutnya sampai ke rumah-rumah para pelayan rumah TUHAN dan para pedagang. Tempat ini berada di seberang Gerbang Pemeriksaan, dekat ruangan di atas tembok di sudut timur laut.
Next to them, Malchijah, who also made things from gold, repaired [a section] as far as the building used by the temple servants and merchants, which was close to the Inspection Gate. This was the gate into the temple that was near the room on top of the northeast corner of the wall.
32 Dari sudut itu sampai ke Gerbang Domba, perbaikan dikerjakan oleh para perajin emas dan pedagang.
Other men who made things from gold, along with merchants, repaired [the last section of the wall], as far as the Sheep Gate.

< Nehemia 3 >