< Nehemia 2 >

1 Pada bulan Nisan tahun kedua puluh pemerintahan raja Artahsasta, ketika menjadi tugasku untuk menyediakan anggur, aku mengangkat anggur dan menyampaikannya kepada raja. Karena aku kelihatan sedih, yang memang belum pernah terjadi di hadapan raja,
And it was - in [the] month of Nisan year twenty of Artaxerxes the king wine [was] before him and I took the wine and I gave [it]! to the king and not I had been sad before him.
2 bertanyalah ia kepadaku: "Mengapa mukamu muram, walaupun engkau tidak sakit? Engkau tentu sedih hati." Lalu aku menjadi sangat takut.
And he said to me the king why? - [is] face your sad and you not you [are] sick [is] nothing this that except sadness of heart and I was afraid greatly very.
3 Jawabku kepada raja: "Hiduplah raja untuk selamanya! Bagaimana mukaku tidak akan muram, kalau kota, tempat pekuburan nenek moyangku, telah menjadi reruntuhan dan pintu-pintu gerbangnya habis dimakan api?"
And I said to the king the king for ever may he live why? not will they be sad face my that the city [the] house of [the] tombs of ancestors my [is] desolate and gates its they have been consumed by fire.
4 Lalu kata raja kepadaku: "Jadi, apa yang kauinginkan?" Maka aku berdoa kepada Allah semesta langit,
And he said to me the king on what? this [are] you requesting and I prayed to [the] God of the heavens.
5 kemudian jawabku kepada raja: "Jika raja menganggap baik dan berkenan kepada hambamu ini, utuslah aku ke Yehuda, ke kota pekuburan nenek moyangku, supaya aku membangunnya kembali."
And I said to the king if [is] on the king good and if he is good servant your before you that you will send me to Judah to [the] city of [the] tombs of ancestors my and I will rebuild it.
6 Lalu bertanyalah raja kepadaku, sedang permaisuri duduk di sampingnya: "Berapa lama engkau dalam perjalanan, dan bilakah engkau kembali?" Dan raja berkenan mengutus aku, sesudah aku menyebut suatu jangka waktu kepadanya.
And he said to me the king and the queen-consort - [was] sitting beside him until when? will it be journey your and when? will you return and it was good before the king and he sent me and I gave! to him a time.
7 Berkatalah aku kepada raja: "Jika raja menganggap baik, berikanlah aku surat-surat bagi bupati-bupati di daerah seberang sungai Efrat, supaya mereka memperbolehkan aku lalu sampai aku tiba di Yehuda.
And I said to the king if [is] on the king good letters let people give to me to [the] governors of beyond the River that they will allow to pass through me until that I will come to Judah.
8 Pula sepucuk surat bagi Asaf, pengawas taman raja, supaya dia memberikan aku kayu untuk memasang balok-balok pada pintu-pintu gerbang di benteng bait suci, untuk tembok kota dan untuk rumah yang akan kudiami." Dan raja mengabulkan permintaanku itu, karena tangan Allahku yang murah melindungi aku.
And a letter to Asaph [the] keeper of the forest which [belongs] to the king that he will give to me wood to make beams for [the] gates of the citadel which [belongs] to the house and for [the] wall of the city and for the house which I will go into it and he gave [them] to me the king according to [the] hand of God my good on me.
9 Maka datanglah aku kepada bupati-bupati di daerah seberang sungai Efrat dan menyerahkan kepada mereka surat-surat raja. Dan raja menyuruh panglima-panglima perang dan orang-orang berkuda menyertai aku.
And I went to [the] governors of beyond the River and I gave! to them [the] letters of the king and he had sent with me the king commanders of [the] army and horsemen.
10 Ketika Sanbalat, orang Horon, dan Tobia, orang Amon, pelayan itu, mendengar hal itu, mereka sangat kesal karena ada orang yang datang mengusahakan kesejahteraan orang Israel.
And he heard Sanballat the Horonite and Tobiah the servant the Ammonite and it was displeasing to them displeasure great that he had come someone to seek good for [the] people of Israel.
11 Maka tibalah aku di Yerusalem. Sesudah tiga hari aku di sana,
And I came to Jerusalem and I was there days three.
12 bangunlah aku pada malam hari bersama-sama beberapa orang saja yang menyertai aku. Aku tidak beritahukan kepada siapapun rencana yang akan kulakukan untuk Yerusalem, yang diberikan Allahku dalam hatiku. Juga tak ada lain binatang kepadaku kecuali yang kutunggangi.
And I arose - night I and men - a few with me and not I had told to anyone what? [was] God my putting into heart my to do for Jerusalem and an animal there not [was] with me that except the animal which I [was] riding on it.
13 Demikian pada malam hari aku keluar melalui pintu gerbang Lebak, ke jurusan mata air Ular Naga dan pintu gerbang Sampah. Aku menyelidiki dengan seksama tembok-tembok Yerusalem yang telah terbongkar dan pintu-pintu gerbangnya yang habis dimakan api.
And I went out! by [the] gate of the valley night and to [the] face [the] Spring of [the] Dragons and to [the] gate of the dung and I was examining [the] walls of Jerusalem which (they - [were] broken down *Q(K)*) and gates its they had been consumed by fire.
14 Lalu aku meneruskan perjalananku ke pintu gerbang Mata Air dan ke kolam Raja. Karena binatang yang kutunggangi tidak dapat lalu di tempat itu,
And I passed on to [the] gate of the spring and to [the] pool of the king and there not [was] room for the animal to pass through under me.
15 aku naik ke atas melalui wadi pada malam hari dan menyelidiki dengan seksama tembok itu. Kemudian aku kembali, lalu masuk melalui pintu gerbang Lebak. Demikianlah aku pulang.
And I was going up in the wadi night and I was examining the wall and I turned back and I went in [the] gate of the valley and I returned.
16 Para penguasa tidak tahu ke mana aku telah pergi dan apa yang telah kulakukan, karena sampai kini aku belum memberitahukan apa-apa kepada orang Yahudi, baik kepada para imam, maupun kepada para pemuka, kepada para penguasa dan para petugas lainnya.
And the officials not they knew where? had I gone and what? [was] I doing and to the Jews and to the priests and to the nobles and to the officials and to [the] rest [who was] doing the work until thus not I had told.
17 Berkatalah aku kepada mereka: "Kamu lihat kemalangan yang kita alami, yakni Yerusalem telah menjadi reruntuhan dan pintu-pintu gerbangnya telah terbakar. Mari, kita bangun kembali tembok Yerusalem, supaya kita tidak lagi dicela."
And I said to them you [are] seeing the trouble which we [are] in it that Jerusalem [is] desolate and gates its they have been burned with fire come so we may rebuild [the] wall of Jerusalem and not we will be again a reproach.
18 Ketika kuberitahukan kepada mereka, betapa murahnya tangan Allahku yang melindungi aku dan juga apa yang dikatakan raja kepadaku, berkatalah mereka: "Kami siap untuk membangun!" Dan dengan sekuat tenaga mereka mulai melakukan pekerjaan yang baik itu.
And I told to them [about] [the] hand of God my that it [was] good on me and also [the] words of the king which he had spoken to me and they said let us arise and we will rebuild and they strengthened hands their for good.
19 Ketika Sanbalat, orang Horon, dan Tobia, orang Amon, pelayan itu, dan Gesyem, orang Arab, mendengar itu, mereka mengolok-olokkan dan menghina kami. Kata mereka: "Apa yang kamu lakukan itu? Apa kamu mau berontak terhadap raja?"
And he heard Sanballat the Horonite and Tobiah - the servant the Ammonite and Geshem the Arab and they mocked us and they despised us and they said what? [is] the thing this which you [are] doing ¿ on the king [are] you rebelling.
20 Aku menjawab mereka, kataku: "Allah semesta langit, Dialah yang membuat kami berhasil! Kami, hamba-hamba-Nya, telah siap untuk membangun. Tetapi kamu tak punya bagian atau hak dan tidak akan diingat di Yerusalem!"
And I brought back them word and I said to them [the] God of the heavens he he will grant success to us and we servants his we will arise and we will rebuild and [belongs] to you not a share and a right and a memorial in Jerusalem.

< Nehemia 2 >