< Mazmur 97 >

1 TUHAN adalah Raja! Biarlah bumi bersorak-sorak, biarlah banyak pulau bersukacita!
The LORD reigns! Let the earth rejoice! Let the multitude of islands be glad!
2 Awan dan kekelaman ada sekeliling Dia, keadilan dan hukum adalah tumpuan takhta-Nya.
Clouds and darkness are around him. Righteousness and justice are the foundation of his throne.
3 Api menjalar di hadapan-Nya, dan menghanguskan para lawan-Nya sekeliling.
A fire goes before him, and burns up his adversaries on every side.
4 Kilat-kilat-Nya menerangi dunia, bumi melihatnya dan gemetar.
His lightning lights up the world. The earth sees, and trembles.
5 Gunung-gunung luluh seperti lilin di hadapan TUHAN, di hadapan Tuhan seluruh bumi.
The mountains melt like wax at the presence of the LORD, at the presence of the Lord of the whole earth.
6 Langit memberitakan keadilan-Nya, dan segala bangsa melihat kemuliaan-Nya.
The heavens declare his righteousness. All the peoples have seen his glory.
7 Semua orang yang beribadah kepada patung akan mendapat malu, orang yang memegahkan diri karena berhala-berhala; segala allah sujud menyembah kepada-Nya.
Let all them be shamed who serve engraved images, who boast in their idols. Worship him, all you gods!
8 Sion mendengarnya dan bersukacita, puteri-puteri Yehuda bersorak-sorak, oleh karena penghukuman-Mu, ya TUHAN.
Zion heard and was glad. The daughters of Judah rejoiced because of your judgements, LORD.
9 Sebab Engkaulah, ya TUHAN, Yang Mahatinggi di atas seluruh bumi, Engkau sangat dimuliakan di atas segala allah.
For you, LORD, are most high above all the earth. You are exalted far above all gods.
10 Hai orang-orang yang mengasihi TUHAN, bencilah kejahatan! Dia, yang memelihara nyawa orang-orang yang dikasihi-Nya, akan melepaskan mereka dari tangan orang-orang fasik.
You who love the LORD, hate evil! He preserves the souls of his holy ones. He delivers them out of the hand of the wicked.
11 Terang sudah terbit bagi orang benar, dan sukacita bagi orang-orang yang tulus hati.
Light is sown for the righteous, and gladness for the upright in heart.
12 Bersukacitalah karena TUHAN, hai orang-orang benar, dan nyanyikanlah syukur bagi nama-Nya yang kudus.
Be glad in the LORD, you righteous people! Give thanks to his holy Name.

< Mazmur 97 >