< 2 Korintus 5 >
1 Saya berkata begitu karena kita tahu bahwa tubuh duniawi kita hanya seperti tenda yang dipakai untuk sementara saja, lalu binasa. Ketika tubuh ini binasa, Allah sudah menyediakan tubuh surgawi bagi kita, yaitu tubuh yang kekal selamanya— seperti rumah permanen, tetapi bukan dibangun oleh manusia. (aiōnios )
We know that [these bodies] we live in [here in this world are like] [MET] tents. [They are like temporary living/dwelling places]. [So we should not be concerned about what happens to our bodies]. We know that if we are killed {if [someone] kills us}, God will give us [permanent living places. Those permanent living places] [MET] will not be houses that people have made. They [will be new bodies in which we will live forever] in heaven. (aiōnios )
2 Karena di dalam tenda yang kita diami sekarang ini, kita sering mengeluh. Itulah sebabnya kita sangat merindukan tubuh surgawi, yang kelak kita pakai seperti pakaian baru.
[While we are here on earth, we suffer]. We often groan because we desire [to go] to heaven [where God] will give us our new [bodies] [MET].
3 Selama kita masih tinggal di dalam tubuh duniawi, kita mengeluh karena tubuh ini seperti beban yang berat. Bukan berarti kita ingin lepas dari tubuh duniawi ini dan hidup seperti roh tanpa badan, tetapi karena kita ingin segera memakai tubuh surgawi. Ketika hal itu terjadi, tepatlah Firman Allah yang berkata, “Kuasa kematian sudah dikalahkan” oleh kuasa kehidupan.
When [God gives us(inc) our new bodies] [MET], our [spirits will have] [LIT, MET] bodies to live in [that will last forever].
[It is true that] while we are still living in these bodies [MET] [that do not last forever], we often groan [DOU] [because we desire to be free from them]. We are not longing to be without a body. Instead, [we groan because] we desire to receive our new bodies [MET] in heaven. We long for this to happen so that these bodies that are going to die some day will suddenly be changed [into bodies] that will live [forever].
5 Tubuh surgawi itu sudah Allah sediakan bagi kita! Dan Dia memberikan Roh-Nya kepada kita sebagai jaminan.
It is God himself who has prepared us to [receive] these [new bodies]. He is also the one who has guaranteed/assured us [(inc)] that this will happen. He has guaranteed it by sending his Spirit [to live inside us now].
6 Karena itulah saya dan para pelayan Kristus yang lain selalu tabah dengan penuh keyakinan, sebab kami percaya penuh pada semua janji Allah, bukan pada hal-hal yang kelihatan. Kami tahu bahwa selama masih mendiami tubuh duniawi ini, kami belum bisa tinggal bersama Tuhan Yesus.
So, [because God’s Spirit lives in us], we are always confident [that God will give us new bodies]. We know that as long as we have bodies here on [earth], we are not yet [living together] with the Lord [Jesus in heaven].
While we [(exc)] live [here, we] do not have our [new bodies, but we are] trusting [that God will give them to us].
8 Itu sebabnya kami berani mati dan tidak takut meninggalkan tubuh ini, supaya kami bisa segera hidup bersama Tuhan.
[As I said], we [(exc)] are confident [that he will give us new bodies]. We [(exc)] would much prefer to leave these bodies [which we have now], and be with the Lord [Jesus in our] home in [heaven].
9 Karena itu jugalah kami selalu berusaha menyenangkan Allah. Itulah tujuan hidup kami, baik dalam tubuh duniawi ini maupun tubuh surgawi nanti.
Because of all that, we always want to please [Jesus in everything that we do]. Whether we [(exc)] are [still living] here [in these] bodies or whether we have [left] them and are living in our home [in heaven], we want to please him.
10 Sebab kita semua pasti akan berdiri di hadapan takhta pengadilan Kristus. Di sanalah setiap orang akan menerima balasan yang setimpal dengan perbuatannya selama hidup di dalam tubuh duniawi. Masing-masing akan memberi pertanggungjawaban atas perbuatannya, yang baik maupun yang jahat.
[And we need to try hard to do that] because each one of us [believers] must stand before Christ [to be] judged [by him] {[when he will] judge [his people]}. [At that time] he will [reward each one of] us according to what we have done [while we lived in this world] in these bodies. [He will reward us according to] whether we have done good things or whether we have done evil things.
11 Jadi, karena kami pelayan-pelayan TUHAN mengerti arti ‘takut akan TUHAN’, kami berusaha meyakinkan setiap orang tentang berita keselamatan. Allah tahu kesungguhan hati kami dalam melayani Dia. Dan saya harap, dalam hati nuranimu, kalian pun tahu kesungguhan hati kami!
It makes me fearful [to think that some day I will stand before the Lord for him to judge me]. So I [do everything that I can to] convince people [that they should believe] (OR, [that I teach] sincerely) [God’s message]. God knows very well [how I conduct my life and what I teach], and I really believe that you know it, too.
12 Dengan menulis hal-hal di atas, sekali lagi maksud saya bukan untuk membanggakan pelayanan kami. Saya menyatakan semua itu agar kalian punya alasan untuk bangga atas pelayanan kami di antara kalian. Dengan begitu, kalian dapat menjawab guru-guru palsu yang lebih membanggakan hal-hal yang kelihatan daripada hati nurani yang bersih.
Once again [I say, as I write this], I am not just [trying to] make you think well/highly of me, [as some people will probably say that I am]. Instead, I am [telling you in this letter why you have] good reason [to tell those who criticize me] that you think highly of me. [I am telling you this] so that you will know what to say to those [teachers of false doctrine among you]. They are proud [of what they have done], instead of [making sure that] they [are right with God and being pleased with that].
13 Kalau orang-orang menganggap kami gila, tidak apa-apa, karena kami melayani Allah! Tetapi kalau kalian menganggap kami waras, itu lebih baik, sebab memang kami terus berusaha melayani kalian.
[Some of them say that after God has enabled me to see visions], I [talk like] a crazy person. If [that is so, I want you to realize that I talk that way in order to please] God. On the other hand, if [you think that] I [speak and act] wisely, [that is good. I want you to know that I do] speak and act wisely in order to [help] you.
14 Karena kasih Kristus menguasai hidup kami, maka kami yakin bahwa Kristus sudah mati untuk semua orang. Dengan demikian, kita semua yang bersatu dengan Dia secara rohani juga sudah mati terhadap cara hidup yang lama.
[I speak and act the way I do] because the love that Christ [has for people] influences me [in everything that I say and do]. When Christ died, [he suffered the punishment] for [the sins of] all people. So, we should all [think of ourselves as having] died with him, [being as unresponsive to sinful desires as] [MET] a corpse is.
15 Kristus mati untuk semua orang supaya kita yang masih hidup tidak lagi hidup hanya untuk diri sendiri, tetapi untuk Dia yang sudah mati dan hidup kembali bagi kita.
When [Christ] died for the everyone, he died in order that [we believers who are alive now] should not conduct our lives in a way that will just [please ourselves]. Instead, [we should conduct our lives in a way that will please] Christ, [because] he is the one who died for us and was brought back to life {whom [God] raised} again.
16 Maka, sejak kami mengerti semuanya itu, kami tidak lagi menilai seseorang menurut penilaian duniawi. Dulu memang kami menilai Kristus menurut penilaian manusia, tetapi sekarang tidak lagi.
So, [because I realize how much Christ loves everyone], I no longer think about people in the way that those who do not believe [in Christ] think about [them]. Before I [was a believer], I thought about Christ in the way that other non-believers did. But I do not think of him that way any more.
17 Yang penting, ketika seseorang bersatu dengan Kristus, dia menjadi ciptaan baru! Cara hidup yang lama sudah berlalu. Segalanya menjadi baru!
The fact is that God makes every one [of us] who [trusts] in Christ to be completely different [than we were before]. Our old [way of conducting our lives] is gone. We now have a [completely] new way of [conducting our lives].
18 Dan sumber dari semua perubahan hidup itu adalah Allah sendiri. Dengan perantaraan Kristus Yesus, Dia sudah membuat kita berdamai kembali dengan diri-Nya. Lalu Dia mengutus kami untuk memberitakan perdamaian itu.
This [complete change in our lives] is all something that God [does]. It is God who made it possible for us to have a peaceful relationship with him. [He was able to do that] because of what Christ [did for us]. Now God [has sent] me, and those [who work] with me, to tell [people that they] can have a peaceful relationship with him.
19 Yang kami beritakan adalah bahwa Allah, lewat kematian Kristus, sudah membuka jalan bagi setiap orang di dunia ini untuk berdamai dengan Allah. Bagi kita yang sudah bersatu dengan Kristus, Allah tidak lagi memperhitungkan dosa-dosa kita. Itulah berita perdamaian yang Allah percayakan kepada kami!
That is, [he sent us(exc) to tell them that] when Christ [died], God was [making it possible for everyone] [MTY] in the world to have a peaceful relationship with him. He no longer keeps a record of the sinful things that [we believers] have done. The message that [God] has given to us [to tell people is how we can have a] peaceful relationship with him.
20 Artinya kami adalah utusan yang mewakili Kristus Yesus. Melalui kami, Allah mengundang setiap kalian: Berdamailah dengan Allah atas nama Kristus Yesus!
So, it is I and my companions who are Christ’s representatives [in this world. When we tell people the message about Christ], it is God himself who is pleading with them by means of what we [say]. So, as true representatives of Christ, we plead with you: [Believe God’s true message about Christ in order that you may] be reconciled to {have a peaceful relationship with} him.
21 Allah sudah membuat Kristus diperlakukan seperti orang berdosa demi menanggung dosa kita, meskipun Kristus sendiri tidak pernah berdosa. Allah melakukan itu agar kita yang bersatu dengan Kristus dapat dibenarkan di hadapan-Nya.
[You must believe that even though] Jesus never sinned, God [punished him for all the] sinful things [that people do, just] as [if Jesus had done those sinful things himself]. And because of our close relationship with Christ, God has erased the record of our sins/declared us no longer guilty for our sins.