< Ulangan 19 >

1 Selanjutnya Musa mengajar umat Israel, “Sesudah TUHAN Allahmu melenyapkan bangsa-bangsa dari negeri yang sebentar lagi Dia serahkan kepada kalian, dan ketika kalian sudah mengusir mereka dari kota-kota mereka dan menetap di rumah-rumah mereka,
After Yahweh our God has gotten rid of the people-groups from the land that he is giving to you, and after you have expelled them from their cities and you start to live in their houses,
2 haruslah kalian membagi negeri itu menjadi tiga wilayah. Lalu tetapkanlah satu kota di tengah setiap wilayah sebagai kota perlindungan. Kalian harus membuat jalan dari semua kota lain ke tiga kota itu, agar orang yang membunuh tanpa sengaja bisa melarikan diri ke kota perlindungan terdekat.
you must divide into three parts the land that he is giving to you. Then choose a city in each part. You must make good roads [in order that people can get to those cities easily]. Someone who kills another person can escape to one of those cities [to be safe/protected].
4 “Beginilah peraturan untuk kasus kematian karena kecelakaan. Apabila seseorang tidak sengaja membunuh orang lain, bukan karena bermusuhan, maka pembunuh itu dapat melarikan diri ke salah satu kota perlindungan dan tinggal di sana.
“This is the rule about someone who has killed another person. If someone (accidentally/without planning to) kills another person who was not his enemy, he may escape to one of those cities and be safe/protected there.
5 Contohnya, jika dua orang teman pergi ke hutan untuk menebang pohon, kemudian mata kapak yang seorang terlepas dari gagangnya ketika dia sedang menebang, lalu menimpa temannya sehingga tewas, maka pemilik kapak itu boleh lari ke salah satu kota perlindungan.
For example, if two men go into the forest to cut some wood, if the axe head comes off the handle while one of them is chopping down a tree and the axe head strikes and kills the other man, the man [who was using the axe] will be allowed to run to one of those cities and be safe there, [because the people of that city will protect him].
6 Kalau kota perlindungan terlalu jauh, bisa jadi orang-orang yang akan menuntut balas kematian korban dapat mengejar orang itu dan dengan marah langsung membunuh dia sebelum kasusnya sempat diadili. Dia tidak patut dihukum mati karena dia tidak memusuhi korbannya dan tidak sengaja menyebabkan kematiannya.
Because he accidentally killed someone, and because the man was not his enemy, he can try to run to one of those cities. If there were only one city, it may be a long distance to that city. Then if the relative of the man who was killed [MTY], the man who is supposed/expected to get revenge, is very angry, he may be able to catch the other person before he arrives at that city.
7 Itulah sebabnya saya memerintahkan kalian untuk memilih tiga kota.
[To prevent that from happening], you must choose three cities, not only one, [in order that someone can get to one of those cities quickly].
8 “Kalau kalian melakukan setiap hal yang saya perintahkan hari ini, yaitu mengasihi TUHAN Allah kita dan selalu menjalani hidup seperti yang Dia inginkan, maka TUHAN akan memperluas wilayah kalian sampai Dia memberikan seluruh negeri yang sudah dijanjikan-Nya kepada nenek moyang kita. Sesudah itu terwujud, kalian harus memilih tiga kota lagi sebagai kota perlindungan.
“If you do everything that I am today commanding you to do, and if you love Yahweh our God, and if you conduct your lives as he wants you to do, Yahweh our God will give you much more land than you will have when you first occupy it, which is what he promised to do. He will give you all the land which he promised your ancestors that he would give to you. When he gives you that land, you must select three more cities [to which people may escape].
10 Lakukanlah itu supaya darah orang yang tidak bersalah jangan sampai tertumpah di negeri yang TUHAN berikan kepada kalian, dan agar kalian tidak menanggung dosa atas hal itu.
Do this in order that people who (are innocent/have killed someone else without planning to) will not die, and you will not be guilty for [allowing] them to be executed, in the land that Yahweh is giving to you.
11 “Sebaliknya, untuk kasus pembunuhan yang dilakukan dengan sengaja, maka pembunuh tersebut tidak boleh terus dilindungi di kota perlindungan. Contohnya, ketika ada orang yang memang membenci sesamanya dan dia bersembunyi menunggu orang yang dibencinya itu, kemudian membunuhnya lalu melarikan diri ke salah satu kota perlindungan,
“But suppose someone hates his enemy and hides and waits for that person [to come along the road]. Then [when he passes by, suddenly] he attacks him and murders him. If the attacker flees to one of those cities [to be protected there],
12 maka para pemimpin dari kota tempat tinggalnya harus mengirim rombongan ke kota perlindungan itu untuk membawa dia pulang supaya kasusnya diadili. Sesudah itu, mereka harus menyerahkan dia kepada anggota keluarga korban yang berhak menuntut darah, agar dia dibunuh.
the elders of the city [where the murdered man lived must not protect the attacker. They]. must send someone to the city to which the other man escaped, and bring him to [MTY] the relative who is supposed/expected to get revenge, so that he may execute that man.
13 Kalian tidak boleh mengasihani seorang pembunuh. Kejahatan penumpahan darah orang yang tidak bersalah harus dipertanggungjawabkan dan dihapuskan dari antara orang Israel agar kalian senantiasa hidup sejahtera.”
You must not pity those who murder other people! Instead, you must execute them, in order that the people in the land of Israel will not murder [MTY] innocent people, and in order that things will go well for you.”
14 “Ketika kalian sudah tinggal di negeri yang sebentar lagi TUHAN serahkan kepada kalian, akan terjadi pembagian tanah dan kamu masing-masing akan menerima bagian untuk milikmu sendiri. Karena itu, janganlah merugikan keluarga tetanggamu dengan menggeser tanda batas tanah yang sudah ditentukan sejak waktu pembagian pertama.”
“[When you are living] in the land that Yahweh our God is giving to you, do not move the markers of your neighbors’ property boundaries which were placed there long ago.”
15 “Dalam tuduhan terhadap kasus apapun, satu orang saksi saja tidak cukup untuk menyatakan bahwa seorang tertuduh memang bersalah. Hakim hanya boleh memutuskan suatu perkara jika ada dua atau tiga orang saksi yang membenarkan tuduhan.
“If someone is accused of committing a crime, one (witness/person who says, ‘I saw him do it’) is not enough. There must be at least two (witnesses/people who say, ‘We saw him do it’). [If there is only one witness], the judge must not believe that what he says is true.
16 “Kalau sesamamu orang Israel memberi tuduhan palsu terhadapmu,
“If someone tries to do wrong to another person by falsely accusing him,
17 maka kedua pihak yang berperkara itu harus dibawa kepada para imam dan hakim-hakim yang sedang bertugas di hadapan TUHAN di kemah-Nya.
both of them must go to the place where the people worship, to [talk to] the priests and judges who are serving at that time.
18 Para hakim akan menyelidiki perkara itu dengan teliti. Jika terbukti bahwa penuduh itu memang berbohong tentangmu,
The judges must (investigate the case carefully/try to find out which one is telling the truth). If [the judges determine that] one of them has accused the other falsely,
19 dia harus dikenakan hukuman yang sama seperti yang hendak dia timpakan kepada kamu. Dengan begitu, seluruh rakyat akan mendengar dan menjadi takut memberi tuduhan palsu, sehingga kejahatan seperti itu tidak akan terjadi lagi di antara umat Israel.
that person must be punished in the same way that the other one would have been punished [if the judge decided that he (was guilty/had done what is wrong)]. By punishing such people, you will get rid of this evil practice among you.
And/Because when that person is punished, everyone will hear what has happened, and they will be afraid, and no one will dare to act that way any more.
21 Sesudah hakim memberi keputusan, kalian tidak boleh mengasihani orang yang dijatuhi hukuman. Peraturannya adalah ‘nyawa dibayar nyawa, mata dibayar mata, gigi dibayar gigi, tangan dibayar tangan, dan kaki dibayar kaki.’”
You must not pity people who are punished like that. The rule should be that a person who has murdered someone else must be executed; one of a person’s eyes must be gouged out if he has gouged out someone else’s eye, one tooth of a person who has knocked out the tooth of another person must be knocked out; one hand of a person who has cut off the hand of another person must likewise be cut off; one foot of a person who has cut off the foot of another person must also be cut off.”

< Ulangan 19 >