< Ulangan 33 >
1 Musa adalah perantara Allah dan umat-Nya, sebelum meninggal dia bernubuat dan memohonkan berkat bagi umat Israel. Musa berkata,
Before God’s prophet Moses died, he [asked God to] bless the Israeli people.
2 “TUHAN datang kepada kami dari gunung Sinai, Dia menyatakan diri kepada kami seperti matahari yang terbit dari daerah Seir di negeri Edom, dan menyinari kami dari gunung Paran. Dia datang bersama puluhan ribu malaikat, dan ada api menyala di tangan kanan-Nya.
This is what he said: “Yahweh came [and spoke] to us at Sinai [Mountain]; he [came like] [MET] the sun rises in the Edom [region] and like his light shone on us when we were [in the desert] near Paran Mountain [after we left Sinai Mountain]. He came with 10,000 angels, and there was a flaming fire at his right side.
3 Sesungguhnya, TUHAN mengasihi umat-Nya dan melindungi semua orang yang menjadi milik-Nya. Mereka sujud di kaki-Nya dan ingin menyimak ajaran-Nya.
Yahweh truly loves his people, and protects [MTY] all those who belong to him. So they prostrate themselves in front of him, and they listen to his instructions.
4 Aku sudah menyampaikan pelajaran hukum-Nya kepada kalian, dan hukum itu menjadi harta keturunan Yakub yang paling berharga.
I gave them laws to obey, laws that would be the most precious thing that [the descendants of] Jacob owned.
5 TUHAN menjadi Raja atas umat kesayangan-Nya ketika para pemimpin dari tiap suku Israel berkumpul bersama seluruh rakyat.”
So Yahweh became the king of his Israeli people when all the tribes and their leaders were gathered together.
6 Kata Musa tentang suku Ruben, “TUHAN, biarlah suku Ruben tetap bertahan dan tidak punah, tetapi jumlah mereka tidak akan banyak.”
[I say this about the tribe of] Reuben: I desire/hope that their tribe will never disappear, but they will never become numerous.
7 Kata Musa tentang suku Yehuda, “Ya TUHAN, dengarkanlah seruan suku Yehuda saat mereka minta tolong, dan kelak persatukanlah mereka kembali dengan suku-suku sebangsanya. Tolonglah mereka dan kuatkanlah tangan Yehuda saat melawan musuh-musuh mereka.”
“say this about [the tribe of] Judah: Yahweh, listen to them when they call out [for help]; and unite them with the other tribes again. Fight for them, and help them to fight against their enemies.
8 Kata Musa tentang suku Lewi, “TUHAN, suku Lewi sudah berkenan di mata-Mu, maka kepada mereka Engkau mempercayakan jabatan imam dan wewenang memakai Urim dan Tumim untuk mencari tahu kehendak-Mu. Engkau sudah menguji mereka di Masa dan berbantah dengan mereka di mata air Meriba.
I say this about [the tribe of] Levi: Yahweh, give to those who are dedicated to you the sacred stones [that they will use to find out what you want to be done]; You tested them at a spring in the desert, a spring that they named Massah and also named Meribah [to find out if they would (remain loyal to/continue to obey) you].
9 Ingatlah, ya TUHAN, berbagai tindakan suku Lewi yang membuktikan bahwa mereka setia melaksanakan perintah-perintah-Mu dan menjaga ketaatan pada perjanjian-Mu. Bagi mereka, setia kepada-Mu lebih penting daripada orangtua, saudara-saudara, bahkan anak-anak mereka sendiri.
The tribe of Levi did what you told them to do and obeyed the agreement that you [made with the Israeli people]; those laws were more important to them [HYP] than their siblings and parents and children.
10 Mereka akan mengajarkan semua hukum dan ketetapan-Mu kepada bangsa Israel, membakar dupa di hadapan-Mu, dan mempersembahkan kurban yang dibakar habis di mezbah-Mu.
The tribe of Levi will teach the Israeli people [DOU] your rules and regulations, and they are the ones who will burn incense and who will completely burn on the altar the offerings [that the people bring].
11 Ya TUHAN, berkatilah pelayanan mereka dan berkenanlah kepada semua yang mereka lakukan. Hancurkanlah semua musuh mereka sampai tidak bisa bangkit lagi.”
Yahweh, bless their work and (accept/be pleased with) all that they do. Crush/Destroy all their enemies; do not enable their enemies to be able to fight against them again.
12 Kata Musa tentang suku Benyamin, “Mereka adalah suku yang dikasihi TUHAN, dan mereka hidup dengan aman di sisi-Mu. Engkau senantiasa tinggal di antara mereka dan melindungi mereka.”
I say this about [the tribe of] Benjamin: They are the tribe that Yahweh loves; he keeps them safe. He protects them continually, and he lives among their hills [MET].
13 Kata Musa tentang kedua suku Yusuf, “Kiranya TUHAN memberkati wilayah suku Efraim dan Manasye dengan hujan dari langit dan mata air dari bawah tanah.
“say this about [the tribes of] Joseph: I desire/hope that Yahweh will bless their land by giving them rain/dew from the sky and water from deep [in the ground],
14 Biarlah Engkau memberi mereka sinar matahari yang hangat, sehingga tanaman bisa tumbuh dengan baik dan hasil panen mereka berlimpah tiap bulan.
by giving them good fruit [ripened] by the sun and good crops at harvest time.
15 Semoga daerah perbukitan mereka, yang sudah subur sejak zaman dahulu, menghasilkan banyak buah-buahan yang manis.
I desire/hope that very nice fruit will grow on trees in their ancient mountains/hills [DOU],
16 Dan kiranya Engkau memberkati mereka dengan kekayaan lain yang terdapat di tanah mereka. Ya TUHAN, yang menampakkan diri kepadaku di semak yang menyala-nyala, tetaplah Engkau berkenan kepada mereka. Biarlah berkat-Mu menjadi seperti mahkota yang memperindah kedua suku Yusuf sehingga mereka selalu berpengaruh di antara suku-suku Israel yang lain.
and that their land will be have many good crops, blessed by [Yahweh], the one who appeared to me in a burning bush. I desire/hope that Yahweh will bless the tribes of Joseph in all those ways, because he was the leaders of his [older] brothers [when they were in Egypt].
17 Seperti banteng yang menyeruduk musuh dengan tanduknya, suku-suku Yusuf sangatlah kuat. Mereka akan menyeruduk bangsa-bangsa lain sampai ke negeri yang amat jauh. Demikianlah yang akan dilakukan oleh keturunan dari dua anak laki-laki Yusuf, yaitu puluhan ribu orang dari suku Efraim dan ribuan orang dari suku Manasye.”
The descendants of Joseph will be as strong as [SIM] a bull; [with their weapons they will wound their enemies, like] [MET] a wild ox [gores other animals] with its horns. They will force other people-groups, all of them, to be exiled to the most distant places on the earth. That is what [the descendants of the two sons of Joseph] will do, the ten thousands [of the tribe] of Ephraim and the thousands [of the tribe] of Manasseh.
18 Kata Musa tentang suku Zebulon dan suku Isakar, “Semoga orang Zebulon berhasil dalam perdagangan mereka ke luar negeri, dan semoga orang Isakar sejahtera di daerah mereka.
“say this about [the tribes of] Zebulun [and Issachar]: I desire/hope that the people of Zebulun will prosper in their travels [across the seas], and that the people of Issachar will prosper while they stay at home [and take care of their cattle and crops].
19 Zebulon dan Isakar akan menikmati kemakmuran dari hasil perdagangan dengan kapal-kapal yang berlabuh di lepas pantai. Mereka akan mengundang suku-suku Israel yang lain ikut bersukacita dalam perjamuan kurban di hadapan TUHAN di bukit tempat penyembahan-Nya.”
They will invite people [from the other Israeli tribes] to the mountain [where they worship Yahweh], and they will offer the correct/proper sacrifices to him. They will become rich from [the work that they do on] the seas and from [the things that they make from] (OR, [find in]) the sand [on the beaches].
20 Kata Musa tentang suku Gad, “Terpujilah TUHAN, yang akan memperluas wilayah Gad. Orang-orang suku Gad duduk siaga, seperti singa betina yang menunggu mangsanya mendekat, siap menerkam lengan atau kepalanya.
“say this about [the tribe of] Gad: Praise [Yahweh], the one who made their [territory] large. The people of their tribe [will attack their enemies fiercely] [SIM] like a lion that crouches, waiting to tear off the arm or the scalp [of some animal].
21 Aku bernubuat bahwa ketika para pemimpin membagi-bagi tanah kepada suku-suku Israel, suku Gad akan diberi wilayah yang terbaik. Suku Gad akan melaksanakan tugas peradilan yang diberikan TUHAN kepada mereka. Itu sebabnya mereka dihormati sebagai pemimpin di antara suku-suku Israel, sehingga mereka mendapat wilayah terbaik.”
They chose the best part of the land for themselves; [a large share of the land], a share that should be given to a leader was allotted to them. When the leaders of the tribes of Israel [gathered together], they decided that the tribe of Gad should have a large share of the land. The tribe of Gad obeyed the commands of Yahweh and the things that he decided that they should do.
22 Kata Musa tentang suku Dan, “Orang-orang suku Dan seperti seekor singa muda, yang siap melompat keluar dari guanya di Basan untuk menerkam musuhnya.”
“say this about [the tribe] of Dan: The people of the tribe of Dan are like [SIM] a young lion; they leap from [their caves in the] Bashan [region to attack their enemies].
23 Kata Musa tentang suku Naftali, “Hai suku Naftali, TUHAN berkenan dan mencurahkan berkat-Nya kepada kalian. Dudukilah wilayah ke arah barat sungai Yordan sampai danau Galilea di ujung selatan.”
“say this about [the tribe of] Naphtali: [The people of the tribe of] Naphtali have been blessed by Yahweh, who has been very kind to them; their land extends far south from Lake [Galilee].
24 Kata Musa tentang suku Asyer, “TUHAN akan memberkati keturunan Asyer melebihi suku-suku lain, dan suku-suku Israel yang lain pun akan menyukai kalian. Wilayah kalian akan begitu kaya dengan buah zaitun sehingga bukan hanya kepalamu yang akan diurapi dengan minyaknya, tetapi kakimu juga.
“say this about [the tribe of] Asher: May Yahweh bless the descendants of Asher more than he will bless the other tribes. May he favor Asher’s descendants most of all. I desire/hope that their land will [be filled with olive trees that will] produce a lot of [IDM] [olives to make olive] oil.
25 Kota-kota kalian, hai suku Asyer, akan dibentengi dengan tembok tinggi dan gerbang yang terbuat dari batang besi dan tembaga. Demikianlah kalian akan tetap berdiri teguh seumur hidupmu.”
Their [towns will be protected by high walls with gates that have] bronze and iron bars; I desire/hope that they will be strong and secure/protected all the time that they are alive.
26 Kemudian Musa memberkati seluruh umat Israel, “Hai Israel, tidak ada penguasa yang layak disembah selain Allahmu. Dia melintasi langit dalam sekejap untuk datang menolongmu.
“You people of Israel, there is no god like your God, who rides majestically across the sky to help you.
27 Sampai selama-lamanya, Allahmu hidup dan mampu melindungi serta menopang kalian. Sebelum pasukan kalian maju menyerang wilayah musuh, TUHAN sendiri akan mengusir banyak dari mereka. Dia sendiri yang sudah memerintahkan, ‘Musnahkan mereka!’
God, who lives forever, is the one who (gives you refuge/protects you); [it is as though] he puts his everlasting arms under you [to support you]. He will expel your enemies while you advance; he has told you to destroy all of them.
28 Demikianlah keturunan Yakub akan hidup dengan aman dan tidak terganggu oleh bangsa lain. Negeri kalian akan berlimpah dengan gandum dan air anggur. Ladang-ladang kalian akan cukup disirami hujan.
So, you Israeli people will live safely; you descendants of Jacob will not be disturbed by others; in the land where [you will live], there will be plenty of grain and wine, and there will be plenty of rain.
29 Betapa bahagianya kalian, hai Israel! Bangsa lain tidak diselamatkan oleh TUHAN seperti kalian! Bagaikan perisai, Dia melindungi kalian. Bagaikan pedang yang perkasa, Dia menghabisi musuh-musuh kalian. Mereka akan datang kepada kalian untuk memohon agar dibiarkan hidup. Kalian akan menaklukkan mereka sepenuhnya.”
You people of Israel, Yahweh (has blessed/is pleased with) you. There is certainly [RHQ] no nation like your nation, whom Yahweh has rescued [from being slaves in Egypt]. [He will be like] [MET] a shield to protect you and like [MET] a sword to enable you to defeat [your enemies]. Your enemies will come to you begging for you [to act mercifully toward them], but you will trample on their backs/necks.”