< Kisah Para Rasul 26 >

1 Lalu Agripa berkata kepada Paulus, “Kamu boleh berbicara untuk membela diri.” Kemudian Paulus mengangkat tangannya sebagai tanda untuk mulai berbicara. Dia berkata,
Then Agrippa said to Paul, “You [(sg)] are permitted [now] to speak [to defend] yourself.” Paul stretched out his hand ([dramatically/to salute the king]) and began to defend himself. He said,
2 “Yang Mulia Raja Agripa, saya senang sekali karena hari ini saya diperkenankan berdiri di hadapan Tuan untuk membela diri dari semua tuduhan yang disampaikan oleh orang Yahudi,
“King Agrippa, I consider that I am fortunate that today, while you [(sg)] listen, I can defend myself from all the things about which the Jewish [leaders] [SYN] are accusing me.
3 terutama karena Tuan mengetahui sedalam-dalamnya tentang semua adat istiadat Yahudi dan hal-hal yang menimbulkan perbedaan pendapat di antara mereka. Karena itu, saya mohon Tuan mendengarkan saya dengan sabar.
I am really fortunate, because you [(sg)] know all about the customs of us Jews and the questions that we [(exc)] argue about. So I ask you, please listen patiently to what I say.”
4 “Semua orang Yahudi tahu pendidikan dan cara hidup saya sebagai orang Yahudi, karena sejak masih muda saya tinggal di antara mereka, pertama di kota kelahiran saya Tarsus, kemudian di Yerusalem.
“Many [HYP] of my fellow Jews know about how I have conducted my life, from the time I was a child. They know how I lived in the area where I [was born] and [also later] in Jerusalem.
5 Mereka sudah lama mengenal saya, dan kalau mereka mau bersaksi, mereka bisa mengatakan bahwa saya sudah hidup dengan baik sebagai anggota kelompok Farisi, yaitu kelompok yang paling ketat didikannya dalam agama kami.
They have known for many years, and they could tell you, if they wanted to, that [since I was very young] I obeyed the customs of our religion very carefully, just like the [other] Pharisees do.
6 Dan sekarang, di sini saya berdiri untuk diadili justru karena keyakinan saya, yaitu bahwa Allah akan memenuhi salah satu janji penting yang dulu Dia janjikan kepada nenek moyang kami.
Today I am being put on trial {[they] are putting me on trial} because I am confidently expecting that God will do what he promised our [(exc)] ancestors.
7 Kedua belas suku bangsa kami juga masih menanti-nantikan janji itu ditepati. Oleh karena itulah mereka sungguh-sungguh beribadah kepada Allah siang dan malam. Tetapi justru karena pengharapan yang sama itulah, ya Raja Agripa, saya dituduh oleh bangsa saya!
Our twelve tribes are [also] confidently waiting for God to do [for us what he promised], as they respectfully worship him, day and night. [Respected] king, I confidently expect [that God will do what he promised, and they also believe that! But that is the reason] that these Jewish leaders [SYN] are accusing me!
8 Jadi saya bertanya kepada kalian semua: Kenapa kalian susah sekali percaya bahwa Allah berkuasa menghidupkan kembali orang-orang mati?
They believe that God can cause those who have died to become alive again, so (why [do any of you refuse to believe that he raised Jesus from the dead?/none of you should refuse to believe that he raised Jesus from the dead!]) [RHQ]”
9 “Sebenarnya dulu saya juga berpikir bahwa semua orang Yahudi wajib bertindak keras melawan segala sesuatu yang dilakukan atas nama Yesus, orang Nazaret itu.
“[Formerly] I, too, was sure that I should do everything that I could to oppose Jesus [MTY], the man from Nazareth [town].
10 Hal itu jugalah yang pernah saya lakukan di Yerusalem. Dengan kuasa yang saya dapat dari imam-imam kepala, saya sudah memasukkan banyak sekali umat Kristus ke dalam penjara. Dan saat mereka diadili oleh Mahkamah Agama, saya juga ikut memberikan suara agar mereka dihukum mati.
So that is what I did [when I lived] in Jerusalem. I put many of the believers in jail, as the chief priests there had authorized me [to do]. When [the Jewish leaders wanted] those Christians killed {someone to kill those [Christians]}, I voted [for that].
11 Bahkan sering kali saya juga menyiksa mereka di rumah-rumah pertemuan dan berusaha memaksa mereka untuk menghina Yesus. Kemarahan sangat menguasai diri saya, sehingga saya mengejar mereka sampai ke kota-kota lain.”
Many times I punished the believers [whom I found] in Jewish meeting places. [By punishing them], I tried to force them to speak evil [about Jesus]. I was so angry with the followers of Jesus that I even traveled to other cities to [find them and] do things to harm them.”
12 “Dalam rangka itulah saya pergi ke Damsik dengan surat izin dan kuasa penuh dari imam-imam kepala.
“[One day], I was on my way to Damascus [city] to do that. The chief priests [in Jerusalem] had authorized and sent me [to seize the believers there].
13 Tetapi Yang Mulia, kira-kira tengah hari dalam perjalanan itu, suatu cahaya dari langit— yang lebih terang dari matahari— menyinari saya dan juga orang-orang yang berjalan dengan saya.
[My respected] king, [while I was going] along the road, at about noon I saw a [bright] light in the sky. It was even brighter than the sun! It shone all around me, and also around the men who were traveling with me.
14 Kami semua jatuh ke tanah, lalu saya mendengar suara yang berkata kepada saya dalam bahasa Ibrani, ‘Saulus, Saulus, mengapa kamu menganiaya Aku? Kamu seperti sapi yang terus menendang tongkat tajam gembalanya. Sebab dengan melawan kehendak-Ku, kamu menyusahkan dirimu sendiri.’
We [(exc)] all fell to the ground. Then I heard the voice of someone speaking to me in my own Hebrew language [MTY]. He said ‘Saul, Saul, (stop causing me to suffer!/why are you causing me to suffer?) [RHQ] You [(sg)] are [hurting yourself by trying to hurt me] [MET], [like an ox] kicking against [its owner’s] goad.’
15 “Lalu saya bertanya, ‘Siapakah Engkau, Tuhan?’ “Dan Dia menjawab, ‘Akulah Yesus, yang kamu aniaya itu.
Then I asked, ‘Who are you, Lord?’ The Lord said to me, ‘I am Jesus. You [(sg)] are harming me [by harming my followers].
16 Tetapi sekarang, berdirilah! Aku memperlihatkan diri kepadamu karena Aku sudah memilih kamu untuk melayani-Ku. Dan kamu akan memberitakan kesaksianmu tentang apa yang sudah kamu lihat dan apa yang akan Aku tunjukkan kepadamu nanti.
But instead [of continuing to do that], stand up now! I have appeared to you [(sg)] to tell you that I have chosen you to serve me. You must tell people about [what I am showing you] as you are seeing me [now], and about what I [will show you when] I will [later] appear to you.
17 Aku akan menyelamatkan kamu dari orang-orang yang memusuhimu, baik orang Yahudi maupun yang bukan Yahudi. Dan sekarang Aku mengutusmu kepada orang yang bukan Yahudi,
I will protect you [from those who will try to harm you, both] your own people and [also] those who are not Jewish. I am sending you to non-Jews
18 supaya kamu membuat mereka sadar sehingga tidak lagi hidup dalam kegelapan, tetapi hidup dalam terang. Juga supaya mereka tidak lagi dikuasai Satanas, tetapi dikuasai oleh Allah. Dengan begitu, dosa mereka akan diampuni, dan mereka akan ikut mendapat bagian bersama orang-orang yang disucikan karena percaya penuh kepada-Ku.’”
to help them to realize [MTY] what is true and to stop believing what is false [MET]. I am sending you to them so that they may let God control them and not let Satan control them any more. [Then God] will forgive their sins and will accept them as his people because they believe in me.’ [That is what Jesus said to me].”
19 “Karena itu, ya Raja Agripa, saya berusaha untuk tetap taat kepada penglihatan dari surga itu.
“So, King Agrippa, I fully obeyed [LIT] what [the Lord Jesus told me to do when he spoke to me] from heaven.
20 Lalu saya mulai mengajarkan berita keselamatan, pertama-tama kepada orang-orang di Damsik, kemudian di Yerusalem, lalu di seluruh provinsi Yudea, juga di daerah-daerah orang yang bukan Yahudi. Saya memberitakan bahwa mereka harus bertobat dari dosa-dosa mereka dan berbalik kepada TUHAN, serta melakukan hal-hal yang menunjukkan bahwa mereka memang sudah bertobat.
First, I preached to [the Jews] in Damascus. Then I [preached to the Jews] in Jerusalem and throughout [the rest of] Judea [province]. After that, I also preached to non-Jews. I preached that they must turn away from their sinful behavior and turn their lives over to God. I told them that they must do things that would show that they had truly stopped their sinful behavior.”
21 Karena alasan itulah orang Yahudi menangkap saya di rumah Allah dan berusaha membunuh saya.
“It is because I [preached] this message [that some] [SYN] Jews seized me [when I was] in the Temple [courtyard and] tried to kill me.
22 Tetapi Allah selalu melindungi saya, sehingga sampai hari ini saya masih bisa bersaksi kepada semua orang, baik yang berkedudukan rendah maupun tinggi. Dan saya hanya memberitakan apa yang sudah dinubuatkan oleh para nabi dan Musa,
However, God has been helping me [from that time, and he is still helping me] today. So I stand here and I tell [all of you people], those who are important and those who are not, [who Jesus is]. Everything that I say [about him] is what Moses and the [other] prophets wrote [about long ago, things that they said] would happen.
23 yaitu bahwa Kristus harus menderita dan mati sesuai dengan ketetapan Allah, lalu dihidupkan kembali sehingga Dia menjadi Orang pertama yang bangkit dari kematian. Dan berita kebangkitan-Nya itu akan menjadi seperti cahaya penunjuk jalan keselamatan yang menerangi semua bangsa, baik Yahudi maupun bukan Yahudi.”
They wrote that [people would cause] the Messiah to suffer and die. They also wrote that he would be the first person to become alive again, to proclaim [the message that would be like] light, [that he would save] both [his own Jewish] people and non-Jewish people.”
24 Sementara Paulus sedang mengucapkan pembelaannya itu, Festus berbicara keras-keras, “Paulus, kamu sudah gila! Kamu terlalu banyak belajar tentang agama sampai menjadi gila!”
Before Paul could say anything [further] to defend himself, Festus shouted: “Paul, you are crazy! You have studied too much, and it has made you insane!”
25 Tetapi Paulus menjawab, “Saya tidak gila, Festus Yang Mulia! Apa yang saya katakan itu benar dan masuk akal.
But Paul answered, “Your Excellency, Festus, I am not raving [insanely]. On the contrary, what I am saying is true and sensible!
26 Yang mulia Raja Agripa juga sudah tahu tentang hal-hal itu, maka saya bisa berbicara dengan terus terang kepadanya. Dan saya yakin bahwa beliau bukan orang yang baru saja mendengar tentang hal-hal ini, karena semua ini sudah sangat diketahui oleh umum.
King Agrippa knows the things [that I have been talking about], and I can speak confidently to him [about them]. I am sure that he knows [LIT] these things, because people everywhere [IDM] have heard [LIT] about what happened [to Jesus].”
27 Nah, Raja Agripa, apakah engkau percaya apa yang sudah dinubuatkan oleh nabi-nabi? Saya yakin bahwa engkau percaya!”
Then Paul asked, “King Agrippa, do you believe [what] the prophets [wrote]? I know that you [(sg)] believe it.”
28 Jawab Agripa kepada Paulus, “Wah, wah, kamu pikir kamu bisa semudah itu membujuk saya menjadi Kristen?!”
Then Agrippa [answered] Paul, “([I hope that you(sg)] do not think that by the few things [that you have just now said] you can persuade me to become a Christian!/You do not think, [do you], that by the few things [that you have just now said] you can persuade me to become a Christian?)” [RHQ]
29 Dan Paulus berkata, “Saya berdoa kepada Allah supaya, cepat atau lambat, bukan hanya engkau, tetapi semua yang mendengarkan saya hari ini bisa menjadi sama seperti saya— tetapi bukan dalam hal diikat rantai besi begini.”
Paul replied, “Whether it takes a short time or a long time, it does not matter. I pray to God that you and also all of the others who are listening to me today will also [believe in Jesus] like I do, but I do not want you to become prisoners [MTY] [like I am].”
30 Sesudah Paulus berkata begitu, Raja Agripa berdiri dan mulai berjalan ke luar. Lalu Gubernur Festus, Bernike, dan semua orang yang duduk bersama mereka juga meninggalkan ruangan itu.
Then the king, the governor, Bernice, and all the others got up
31 Di luar, mereka berbicara satu sama lain, “Orang itu tidak melakukan kejahatan yang membuat dia harus dihukum mati atau dimasukkan ke dalam penjara.”
and left [the room. While] they were talking to one another they said to each other, “There is no reason why (the authorities/we) should execute this man, or that he should even be kept in prison [MTY].”
32 Lalu Raja Agripa berkata kepada Festus, “Seandainya orang itu tidak meminta perkaranya diadili oleh baginda raja, sebenarnya dia sudah bisa dibebaskan.”
Agrippa said to Festus, “If this man had not asked that the Emperor judge him, he could have been released {[we(inc)] could have released him}.”

< Kisah Para Rasul 26 >