< Matius 14 >

1 Pada masa itu sampailah berita-berita tentang Yesus kepada Herodes, raja wilayah.
In that time Herodes Tetrarka heard the rumour concerning Jeshu;
2 Lalu ia berkata kepada pegawai-pegawainya: "Inilah Yohanes Pembaptis; ia sudah bangkit dari antara orang mati dan itulah sebabnya kuasa-kuasa itu bekerja di dalam-Nya."
and he said to his servants, This is Juchanon the Baptizer: he hath risen from the house of the dead, therefore powerful works are wrought by him.
3 Sebab memang Herodes telah menyuruh menangkap Yohanes, membelenggunya dan memenjarakannya, berhubung dengan peristiwa Herodias, isteri Filipus saudaranya.
For he, Herodes, had seized Juchanon, and bound him, and cast him (into) the house of the chained, because of Herodia the wife of Philip his brother.
4 Karena Yohanes pernah menegornya, katanya: "Tidak halal engkau mengambil Herodias!"
for Juchanon had said to him, It is not lawful that she should be to thee a wife.
5 Herodes ingin membunuhnya, tetapi ia takut akan orang banyak yang memandang Yohanes sebagai nabi.
And he would have killed him, but he feared the people, because as a prophet they held him.
6 Tetapi pada hari ulang tahun Herodes, menarilah anak perempuan Herodias di tengah-tengah mereka dan menyukakan hati Herodes,
But at the birth-day of Herodes, the daughter of Herodia danced before those who reclined, and she pleased Herodes;
7 sehingga Herodes bersumpah akan memberikan kepadanya apa saja yang dimintanya.
wherefore with an oath he sware to her to give her whatever she should demand.
8 Maka setelah dihasut oleh ibunya, anak perempuan itu berkata: "Berikanlah aku di sini kepala Yohanes Pembaptis di sebuah talam."
Then she, because instructed by her mother, said, Give me here in a dish the head of Juchanon the Baptizer.
9 Lalu sedihlah hati raja, tetapi karena sumpahnya dan karena tamu-tamunya diperintahkannya juga untuk memberikannya.
And the king sickened, yet, on account of the oath and the guests, he commanded that it should be given to her.
10 Disuruhnya memenggal kepala Yohanes di penjara
And he sent cut off the head of Juchanon in the house of the chained.
11 dan kepala Yohanes itupun dibawa orang di sebuah talam, lalu diberikan kepada gadis itu dan ia membawanya kepada ibunya.
And his head was brought in a dish, and given to the girl, and she carried it herself to her mother.
12 Kemudian datanglah murid-murid Yohanes Pembaptis mengambil mayatnya dan menguburkannya. Lalu pergilah mereka memberitahukannya kepada Yesus.
And his disciples came near, took up his corpse, buried (it), and came and showed Jeshu.
13 Setelah Yesus mendengar berita itu menyingkirlah Ia dari situ, dan hendak mengasingkan diri dengan perahu ke tempat yang sunyi. Tetapi orang banyak mendengarnya dan mengikuti Dia dengan mengambil jalan darat dari kota-kota mereka.
Then Jeshu, when he heard, removed from thence by ship to a desert place by himself; and when the multitude heard it, they came after him on dry land from the cities.
14 Ketika Yesus mendarat, Ia melihat orang banyak yang besar jumlahnya, maka tergeraklah hati-Nya oleh belas kasihan kepada mereka dan Ia menyembuhkan mereka yang sakit.
And Jeshu came forth, and saw great multitudes, and felt compassion for them, and healed their diseases.
15 Menjelang malam, murid-murid-Nya datang kepada-Nya dan berkata: "Tempat ini sunyi dan hari sudah mulai malam. Suruhlah orang banyak itu pergi supaya mereka dapat membeli makanan di desa-desa."
BUT when it was eventide, his disciples approached him, and said to him, The place is desert, and the time passed over; send away these multitudes of men, that they may go to the villages, and buy for themselves food.
16 Tetapi Yesus berkata kepada mereka: "Tidak perlu mereka pergi, kamu harus memberi mereka makan."
But he said to them, It is not needful that they should go; give you them to eat.
17 Jawab mereka: "Yang ada pada kami di sini hanya lima roti dan dua ikan."
They said to him, We have nothing here but five cakes and two fishes.
18 Yesus berkata: "Bawalah ke mari kepada-Ku."
Jeshu said to them, Bring them hither to me.
19 Lalu disuruh-Nya orang banyak itu duduk di rumput. Dan setelah diambil-Nya lima roti dan dua ikan itu, Yesus menengadah ke langit dan mengucap berkat, lalu memecah-mecahkan roti itu dan memberikannya kepada murid-murid-Nya, lalu murid-murid-Nya membagi-bagikannya kepada orang banyak.
And he directed the multitudes to recline upon the ground; and he took the five loaves and two fishes, and looked up to heaven, and blessed, and brake, and gave to his disciples, and the disciples themselves placed (it) before the multitudes.
20 Dan mereka semuanya makan sampai kenyang. Kemudian orang mengumpulkan potongan-potongan roti yang sisa, dua belas bakul penuh.
And all did eat, and were satisfied; and they took up, of the abundance of the fragments, twelve baskets when full.
21 Yang ikut makan kira-kira lima ribu laki-laki, tidak termasuk perempuan dan anak-anak.
Now those men who had eaten were five thousand, besides women and children.
22 Sesudah itu Yesus segera memerintahkan murid-murid-Nya naik ke perahu dan mendahului-Nya ke seberang, sementara itu Ia menyuruh orang banyak pulang.
And immediately he constrained his disciples to ascend into the bark, and proceed before him to the other shore, while he was dismissing the crowds.
23 Dan setelah orang banyak itu disuruh-Nya pulang, Yesus naik ke atas bukit untuk berdoa seorang diri. Ketika hari sudah malam, Ia sendirian di situ.
And when he had sent the multitudes away, he went up to a mountain by himself, to pray. AND when it was dark, he alone was there.
24 Perahu murid-murid-Nya sudah beberapa mil jauhnya dari pantai dan diombang-ambingkan gelombang, karena angin sakal.
But the vessel was distant from the land many stadia, being greatly beaten with the waves, for the wind was against them.
25 Kira-kira jam tiga malam datanglah Yesus kepada mereka berjalan di atas air.
But in the fourth watch of the night, Jeshu came to them, walking upon the waters.
26 Ketika murid-murid-Nya melihat Dia berjalan di atas air, mereka terkejut dan berseru: "Itu hantu!", lalu berteriak-teriak karena takut.
And the disciples beheld him walking on the waters, and they were troubled, saying, That it was a spectre; and from fear they cried out.
27 Tetapi segera Yesus berkata kepada mereka: "Tenanglah! Aku ini, jangan takut!"
But Jeshu at once spoke to them, and said, Take courage, I am, fear not!
28 Lalu Petrus berseru dan menjawab Dia: "Tuhan, apabila Engkau itu, suruhlah aku datang kepada-Mu berjalan di atas air."
And Kipha answered, and said to him, My Lord, if it be thou, command me to come to thee upon the waters.
29 Kata Yesus: "Datanglah!" Maka Petrus turun dari perahu dan berjalan di atas air mendapatkan Yesus.
Jeshu said to him, Come. And Kipha descended from the ship, and walked on the waters to go to Jeshu.
30 Tetapi ketika dirasanya tiupan angin, takutlah ia dan mulai tenggelam lalu berteriak: "Tuhan, tolonglah aku!"
But when he saw the furious wind, he feared, and began to sink; and he lifted up his voice, and said, My Lord, deliver me!
31 Segera Yesus mengulurkan tangan-Nya, memegang dia dan berkata: "Hai orang yang kurang percaya, mengapa engkau bimbang?"
And immediately our Lord reached forth his hand, and seized him, and said to him, Little of faith, why art thou divided (in mind)?
32 Lalu mereka naik ke perahu dan anginpun redalah.
And when they had ascended into the ship, the wind was tranquil.
33 Dan orang-orang yang ada di perahu menyembah Dia, katanya: "Sesungguhnya Engkau Anak Allah."
And they who were in the ship, came and adored him, and said, Truly the Son thou art of Aloha.
34 Setibanya di seberang mereka mendarat di Genesaret.
And they rowed, and came to the land of Genésar;
35 Ketika Yesus dikenal oleh orang-orang di tempat itu, mereka memberitahukannya ke seluruh daerah itu. Maka semua orang yang sakit dibawa kepada-Nya.
and the men of that country recognized him, and sent to all the villages that were about them, and they brought to him all those who were grievously afflicted,
36 Mereka memohon supaya diperkenankan menjamah jumbai jubah-Nya. Dan semua orang yang menjamah-Nya menjadi sembuh.
and besought from him that they might touch only the border of his mantle; and those who touched were healed.

< Matius 14 >