< 1 Tawarikh 11 >
1 Lalu berkumpullah seluruh Israel kepada Daud di Hebron dan berkata: "Ketahuilah, kami ini darah dagingmu.
Then the people of Israel came to David at Hebron [town] and said to him, “Listen, we have the same ancestors [IDM] that you have.
2 Telah lama, ketika Saul memerintah, engkaulah yang memimpin segala gerakan orang Israel. Dan TUHAN, Allahmu, telah berfirman kepadamu: Engkaulah yang harus menggembalakan umat-Ku Israel, dan engkaulah yang menjadi raja atas umat-Ku Israel."
In the past, when Saul was our king, it was you who led our Israeli [soldiers in our battles]. You are the one to whom Yahweh our God promised, ‘You will be the leader [MET] of my people; you will be their king.’”
3 Maka datanglah semua tua-tua Israel menghadap raja di Hebron, lalu Daud mengadakan perjanjian dengan mereka di Hebron di hadapan TUHAN, kemudian mereka mengurapi Daud menjadi raja atas Israel, seperti yang difirmankan TUHAN dengan perantaraan Samuel.
So all the Israeli elders came to David at Hebron. And David made a sacred agreement with them while Yahweh was listening. They anointed him [with olive oil to set him apart] to be the king of the Israeli people. That is what Yahweh had previously told [the prophet] Samuel would happen.
4 Lalu Daud dengan seluruh orang Israel pergi ke Yerusalem; itulah Yebus, dan di sana orang Yebus adalah penduduk negeri itu.
David and all the Israeli [soldiers] [SYN] went to Jerusalem. [At that time, ] Jerusalem was called Jebus, and the people who lived there were the Jebus people-group.
5 Penduduk Yebus berkata kepada Daud: "Engkau tidak sanggup masuk ke mari." Tetapi Daud merebut kubu pertahanan Sion, yaitu kota Daud.
Those people said to David, “Your [soldiers] will not be able to get inside our city!” But David’s [soldiers] captured the city, even though it had strong walls around it, and since then it has been called ‘The City of David’.
6 Daud telah berkata: "Siapa lebih dahulu memukul kalah orang Yebus, ia akan menjadi kepala dan pemimpin." Lalu Yoab, anak Zeruya, yang menyerang lebih dahulu, maka ia menjadi kepala.
[What happened was this: ]: David said [to his soldiers], “The one who leads [our soldiers] to attack the Jebus people-group will become the commander of all my army.” Joab, the son of Zeruiah, led the soldiers, so he became the commander of all the army.
7 Lalu Daud menetap di kubu pertahanan itu, sebab itu orang menamainya: Kota Daud.
[After they captured] the city which had strong walls around it, David moved there. That is why they named it ‘The City of David’.
8 Ia memperkuat kota itu sekelilingnya, mulai dari Milo, bahkan sekelilingnya seluruhnya, sedang Yoab membangun kembali selebihnya dari kota itu.
David’s workers rebuilt the city, starting where the land was filled in and extending to the wall that was around the city. Joab’s [men] repaired the other parts of the city.
9 Lalu makin lama makin besarlah kuasa Daud, sebab TUHAN semesta alam menyertainya.
David became more and more powerful/influential, because the Almighty Commander of the armies of angels was with/helping him.
10 Inilah kepala-kepala para pahlawan yang mengiringi Daud, yang telah memberi dukungan yang kuat kepadanya, bersama-sama seluruh Israel, dalam mencapai kedudukan raja dan yang mengangkat dia sebagai raja, seperti yang difirmankan TUHAN mengenai Israel.
Yahweh had promised [that David would become the king]. And all the Israeli people (were happy that David was/supported David as) their king. There were many soldiers/warriors who helped David’s kingdom to remain strong.
11 Inilah daftar para pahlawan yang mengiringi Daud: Yasobam bin Hakhmoni, kepala triwira; ia mengayunkan tombaknya melawan tiga ratus orang yang tertikam mati dalam satu pertempuran.
This is a list of the leaders of David’s [most mighty] warriors: Jashobeam was from the Hacmon clan. He was one of the leaders of David’s most powerful soldiers. One time he fought against 300 enemies and killed them all with his spear.
12 Dan sesudah dia, Eleazar anak Dodo, orang Ahohi itu; ia termasuk ketiga pahlawan itu.
Another one was Eleazar, who was the son of Dodo from the clan of Ahoh.
13 Ia ada bersama-sama Daud di Pas-Damim, ketika orang Filistin berkumpul di sana untuk berperang. Ada sebidang tanah ladang penuh jelai di sana; ketika tentara melarikan diri dari hadapan orang Filistin,
[One day] he was with David at Pas Dammim when the soldiers of Philistia gathered there for the battle. There was a field of barley there. At first the Israeli soldiers ran away from the soldiers of Philistia,
14 maka berdirilah mereka di tengah-tengah ladang itu; mereka dapat mempertahankannya dan memukul kalah orang Filistin. Demikianlah diberikan TUHAN kemenangan yang besar.
but then David and Eleazar stopped in the middle of the field and fought to defend it and killed [many of] the soldiers of Philistia. Yahweh enabled them to win a great victory on that day.
15 Sekali datanglah tiga orang dari ketiga puluh kepala ke gunung batu mendapatkan Daud dekat gua Adulam, sedang tentara orang Filistin berkemah di lembah Refaim.
One time three of David’s thirty most mighty warriors came to David when he was camping next to the huge rock outside the cave near Adullam. At that same time, the army of Philistia had camped in the Rephaim Valley.
16 Pada waktu itu Daud ada di dalam kubu gunung dan pasukan pendudukan orang Filistin pada waktu itu ada di Betlehem.
David was in a fortress, and some of the soldiers of Philistia were occupying Bethlehem.
17 Lalu timbullah keinginan pada Daud, dan ia berkata: "Sekiranya ada orang yang memberi aku minum air dari perigi Betlehem yang ada dekat pintu gerbang!"
[One day] David was very thirsty and said, “I wish that someone would bring me some water from the well near the gate at Bethlehem!”
18 Lalu ketiga orang itu menerobos perkemahan orang Filistin, mereka menimba air dari perigi Betlehem yang ada dekat pintu gerbang, mengangkatnya dan membawanya kepada Daud. Tetapi Daud tidak mau meminumnya, melainkan mempersembahkannya sebagai korban curahan kepada TUHAN,
So those three most outstanding warriors forced their way through the camp of Philistia soldiers and drew some water from the well, and brought it to David. But he would not drink it. Instead, he poured it out [on the ground to be an offering] to Yahweh.
19 katanya: "Jauhlah dari padaku, ya Allah, untuk berbuat demikian! Patutkah aku meminum darah taruhan nyawa orang-orang ini? Sebab dengan mempertaruhkan nyawanya mereka membawanya." Dan tidak mau ia meminumnya. Itulah yang dilakukan ketiga pahlawan itu.
He said, “Yahweh, it would certainly not be right for me to drink this water! That would be like [RHQ] drinking the blood of these men who were willing/ready to die for me!” So he refused to drink it. That was one of the things that those three most outstanding warriors did.
20 Abisai, adik Yoab, dialah kepala ketiga puluh orang itu. Dan dialah yang mengayunkan tombaknya melawan tiga ratus orang yang mati ditikamnya; ia mendapat nama di antara ketiga puluh orang itu.
Joab’s [younger] brother Abishai was the leader of the 30 most mighty warriors. [One time] Abishai fought 300 [enemy] soldiers with his spear and killed them.
21 Di antara ketiga puluh orang itu ia paling dihormati. Memang ia menjadi pemimpin mereka, tetapi ia tidak dapat menyamai triwira itu.
So he became as famous as those three most outstanding warriors. He became their commander, even though he was not one of those three men.
22 Selanjutnya Benaya bin Yoyada, anak seorang yang gagah perkasa, yang besar jasanya, yang berasal dari Kabzeel; ia menewaskan kedua pahlawan besar dari Moab. Juga pernah ia turun ke dalam lobang dan membunuh seekor singa pada suatu hari bersalju.
Jehoiada’s son Benaiah was a brave soldier from Kabzeel [town] who did heroic deeds. He killed two of the best warriors from [the] Moab [people-group]. One day he went down into a pit when snow was falling [on the ground] and killed a lion there.
23 Pula ia membunuh seorang Mesir, seorang yang tinggi perawakannya lima hasta tingginya; di tangan orang Mesir itu ada tombak seperti pesa tukang tenun, tetapi ia mendatanginya dengan tongkat, merampas tombak itu dari tangan orang Mesir itu, lalu membunuh orang itu dengan tombaknya sendiri.
He also killed a soldier from Egypt who was (7-1/2 feet/2.3 meters) tall. The soldier from Egypt carried a spear that was as long as a weaver’s rod. Benaiah had [only] a club, but he grabbed the other man’s spear and killed him with it.
24 Itulah yang diperbuat Benaya bin Yoyada; ia mendapat nama di antara ketiga puluh pahlawan itu.
Those are some of the things that Benaiah did. So he became as famous as the three mighty warriors.
25 Sesungguhnya, di antara ketiga puluh orang itu ia paling dihormati, tetapi ia tidak dapat menyamai triwira. Dan Daud mengangkat dia mengepalai pengawalnya.
He was more honored than the other members of the group of thirty most mighty warriors, but he did not become a member of the group of three most outstanding warriors. David appointed him to be the leader of his bodyguards.
26 Pahlawan-pahlawan yang gagah perkasa ialah juga Asael, saudara Yoab, selanjutnya Elhanan bin Dodo, dari Betlehem;
These are the names of David’s mighty warriors: Asahel, the [younger] brother of Joab; Elhanan, the son of Dodo, from Bethlehem;
27 Samot, orang Harod; Heles, orang Peloni;
Shammah, from [the] Harod [clan]; Helez, from [the] Pelon [clan];
28 Ira anak Ikesh orang Tekoa; Abiezer, orang Anatot;
Ira, the son of Ikkesh, from Tekoa [town]; Abiezer, from Anathoth [city];
29 Sibkhai, orang Husa; Ilai, orang Ahohi;
Sibbecai, from Hushah’s [clan]; Ilai from Ahoh’s clan;
30 Maharai, orang Netofa; Heled bin Baana, orang Netofa;
Maharai, from Netophah [town]; Heled, the son of Baanah, also from Netophah [town];
31 Itai bin ribai, dari Gibea orang Benyamin; Benaya, orang Piraton;
Ithai, the son of Ribai, from Gibeah [town] in [the land that belonged to] the tribe of Benjamin; Benaiah, from Pirathon [town];
32 Hurai dari lembah-lembah Gaas; Abiel, orang Bet-Araba;
Hurai, from the valleys near Gaash [Mountain]; Abiel from the clan of Arabah;
33 Azmawet, orang Bahurim; Elyahba, orang Saalbon;
Azmaveth, from Baharum [town]; Eliahba, from Shaalbon [town];
34 Hasyem orang Gizon; Yonatan bin Sage, orang Harari;
The sons of Hashem from [the] Gizon [clan]; Jonathan the son of Shagee from the Harar [town/clan];
35 Ahiam bin Sakhar, orang Harari; Elifal bin Ur;
Ahiam the son of Sharar/Sacar, from Harar [town/clan]; Eliphal the son of Ur;
36 Hefer, orang Mekherati; Ahia, orang Peloni;
Hepher from the Mekerath [clan]; Ahijah from the Pelon [clan/town];
37 Hezro, orang Karmel; Naarai bin Esbai;
Hezro from Carmel [city]; Naarai the son of Ezbai;
38 Yoel, saudara Natan; Mibhar bin Hagri;
Joel the [younger] brother of Nathan; Mibhar the son of Hagri;
39 Zelek, orang Amon; Naharai, orang Beerot, pembawa senjata Yoab anak Zeruya;
Zelek from the Ammon people-group; Naharai, the man who carried Joab’s weapons, from Beeroth [town];
40 Ira, orang Yetri; Gareb, orang Yetri;
Ira and Gareb from Jattir [town];
41 Uria, orang Het; Zabad bin Ahlai;
Uriah, [Bathsheba’s husband], from the Heth people-group; Zabad the son of Ahlai;
42 Adina anak Siza orang Ruben, kepala orang-orang Ruben dan beserta dia ada tiga puluh orang;
Adina the son of Shiza, a leader from the tribe of Reuben, who had thirty [soldiers] with him;
43 Hanan bin Maakha; Yosafat, orang Mitni;
Hanan the son of Maacah; Joshaphat from Mithna [town/clan];
44 Uzia, orang Asytarot; Syama dan Yeiel, anak-anak Hotam orang Aroer;
Uzzia from Ashterath [town]; Shama and Jeiel, the sons of Hotham, from Aroer [city];
45 Yediael bin Simri, dan Yoha, saudaranya, orang Tizi;
Jediael the son of Shimri and his [younger] brother Joha, from Tiz [town/clan];
46 Eliel, orang Mahawim; Yeribai dan Yosawya, anak-anak Elnaam; Yitma, orang Moab;
Eliel from Mahavah [town/clan]; Jeribai and Joshaviah, the sons of Elnaam; Ithmah from [the] Moab [region];
47 Eliel, Obed dan Yaasiel, orang Mezobaya.
Eliel and Obed, and Jaasiel from Zobah [town/clan].