< Markus 2 >
1 Beberapa hari kemudian, Yesus kembali lagi ke kota Kapernaum. Lalu dengan cepat tersebarlah berita di kota itu bahwa Yesus sudah ada di rumah.
[Jesus and his disciples] returned to Capernaum [town]. A few days later, because it was {people} heard that Jesus was in [his] house,
2 Maka segera saja banyak orang datang berkumpul untuk mendengarkan Dia mengajar tentang Firman TUHAN. Rumah itu menjadi penuh karena banyaknya orang, bahkan di depan pintu pun tidak ada lagi tempat untuk berdiri.
many people gathered there. As a result, [after the people filled the house], there was no longer space to stand [in the house or outside] around the doorway. Jesus preached [God’s] message to them.
3 Sementara itu, datanglah empat orang menggotong seorang laki-laki yang lumpuh total dan terbaring di atas tandu.
Some people came to the house bringing to Jesus a man who was paralyzed. He was carried by four men {Four men carried [him]} [on a sleeping pad].
4 Tetapi karena terlalu banyak orang, mereka tidak bisa membawa dia langsung kepada Yesus. Jadi mereka membawa dia naik dengan tandunya ke atap rumah dan membongkar bagian atap di atas tempat Yesus berada. Lalu mereka menurunkan orang lumpuh itu beserta tandunya ke depan Yesus.
They were not able to bring the man to Jesus because there was a crowd there. So they [went up the steps to the flat roof and] removed [some of] the tiles [above] where Jesus was. Then, after they made a [big] hole in the roof, they lowered [by ropes] the sleeping pad on which the paralyzed man lay. They lowered [it through the hole, down in front of Jesus].
5 Waktu Yesus melihat perbuatan mereka, Dia tahu bahwa orang-orang itu sangat percaya bahwa Dia sanggup menyembuhkan kawan mereka yang lumpuh. Maka Yesus berkata kepada orang lumpuh itu, “Anak muda, Aku sudah mengampuni dosa-dosamu.”
After Jesus perceived that the men believed [that he could heal this man], he said to the paralyzed man, “My friend, [I] forgive your sins!”
6 Tetapi beberapa ahli Taurat yang sedang duduk di situ mendengar perkataan Yesus, lalu menyalahkan Dia dengan berpikir,
There were some men who taught [the Jewish] laws sitting there. They started thinking like this:
7 “Berani sekali orang ini berkata begitu! Dia sudah menghina Allah! Tidak seorang pun dapat mengampuni dosa manusia selain Allah sendiri.”
“(Who does this man think he is, talking like that/This man shouldn’t talk like that!) [RHQ]? (He is insulting God!/Does he think he is God?) [RHQ] (No person can forgive sins!/Who can forgive sins?) [RHQ] Only God can forgive sins!”
8 Saat itu juga Yesus langsung tahu apa yang mereka pikirkan, lalu menegur mereka, “Aku tahu bahwa kalian diam-diam tidak setuju dengan apa yang Aku katakan tadi!
Jesus sensed that they were deliberating like that within themselves. So he said to them, “(You should not question within yourselves [whether I have the right to forgive this man’s sins]!/Why do you question [whether I have the right to forgive this man’s sins]?) [RHQ]
9 Tentu kalian sulit menerima ketika Aku berkata kepada orang lumpuh ini, ‘Aku sudah mengampuni dosa-dosamu.’ Apakah kalian lebih mudah menerima kalau Aku berkata kepadanya, ‘Bangunlah, angkat tandumu dan pulanglah?’
It is [not risky] [RHQ] for someone to tell the man who is paralyzed, ‘Your sins are forgiven {[I] forgive your sins},’ [because no one can prove that it has happened]. But no one would say to him, ‘Get up, pick up your stretcher, and then walk away’, [unless he really had the power to heal him, because people can easily see whether it happens or not].
10 Tetapi melalui perkataan ini Aku akan membuktikan kepada kalian bahwa Aku sebagai Sang Anak Adam berhak untuk mengampuni dosa manusia!” Lalu Yesus berkata kepada orang lumpuh itu,
So I [will do something] in order that you may know that [God] has authorized me, the one who came from heaven, to forgive sins on earth [as well as to heal people].” Then he said to the paralyzed man,
11 “Bangunlah, angkat tandumu dan pulanglah!”
“To you I say, ‘Get up! Pick up your sleeping pad! And then go home!’”
12 Saat itu juga orang lumpuh itu bangun, mengangkat tandunya, dan keluar dari rumah itu. Semua orang yang melihatnya sangat heran lalu memuji-muji Allah serta berkata, “Belum pernah kita melihat keajaiban yang seperti ini!”
The man stood up immediately! He picked up the sleeping pad, and then he went away, while all the people [there] were watching. They were all amazed, and they praised God and said, “We have never before seen anything like [what happened] just now!”
13 Waktu Yesus kembali lagi ke pantai danau Galilea, banyak orang datang kepada-Nya, lalu Dia mengajar mereka.
Jesus left [Capernaum town again and walked with his disciples] alongside [Galilee] lake. A large crowd came to him. Then he taught them.
14 Sesudah selesai, Yesus berjalan dari tempat itu dan melihat seorang penagih pajak sedang duduk di tempat kerjanya. Namanya Matius, anak Alfeus. Yesus pun mendekati dia dan berkata, “Mari, ikutlah Aku!” Saat itu juga Matius langsung berdiri dan mengikut Yesus.
As he walked on further, he saw a man named Levi, whose other name was Matthew, and whose father’s name was Alpheus. He was sitting in his office where he collected taxes [for the Roman government]. Jesus said to him, “Come with me [and become my disciple]!” So he got up and went with Jesus.
15 Lalu Yesus dan murid-murid-Nya makan di rumah Matius. Banyak penagih pajak dan orang-orang lain yang juga dianggap berdosa ikut makan bersama mereka. (Memang ada banyak orang seperti itu yang sering mengikuti Yesus.)
[Later], Jesus was eating a meal in Levi’s house. Many men who collected taxes and [other] people who were [considered to be] sinning regularly were eating with Jesus and his disciples. [This was not surprising], for there were many people like this who were going [everywhere] with Jesus.
16 Beberapa ahli Taurat dan orang Farisi datang dan melihat bahwa Yesus serta murid-murid-Nya sedang makan bersama orang-orang yang dianggap berdosa itu. Lalu mereka berkata kepada murid-murid-Nya, “Kenapa guru kalian makan dan minum bersama para penagih pajak dan orang-orang berdosa lainnya?!”
The [men who taught the Jewish] laws [who were there] and who were members of the Pharisee [sect] saw that Jesus was eating with men who collected taxes and [others who were considered] {[whom they considered]} [to be] sinners. So they said to his disciples, “(It is disgusting that he eats with [such disgusting] men as those who collect taxes, and with [other] sinners!/Why is it that he eats with [such disgusting] men as those who collect taxes, and with [other] sinners?)” [RHQ]
17 Mendengar perkataan mereka, Yesus menjawab, “Orang sehat tidak memerlukan dokter. Yang memerlukan dokter adalah orang sakit. Karena itu Aku datang untuk memanggil orang-orang berdosa supaya bertobat, bukan untuk orang-orang yang merasa dirinya benar!”
After Jesus heard [what they were saying], he said to the men who taught the [Jewish] laws, “People who [consider that they] are well do not seek a doctor. On the contrary, it is those who are sick [who seek a doctor] [MET]!” [This he said to indicate that it was those who knew that they had sinned who were coming to him in order that he might help them spiritually]. And he said, “I did not come to invite people [who think that] [IRO] they are righteous [to come to me and turn from their sinful behavior]. On the contrary, I came [from heaven to invite] people who [know that they] are sinners, [in order that they might turn from their sins and come to me].”
18 Pada suatu hari, seperti kebiasaan nenek moyang orang Yahudi, murid-murid Yohanes Pembaptis sedang berpuasa, begitu juga anggota kelompok Farisi. Jadi beberapa orang datang kepada Yesus dan bertanya, “Para murid Yohanes sering berpuasa. Anggota kelompok Farisi juga. Mengapa murid-muridmu tidak?”
The disciples of John [the Baptizer] and some men who belonged to the Pharisee [sect] used to abstain from food [to show that they wanted to please God]. One day, some people came [to Jesus] and asked him [critically], “The disciples of John and the Pharisees (fast/abstain from food) [from time to time], but your disciples do not. [We think they should abstain from food also. What do you say about that] [RHQ]?”
19 Jawab Yesus, “Dalam suatu pesta pernikahan, tidak mungkin tamu-tamunya disuruh berpuasa selama pengantin laki-laki masih ada bersama mereka! Begitu juga selama Aku masih bersama murid-murid-Ku, mereka tidak akan berpuasa.
[Jesus wanted them to understand that it was not appropriate for his disciples to show sorrow by abstaining from food while he was still with them]. So he said to them, “When a man is marrying a woman, his friends will certainly not abstain from food while he is still with them, will they [RHQ]? No. During the time that he is with them, they will not abstain from food [because they are happy together].
20 Tetapi bayangkan apa yang akan terjadi kalau pengantin laki-laki itu dirampas dari mereka. Hal itulah yang akan terjadi pada-Ku, dan saat itulah murid-murid-Ku akan berpuasa sebagai tanda dukacita.”
But some day, he will be taken away {his [enemies] will take him away} from them. Then, in those days, they will abstain from food, [because they will be sad].”
21 Lalu Yesus memberikan dua kiasan lagi kepada mereka, “Kalau orang punya baju lama yang sudah robek, dia tidak akan menambal baju itu dengan kain yang baru. Karena sewaktu dicuci, kain baru yang ditambalkan itu akan mengkerut sehingga membuat bagian yang robek itu semakin robek lagi.
[Jesus wanted to show that those who desire to live in accordance with his new message should not try to continue to obey the old religious traditions like fasting. So he also said to them], “People do not sew a patch of unshrunken cloth on an old garment [in order to mend a hole]. If they did that, [when they washed the garment, the patch would shrink] and the new [piece of cloth] would tear off more of the old cloth. As a result, the hole would become bigger!
22 Begitu juga air anggur yang baru tidak akan dimasukkan ke dalam kantong kulit yang lama. Karena waktu air anggur itu menguap dan udaranya tidak bisa keluar, kantong itu akan rusak, sehingga air anggur tumpah dan kantong kulitnya tidak bisa dipakai lagi. Karena itu, air anggur yang baru harus dimasukkan ke dalam kantong kulit yang baru juga.”
[Similarly], people do not put newly [squeezed] grape juice into old skin bags [to store it]. If they did that, that juice will burst the skin bags [because they would not stretch when the wine ferments and expands]. As a result both the wine and the skin bags would be ruined! On the contrary, people must put new wine into new skin bags!” [MET]
23 Pada hari Sabat, Yesus bersama murid-murid-Nya sedang berjalan melewati ladang-ladang gandum. Karena lapar, murid-murid-Nya memetik beberapa bulir gandum dan memakan biji-bijinya.
On one (Sabbath/Jewish day of rest) Jesus was walking through some grain fields with his disciples. As they were walking along [through the grain fields], the disciples were plucking some of the heads of grain. [They rubbed them in their hands to remove the chaff, and were eating the grain. The laws of Moses permitted people to do that if they were hungry].
24 Beberapa orang Farisi melihat hal itu lalu berkata kepada Yesus, “Lihat! Kenapa murid-muridmu berbuat demikian?! Mereka sedang melanggar peraturan hari Sabat.”
[Some of] the Pharisees [saw them doing what they considered to be work. So they] said to him, “Look! (They should not be doing on our (Sabbath day/day of rest) [work] that our laws forbid!/Why are they doing on our (Sabbath day/day of rest) [work] that our laws forbid?) [RHQ]”
25 Lalu Yesus menjawab mereka, “Tentu kalian sudah tahu cerita tentang Daud ketika dia dan orang-orang yang mengikutinya sedang lapar dan memerlukan makanan.
[Jesus wanted to show them that the record in the Scriptures indicated that God permitted people to disobey certain religious laws when they needed food]. So he said to them, “[It is written in the Scriptures] what [our revered ancestor, King] David, did when he needed food, and both he and the men with him were hungry. You have read about that, but ([you do not think about what it implies./why do you not think about what it implies]?) [RHQ]
26 Daud masuk ke kemah Allah untuk meminta roti dari imam besar Abiatar. Roti yang diberikan kepada Daud adalah bekas persembahan di ruang kudus. Padahal menurut peraturan hukum Taurat, roti itu hanya boleh dimakan oleh para imam. Tetapi karena mereka memerlukan makanan, maka apa yang dilakukan Daud saat itu tidak dianggap berdosa.”
During the time Abiathar was high priest, David entered the big tent [where people worshipped] God [and asked for some bread. The high priest gave him some] of the loaves of bread. That bread was the bread he had presented to God. It was permitted in one of Moses’ laws that only the priests could eat that bread! But David ate some of it. Then he also gave some of it to the men who were with him. [But God did not consider that was wrong!]”
27 Lalu Yesus berkata lagi kepada orang-orang Farisi itu, “TUHAN mengadakan hari Sabat untuk menolong manusia, bukan untuk membuat hidup manusia menjadi budak hari Sabat!
Jesus said to them further, “[God] established (the day of rest/the Sabbath day) [to help] people! He did not create people to [obey rules about] (the Sabbath/the day of rest)!
28 Begitu juga Aku, Sang Anak Adam, adalah Penguasa yang berhak untuk menentukan semua hal, termasuk apa yang boleh dan tidak boleh dilakukan pada hari Sabat.”
And [think about this]: I am the one who came from heaven. So I have the authority [to determine what is right for my disciples to do] (on the Sabbath/on the Jewish rest day)!”