< Mazmur 116 >
1 Aku mengasihi TUHAN, sebab Ia mendengarkan suaraku dan permohonanku.
I love Yahweh, because he hears me when I cry for him to help me.
2 Sebab Ia menyendengkan telinga-Nya kepadaku, maka seumur hidupku aku akan berseru kepada-Nya.
He listens to me, so I will call out to him all during my life.
3 Tali-tali maut telah meliliti aku, dan kegentaran terhadap dunia orang mati menimpa aku, aku mengalami kesesakan dan kedukaan. (Sheol )
Everything around me [MET] caused me to think that I would die; I was very afraid that I would [die and go to] the place where dead people are. I was very distressed/worried and afraid. (Sheol )
4 Tetapi aku menyerukan nama TUHAN: "Ya TUHAN, luputkanlah kiranya aku!"
[But] then I called out to Yahweh, saying, “Yahweh, I plead with you to save/rescue me!”
5 TUHAN adalah pengasih dan adil, Allah kita penyayang.
Yahweh is kind and does what is right; he is our God, and he acts mercifully [to us].
6 TUHAN memelihara orang-orang sederhana; aku sudah lemah, tetapi diselamatkan-Nya aku.
He protects those who (are helpless/cannot defend themselves); and when I thought that I would die, he saved me.
7 Kembalilah tenang, hai jiwaku, sebab TUHAN telah berbuat baik kepadamu.
I must encourage/tell myself to (have inner peace/not worry any more), because Yahweh has done very good things for me.
8 Ya, Engkau telah meluputkan aku dari pada maut, dan mataku dari pada air mata, dan kakiku dari pada tersandung.
Yahweh has saved me [SYN] from dying, and has kept/protected me from [troubles that would cause me to] cry. He has kept/protected me from stumbling.
9 Aku boleh berjalan di hadapan TUHAN, di negeri orang-orang hidup.
[So here] on the earth, where people are still alive, I live knowing that Yahweh is [directing] me.
10 Aku percaya, sekalipun aku berkata: "Aku ini sangat tertindas."
I continued to believe/trust [in Yahweh], even when I said, “I am greatly afflicted/troubled.”
11 Aku ini berkata dalam kebingunganku: "Semua manusia pembohong."
[Even] when I was distressed/worried and said, “I cannot trust anyone,” [I continued to trust in Yahweh].
12 Bagaimana akan kubalas kepada TUHAN segala kebajikan-Nya kepadaku?
So now [I will tell you] [RHQ] what I will offer to Yahweh, because of all the good things that he has done for me.
13 Aku akan mengangkat piala keselamatan, dan akan menyerukan nama TUHAN,
I will offer to him a cup [of wine] to thank him for saving/rescuing me.
14 akan membayar nazarku kepada TUHAN di depan seluruh umat-Nya.
When I am together with many [HYP] people who belong to Yahweh, I will give to him the offerings that I solemnly promised to give to him.
15 Berharga di mata TUHAN kematian semua orang yang dikasihi-Nya.
Yahweh is very grieved/sad when one of his people dies.
16 Ya TUHAN, aku hamba-Mu! Aku hamba-Mu, anak dari hamba-Mu perempuan! Engkau telah membuka ikatan-ikatanku!
I am one of those who serve Yahweh; I serve him like my mother did. He has freed/saved me from dying (OR, from being fastened by chains).
17 Aku akan mempersembahkan korban syukur kepada-Mu, dan akan menyerukan nama TUHAN,
[So] I will offer to him a sacrifice to thank him, and I will pray to him.
18 akan membayar nazarku kepada TUHAN di depan seluruh umat-Nya,
When I am together with many of [HYP] the people who belong to Yahweh, [in the courtyard] outside his temple in Jerusalem, I will give to him the offerings that I solemnly promised to give to him. Praise Yahweh!
19 di pelataran rumah TUHAN, di tengah-tengahmu, ya Yerusalem! Haleluya!