< Lukas 13 >

1 Waktu Yesus mengajarkan hal-hal itu, beberapa orang yang hadir memberitahukan kepada Yesus tentang orang-orang provinsi Galilea yang dibunuh Pilatus. Mereka dibunuh ketika sedang mempersembahkan hewan kurban kepada Allah, lalu darah mereka sendiri tercampur dengan darah hewan-hewan kurban itu.
Some people who were [listening to Jesus] at that time told him about some people from Galilee [district who had gone to Jerusalem]. Pilate, [the Roman governor], had [ordered soldiers to] kill them [MTY] while they were offering sacrifices [in the Temple there].
2 Mendengar berita itu, Yesus berkata kepada mereka, “Lalu karena orang-orang Galilea itu mati mengenaskan, apakah kalian pikir dosa mereka lebih banyak daripada dosa semua orang Galilea yang lain?
Jesus replied to them, “Do you think [that this happened to those] people from Galilee [because] they were more sinful than all the other people from Galilee?
3 Tidak! Aku sungguh-sungguh menegaskan kepada kamu semua: Kalau kamu tidak bertobat, kamu bukan saja kena bencana seperti mereka, tetapi juga masuk neraka! (questioned)
I assure you, [that was] not [so]! But instead of [being concerned about them, you need to remember that God] will similarly punish you [eternally] if you do not turn away from your sinful behavior.
4 Atau contoh lain, ketika menara penjagaan Siloam roboh dan delapan belas orang mati tertimpa, kalian mungkin berpikir dosa mereka lebih banyak daripada dosa semua orang lain di Yerusalem.
Or, [consider] the 18 people who died when the tower at Siloam [outside Jerusalem] fell on them. Do you think [that this happened to them because] they were more sinful than all the other people who lived in Jerusalem?
5 Sama sekali tidak! Sekali lagi Aku menegaskan kepadamu: Kalau kamu tidak bertobat, kamu bukan saja kena bencana seperti mereka, tetapi juga masuk neraka!” (questioned)
I assure you, [that was] not so! But instead, you [need to realize that God] will similarly punish you [eternally] if you do not stop your sinful behavior!”
6 Lalu Yesus menceritakan perumpamaan ini, “Ada seseorang yang mempunyai sebatang pohon ara di kebun anggurnya. Dia sudah beberapa kali datang untuk mencari buah pada pohon itu, tetapi tidak ada.
Then Jesus told them this illustration [to show what God would do to the Jews, whom he continually blessed, but who did not do things that please him]: “A man planted a fig tree on his farmland. ([Each year/Many times]) he came to it looking for figs, but there were no figs.
7 Maka dia berkata kepada tukang kebunnya, ‘Lihat, sudah tiga tahun saya mencari buah pada pohon ara ini, tetapi belum pernah ada. Karena itu tebanglah pohon ini daripada merusak kesuburan tanah. Tidak ada gunanya pohon ini tumbuh di kebun saya.’
Then he said to the gardener, ‘Look [here]! I have been looking for fruit on this fig tree every year for the past three years, but there have been no figs. Cut it down! (It is just using up the nutrients in the soil for nothing!/Why should it continue using up the [nutrients in] the soil [for nothing]?) [RHQ]’
8 “Tetapi tukang kebun itu menjawab, ‘Tuan, biarkanlah pohon ini tumbuh satu tahun lagi. Saya akan menggali tanah di sekelilingnya dan menaburkan pupuk kandang.
But the gardener replied to the owner, ‘Sir, leave it here for another year. I will dig around it and put manure around it.
9 Mudah-mudahan tahun depan pohon ini berbuah. Kalau tidak, kita tebang saja.’”
If it bears fruit next year, we [(inc)] will allow it to keep growing. If it does not bear fruit next year, you [(sg)] can cut it down.’”
10 Suatu kali pada hari Sabat, Yesus sedang mengajar di sebuah rumah pertemuan.
One (Sabbath/Jewish day of rest), [Jesus] was teaching people in one of the Jewish meeting places.
11 Di situ ada seorang perempuan yang sudah delapan belas tahun punggungnya bungkuk dan tidak bisa berdiri tegak lagi, sebab roh jahat membuatnya lemah.
There was a woman there whom an evil spirit [MTY] had crippled for 18 years. She was always bent over; she could not stand up straight.
12 Ketika melihat perempuan itu, Yesus memanggilnya untuk maju ke depan dan berkata, “Ibu, kamu sudah disembuhkan dari penyakitmu.”
When Jesus saw her, he called her over to him. He said to her, “Woman, [I am] freeing you [(sg)] from your illness!”
13 Lalu Yesus meletakkan tangan-Nya pada perempuan itu. Saat itu juga dia langsung bisa berdiri tegak, lalu memuji Allah.
He put his hands on her. Immediately she stood up straight, and she praised God!
14 Tetapi pemimpin rumah pertemuan itu menjadi marah karena Yesus menyembuhkan orang sakit pada hari Sabat. Dia berkata kepada orang banyak, “Ada enam hari untuk bekerja. Karena itu datanglah pada hari-hari itu untuk disembuhkan. Jangan pada hari Sabat!”
But the man in charge (of the synagogue/of the meeting place) was angry because Jesus had healed her (on the Sabbath/on the Jewish rest day). [He considered that healing was doing work]. So he said to the people, “There are six days [each week] in which [our Jewish] laws permit people to work. [If you need healing], those are the days to come ([to the synagogue/to the meeting place]) and be healed. Do not come on our Jewish day of rest!”
15 Tetapi jawab Tuhan, “Hei kamu orang-orang munafik! Setiap hari kalian masing-masing melepaskan tali sapi atau keledaimu dari kandang, lalu membawanya pergi untuk memberinya minum, bahkan pada hari Sabat.
Then the Lord replied to him, “You [(sg) and your fellow religious leaders are] hypocrites! (On the Sabbath/On our Jewish day of rest), [just like on every other day], (each of you unties his ox or donkey, and then leads it from the food trough to where it can drink water./does not each of you untie his ox or donkey, and then lead it from the food trough to where it can drink water?) [RHQ] [That is work, too]!
16 Ibu ini adalah keturunan Abraham yang sudah delapan belas tahun menderita karena perbuatan Satanas. Dia seperti terikat rantai besi. Tentu tidak salah membebaskan dia dari penderitaannya, biarpun hari ini hari Sabat!”
This woman [is more important than an animal; she is a Jew], descended from Abraham! But Satan has [kept her] [MET] [crippled] for 18 years, [as though] he had tied her up [and not let her escape]! So (it is certainly right that she be freed {that [I] free her}, [even if this] is a Sabbath day!/was it not right that she be freed {that [I] free her}, [even if this] is a Jewish rest day?) [RHQ]”
17 Sesudah Yesus berkata begitu, semua orang yang melawan Dia menjadi malu, sedangkan semua orang lain bersukacita karena hal-hal ajaib yang dilakukan-Nya.
After Jesus said that, all the people [there] who opposed him were ashamed. But all the [other] people [there] were happy about all the wonderful things he was doing.
18 Yesus berkata, “Supaya lebih jelas, Aku memberikan dua gambaran tentang kerajaan Allah:
Then Jesus said, “(I will tell you how [the number of people who let] God rule [MET] [their lives will increase]./Do you know how [the number of people who let] God rule [MET] [their lives will increase]?) [RHQ] I will tell you what I can compare it to.
19 Yang pertama, kerajaan Allah seperti biji sawi yang diambil seseorang dan ditanam di kebunnya. Biji itu pun tumbuh sampai menjadi pohon yang besar, sehingga burung-burung bisa membuat sarang pada cabang-cabangnya.
It is like a [tiny] mustard seed that a man planted in his field. It grew until it became [big, like] a tree. It was [so big that] birds built nests in its branches.”
20 “Yang kedua, kerajaan Allah bisa digambarkan seperti
Then he said, “I will tell [RHQ] you something else, to illustrate how the people who let God rule [MET] [their lives can influence their society more and more].
21 ragi yang dicampurkan oleh seorang perempuan ke dalam tepung yang sangat banyak. Biarpun raginya sedikit dan tepungnya banyak, tetapi semuanya mengembang dan bisa dipanggang menjadi roti.”
It is like [a little bit of] yeast that a woman mixed with about 50 pounds of flour. [That small amount of yeast made] the whole batch of dough swell up.”
22 Yesus melanjutkan perjalanan-Nya menuju Yerusalem melewati berbagai kota dan desa. Di setiap tempat yang dilewati-Nya itu Dia menyampaikan ajaran-Nya.
[Jesus] continued traveling, along [with his disciples], through various towns and villages on the way to Jerusalem. As they went, he was teaching [the people].
23 Lalu seseorang bertanya kepada-Nya, “Tuhan, apakah hanya sedikit orang yang akan diselamatkan?” Kata Yesus kepada semua orang yang ada di situ,
Someone asked him, “Lord, will there be only a few people who are saved {whom [God] saves}?” He replied to them, “[There will not be many, because] the way [to heaven] [MET] is [like] a narrow door.
24 “Berusahalah terus supaya kamu masing-masing berhasil melewati pintu surga yang sempit. Aku menegaskan bahwa banyak orang ingin masuk ke surga, tetapi tidak mampu melakukannya.
[Therefore, try hard] to enter that narrow doorway, because I tell you that many people will try to enter [heaven by some other way], but they will not be able to get in.
25 Suatu hari nanti, Aku sebagai Pemilik rumah akan menutup pintu rumah-Ku itu. Kamu semua yang masih berdiri di luar akan mengetuk-ngetuk pintu itu sambil berkata, ‘Tuhan, Penguasaku, tolong bukakan pintu bagiku.’ Tetapi Aku akan menjawab, ‘Aku tidak pernah menganggap bahwa Aku benar-benar menjadi Tuhan dan Penguasamu.’
[God is like] the owner of a house. [Some day] he will lock his door. Then [some of] you will begin to stand outside that door and knock. You will say, ‘Lord, open the door for us!’ But he will reply, ‘[No, I will not open it, because] I do not know you, and I do not know where you are from!’
26 Lalu kamu akan berkata, ‘Tetapi saya sudah makan dan minum bersama Tuhan. Engkau juga pernah mengajar di jalan-jalan kota kami!’
Then you will say, ‘([You must have forgotten!/Surely you know us, because]) [RHQ] we [(exc)] ate [meals] with you [(sg)], and you taught [people] in the streets of our [towns]’!
27 Saat itu Aku akan berkata kepadamu, ‘Di mata-Ku, kalian tidak pernah menganggap Aku sebagai Tuhanmu. Hei kamu dan semua pelaku kejahatan, pergilah dari hadapan-Ku!’
But he will say, ‘[I tell you again], I do not know you, and I do not know where you are from. You [are] wicked people! Get away from here!’”
28 “Di luar sana, kamu akan menangis dan sangat menderita ketika kamu melihat Abraham, Isak, dan Yakub, serta semua nabi menikmati hidup yang kekal di dalam kerajaan Allah, sedangkan kamu sendiri dilarang masuk.
Then Jesus continued, saying, “[From where God will send you], you will see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob in the distance. All the prophets [who lived long ago will also be there], in the kingdom where God [is ruling]. But you will be outside, crying and grinding your teeth [because you will have severe pain]!
29 Juga banyak orang yang bukan Yahudi akan datang dari seluruh penjuru bumi dan ikut berpesta dalam kerajaan Allah.
Furthermore, many [non-Jewish] people will [be inside]. There will be ones who have come from [lands to] the north, east, south, and west. They will be feasting in (that place where God is ruling/God’s kingdom).
30 Dan ketahuilah: Orang-orang yang sekarang ini mempunyai kedudukan rendah, kelak akan mendapat kedudukan tinggi. Dan orang-orang yang sekarang ini mempunyai kedudukan tinggi, kelak akan mendapat kedudukan rendah.”
Think about this: Some people whom others do not [consider] important [now, God will make] them very important [then], and some people whom [others consider] very important [now, God will make] to be not important [then].”
31 Hari itu juga beberapa orang Farisi datang kepada Yesus dan berkata, “Pergilah dan tinggalkan tempat ini, karena Raja Herodes mau membunuhmu.”
At that very time, some Pharisees came and said to Jesus, “Leave this area, because [the ruler] Herod [Antipas] wants to kill you [(sg)]!”
32 Tetapi jawab Yesus kepada mereka, “Pergilah dan beritahukan kepada anjing licik itu, ‘Hari ini dan besok Aku akan menjalankan tugas-Ku untuk mengusir setan-setan dan menyembuhkan orang-orang sakit. Lalu pada hari ketiga tugas-Ku akan selesai.
He replied to them, “Herod is [MET] [as cruel as] a fox, [but also as insignificant as a fox]. [So I do not worry about him]. But [to show him that no one can harm me until it is the time and place God has determined], go tell him this [message from me]: ‘Listen! I am expelling demons and performing miracles today, and [I will continue doing] it for a short time. After that, I will finish my work.
33 Tetapi hari ini, besok, dan lusa Aku akan terus menjalankan tugas-Ku ini sampai Aku tiba di Yerusalem. Sebab tidak mungkin Aku dibunuh di kota lain, karena nabi-nabi selalu dibunuh di Yerusalem.’
But I must continue my trip [to Jerusalem] during the coming days, because [they killed many other] prophets there, and [since I am also a prophet], no other place is appropriate for people to kill [me].’”
34 “Oh penduduk Yerusalem! Kalianlah yang selalu membunuh para nabi dan utusan-utusan Allah yang datang dan bernubuat atas nama Bapa-Ku. Ada yang kalian bunuh dengan pedang, dan ada yang kalian lempari dengan batu sampai mati. Sudah sering Aku mengulurkan kedua tangan-Ku untuk memeluk dan melindungi kalian, seperti induk ayam mengumpulkan dan melindungi anak-anaknya di bawah sayapnya, tetapi kalian selalu menolak.
[Then Jesus said], “O [people of] [MTY] Jerusalem [APO]! You killed the prophets [who lived long ago, and you killed others], whom [God] sent to you, [by throwing] stones [at them]. Many times I wanted to gather you together [to protect you] [SIM] like a hen gathers her young chicks under her wings. But you did not want [me to do that].
35 Ingatlah: Hampir tiba saatnya Allah tidak lagi mendiami rumah-Nya yang ada di kotamu. Percayalah bahwa mulai sekarang, kalian tidak akan melihat Aku lagi sampai tiba saatnya Aku datang kembali dan kalian berkata, ‘Diberkatilah Raja kita ini yang datang mewakili TUHAN!’”
So listen to this: Your city [MTY] (OR, your temple) is going to be abandoned (OR, God will no longer protect it). I will [MTY] also tell you this: I [will enter your city only once more. After that], you will not see me until the time when [I return and] you say [about me], ‘God is truly pleased with this man who comes with God’s authority [MTY]!’”

< Lukas 13 >