< Bilangan 32 >
1 Suku-suku Ruben dan Gad mempunyai sangat banyak ternak. Ketika mereka melihat betapa baiknya tanah Yaezer dan tanah Gilead untuk peternakan,
And livestock - much it belonged to [the] descendants of Reuben and to [the] descendants of Gad numerous very and they saw [the] land of Jazer and [the] land of Gilead and there! the place [was] a place of livestock.
2 pergilah mereka menghadap Musa, Imam Eleazar, dan pemimpin-pemimpin lainnya dari Israel. Kata mereka,
And they came [the] descendants of Gad and [the] descendants of Reuben and they said to Moses and to Eleazar the priest and to [the] leaders of the congregation saying.
3 "Tanah kota-kota Atarot, Dibon, Yaezer, Nimra, Hesybon, Eleale, Sebam, Nebo dan Beon yang sudah diduduki Israel dengan bantuan TUHAN, sangat baik untuk peternakan. Dan karena ternak kami banyak sekali,
Ataroth and Dibon and Jazer and Nimrah and Heshbon and Elealeh and Sebam and Nebo and Beon.
The land which he defeated Yahweh before [the] congregation of Israel [is] a land of livestock it and [belongs] to servants your livestock.
5 kami mohon supaya tanah ini diberikan kepada kami menjadi milik kami. Janganlah menyuruh kami pindah ke seberang Sungai Yordan."
And they said if we have found favor in view your let it be given the land this to servants your to a possession may not you make pass over us the Jordan.
6 Jawab Musa, "Masakan kamu mau tinggal di sini, sedangkan orang-orang sebangsamu pergi berperang?
And he said Moses to [the] descendants of Gad and to [the] descendants of Reuben ¿ brothers your will they go to battle and you will you remain? here.
7 Mengapa kamu mau membuat bangsa Israel takut untuk menyeberangi Sungai Yordan dan masuk ke negeri yang diberikan TUHAN kepada mereka?
And why? (do you discourage! *Q(K)*) [the] heart of [the] people of Israel from passing over into the land which he has given to them Yahweh.
8 Bapak-bapakmu berbuat begitu juga, waktu saya mengutus mereka dari Kades-Barnea untuk menjelajahi negeri itu.
Thus they did fathers your when sent I them from Kadesh Barnea to see the land.
9 Mereka sudah sampai ke Lembah Eskol dan sudah juga melihat tanah itu. Tetapi waktu mereka kembali, mereka membuat bangsa Israel takut untuk masuk ke tanah yang diberikan TUHAN kepada mereka.
And they went up to [the] wadi of Eshcol and they saw the land and they discouraged [the] heart of [the] people of Israel to not to go into the land which he had given to them Yahweh.
10 Maka marahlah TUHAN pada waktu itu sehingga Ia berkata, 'Orang-orang itu tidak setia kepada-Ku. Oleh sebab itu Aku bersumpah bahwa dari mereka yang sudah berumur dua puluh tahun ke atas pada waktu mereka meninggalkan Mesir, tak ada yang akan masuk ke negeri yang Kujanjikan kepada Abraham, Ishak dan Yakub.'
And it burned [the] anger of Yahweh on the day that and he swore an oath saying.
If they will see the men who came up from Egypt from a son of twenty year[s] and up-wards the land which I swore to Abraham to Isaac and to Jacob for not they have filled after me.
12 Semua orang kena hukuman itu kecuali Kaleb anak Yefune, orang Kenas, dan Yosua anak Nun, karena mereka berdua tetap setia kepada TUHAN.
Except Caleb [the] son of Jephunneh the Kenizzite and Joshua [the] son of Nun for they have filled after Yahweh.
13 TUHAN marah kepada bangsa Israel sehingga Ia membiarkan mereka mengembara di padang gurun empat puluh tahun lamanya sampai seluruh angkatan yang telah memberontak kepada-Nya mati semuanya.
And it burned [the] anger of Yahweh on Israel and he made wander them in the wilderness forty year[s] until was finished all the generation which had done the evil in [the] eyes of Yahweh.
14 Dan sekarang, kamu berontak seperti bapak-bapakmu! Kamu memang sekelompok orang-orang berdosa yang membuat kemarahan TUHAN meluap-luap lagi atas bangsa Israel!
And here! you have risen up in place of fathers your a brood of people sinful to add again to [the] burning of [the] anger of Yahweh against Israel.
15 Kalau kamu berbalik membelakangi TUHAN, maka seluruh bangsa ini akan dibiarkan-Nya lebih lama lagi di padang gurun, dan kamulah yang menyebabkan kebinasaan mereka!"
For you will turn back! from after him and he will repeat again to leave it in the wilderness and you will destroy all the people this.
16 Lalu orang-orang Ruben dan orang-orang Gad itu mendekati Musa dan berkata, "Baiklah kami lebih dahulu mendirikan kandang-kandang bertembok untuk domba-domba kami, dan kota-kota berbenteng untuk anak istri kami.
And they drew near to him and they said folds of sheep we will build for livestock our here and cities for little one[s] our.
17 Kami akan bersiap-siap untuk segera maju berperang bersama-sama dengan saudara-saudara kami. Kami akan memimpin serangan itu dan membawa mereka masuk ke negeri yang menjadi milik mereka. Sementara itu anak istri kami dapat tinggal di sini, di kota-kota berbenteng, aman dari serangan penduduk negeri ini.
And we we will equip ourselves hurried before [the] people of Israel until that we have brought them to place their and it will remain little one[s] our in [the] cities of fortification because of [the] inhabitants of the land.
18 Kami tidak akan pulang ke rumah kami sebelum semua orang Israel mempunyai tanah untuk milik pusakanya.
Not we will return to houses our until have inherited [the] people of Israel everyone inheritance his.
19 Kami tak mau menerima sedikit pun dari tanah mereka di seberang Sungai Yordan, karena sudah menerima bagian kami di sini, di sebelah timur Sungai Yordan."
For not we will inherit with them from [the] other side of the Jordan and beyond for it has come inheritance our to us from [the] other side of the Jordan east-ward.
20 Jawab Musa, "Jika kamu sungguh-sungguh mau bersiap-siap untuk bertempur bagi TUHAN,
And he said to them Moses if you will do! the thing this if you will equip yourselves before Yahweh for battle.
21 dan semua di antara kamu yang dapat berperang menyeberangi Sungai Yordan, dan di bawah pimpinan TUHAN menyerbu musuh-musuh sampai TUHAN menghalaukan mereka,
And he will pass over of you every equipped [man] the Jordan before Yahweh until has dispossessed he enemies his from before him.
22 sehingga negeri itu takluk kepada-Nya, maka kamu boleh pulang, dan bebaslah kamu dari kewajibanmu terhadap TUHAN dan terhadap saudara-saudaramu, dan TUHAN akan memberi tanah di sebelah timur ini menjadi milikmu.
And it will be subdued the land before Yahweh and after you will return and you will be free from Yahweh and from Israel and it will belong the land this to you to a possession before Yahweh.
23 Tetapi ingat, kalau kamu tidak menepati janjimu, kamu berdosa terhadap TUHAN dan akan dihukum karena dosamu itu.
And if not you will do! thus there! you have sinned to Yahweh and know sin your that it will find you.
24 Pergilah mendirikan kota-kota dan kandang-kandang dombamu, dan jangan lupa menepati apa yang sudah kamu janjikan itu!"
Build for yourselves cities for little one[s] your and folds for sheep your and the [thing which] has gone out from mouth your you will do.
25 Lalu orang-orang Gad dan orang-orang Ruben berkata, "Tuan, kami akan melakukan apa yang Tuan perintahkan.
And he said [the] descendants of Gad and [the] descendants of Reuben to Moses saying servants your they will do just as lord my [is] commanding.
26 Anak istri kami dan ternak sapi serta domba kami akan tinggal di sini, di kota-kota Gilead.
Little one[s] our wives our livestock our and all cattle our they will be there in [the] cities of Gilead.
27 Tetapi kami ini siap untuk pergi bertempur di bawah pimpinan TUHAN. Kami akan menyeberangi Sungai Yordan dan berperang seperti yang sudah Tuan katakan."
And servants your they will pass over every equipped [man] of war before Yahweh for battle just as lord my [is] saying.
28 Maka Musa memberi perintah ini kepada Imam Eleazar, Yosua dan pemimpin-pemimpin Israel,
And he commanded of them Moses Eleazar the priest and Joshua [the] son of Nun and [the] leaders of [the] fathers of the tribes of [the] people of Israel.
29 "Kalau orang-orang Gad dan orang-orang Ruben mengikuti perintah TUHAN dan menyeberangi Sungai Yordan untuk berperang, dan kalau atas bantuan mereka kamu berhasil merebut negeri itu, maka tanah Gilead harus kamu berikan kepada mereka menjadi milik mereka.
And he said Moses to them if they will pass over [the] descendants of Gad and [the] descendants of Reuben - with you the Jordan every equipped [man] for battle before Yahweh and it will be subdued the land before you and you will give to them [the] land of Gilead to a possession.
30 Tetapi kalau mereka tidak menyeberangi Sungai Yordan untuk berperang bersama-sama dengan kamu, maka mereka harus menerima bagian tanah pusaka di negeri Kanaan, sama seperti kamu."
And if not they will pass over equipped with you and they will have possessions in midst of you in [the] land of Canaan.
31 Jawab orang-orang Gad dan orang-orang Ruben, "Tuan, kami akan melakukan apa yang diperintahkan TUHAN.
And they answered [the] descendants of Gad and [the] descendants of Reuben saying [that] which he has spoken Yahweh to servants your thus we will do.
32 Di bawah pimpinan TUHAN kami akan menyeberang ke negeri Kanaan dan maju berperang, tetapi hendaklah tanah di sebelah timur Sungai Yordan ini tetap menjadi milik kami."
We we will pass over equipped before Yahweh [the] land of Canaan and [will be] with us [the] possession of inheritance our from [the] other side of the Jordan.
33 Lalu Musa menyerahkan kepada suku-suku Gad dan Ruben dan kepada separuh suku Manasye seluruh daerah Sihon, raja Amori, dan daerah Og, raja Basan, termasuk kota-kota dan tanah di sekitarnya.
And he gave to them - Moses to [the] descendants of Gad and to [the] descendants of Reuben and to [the] half of - [the] tribe of - Manasseh [the] son of Joseph [the] kingdom of Sihon [the] king of the Amorite[s] and [the] kingdom of Og [the] king of Bashan the land to cities its with territories [the] cities of the land all around.
34 Suku Gad membangun kembali kota Dibon, Atarot, Aroer,
And they built [the] descendants of Gad Dibon and Ataroth and Aroer.
35 Atarot-Sofan, Yaezer, Yogbeha,
And Atroth Shophan and Jazer and Jogbehah.
36 Bet-Nimra, dan Bet-Haran sebagai kota-kota berbenteng dan sebagai tempat kandang-kandang domba.
And Beth Nimrah and Beth Haran cities of fortification and folds of sheep.
37 Suku Ruben membangun kembali kota-kota Hesybon, Eleale, Kiryataim,
And [the] descendants of Reuben they built Heshbon and Elealeh and Kiriathaim.
38 Nebo, Baal-Meon, dan Sebam. Kota-kota yang mereka dirikan kembali itu mereka ganti namanya.
And Nebo and Baal Meon changed name and Sibmah and they called by names [the] names of the cities which they had built.
39 Kaum Makhir, anak Manasye, menyerbu tanah Gilead, lalu merebutnya dan mengusir orang-orang Amori yang ada di situ.
And they went [the] descendants of Makir [the] son of Manasseh Gilead towards and they captured it and he dispossessed the Amorite[s] who [was] in it.
40 Sebab itu Musa memberi tanah Gilead itu kepada kaum Makhir, dan mereka menetap di situ.
And he gave Moses Gilead to Makir [the] son of Manasseh and he dwelt in it.
41 Yair, dari suku Manasye, menyerbu dan merebut beberapa desa, lalu menamakannya "Desa-desa Yair".
And Jair [the] son of Manasseh he went and he captured villages their and he called them Havvoth Jair.
42 Nobah menyerbu dan merebut Kenat beserta kampung-kampung di sekitarnya, lalu menamakannya Nobah, menurut namanya sendiri.
And Nobah he went and he captured Kenath and daughters its and he called it Nobah by own name his.