< Markus 9 >

1 Lalu Yesus berkata kepada mereka, “Aku mengatakan yang sebenarnya: beberapa orang yang berdiri di sini tidak akan mati sebelum mereka melihat kerajaan Allah datang dengan kuasa.”
And He was saying to them; Amen I say to you that there are some here of those already standing who certainly not may taste of death until when they may see the kingdom of God having come with power.
2 Enam hari kemudian Yesus membawa Petrus, Yakobus, dan Yohanes bersama-Nya, dan memimpin mereka mendaki gunung untuk menyendiri. Tubuh dan pakaian Yesus berubah.
And after days six takes along Jesus Peter and James and John and brings up them into a mountain high apart [on their] own alone. And He was transfigured before them,
3 Pakaian-Nya bersinar putih cemerlang. Tidak ada seorangpun di dunia ini yang bisa membuat kain seputih itu.
and the garments of Him (was *NK(o)*) shining white exceedingly (as snow *K*) such as a launderer on the earth not is able (thus *no*) to whiten.
4 Tiba-tiba ketiga murid itu melihat Elia dan Musa sedang berbicara dengan Yesus.
And appeared to them Elijah with Moses, and they were talking with Jesus.
5 Lalu Petrus berkata kepada Yesus, “Guru, senang sekali kita berada di sini! Kami akan membuat tiga tempat berlindung — masing-masing untuk Engkau, Musa, dan Elia.”
And answering Peter says to Jesus; Rabbi, good it is for us here to be, And let us make three tabernacles for You one and for Moses one and for Elijah one;
6 (Petrus benar-benar tidak tahu harus berkata apa karena mereka semua sangat ketakutan!)
Not for he knew what (he may answer, *N(k)(o)*) terrified for (they were. *N(k)O*)
7 Kemudian awan menutupi mereka, dan terdengar suara dari awan itu, berkata, “Inilah Anak-Ku yang sangat Ku-kasihi. Dengarkanlah Dia.”
And there came a cloud overshadowing them, and (there was *N(k)O*) a voice out of the cloud (saying: *k*) This is the Son of Mine the beloved; do listen to Him.
8 Lalu, tiba-tiba mereka tidak melihat orang lain, kecuali Yesus sendiri.
And suddenly having looked around no longer no longer no [one] they saw (except *NK(o)*) Jesus alone with themselves.
9 Saat mereka turun dari gunung itu, Yesus melarang mereka untuk tidak memberitahu siapa pun tentang apa yang mereka lihat sampai Anak Manusia bangkit dari antara orang mati.
(And *no*) when are descending (now *k*) they (from *N(k)O*) the mountain He instructed them that to no one what they had seen they may tell only except when the Son of Man out from [the] dead he may rise.
10 Mereka menyimpan ini untuk diri mereka sendiri, tetapi mereka berdebat satu sama lain tentang apa artinya bangkit dari kematian.
And that saying they kept among themselves questioning what it is out from the dead to rise.
11 “Mengapa para guru agama menyatakan bahwa Elia harus didahulukan?” mereka bertanya padanya.
And they were asking Him saying: that Say the scribes that Elijah it behooves to come first?
12 Jawab Yesus, “Memang benar bahwa Elia datang lebih dulu untuk mempersiapkan segala sesuatu sebelum Anak Manusia datang.” “Tetapi mengapa dikatakan dalam Kitab Suci bahwa Anak Manusia harus begitu menderita dan diperlakukan dengan hina?
And (answering *k*) (He was saying *N(k)O*) to them; Elijah indeed having come first restores all things; and how has it been written of the Son of Man that many things He may suffer and may be set at naught.
13 Namun, saya memberi tahu kalian bahwa Elia telah datang, dan mereka melecehkannya dengan cara apa pun yang mereka inginkan, seperti yang dikatakan Kitab Suci.”
But I say to you that also Elijah has come, and they did to him as much as (they were desiring *N(k)O*) even as it has been written of him.
14 Ketika Yesus dan ketiga murid-Nya kembali, mereka melihat orang banyak sedang mengelilingi murid-murid-Nya yang lain. Di situ ada juga beberapa guru agama sedang berdebat dengan mereka.
And (having come *N(k)O*) to the disciples (they saw *N(K)O*) a crowd great around them and scribes arguing (with *no*) (them. *N(k)O*)
15 Tetapi ketika orang banyak itu melihat Yesus, mereka alam kekaguman penuh, dan berlari untuk menyambut Dia.
And immediately all the crowd (having seen *N(k)O*) Him (they marvelled *N(k)O*) and running to [Him] they were greeting Him.
16 “Apa yang kalian perdebatkan dengan mereka?” Yesus bertanya kepada mereka.
And He asked (those *N(k)O*) (scribes: *K*) What are you disputing with (them? *NK(O)*)
17 Lalu salah satu orang di antara banyak orang itu menjawab, “Guru, saya datang membawa anak saya kepada-Mu. Dia dikuasai roh jahat yang membuat sehingga dia tidak bisa berbicara.
And (answered *N(k)O*) (Him *no*) one out of the crowd (said: *k*) Teacher, I brought the son of mine to You having a spirit mute.
18 Setiap kali roh jahat itu menyerang, dia mengalami kejang lalu jatuh, dan mulutnya berbusa, menggertakkan giginya, dan badannya menjadi kaku. Saya sudah meminta murid-murid-Mu untuk mengusir roh jahat itu, tetapi mereka tidak bisa melakukannya.”
and whenever (if *N(k)O*) him it may grasp, it throws down him; and he foams and he gnashes his teeth (of him *k*) and is withering away. And I spoke to the disciples of You that it they may cast out, and not they had power.
19 Lalu Yesus berkata kepada para murud-Nya, “Kamu orang yang tidak percaya! Berapa lama Aku harus tinggal di sini bersama kalian? Berapa lama Aku harus bersabar dengan kalian? Bawa anak itu ke sini!”
And answering (to them *N(K)O*) He says; O generation unbelieving! Until when with you will I be? Until when will I bear with you? do bring him to Me.
20 Jadi mereka membawanya kepada Yesus. Ketika roh jahat itu melihat Yesus, dia segera membuat anak laki-laki itu kejang dan melemparkannya ke tanah, di mana dia berguling-guling, dan mulutnya berbusa.
And they brought him to Him. And having seen Him the spirit immediately (threw into convulsions *N(k)O*) him, and having fallen upon the ground he was rolling around foaming.
21 Yesus bertanya kepada bapak anak ini, “Sudah berapa lama dia begini?” Lalu bapak itu menjawab, “Sejak dia masih kecil.
And He asked the father of him; How long a time is it that this has been with him? And he said; (From *no*) childhood.
22 Seringkali melemparkannya ke dalam api untuk membakarnya sampai mati, atau melemparkannya ke dalam air untuk menenggelamkannya. Tolong kasihanilah kami dan bantu, kalau Engkau bisa.”
And often both into (*o*) fire him it casts and into waters that it may destroy him; But if anything You are able [to do], do help us, having compassion on us.
23 Tetapi Yesus berkata kepada bapak itu, “Mengapa kamu mengatakan, ‘Kalau Engkau bisa?’ Siapa percaya, pasti memiliki kuasa!”
And Jesus said to him; If You are able (to believe *K*) All things are possible to the [one] believing.
24 Saat itu juga bapak itu berkata, “Saya benar-benar percaya kepada-Mu. Tolong saya supaya saya lebih percaya lagi.”
(and *ko*) Immediately having cried out the father of the child (with tears *K*) was saying; I believe (Lord; *K*) do help me with the unbelief!
25 Waktu Yesus melihat orang-orang semakin bertambah banyak, Dia menyuruh roh jahat itu, “Hei, roh yang membuat anak ini bisu dan tuli, Aku perintahkan kamu keluar dari dia dan jangan pernah kembali lagi.”
Having seen now Jesus that was running together a crowd, He rebuked the spirit unclean saying to it; O Mute and deaf (O *k*) spirit, I myself command you: do come out of him, and no more shall you enter into him.
26 Roh itu berteriak dan membuat anak itu kejang-kejang lalu keluar. Anak itu kelihatan seperti orang mati — jadi orang banyak yang menyaksikan berkata, “Dia sudah mati.”
And (having cried out *N(k)O*) and much (throwing into convulsions *N(k)O*) (him *k*) it came out, and he became as if dead in order for (*no*) many to say that he was dead.
27 Tetapi Yesus memegang tangan anak itu dan membantunya berdiri.
And Jesus having taken by the hand (him *N(k)O*) raised up him, and he arose.
28 Waktu Yesus dan murid-murid-Nya sendiri dalam rumah itu, mereka bertanya kepada-Nya, “Mengapa kami tidak bisa mengusir roh jahat itu?”
And (when was entering He *N(k)O*) into a house the disciples of Him in private were asking Him; Why we ourselves not were able to cast out it?
29 Jawab Yesus kepada mereka, “Roh jahat sejenis ini hanya bisa diusir dengan berdoa dan berpuasa.”
And He said to them; This kind by no [thing] is able to go out only except by prayer (and with fastings. *KO*)
30 Lalu Yesus dan para murid-Nya pergi dan melewati Galilea menuju ke Kapernaum. Yesus tidak ingin ada orang yang tahu di mana mereka berada,
And from there And from there having gone forth (they were passing through *NK(o)*) through Galilee, and not was He wanting that anyone may know [it];
31 karena Dia sedang mengajar murid-murid-Nya seperti ini: “Anak Manusia akan diserahkan ke dalam tangan orang-orang jahat,” kata Yesus kepada mereka. “Mereka akan membunuh Dia, tetapi pada hari ketiga Dia akan hidup kembali.”
He was teaching for the disciples of Him and He was saying to them that The Son of Man is delivered into [the] hands of men, and they will kill Him, and having been killed (on [the] third *N(k)O*) (day *NK(o)*) He will arise.
32 Mereka tidak mengerti apa yang Yesus maksudkan, tetapi mereka takut untuk menanyakan hal itu kepada-Nya.
And they were not understanding the declaration and they were afraid Him to ask.
33 Mereka tiba di Kapernaum, dan begitu mereka berada di dalam rumah tempat mereka tinggal, Yesus bertanya kepada mereka, “Apa yang kalian bicarakan dalam perjalanan tadi?”
And (they came *N(K)O*) to Capernaum; And in the house having been He was asking them; What on the way (to yourselves *K*) were you discussing?
34 Tetapi mereka tidak berani menjawab karena dalam perjalanan mereka berdebat tentang siapakah yang paling tinggi kedudukannya di antara mereka.
And they were silent; with one another for they had been discussing along the road which [was] greatest.
35 Yesus duduk dan memanggil kedua belas murid-Nya, lalu berkata, “Kalau ada yang ingin menjadi yang nomor satu, dia harus menjadi yang paling terakhir, dan siap untuk menjadi pelayan bagi semua orang.”
And having sat down He called the Twelve and He says to them; If anyone desires first to be, he will be of all last and of all servant.
36 Yesus mengajak seorang anak kecil dan menyuruh anak itu berdiri di tengah-tengah mereka. Kemudian Dia mengangkat dan memeluk anak itu, lalu berkata kepada mereka,
And having taken a child He set it in midst of them, and having taken in [His] arms it He said to them;
37 “Barangsiapa menyambut anak seperti ini atas namaku, ia menyambutku, dan siapa pun yang menyambutku, tidak menyambutku melainkan yang mengutusku.”
Who[ever] (maybe *N(k)O*) one of such little children shall receive in the name of Me, Me myself receives; and who[ever] (maybe *N(k)O*) Me myself (shall receive, *N(k)O*) not Me myself receives but the [One] having sent Me.
38 Lalu Yohanes berkata kepada Yesus, “Guru, kami melihat seseorang yang mengusir setan dengan memakai nama-Mu. Kami mencoba menghentikannya karena dia bukan salah satu dari kami.”
(was speaking *N(k)O*) (now *k*) to Him John; (saying *k*) Teacher, we saw someone (in *no*) the name of You casting out demons (who not follows to us *KO*) and (we were forbidding *N(k)O*) him because not (he was following *N(k)O*) us.
39 Tetapi Yesus berkata, “Jangan larang dia.” Karena orang yang melakukan keajaiban dengan memakai nama-Ku, dia tidak bisa langsung berbalik dan menghina Aku.
And Jesus said; Not do forbid him; No [one] for there is who will do a work of power in the name of Mine and will be able readily to speak evil of Me.
40 Siapapun yang tidak melawan kita adalah untuk kita.
Who[ever] for not is against (us *N(K)O*) for (us *N(K)O*) is.
41 Siapa pun yang memberikan secangkir air kepada kalian atas nama saya, karena kalian adalah milik Kristus, tidak akan kehilangan upahnya, percayalah.
Who[ever] for maybe may give to drink you a cup of water in (the *k*) name (of me *k*) because of Christ’s you are, Amen I say to you (that *no*) certainly not (may lose *NK(o)*) the reward of him.
42 Lalu Yesus berkata lagi, “Tetapi kalau ada orang yang membuat salah satu dari anak-anak kecil yang percaya kepada-Ku ini melakukan dosa, akan lebih baik bagi mereka kalau mereka dibuang ke laut dengan sebuah batu kilangan besar diikatkan di leher mereka.
And who[ever] (maybe *NK(o)*) shall cause to stumble one of the little ones these who are believing in Me myself, better it is for him rather if is put (a millstone heavy *N(k)O*) around the neck of him and he has been cast into the sea.
43 Kalau tanganmu menyebabkan kamu berbuat dosa, potong dan buang saja! Lebih baik kamu masuk kepada hidup kekal sebagai orang cacat daripada masuk dengan kedua tangan ke dalam Gehena, ke dalam api yang tidak bisa dipadamkan. (Geenna g1067)
And if (shall cause to stumble *NK(o)*) you the hand of you, do cut off it; better it is (for you *N(k)O*) crippled to enter into life than two hands having to go away into hell into the fire unquenchable. (Geenna g1067)
(where the worm of them not dies and fire not is quenched *KO*)
45 Begitu juga kalau kakimu menyebabkan kamu berdosa, potong saja kaki itu! Lebih baik kamu masuk kepada hidup kekal dengan kaki yang pincang daripada kamu dilemparkan ke dalam Gehena dengan kakimu yang masih lengkap. (Geenna g1067)
And if the foot of you shall cause to stumble you, do cut off it; better it is (for you *N(k)O*) to enter into life lame than the two feet having to be cast into hell (into fire unquenchable. *KO*) (Geenna g1067)
(where the worm of them not dies and fire not is quenched. *KO*)
47 Dan kalau matamu menyebabkan kamu berbuat dosa, cungkil dan buang saja! Lebih baik kamu masuk ke dalam kerajaan Allah hanya dengan satu mata daripada kamu dilemparkan ke dalam Gehena dengan kedua matamu yang masih utuh, (Geenna g1067)
And if the eye of you shall cause to stumble you, do cast out it; better (for you *N(k)O*) it is with one eye to enter into the kingdom of God than two eyes having to be cast into the hell (of the fire *K*) (Geenna g1067)
48 di mana cacing tidak mati dan apinya tidak pernah padam.
where the worm of them not dies and the fire not is quenched.’
49 Semua orang akan ‘diasinkan’ oleh api.
Everyone for with fire will be salted (and all sacrifice with salt will be salted. *KO*)
50 Garam itu enak, tetapi kalau rasanya hilang, bagaimana bisa dia asin lagi? Kalian harus menjadi seperti garam, dan hidup dalam damai satu sama lain.”
Good [is] the salt; if however the salt unsalty may become, with what it will you season? do have in yourselves (salt *N(k)O*) and do be at peace with one another.

< Markus 9 >