< Ratapan 1 >

1 Ah, betapa terpencilnya kota itu, yang dahulu ramai! Laksana seorang jandalah ia, yang dahulu agung di antara bangsa-bangsa. Yang dahulu ratu di antara kota-kota, sekarang menjadi jajahan.
Jerusalem was [once] full of people, but now it is deserted. [Once] it was honored by people all over the world, but now it is [grieving/abandoned] like [SIM] a widow. [Once] it was [honored like] [MET] a princess [is honored] among the nations, but now [we who live here] have become slaves.
2 Pada malam hari tersedu-sedu ia menangis, air matanya bercucuran di pipi; dari semua kekasihnya, tak ada seorangpun yang menghibur dia. Semua temannya mengkhianatinya, mereka menjadi seterunya.
We [PRS] weep bitterly [all] night long, with tears flowing down our cheeks. Among [the people in] all [the nations] that loved Jerusalem there are none that comfort us [now]. All [the rulers of those nations that were previously] our allies have betrayed us, and they are all now enemies [of the people of Jerusalem].
3 Yehuda telah ditinggalkan penduduknya karena sengsara dan karena perbudakan yang berat; ia tinggal di tengah-tengah bangsa-bangsa, namun tidak mendapat ketenteraman; siapa saja yang menyerang dapat memasukinya pada saat ia terdesak.
[The people of] Judah have been (exiled/forced to go to other countries) and caused to suffer greatly as slaves. They live in [other] nations where they do not have peace/safety. Their enemies seized them, and there was no way for them to escape.
4 Jalan-jalan ke Sion diliputi dukacita, karena pengunjung-pengunjung perayaan tiada; sunyi senyaplah segala pintu gerbangnya, berkeluh kesahlah imam-imamnya; bersedih pedih dara-daranya; dan dia sendiri pilu hatinya.
The roads to Zion [Hill] are empty [PRS] because no one comes [here] to [celebrate] the sacred festivals. The city gates are deserted, and the priests groan. The young women [of Jerusalem] cry [because] they are suffering greatly.
5 Lawan-lawan menguasainya, seteru-seterunya berbahagia. Sungguh, TUHAN membuatnya merana, karena banyak pelanggarannya; kanak-kanaknya berjalan di depan lawan sebagai tawanan.
Our enemies have conquered the city, and [now] they prosper. Yahweh has punished [the people of] Jerusalem because of all the sins that they have committed. The children [of Jerusalem] have been captured and taken [to other countries].
6 Lenyaplah dari puteri Sion segala kemuliaannya; pemimpin-pemimpinnya bagaikan rusa yang tidak menemukan padang rumput; mereka berjalan tanpa daya di depan yang mengejarnya.
Jerusalem was a beautiful city, but it is not beautiful now. The leaders [of the city] are like [SIM] deer that are starving because of being unable to find any grass [to eat]. They are very weak, with the result that they are unable to run from their enemies.
7 Terkenanglah Yerusalem, pada hari-hari sengsara dan penderitaannya, akan segala harta benda yang dimilikinya dahulu kala; tatkala penduduknya jatuh ke tangan lawan, dan tak ada penolong baginya, para lawan memandangnya, dan tertawa karena keruntuhannya.
[The people of] Jerusalem are sad and scattered, and they think about the previous greatness of the city. [But now] our enemies have captured the city, and there is no one to help the people. Our enemies destroyed the city and laughed while they were doing that.
8 Yerusalem sangat berdosa, sehingga najis adanya; semua yang dahulu menghormatinya, sekarang menghinanya, karena melihat telanjangnya; dan dia sendiri berkeluh kesah, dan memalingkan mukanya.
[The people of] [PRS] Jerusalem have sinned very much; [it is as though] [MET] the city has become [like] a filthy [rag]. All those who [previously] honored the city [now] despise it, because they see that it has become very disgraced [MET]. Now [the people of] the city groan, and they cover their faces [because they are very ashamed].
9 Kenajisannya melekat pada ujung kainnya; ia tak berpikir akan akhirnya, sangatlah dalam ia jatuh, tiada orang yang menghiburnya. "Ya, TUHAN, lihatlah sengsaraku, karena si seteru membesarkan dirinya!"
The city has become filthy because of [PRS] the sins that the people have committed; they did not think about what could happen to the city. [Now] the city has been destroyed, and there is no one to comfort [the people]. [The people cry out saying], “Yahweh, look at how we are suffering because our enemies have defeated us!”
10 Si lawan mengulurkan tangannya kepada segala harta bendanya; bahkan harus dilihatnya bagaimana bangsa-bangsa masuk ke dalam tempat kudusnya, padahal Engkau, ya TUHAN, telah melarang mereka untuk masuk jemaah-Mu.
Our enemies have taken away all our treasures, all the valuable things that we owned. We have seen [soldiers from other] nations, [men who do not worship Yahweh], enter our sacred temple, [the place] where foreigners/non-Israelis were (forbidden/not allowed) to enter.
11 Berkeluh kesah seluruh penduduknya, sedang mereka mencari roti; harta benda mereka berikan ganti makanan, untuk menyambung hidupnya. "Lihatlah, ya TUHAN, pandanglah, betapa hina aku ini!
The people of the city groan while they search for food; they have given their treasures to get food [to eat] to remain alive. [They say], “Yahweh, look [at us], and see that we are despised!”
12 Acuh tak acuhkah kamu sekalian yang berlalu? Pandanglah dan lihatlah, apakah ada kesedihan seperti kesedihan yang ditimpakan TUHAN kepadaku, untuk membuat aku merana tatkala murka-Nya menyala-nyala!
You people who pass by, you do not [RHQ] seem to care at all [about what has happened to us]. Look around and see that there are no other [RHQ] people who are suffering like we are. Yahweh has caused us to suffer because he was extremely angry [with us].
13 Dari atas dikirim-Nya api masuk ke dalam tulang-tulangku; dihamparkan-Nya jaring di muka kakiku, didesak-Nya aku mundur; aku dibuat-Nya terkejut, kesakitan sepanjang hari.
[It is as though] he sent a fire from heaven [MTY] that burned in our bones; [it is as though] [MET] he has placed a trap for our feet, and has prevented us from walking any further. He has abandoned us; we are weak/miserable [every day], all day long.
14 Segala pelanggaranku adalah kuk yang berat, suatu jalinan yang dibuat tangan Tuhan, yang ditaruh di atas tengkukku, sehingga melumpuhkan kekuatanku; Tuhan telah menyerahkan aku ke tangan orang-orang, yang tidak dapat kutentangi.
He caused the sins that we have committed to be [like] a heavy load for us to carry; [it is as though] [MET] he tied them around our necks. Previously we were strong, but he has caused us to become weak. He has allowed our enemies to capture us, and we were not able to do anything to resist them.
15 Tuhan membuang semua pahlawanku yang ada dalam lingkunganku; Ia menyelenggarakan pesta menentang aku untuk membinasakan teruna-terunaku; Tuhan telah menginjak-injak puteri Yehuda, dara itu, seperti orang mengirik memeras anggur.
Yahweh looked at our mighty soldiers and laughed at them. He has summoned a great army to [come and] crush our young soldiers. [It is as though] [MET] Yahweh has trampled on [us] people of Judah like [SIM] [people trample] on grapes in a pit [to make wine].
16 Karena inilah aku menangis, mataku mencucurkan air; karena jauh dari padaku penghibur yang dapat menyegarkan jiwaku; bingunglah anak-anakku, karena terlampau kuat si seteru."
I weep because of [all] those things; my eyes are filled with tears. There is no one to comfort me; those who could encourage me are far away. Our enemies have conquered [us], so our children have nothing good to (hope for/expect to happen).
17 Sion mengulurkan tangannya, tetapi tak ada orang yang menghiburnya; terhadap Yakub dikerahkan TUHAN tetangga-tetangganya sebagai lawan. Yerusalem telah menjadi najis di tengah-tengah mereka.
[We people of] [PRS] Jerusalem reach out our hands [to get help], but there is no one to comfort us. Yahweh has decided concerning [us descendants of] Jacob that the people in nearby nations will become our enemies; so they consider that Jerusalem has become [like] [MET] a filthy rag.
18 "Tuhanlah yang benar, karena aku telah memberontak terhadap firman-Nya; dengarlah hai segala bangsa, dan lihatlah kesedihanku; dara-daraku dan teruna-terunaku pergi sebagai tawanan.
But what Yahweh has done [to us] is fair, because we have rebelled against obeying the commands that he gave [us]. You people everywhere, listen [to us]; [look and] see that we are suffering [greatly]. We had [many] sons and daughters, but they have been captured and forced to go to distant countries.
19 Aku memanggil kekasih-kekasihku, tetapi mereka memperdayakan aku; imam-imamku dan para tua-tuaku telah mati semuanya di kota, tatkala mencari makan bagi dirinya untuk menyambung hidupnya.
We pleaded with our allies [to help us], but they [all] refused. Our priests and our leaders have died [from hunger] in the city while they were searching for food [to eat] to remain alive.
20 Ya, TUHAN, lihatlah, betapa besar ketakutanku, betapa gelisah jiwaku; hatiku terbolak-balik di dalam dadaku, karena sudah melampaui batas aku memberontak; di luar keturunanku dibinasakan oleh pedang, di dalam rumah oleh penyakit sampar.
Yahweh, see that we are suffering very much. [It is as though] our inner beings are tormented. We are sad [SYN] because we have rebelled [against you]. Our enemies kill people in the streets with their swords; people are dying [because they have no food to eat].
21 Dengarlah bagaimana keluh kesahku, sedang tiada penghibur bagiku; seteru-seteruku mendengar tentang kecelakaanku, mereka gembira karena Engkau yang mendatangkannya! Datanglah kiranya hari yang telah Engkau umumkan itu, dan biarlah mereka menjadi seperti aku!
People have heard us while we groaned, but no one [came to] comfort us. [Yahweh, ] you caused us to experience this [disaster], and our enemies are happy to see what you have done [to us]. But cause it soon to be the time that you have promised, when our enemies will suffer like we have suffered!
22 Biarlah segala kejahatan mereka datang ke hadapan-Mu, dan perbuatlah kepada mereka, seperti Engkau telah perbuat kepadaku oleh karena segala pelanggaranku; karena banyaklah keluh kesahku, dan pedih hatiku."
[Yahweh, ] see all the evil things that they have done and punish them! [Punish them] like you have punished us for all the sins that we committed! [We say this to you] because we suffer and groan very much, and we (faint/are very sad).

< Ratapan 1 >