< Ulangan 2 >

1 Kata Musa selanjutnya kepada umat Israel, “Kemudian, sesuai dengan perintah TUHAN kepada saya, kita kembali ke padang belantara melewati jalan ke arah Laut Merah. Cukup lama kita mengembara di daerah perbukitan Seir.
“Then we turned around and went through the desert toward the (Red Sea/Gulf of Aqaba), as Yahweh told us to do, and we wandered in the Edom area for many years.
2 “Lalu TUHAN berkata kepada saya,
Then Yahweh said to me,
3 ‘Kalian sudah cukup lama mengembara mengelilingi daerah perbukitan ini. Sekarang pergilah ke utara.
‘You have been wandering around this hilly area for a long enough time. Now turn [and travel] toward the north.
4 Kalian akan melewati daerah kerabat kalian, bangsa Edom, yaitu keturunan Esau yang tinggal di daerah Seir. Mereka akan merasa terancam oleh kalian, maka perintahkan kepada umat itu: Waspadalah
And tell the people that they are about to travel near the land that belongs to the descendants of Esau, who are also descendants of Isaac. They live in the [hilly] Edom region. They will be afraid of you,
5 agar jangan memicu mereka untuk berperang! Daerah itu bukanlah negeri yang akan Aku berikan kepada kalian, bahkan setapak kaki pun tidak! Negeri perbukitan itu sudah Aku berikan kepada Esau dan keturunannya.
but do not start to fight against them, because I am not going to give you even a tiny bit [HYP] of their land. I have given that land to the descendants of Esau.
6 Untuk makanan dan air minum pun, kalian harus membeli dari mereka.
[When you travel near their land], buy food and water from them.’
7 Ingatlah bahwa selama ini, Aku, TUHAN Allahmu, sudah memberkati kalian dalam semua hal yang kalian lakukan. Aku sudah menyertai kalian selama empat puluh tahun mengembara di padang belantara yang luas itu, dan kalian tidak kekurangan apa pun.’
Do not forget that Yahweh our God has blessed you in everything that you [SYN] have done. He knows [what has happened to you while] you have wandered in this huge desert. But he has been with you during those 40 years, and as a result you have had everything that you needed [LIT].
8 “Maka kita melewati daerah kerabat kita, keturunan Esau yang tinggal di daerah Seir, dan kita tidak mengikuti jalan yang menuju ke lembah sungai Yordan, yaitu jalan yang melalui kota Elat dan Ezion Geber. Kita berbelok ke arah utara dan mengikuti jalan menuju padang belantara Moab.
So we continued to travel. We avoided going through the hilly area where the descendants of Esau live. We stayed away from the road through the Jordan [River] Valley past Ezion-Geber and Elath [towns], and we turned and traveled northeast toward the desert area where the Moab people-group lives.
9 Lalu TUHAN berkata kepada saya, ‘Janganlah mengganggu bangsa Moab atau memicu perang dengan mereka, karena orang Moab adalah keturunan Lot, dan negeri Ar sudah Aku berikan sebagai milik mereka. Jadi, sedikit pun tanah mereka tidak akan Aku berikan kepada kalian.’
Yahweh said to me, ‘Do not bother/harass the people of Moab, and do not start to fight against them, because I am not going to give you any of their land. [Do not forget that] they are descendants of [Abraham’s nephew] Lot, and I have given to them Ar [city, their capital, and the other areas in that country].’”
10 (Dahulu kota Ar didiami oleh orang Emim. Jumlah mereka banyak. Tubuh mereka besar dan tinggi seperti raksasa.
A large group of giants called Emim formerly lived there. They were strong and numerous, and as tall as the giants who were descendants of Anak.
11 Karena itu, mereka dianggap sebagai orang Refaim. Bangsa Moab menyebut mereka orang Emim.
They and the descendants of Anak are also called the Repha giants, but the people of Moab call them Emim.
12 Dulu, daerah Seir juga didiami orang Hori, tetapi keturunan Esau menyerang dan menghabisi mereka, lalu menduduki negeri itu. Begitu jugalah bangsa Israel mengusir musuh-musuh mereka di negeri pemberian TUHAN kepada mereka.)
The Hor people-group also formerly lived in the Edom area, but the descendants of Esau chased them out. They defeated and killed them and (settled in/occupied) their land, just as the Israeli people later expelled their enemies from the land that Yahweh gave to them.
13 “Lalu TUHAN berkata, ‘Bangkitlah dan seberangilah wadi Zered.’ Maka kita menyeberangi wadi itu.
[I also said to the Israeli people], “Then we crossed the Zered Gorge, as Yahweh told us to do.
14 “Sejak kita pindah dari Kades Barnea sampai menyeberangi wadi Zered, kita sudah mengembara selama tiga puluh delapan tahun. Dalam masa itu, semua laki-laki yang mampu berperang dari generasi pertama sudah mati, seperti sumpah TUHAN mengenai mereka.
It had been thirty-eight years from the time we first left Kadesh-Barnea until we crossed the Zered Gorge. During those years, all the Israeli (fighting men/soldiers) of that generation had died, as Yahweh had vowed would happen.
15 TUHAN sendiri yang melawan mereka, sampai mereka semua lenyap dari antara kita.
They died because Yahweh opposed them, until he had gotten rid of all of them.
16 “Sesudah semua prajurit itu mati,
After all the men who had been old enough to fight in wars had died [DOU],
17 TUHAN berkata kepada saya,
Yahweh said to me,
18 ‘Hari ini, mulailah perjalanan menuju negeri Kanaan dengan melewati kota Ar dan lintasilah perbatasan di utara Moab.
‘Today you all must cross the border into the Moab region, near Ar, [their capital city].
19 Saat kalian mendekati wilayah bangsa Amon, jangan mengganggu atau menyerang mereka, karena bangsa Amon adalah keturunan Lot. Negeri itu sudah Aku berikan kepada mereka. Aku tidak akan memberikan sedikit pun wilayah mereka kepada kalian.’”
When you come near the border of the land where the Ammon people-group live, do not bother/harass them or start to fight against them. They are also descendants of Lot, so I am not going to give you any of the land that I have given to them.’”
20 (Dahulu, negeri Ar didiami oleh salah satu suku orang raksasa yang disebut Refaim, tetapi bangsa Amon menyebut mereka Zamzumim.
That region is also called the land of the Repha giants, who formerly lived there. The Ammon people-group call them the Zamzum group.
21 Bangsa Refaim itu kuat, banyak, dan tinggi seperti raksasa, tetapi TUHAN memusnahkan mereka dari hadapan bangsa Amon, sehingga bangsa Amon merebut dan menduduki negeri itu.
They were a large and powerful group, who were as tall as the descendants of Anak. But Yahweh got rid of them, and the Ammon people-group expelled them and took their land away from them and started to live there.
22 Hal yang sama juga TUHAN lakukan bagi orang Edom, yaitu keturunan Esau yang tinggal di Seir. TUHAN memusnahkan orang Hori, sehingga orang Edom merebut negeri itu dan menetap di sana sampai sekarang.
Yahweh had done the same thing for the descendants of Esau who live in the hilly area of Edom. He got rid of the Hor people-group, with the result that the Edom people-group took their land from them and started to live there. They still live there.
23 Demikian jugalah yang terjadi pada bangsa Filistin yang berasal dari pulau Kreta. Mereka memusnahkan orang Awi yang dulu tinggal di sepanjang pesisir laut sampai di Gaza, lalu menguasai wilayah itu.)
People who came from Crete [Island] got rid of the Av group [who previously lived in the land close to the Mediterranean Sea], as far south as Gaza. They took their land from them and started to live there.
24 Musa melanjutkan kisahnya, “Kemudian TUHAN memberikan perintah ini kepada saya, ‘Sekarang sudah tiba waktunya. Seberangilah Lembah Arnon. Di sana kalian akan berhadapan dengan raja bangsa Amori bernama Sihon, yang memerintah dari kota Hesbon. Aku sudah menyerahkan dia dan negerinya kepada kalian. Seranglah dia dan dudukilah negerinya.
“[After we had gone through the Moab region], Yahweh said to us, ‘Now cross the Arnon [River]. I will help you to defeat [IDM] [the army of] Sihon, the king of the Amor people-group, who lives in Heshbon [city]. So attack their army and start to take their land from them.
25 Mulai hari ini, Aku akan membuat semua orang di mana-mana takut kepada kalian. Ketika mereka mendengar berita tentang kalian, mereka akan gemetar ketakutan.’
Today I will begin to cause everyone, everywhere, to be afraid of you. Everyone who hears about you will tremble and be terrified.’
26 “Sesudah kita sampai di padang belantara Kedemot, saya mengutus beberapa orang kepada Sihon, raja yang memerintah dari kota Hesbon, untuk menyampaikan pesan perdamaian. Inilah pesan saya kepada Sihon,
Then I sent messengers to go from the desert to King Sihon at Heshbon. I told them to give this peaceful message to the king:
27 ‘Kami mohon agar Tuan mengizinkan kami berjalan melintasi negeri Tuan. Kami hanya akan melewati jalan utama dan tidak akan menyimpang ke mana-mana.
‘Please allow us to travel through your land. We [promise that we] will stay on the road; we will not turn off to the right or to the left.
28 Kami bersedia membeli makanan dan air minum dari rakyat Tuan dengan uang. Kami hanya mohon izin untuk berjalan kaki melewati negeri Tuan.
We will pay for any food or water that you allow us to buy. We want only to walk through your country,
29 Bangsa Edom yang tinggal di Seir dan bangsa Moab yang tinggal di Ar sudah mengizinkan kami melewati negeri mereka. Biarkanlah kami lewat sampai menyeberangi sungai Yordan dan masuk ke negeri yang akan TUHAN Allah kami serahkan kepada kami.’
until we cross the Jordan [River] into the land that Yahweh our God is giving to us. Do for us just as the descendants of Esau who live in the Edom area and the Moab people-group did for us when they allowed us to go through their areas.’
30 Tetapi Raja Sihon tidak mengizinkan kita untuk berjalan melewati negerinya. TUHAN Allah kita sengaja membuat raja itu keras kepala sehingga menolak pesan kita, karena TUHAN hendak menyerahkan dia dan negerinya kepada kita. Itulah sebabnya hari ini kita menduduki daerah Sihon.
But King Sihon would not allow us to go through his country. That was because Yahweh our God caused him to be stubborn [IDM]. The result was that Yahweh enabled us to defeat his army and take his land [IDM], which we still live in.
31 “Waktu itu, TUHAN berkata kepada saya, ‘Perhatikanlah, Aku sudah mulai menyerahkan Raja Sihon dan negerinya kepada kalian. Mulailah merebut dan menduduki negeri ini.’
Yahweh said to me, ‘Listen! I am about to allow you to defeat Sihon’s [army] and to take the people’s land from them. So start to occupy it!’
32 “Kemudian, ketika Raja Sihon mengumpulkan semua pasukannya dan menyerang kita di kota Yahas,
Then Sihon came out [of the city] with all his army to fight against us at Jahaz [town].
33 TUHAN Allah kita menyerahkan dia bersama semua anak laki-lakinya dan seluruh pasukannya kepada kita, sehingga kita menghabisi mereka.
But God enabled us to defeat [DOU] them, and we killed Sihon and his sons and all his soldiers.
34 Pada waktu itu, kita merebut semua kota mereka dan memusnahkan semua penduduknya, baik laki-laki, perempuan, maupun anak-anak. Tidak seorang pun kita biarkan hidup.
We captured all their cities and destroyed them all. We killed all the men and women and children; we did not allow any of them to remain alive.
35 Kita hanya mengambil ternak dan jarahan dari kota-kota yang sudah kita rebut.
We took the valuable things that were in the cities that we captured and also their cattle.
36 Mulai dari kota Aroer yang terletak di tepi Lembah Arnon, dan sebuah kota di tengah lembah itu, sampai ke daerah Gilead, tidak ada satu kota pun yang temboknya terlalu kuat bagi kita. TUHAN Allah kita menyerahkan semua kota di daerah itu kepada kita.
Yahweh our God enabled us to capture [IDM] all their towns from Aroer [in the south], which is at the edge of the Arnon River [Valley], to the Gilead [region in the north]. Some of their cities had [walls around them], but we were able to [climb over them].
37 Yang tidak kita dekati hanya daerah keturunan Amon di sepanjang tepi sungai Yabok dan kota-kota mereka di perbukitan, juga semua daerah lain yang dilarang TUHAN Allah.”
But we did not go near the area where the Ammon people-group live, or the banks of the Jabbok riverbed, or the towns in the hilly area, or any other place where Yahweh our God told us not to go.”

< Ulangan 2 >