< Galatia 1 >

1 Kepada setiap jemaat di provinsi Galatia. Salam sejahtera dari saya, Paulus, dan dari saudara-saudari seiman yang bersama saya di sini. Kiranya kalian semua senantiasa hidup tenang dan menikmati kebaikan dari Allah Bapa dan Kristus Yesus Penguasa kita. Saudara-saudari, saya menjadi rasul bukan karena diutus manusia, tetapi atas perintah langsung dari Kristus Yesus dan Allah Bapa yang sudah menghidupkan Yesus dari kematian.
[I], Paul, [write this letter to you. I remind you that I am] an apostle. That is not because a group of people [appointed me], nor because a human being [sent me to be an apostle]. Instead, Jesus Christ and God [our heavenly] Father, who caused Jesus to become alive again after he died, have [appointed and] sent [me to be an apostle].
All the fellow believers [who are here] with me [approve of this message that I am writing. I am sending this letter] to the congregations that [are] in Galatia [province].
[I pray that] God, our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ will kindly [help] you and enable [you to have inner] peace.
4 Sesuai dengan kehendak Allah Bapa, Yesus sudah mengurbankan diri-Nya demi menghapus dosa-dosa kita dan menyelamatkan kita dari zaman yang jahat ini. (aiōn g165)
Christ offered himself [as a sacrifice] in order that [he might remove the guilt for] our sins. He did that in order that he might enable us to not [do the evil things that people who do not know him] do. [He did this] because God, who is our Father, wanted it. (aiōn g165)
5 Muliakanlah Allah untuk selama-lamanya! Amin! (aiōn g165)
[I pray that people will] praise God forever. (May it be so!/Amen!) (aiōn g165)
6 Saya sangat heran karena dalam waktu singkat kalian sudah berbalik dari Allah yang sudah berbaik hati memanggil kalian untuk berdamai dengan-Nya melalui Kristus! Sekarang kalian mengikuti suatu ‘kabar baik’ lain—
I am very disappointed [IRO] that so soon [after you trusted in Christ] you have turned away from [God]. He chose you in order that [you might have what] Christ freely/kindly gives. I am also disappointed that so soon you are believing a different [message which some say is] “good news.”
7 yang sebenarnya bukan Kabar Baik— hanya karena pengaruh beberapa orang yang mau mengubah Kabar Baik asli tentang Kristus.
Their message is not a true message. [What is happening is that] certain persons are confusing your [minds]. They are desiring to change the good message (that Christ [revealed/about] Christ) [and are creating another message].
8 Jangan terpengaruh! Siapa saja yang memberitakan ‘kabar baik’ yang berbeda dari yang sudah kami beritakan kepada kalian, baik itu saya sendiri, rasul lain, atau malaikat dari surga sekali pun, dia harus dibuang ke dalam api neraka! (questioned)
But even if we [(exc) apostles] or an angel from heaven would tell you a message that is different from the good message that we told you [before], I [appeal to God] that [he] punish such a person [forever].
9 Saya tegaskan sekali lagi apa yang baru saja kami sampaikan: Siapa pun yang memberitakan kepada kalian ‘kabar baik’ yang tidak sama dengan apa yang sudah kalian terima dari kami, dia harus dibuang ke dalam api neraka! (questioned)
As I told you previously, so now I tell you this once more: Someone is telling you [what he says is] a good message, but it is a message that is different from [the good message] that I gave you. So I [appeal to God] that [he] severely punish that person.
10 Melalui pernyataan itu, jelaslah bahwa saya tidak pernah mengubah ajaran saya untuk menyenangkan manusia. Saya hanya berusaha menyenangkan hati Allah! Kalau saya berusaha menyenangkan manusia, berarti saya bukan lagi hamba Kristus.
[I said that] because [RHQ] I do not desire that people approve me, [contrary to what some have said about me]. It is God whom I desire to approve me. [Specifically, I do not say and do] [RHQ] things just to please people. If it were still people whom I was trying to please, then I would not be one who [willingly and completely] serves Christ.
11 Saudara-saudari, ketahuilah benar-benar bahwa Kabar Baik yang saya beritakan bukan berasal dari manusia.
My fellow believers, I want you to know that the message about Christ that I proclaim to people is not one that some person [created/thought up].
12 Karena saya tidak menerima berita keselamatan itu dari manusia dan tidak diajari oleh siapa pun. Kristus Yesus sendirilah yang sudah menyatakan Kabar Baik itu kepada saya.
I did not receive this message from a human [messenger], and no [human being] taught it to me. Instead, Jesus Christ revealed it to me.
13 Kalian pasti sudah tahu betapa ketatnya cara hidup saya dulu dalam agama Yahudi. Kalian juga sudah mendengar bagaimana saya sangat menganiaya semua pengikut Kristus, yaitu anggota jemaat Allah, dan berusaha membinasakan mereka.
People have told you how I used to behave when [I practiced] the Jewish religion. They told you that I continually did very harmful things to the groups of believers that God [established], and they told you that I tried to get rid of those people.
14 Selain itu, dibanding kebanyakan orang Yahudi yang sebaya, saya lebih banyak mendalami agama Yahudi dan lebih giat berusaha mematuhi semua adat istiadat nenek moyang kami.
I practiced the Jewish religion more thoroughly than many [other Jews] who were my age practiced it. I much more enthusiastically tried to get others to obey the traditions that my ancestors [kept].
15 Tetapi dulu saya tidak menyadari bahwa Allah sudah lama mempunyai rencana yang luar biasa untuk saya, bahkan sejak saya masih di dalam kandungan. Dengan kemurahan hati-Nya, Dia mengizinkan saya melihat dan mengenal Anak-Nya. Lalu Allah memanggil saya untuk memberitakan Kabar Baik tentang Anak-Nya itu kepada kalian yang bukan Yahudi. Sesudah menerima panggilan itu, saya tidak langsung pergi kepada siapa pun untuk meminta nasihat mereka.
Nevertheless, before I was born, [God] (set me apart/selected me). He chose me [to live eternally], something that I did not deserve.
He wanted me to know that Jesus is (his Son/the man who is also God), so that I would tell others the message about him in regions where non-Jews live. But I did not immediately go to any human beings [SYN] in order to gain [an understanding of that message. I received it directly from Christ!]!
17 Saya juga tidak ke Yerusalem untuk meminta nasihat dari orang-orang yang sudah lebih dulu menjadi rasul Kristus. Akan tetapi saya pergi ke negeri Arab, dan dari situ kembali ke kota Damsik.
I did not [immediately] leave Damascus and go to Jerusalem [for that purpose] to those who were apostles before I was. Instead, I went away to Arabia [region, a desert area]. Later I returned once more to Damascus [city].
18 Tiga tahun kemudian, saya pergi ke Yerusalem untuk menemui Petrus dan tinggal bersamanya lima belas hari.
Then three years after [God revealed this good message to me], I went up to Jerusalem in order that I might meet Peter. But I stayed with him for [only] 15 days, [which was not long enough for him to teach me thoroughly about Christ].
19 Pada waktu itu saya tidak sempat bertemu rasul-rasul yang lain, kecuali Yakobus adik Tuhan Yesus.
I also saw James, the brother of our Lord [Jesus and the leader of the believers there, but] I did not see any other apostle.
20 Demi Allah, apa yang saya tulis ini benar! Saya tidak berbohong.
God knows that what I am writing to you is completely true [LIT]!
21 Sesudah itu saya pergi ke beberapa daerah di provinsi Siria dan Kilikia.
After [I left Jerusalem], I went to [the regions of] Syria and Cilicia.
22 Waktu itu, para anggota jemaat Kristus di Yudea belum pernah bertemu langsung dengan saya.
[At that time, people in] the Christian congregations that are in Judea [province] still had not met me [SYN] personally.
23 Mereka hanya berulang kali mendengar, “Orang yang dulu begitu kejam menganiaya kita, sekarang sudah bertobat! Dia bahkan sedang memberitakan Kabar Baik, yaitu berita keselamatan yang kita yakini, padahal dulu dia berusaha melenyapkannya!”
They only heard [others say about me] repeatedly, “[Paul], the one who was formerly doing harmful things to us, is now telling the [same message] which we believe and which formerly he was trying (to destroy/to cause people to stop believing)!”
24 Karena itu mereka memuji Allah atas pekerjaan-Nya dalam diri saya.
And they praised God because of [what had happened to] me.

< Galatia 1 >