< Yohanes 19 >

1 Kemudian Pilatus memberi perintah agar Yesus dibawa dan dicambuk.
Then, therefore, Pilate took Jesus and scourged [Him],
2 Pasukannya membuat lingkaran dari duri-duri seperti mahkota dan meletakkannya di kepala Yesus, dan mengenakan jubah ungu padanya.
and the soldiers having plaited a garland of thorns, placed [it] on His head, and they cast a purple garment around Him,
3 Kata mereka, “Hidup, hai Raja orang Yahudi!” lalu mereka menampar muka Yesus.
and said, “Hail! The King of the Jews”; and they were giving Him slaps.
4 Kemudian Pilatus keluar lagi untuk bertemu orang-orang lagi dan berkata kepada mereka, “Lihatlah, saya membawa orang ini dihadapan kalian. Saya lakukan ini karena saya tidak bisa mencari kesalahan-Nya.”
Pilate, therefore, again went forth outside and says to them, “Behold, I bring Him to you outside, that you may know that I find no fault in Him”;
5 Lalu Yesus keluar. Di atas kepala-Nya ada mahkota duri dan Dia memakai baju meungu. Pilatus berkata, “Inilah dia!”
Jesus, therefore, came forth outside, bearing the thorny garland and the purple garment; and he says to them, “Behold, the Man!”
6 Ketika imam-imam besar dan penjaga-penjaga rumah Tuhan melihat Yesus, mereka berteriak, “Salibkan Dia! Salibkan Dia!” Jawab Pilatus, “Pergilah dan salibkan Dia sendiri! Saya tidak mendapat bukti bahwa Dia bersalah!”
When, therefore, the chief priests and the officers saw Him, they cried out, saying, “Crucify! Crucify!” Pilate says to them, “Take Him yourselves and crucify, for I find no fault in Him”;
7 Jawab pemimpin-pemimpin Yahudi itu kepadanya, “Kami punya sebuah hukum. Hukum itu berkata dia harus mati, karena Dia menyebut diri-Nya sebagai Anak Allah.”
the Jews answered him, “We have a law, and according to our law He ought to die, for He made Himself Son of God.”
8 Ketika Pilatus mendengar apa yang mereka katakan, dia menjadi takut.
When, therefore, Pilate heard this word, he was more afraid,
9 Pilatus masuk kembali ke dalam istananya dan bertanya kepada Yesus, “Engkau datang dari mana?” Tetapi Yesus tidak menjawabnya.
and entered again into the Praetorium and says to Jesus, “Where are You from?” And Jesus gave him no answer.
10 Pilatus bertanya lagi, “Mengapa tidak jawab? Apakah Engkau tidak tahu bahwa saya memiliki kuasa untuk salibkan atau membebaskan-Mu?”
Pilate, therefore, says to Him, “Do You not speak to me? Have You not known that I have authority to crucify You, and I have authority to release You?”
11 Jawab Yesus, “Engkau tidak ada kuasa di atas Aku kalau bukan Allah yang memberimu kuasa. Oleh karena itu, orang yang sudah menyerahkan Aku kepadamu sudah membuat dosa yang lebih besar.”
Jesus answered, “You would have no authority against Me if it were not having been given you from above; because of this, he who is delivering Me up to you has greater sin.”
12 Sesudah itu, Pilatus berusaha untuk bebaskan Yesus, tetapi orang-orang Yahudi berteriak, “Kalau engkau membebaskan orang ini, berarti engkau bukan sahabat Kaisar! Siapa pun orang yang menyebut dirinya raja berarti melawan Kaisar!”
From this [time] Pilate was seeking to release Him, and the Jews were crying out, saying, “If you may release this One, you are not a friend of Caesar; everyone making himself a king speaks against Caesar.”
13 Ketika Pilatus mendengar ini, dia membawa Yesus keluar dan duduk di kursi pengadilan di sebuah tempat yang disebut Perkerasan Batu (Gabbatha dalam bahasa Ibrani).
Pilate, therefore, having heard this word, brought Jesus outside—and he sat down on the judgment seat—to a place called, “Pavement,” and in Hebrew, Gabbatha;
14 Hari sudah siang, hari sebelum perayaan Paskah. Pilatus berkata kepada orang-orang Yahudi, “Lihatlah, inilah Raja kalian!”
and it was the Preparation of the Passover, and as it were the sixth hour, and he says to the Jews, “Behold, your King!”
15 Mereka berteriak, “Bunuh Dia! Bunuh Dia! Salibkan Dia!” Pilatus berkata kepada mereka, “Apakah kalian mau saya salibkan Dia?” Jawab imam-imam besar, “Hanya Kaisar yang adalah raja kami.”
And they cried out, “Take away! Take away! Crucify Him!” Pilate says to them, “Will I crucify your King?” The chief priests answered, “We have no king except Caesar.”
16 Jadi Pilatus menyerahkan Yesus kepada mereka untuk disalibkan.
Then, therefore, he delivered Him up to them, that He may be crucified, and they took Jesus and led [Him] away,
17 Mereka membawa Yesus pergi. Yesus sendiri keluar dengan memikul salib-Nya sendiri ke tempat yang disebut “Tempat Tengkorak” (“Golgota” dalam bahasa Ibrani).
and carrying His cross, He went forth to the [place] called “Place of [the] Skull,” which is called in Hebrew, Golgotha—
18 Di sana mereka salibkan Yesus. Ada dua orang lain yang juga disalibkan. Satu di sebelah kanan Yesus, dan yang satunya lagi di sebelah kiri. Yesus disalibkan di antara mereka.
where they crucified Him, and with Him two others, on this side and on that side, but Jesus in the middle.
19 Pilatus sudah menyuruh untuk memasang sebuah papan dengan tulisan, “Yesus dari Nazaret, Raja orang Yahudi.”
And Pilate also wrote a title, and put [it] on the cross, and it was written: “JESUS THE NAZARENE, THE KING OF THE JEWS”;
20 Banyak orang membaca pemberitahuan itu karena tempat di mana Yesus disalibkan berada di dekat kota, dan itu ditulis dalam bahasa Ibrani, Latin, dan Yunani.
therefore many of the Jews read this title, because the place was near to the city where Jesus was crucified, and it was having been written in Hebrew, in Greek, in Latin.
21 Imam-imam kepala berkata kepada Pilatus, “Jangan menulis ‘Raja orang Yahudi’, tetapi tulislah, ‘Orang ini berkata dia adalah Raja orang Yahudi.’”
The chief priests of the Jews therefore said to Pilate, “Do not write, The King of the Jews, but that this One said, I am King of the Jews”;
22 Jawab Pilatus, “Apa yang sudah saya perintahkan untuk ditulis, sudah ditulis!”
Pilate answered, “What I have written, I have written.”
23 Waktu pasukan salibkan Yesus ke kayu salib, mereka mengambil pakaian-Nya dan membagi baju-Nya menjadi empat bagian. Setiap mereka mendapat satu bagian. Lalu mereka mengambil baju luar-Nya. Baju-Nya itu tidak dijahit tetapi terbuat dari satu potong kain tenun jadi tidak ada sambungan.
The soldiers, therefore, when they crucified Jesus, took His garments, and made four parts, to each soldier a part, also the coat, and the coat was seamless, from the top woven throughout;
24 Mereka saling bicara, katanya, “Jangan merobeknya. Tetapi mari kita membuang undi untuk melihat siapa ya memenangkan baju itu.” Apa yang tertulis dalam Kitab Suci menjadi nyata, bahwa “Mereka akan membagi-bagikan pakaian-Ku di antara mereka dan membuang undi untuk melihat siapa yang memenangkan baju luar itu.” Jadi inilah yang mereka lakukan.
they said, therefore, to one another, “We may not tear it, but cast a lot for it, whose it will be”; that the Writing might be fulfilled, that is saying, “They divided My garments to themselves, and they cast a lot for My clothing”; the soldiers, therefore, indeed, did these things.
25 Berdiri di dekat salib adalah ibu-Nya, saudara perempuan ibu-Nya, istri Kleopas yang juga bernama Maria, dan Maria Magdalena.
And there stood by the cross of Jesus His mother, and His mother’s sister, Mary of Cleopas, and Mary the Magdalene;
26 Yesus melihat ibu-Nya dan juga murid-Nya yang Dia kasihi. Dia berkata kepada ibu-Nya, “Ibu, ini anakmu sekarang!”
Jesus, therefore, having seen [His] mother, and the disciple standing by, whom He was loving, He says to His mother, “Woman, behold, your son”;
27 Dan Yesus berkata kepada murid-murid-Nya, “Ini ibumu! Sejak saat itu, murid Yesus membawa pulang ibu Yesus untuk tinggal di rumahnya.
afterward He says to the disciple, “Behold, your mother”; and from that hour the disciple took her to his own [home].
28 Yesus sekarang menyadari bahwa Dia telah menyelesaikan semua yang harus Dia lakukan. Dalam pemenuhan Kitab Suci, Dia berkata, Aku haus.”
After this, Jesus knowing that all things have now been accomplished, that the Writing may be fulfilled, says, “I thirst”;
29 Sebuah botol cuka anggur berdiri di sana, jadi mereka merendam spons di dalam cuka, meletakkannya di atas sebatang hisop, dan menempelkannya ke bibir-Nya.
a vessel, therefore, was placed full of vinegar, and having filled a sponge with vinegar, and having put [it] around a hyssop stalk, they put [it] to His mouth;
30 Yesus mengisap sedikit air cuka. Dia berkata, “Sudah selesai!” Lalu menundukkan kepala-Nya dan mati.
when, therefore, Jesus received the vinegar, He said, “It has been accomplished.” And having bowed the head, gave up the spirit.
31 Itu adalah hari persiapan sebelum Sabat, yang adalah hari yang istimewa dalam perayaan Paskah. Pemimpin-pemimpin Yahudi tidak mau ada orang yang masih tergantung pada salib pada hari Sabat. Jadi mereka meminta kepada Pilatus izin untuk mematahkan kaki dari orang-orang yang disalibkan dan jenazah mereka diangkat dari tempat itu.
The Jews, therefore, that the bodies might not remain on the cross on the Sabbath, since it was the Preparation (for that Sabbath day was a great one), asked of Pilate that their legs may be broken, and they [are] taken away.
32 Pasukan datang, mematahkan kaki dari kedua orang yang disalibkan di sebelah kiri dan kanan Yesus.
The soldiers, therefore, came, and they indeed broke the legs of the first and of the other who was crucified with Him,
33 Ketika gilirannya Yesus, mereka melihat bahwa Dia sudah mati, jadi mereka tidak mematahkan kaki-Nya.
and having come to Jesus, when they saw Him already having been dead, they did not break His legs;
34 Salah satu anggota pasukan menikam lambung Yesus. Dan saat itunjuga keluar darah dan air.
but one of the soldiers pierced His side with a spear, and immediately there came forth blood and water;
35 Orang yang melihat itu terjadi menceritakan apa yang dilihatnya upaya kalian bisa percaya. Apa yang dia katakan adalah benar dan orang itu yang tahu kebenaran.
and he who has seen has testified, and his testimony is true, and that one has known that he speaks true things, that you also may believe.
36 Apa yang tertulis dalam Kitab Suci, “Tidak akan ada satu tulang pun yang patah.”
For these things came to pass, that the Writing may be fulfilled, “A bone of Him will not be broken”;
37 Tertulis juga, “Mereka akan melihat kepada orang yang mereka tikam dengan tombak.”
and again another Writing says, “They will look to Him whom they pierced.”
38 Sesudah itu, orang yang bernama Yusuf dari Arimatea yang adalah salah satu pengikut Yesus pergi menghadap Pilatus untuk meminta izin untuk memindahkan mayat Yesus. Pilatus memberikan izin, jadi Yusuf kembali dan membawa mayat-Nya untuk dikubur.
And after these things, Joseph of Arimathea—being a disciple of Jesus, but concealed, through the fear of the Jews—asked of Pilate, that he may take away the body of Jesus, and Pilate gave leave; he came, therefore, and took away the body of Jesus,
39 Nikodemus juga datang dan membantu Yusuf. Nikodemus adalah orang yang pernah ketemu dengan Yesus di malam hari. Dia membawa ramuan yang berbau harum Ramuan itu terbuat dari campuran mur dan gaharu seberat lebih dari tiga puluh kilogram.
and Nicodemus also came—who came to Jesus by night at the first—carrying a mixture of myrrh and aloes, as it were, one hundred pounds.
40 Sesuai dengan adat Yahudi, mereka menggosok ramuan itu pada tubuh Yesus, lalu membungkus tubuh-Nya dengan kain linen.
Therefore they took the body of Jesus, and bound it with linen clothes with the spices, according as it was the custom of the Jews to prepare for burial;
41 Ada sebuah taman di dekat tempat Yesus disalibkan; dan di taman itu ada makam baru yang tidak terpakai.
and there was a garden in the place where He was crucified, and a new tomb in the garden, in which no one was yet laid;
42 Mereka membaringkan tubuh Yesus di situ, karena matahari sudah hampir terbenam dan sudah hampir memasuki hari Sabat.
therefore, because the tomb was near, there they laid Jesus because of the Preparation of the Jews.

< Yohanes 19 >