< Kejadian 26 >

1 Beberapa waktu kemudian, terjadilah bencana kelaparan di negeri itu, seperti yang pernah terjadi pada zaman Abraham. Karena itu, Isak pergi ke Gerar, yaitu wilayah kekuasaan Abimelek, raja orang Filistin.
Some time later there was a severe (famine/scarcity of food) there. That was different from the famine that occurred when Abraham was alive. So Isaac went [southeast] to Gerar [town, to talk] to Abimelech, the king of the Philistine people-group. [What happened was this: Isaac considered going to Egypt],
2 TUHAN menampakkan diri kepada Isak dan berkata, “Jangan pergi ke Mesir! Tetaplah di negeri yang Aku tunjukkan kepadamu.
but Yahweh appeared to him and said, “Do not go down to Egypt! Live in the land where I will tell you to go!
3 Tinggallah di negeri itu sebagai pendatang. Aku akan menyertai dan memberkatimu. Seluruh wilayah Kanaan akan Aku berikan kepadamu dan kepada keturunanmu. Aku akan menepati perjanjian-Ku dengan ayahmu Abraham.
Stay in this land for a while, and I will help you and bless you, because it is to you and your descendants that I will give all these lands, and I will do what I solemnly promised to your father.
4 Kepadamu akan Aku berikan keturunan yang sangat banyak, seperti banyaknya bintang di langit. Aku akan memberikan seluruh wilayah ini kepada mereka, dan mereka akan menjadi berkat bagi seluruh bangsa di bumi,
I will cause your descendants to be as numerous as the stars in the sky. I will give to your descendants all these lands, and I will cause your descendants to be a blessing to the people of [MTY] all nations on the earth.
5 karena dulu ayahmu Abraham selalu menaati semua perkataan-Ku, petunjuk-Ku, perintah-Ku, ketetapan-Ku, dan hukum-Ku.”
I will do that because your father Abraham obeyed me. He obeyed everything that I told him to do, everything that I declared and all the laws that I gave him.” So Isaac [went and asked King Abimelech if he would permit him to live in the Gerar area. The king said, “Okay,”]
6 Maka tinggallah Isak di Gerar.
[so Isaac] stayed there [along with his wife and sons].
7 Adapun Ribka sangat cantik. Karena itu, ketika para laki-laki di Gerar bertanya tentang Ribka, Isak selalu menjawab, “Dia adikku.” Isak takut untuk menjawab, “Itu istri saya,” karena dia berpikir, “Bisa saja ada yang membunuh aku demi mendapatkan Ribka.”
When the men in Gerar [town] asked who Rebekah was, Isaac said, “She is my sister.” He said that because he was afraid to say, “She is my wife.” He thought, “Rebekah is very beautiful, so they will want her. [If I say that she is my sister, they know they will have to negotiate about a bride price because I am her older brother; but if I say that she is my wife, no negotiation will be possible]. They will just kill me to get her.”
8 Sesudah Isak tinggal beberapa lama di sana, suatu hari Abimelek melihat-lihat dari jendela istananya, dan dia terkejut melihat Isak dan Ribka sedang bermesraan sebagai suami-istri.
When Isaac had been there a long time, one day Abimelech, the king of the Philistine people-group, looked down from a window [in his palace] and was surprised to see Isaac caressing his wife Rebekah.
9 Lalu Abimelek memanggil Isak dan berkata, “Sekarang saya tahu bahwa dia istrimu! Kenapa kamu mengatakan bahwa dia adikmu?” Jawab Isak, “Karena saya pikir, ‘Kalau saya mengaku bahwa Ribka adalah istri saya, pasti ada yang akan membunuh saya demi mendapatkannya.’”
So Abimelech summoned Isaac and said to him, “Now I realize that she is really your wife! So why did you say, ‘She is my sister’?” Isaac replied to him, “I said that because I thought that someone here might kill me to get her.”
10 Kata Abimelek, “Seharusnya kamu tidak melakukan itu kepada kami! Bisa saja salah seorang dari antara kami meniduri istrimu. Kalau sampai itu terjadi, maka kamulah yang menyebabkan seluruh bangsa kami bersalah atas dosa besar!”
Abimelech said, “(You should not have done this to us!/Why did you do this?) [RHQ] One of our people might have (had sex with/slept with) [EUP] your wife, and you would have caused us to be guilty of a great sin!”
11 Kemudian Abimelek memberi peringatan kepada rakyatnya, “Siapa saja yang mengganggu orang ini ataupun istrinya akan dihukum mati!”
Then Abimelech commanded all his people, saying, “Do not harm/molest this man or his wife! Anyone who does that will surely be executed!”
12 Isak menanam gandum di negeri itu, dan dalam tahun itu juga dia mendapat hasil panen seratus kali lipat, karena TUHAN sangat memberkatinya.
Isaac planted grain in that land that year, and he harvested a very large crop, because Yahweh blessed him.
13 Harta Isak semakin bertambah banyak sehingga dia kaya raya.
Isaac continued to acquire more and more possessions, until finally he became very wealthy.
14 Isak memiliki sangat banyak budak dan ternak, termasuk sapi, domba, serta kambing. Orang-orang Filistin pun iri kepadanya.
He had large herds of sheep and goats and cattle, and many slaves. Because of that, the Philistine people envied him.
15 Karena itu, mereka menutup semua sumur yang dahulu digali oleh para budak Abraham. Mereka menimbun sumur-sumur itu dengan tanah.
So all the wells that the servants of his father Abraham had dug during the time when he was alive, the people filled up with dirt.
16 Akhirnya, Abimelek berkata kepada Isak, “Pergilah kamu beserta seluruh budakmu dari kerajaan saya, karena kekuatanmu dan jumlah orang-orangmu sudah terlalu besar dibanding kami yang adalah penduduk asli tempat ini.”
Then Abimelech said to Isaac, “You people have become more numerous than we are, so I want you to get out of our area.”
17 Maka Isak, semua budaknya, dan segala miliknya pindah dari tempat itu. Mereka pergi dan berkemah di lembah Gerar lalu menetap di sana.
So Isaac [and his family] moved from there. They set up their tents in Gerar Valley [and started to live there].
18 Ada beberapa sumur di tempat itu yang dahulu digali oleh para budak Abraham. Namun, sesudah Abraham meninggal, sumur-sumur itu ditutup oleh orang Filistin dengan tanah. Para budak Isak menggali kembali sumur-sumur itu, dan Isak menamai masing-masing sumur seperti nama yang diberikan oleh ayahnya dahulu.
There were several wells in that area that had been dug when Isaac’s father Abraham was living, but Philistine people had filled them up [with dirt] after Abraham died. Now Isaac and his servants removed the dirt, and Isaac gave the wells the same names that his father had given to them.
19 Budak-budak Isak juga menggali sebuah sumur lain di lembah itu, dan mereka menemukan mata air yang berbual-bual.
Isaac’s servants dug in the valley and discovered a well of fresh water.
20 Tetapi penduduk yang menggembalakan domba di lembah Gerar bertengkar dengan gembala-gembala Isak. Mereka berkata, “Air ini milik kami!” Lalu Isak menamai sumur itu Esek, yang berarti ‘sengketa’, karena di tempat itu orang-orang bertengkar dengan para gembalanya.
But other men who lived in Gerar [Valley] who took care of their animals argued/quarreled with the men who took care of Isaac’s animals, and said, “The water in this well is ours!” So Isaac named the well Esek, which means ‘dispute’, because they disputed about who owned it.
21 Para budak Isak menggali sumur yang lain, tetapi lagi-lagi terjadi pertengkaran memperebutkan sumur itu. Maka Isak menamai sumur itu Sitna, yang berarti ‘permusuhan’.
Then Isaac’s servants dug another well, but they quarreled about who owned that one also. So Isaac named it Sitnah, [which means ‘opposition]’.
22 Mereka pindah dari situ dan menggali sumur yang lain. Kali ini, tidak ada pertengkaran. Isak menamai sumur itu Rehobot, yang berarti ‘tempat luas’, karena katanya, “TUHAN sudah memberikan kebebasan kepada kami untuk tinggal di daerah ini, dan kami akan makmur di sini.”
They moved on from there and dug another well, but this time no one quarreled about who owned it. So Isaac named it Rehoboth, [which means ‘uninhabited place’], saying, “Yahweh has given us an uninhabited place to live in, a place that is not wanted by other people, and we will become very prosperous here.”
23 Dari situ, Isak pergi ke Bersyeba.
From there Isaac went up to Beersheba.
24 Pada malam pertama di situ, TUHAN menampakkan diri dan berkata kepadanya, “Akulah Allah ayahmu Abraham. Jangan takut, Aku menyertaimu. Sesuai janji-Ku kepada hamba-Ku Abraham, Aku akan memberkatimu dan memberimu keturunan yang banyak.”
The first night that he was there, Yahweh appeared to him and said, “I am God, whom your father Abraham worshiped. Do not be afraid of anything. I will help you and bless you, and because of what I promised my servant Abraham, I will greatly increase the number of your descendants.”
25 Lalu Isak mendirikan mezbah dan menyembah TUHAN di tempat itu. Dia juga mendirikan perkemahan di situ, dan para budaknya menggali sumur.
So Isaac built a stone altar there [and offered a sacrifice] to worship Yahweh. He [and his servants] set up their tents there, and his servants started to dig a well.
26 Sementara mereka tinggal di situ, Raja Abimelek datang dari Gerar bersama Ahuzat, penasihatnya, dan Pikol, panglima tentaranya.
[While they were digging the well], King Abimelech came to Isaac from Gerar, along with Ahuzzath, his advisor, and Phicol, the commander of his army.
27 Isak berkata kepada mereka, “Kenapa kalian menemui saya? Bukankah sebelumnya kalian membenci dan mengusir saya dari daerah kalian?”
Isaac asked them, “You (acted in a hostile way toward me/treated me like an enemy) before, and sent me away. So why have you come to me now?”
28 Salah satu dari mereka menjawab, “Sekarang sudah nyata bagi kami bahwa TUHAN menyertaimu. Karena itu, kami berpikir bahwa sebaiknya kita membuat perjanjian damai.
One of them answered, “We have seen that Yahweh helps you. So we said to each other, ‘We should have an agreement between us and you. We should make a peace treaty with you,
29 Berjanjilah kepada kami bahwa engkau tidak akan berbuat jahat kepada kami, seperti halnya kami selalu berbuat baik kepada kalian. Waktu itu, daripada kita berselisih, saya menyuruh kalian meninggalkan wilayah kami, lalu kita berpisah dengan damai. Sekarang lihatlah betapa luar biasa TUHAN sudah memberkati kalian!”
stating that you will not harm us, in the same way that we did not molest [EUP] you.’ We always treated you well and sent you away peacefully. And now Yahweh is blessing you.”
30 Kemudian Isak mengadakan pesta makan dengan mereka, dan semuanya makan dan minum.
So Isaac made a feast for them, and they all ate and drank.
31 Keesokan paginya, Abimelek dan Isak mengesahkan perjanjian damai dengan bersumpah satu sama lain. Sesudah itu, Abimelek pamit pulang, dan Isak mengucapkan selamat jalan kepada mereka.
Early the next morning they all (swore/solemnly promised) each other that they would do what they had promised. Then Isaac sent them home peacefully.
32 Pada hari itu juga, para budak Isak datang memberitahukan kepadanya tentang sumur yang sudah selesai mereka gali. Mereka berkata, “Kami sudah menemukan air!”
That day Isaac’s servants came to him and told him about the well that they had finished digging. They said, “We found water in the well!”
33 Maka Isak menamai sumur itu Syeba, yang artinya ‘sumpah’. Sampai saat ini, kota itu dinamai Bersyeba, yang berarti ‘sumur sumpah’.
Isaac named the well Shibah, [which sounds like the Hebrew word that means ‘oath’]. To the present time the town there has the name Beersheba [which means ‘Friendship Agreement Well’].
34 Ketika Esau berumur empat puluh tahun, dia menikah dengan dua perempuan dari suku Het, yaitu Yudit anak Beeri dan Basmat anak Elon.
When Esau was 40 years old, he married Judith, the daughter of Beeri, and Basemath, the daughter of Elon. Both of those women were descendants of Heth, [not from Isaac’s clan].
35 Kedua istri Esau itu menimbulkan kepedihan hati bagi Isak dan Ribka.
Esau’s two wives made life miserable for Isaac and Rebekah.

< Kejadian 26 >