< Mazmur 42 >

1 Untuk pemimpin biduan. Nyanyian pengajaran bani Korah. Seperti rusa yang merindukan sungai yang berair, demikianlah jiwaku merindukan Engkau, ya Allah.
For the end, [a Psalm] for instruction, for the sons of Core. As the hart earnestly desires the fountains of water, so my soul earnestly longs for you, O God.
2 Jiwaku haus kepada Allah, kepada Allah yang hidup. Bilakah aku boleh datang melihat Allah?
My soul has thirsted for the living God: when shall I come and appear before God?
3 Air mataku menjadi makananku siang dan malam, karena sepanjang hari orang berkata kepadaku: "Di mana Allahmu?"
My tears have been bread to me day and night, while they daily said to me, Where is your God?
4 Inilah yang hendak kuingat, sementara jiwaku gundah-gulana; bagaimana aku berjalan maju dalam kepadatan manusia, mendahului mereka melangkah ke rumah Allah dengan suara sorak-sorai dan nyanyian syukur, dalam keramaian orang-orang yang mengadakan perayaan.
I remembered these things, and poured out my soul in me, for I will go to the place of your wondrous tabernacle, [even] to the house of God, with a voice of exultation and thanksgiving and of the sound of those who keep festival.
5 Mengapa engkau tertekan, hai jiwaku, dan gelisah di dalam diriku? Berharaplah kepada Allah! Sebab aku akan bersyukur lagi kepada-Nya, penolongku dan Allahku!
Therefore are you very sad, O my soul? and therefore do you trouble me? hope in God; for I will give thanks to him; [he is] the salvation of my countenance.
6 Jiwaku tertekan dalam diriku, sebab itu aku teringat kepada-Mu dari tanah sungai Yordan dan pegunungan Hermon, dari gunung Mizar.
O my God, my soul has been troubled within me: therefore will I remember you from the land of Jordan, and of the Ermonites, from the little hill.
7 Samudera raya berpanggil-panggilan dengan deru air terjun-Mu; segala gelora dan gelombang-Mu bergulung melingkupi aku.
Deep calls to deep at the voice of your cataracts: all your billows and your waves have gone over me.
8 TUHAN memerintahkan kasih setia-Nya pada siang hari, dan pada malam hari aku menyanyikan nyanyian, suatu doa kepada Allah kehidupanku.
By day the Lord will command his mercy, and manifest [it] by night: with me [is] prayer to the God of my life.
9 Aku berkata kepada Allah, gunung batuku: "Mengapa Engkau melupakan aku? Mengapa aku harus hidup berkabung di bawah impitan musuh?"
I will say to God, You are my helper; why have you forgotten me? therefore do I go sad of countenance, while the enemy oppresses [me]?
10 Seperti tikaman maut ke dalam tulangku lawanku mencela aku, sambil berkata kepadaku sepanjang hari: "Di mana Allahmu?"
While my bones were breaking, they that afflicted me reproached me; while they said to me daily, Where is your God?
11 Mengapa engkau tertekan, hai jiwaku, dan mengapa engkau gelisah di dalam diriku? Berharaplah kepada Allah! Sebab aku bersyukur lagi kepada-Nya, penolongku dan Allahku!
Therefore are you very sad, O my soul? and therefore do you trouble me? hope in God; for I will give thanks to him; [he is] the health of my countenance, and my God.

< Mazmur 42 >