< Yosua 24 >

1 Yosua mengumpulkan semua suku bangsa Israel di Sikhem, lalu menyuruh para pemuka, pemimpin, hakim dan para perwira datang menghadap. Maka datanglah mereka menghadap Allah.
[Many years later], Joshua summoned representatives of all the tribes of Israel. He gathered together the elders, the leaders, the judges, and the other officials at Shechem [city]. He told them to listen to what God wanted to tell them.
2 Kemudian Yosua berkata kepada mereka semua, "Dengarkan apa yang dikatakan TUHAN, Allah Israel kepadamu, 'Dahulu kala nenek moyangmu tinggal di seberang Sungai Efrat, dan menyembah dewa-dewa. Salah seorang dari mereka ialah Terah, ayah Abraham dan Nahor.
Joshua said to all of them, “This is what Yahweh, the God we Israeli people worship, is saying: ‘Long ago, your ancestors, including Abraham’s father Terah and Abraham’s younger brother Nahor, lived on the east side of the Euphrates River.
3 Lalu Aku mengambil Abraham, bapak leluhurmu itu, dari negeri di seberang Efrat itu, dan menyuruh dia menjelajahi seluruh negeri Kanaan. Aku memberikan kepadanya banyak keturunan. Mula-mula Kuberikan Ishak kepadanya,
But I took your ancestor Abraham from that land east of the Euphrates River, and I led him as he lived in various places in this land of Canaan, and I enabled him to have many descendants. First, I enabled him to have a son, Isaac.
4 lalu kepada Ishak Kuberikan dua orang anak, yaitu Yakub dan Esau. Aku memberikan kepada Esau pegunungan Edom menjadi tanah miliknya, tetapi Yakub, bapak leluhurmu itu, pindah ke Mesir, bersama anak-anaknya.
When Isaac grew up, I enabled him to have twin sons, Jacob and Esau. I enabled Esau to live in the hilly area in Seir region, but many years later Jacob and his sons and their families went down to live in Egypt.
5 Kemudian Aku mengutus Musa dan Harun, dan menimpakan bencana besar ke atas Mesir, lalu Aku mengeluarkan kamu dari sana.
“[Many years later], I sent Moses and his older brother Aaron to help your people, and I caused [the people of] Egypt to suffer very much because of what I did there. Then I enabled your ancestors to leave Egypt.
6 Aku membawa nenek moyangmu itu keluar dari Mesir, lalu orang Mesir mengejar mereka dengan kereta perang dan tentara berkuda. Dan ketika nenek moyangmu itu tiba di Laut Gelagah,
When I brought your ancestors out of Egypt, they came to the Red Sea. The Egyptian army pursued them, some riding in chariots and others on horses, and they also arrived at the Red Sea.
7 mereka berseru kepada-Ku minta tolong. Maka tempat antara mereka dengan orang-orang Mesir itu Kubuat menjadi gelap, dan Kututupi orang-orang Mesir itu dengan air laut sampai mereka semua tenggelam. Kamu sudah tahu semua apa yang Kulakukan terhadap Mesir. Lama sekali kamu tinggal di padang pasir.
Then [your ancestors] pleaded with me to help them. So he caused (darkness/a very dark cloud) to come between your ancestors and the Egyptian army, so that the Egyptian army could not see your ancestors. I separated the water in the Red Sea so that your ancestors could cross it, but when the Egyptian army tried to cross in the same way to pursue them, I caused the water to come back and cover them, and the Egyptian soldiers all drowned, as your ancestors watched and were amazed [IDM]. But after that, you lived in the desert for many years.
8 Lalu Aku membawa kamu ke negeri orang Amori yang tinggal di sebelah timur Sungai Yordan. Mereka memerangi kamu, tetapi Aku membuat kamu menang atas mereka. Kamu merebut negeri mereka, dan Aku memusnahkan mereka.
“Then I brought your [ancestors] to the area where the groups who were descendants of Amor lived, east of the Jordan River. They fought against you, but I enabled you to defeat them [IDM]. I [enabled you to] destroy them so that you could live in their land [IDM].
9 Lalu raja Moab, yaitu Balak anak Zipor, melawan kamu. Ia mengutus orang kepada Bileam anak Beor dan minta supaya Bileam mengutuki kamu.
Then, Zippor’s son Balak, the King of Moab, (decided that his army would fight against/opposed) the Israelis. He summoned Beor’s son Balaam and asked him to curse you.
10 Tetapi Aku tidak menuruti kehendak Bileam, maka ia memberkati kamu. Demikianlah Aku menyelamatkan kamu dari Balak.
But I would not do what Balaam asked, so he (blessed/said that I would do great things for) you four times, and I did not enable the army of Moab to defeat you [IDM].
11 Kemudian kamu menyeberangi Sungai Yordan, dan sampai di Yerikho. Orang-orang Yerikho memerangi kamu, begitu pula orang Amori, orang Feris, Kanaan, Het, Girgasi, Hewi dan orang Yebus. Tetapi Aku memberikan kepadamu kemenangan atas mereka semua.
“Then you all crossed the Jordan River and came to Jericho. The people of Jericho prepared to fight against you, [and the armies of] the descendants of Amor, Periz, Canaan, Heth, Girgash, Hiv, and Jebus [all prepared to do the same thing] but I enabled you to defeat [IDM] them all.
12 Pada waktu kamu maju menyerang mereka, Aku membuat mereka menjadi bingung dan ketakutan, sehingga kedua orang raja Amori itu lari dari kamu. Bukan pedangmu dan juga bukan panahmu yang membuat kamu menang.
I am the one who caused them to panic as you advanced and enabled you to defeat them, as I had enabled you to do earlier to the two kings of the groups who were descendants of Amor. You did not defeat them by using your own bows and arrows and swords; [it was I who defeated them].
13 Tanah yang Kuberikan kepadamu, kamu terima tanpa bersusah payah. Dan kota-kota yang Kuberikan kepadamu bukan kamu yang mendirikannya. Tetapi sekarang kamulah yang tinggal di sana, dan kamulah juga yang menikmati buah anggur serta buah zaitunnya, padahal bukan kamu yang menanamnya.'"
So I gave you a land that you had not tilled/planted, and I gave you cities that you did not build. [Now] you live in those [cities] and you eat the grapes from the grapevines that you did not plant, and you eat olives from trees that you did not plant.’”
14 "Jadi, sekarang," kata Yosua selanjutnya, "hormatilah TUHAN. Mengabdilah kepada-Nya dengan tulus ikhlas dan dengan setia. Singkirkanlah ilah-ilah lain yang disembah oleh nenek moyangmu dahulu di Mesopotamia dan Mesir. Mengabdilah hanya kepada TUHAN.
[Then Joshua said to the people], “[Because of all that] Yahweh [has done for you], revere him, and serve/worship him very faithfully. Throw away the idols that your ancestors worshiped on the east/other side of the Euphrates River and in Egypt. Serve only Yahweh.
15 Seandainya kamu tidak mau mengabdi kepada TUHAN, ambillah keputusan hari ini juga kepada siapa kamu mau mengabdi: kepada ilah-ilah lain yang disembah oleh nenek moyangmu di Mesopotamia dahulu atau kepada ilah-ilah orang Amori yang negerinya kamu tempati sekarang. Tetapi kami--saya dan keluarga saya--akan mengabdi hanya kepada TUHAN."
But if you do not want to serve/worship Yahweh, you should decide today what [gods] you will serve/worship. You should decide whether you will serve/worship the gods that your ancestors who lived on the other/east side of the Euphrates River served, or whether you will serve/worship the gods that the descendants of Amor, who previously lived in the land where you are now living, [serve/worship]. But as for me and my family [MTY], we will serve/worship Yahweh!”
16 Maka umat Israel itu menjawab, "Kami sekali-kali tidak akan meninggalkan TUHAN untuk mengabdi kepada ilah-ilah lain!
The Israeli people answered, “We will never quit [serving/worshiping] Yahweh! We would never [think of] [IDM] serving/worshiping other gods!
17 TUHAN Allah kitalah yang membebaskan para leluhur kita dan kita sendiri dari perbudakan di Mesir. Kita sudah melihat keajaiban-keajaiban yang dibuat oleh TUHAN. Selalu TUHAN melindungi kita dalam semua perjalanan kita, melewati negeri-negeri asing.
It was our God, Yahweh, who brought our parents and grandparents up out of Egypt. [He rescued them] from that land where they were slaves. As he rescued them, they saw him perform great miracles. He protected them all the time when they were traveling. He protected them from all the people-groups through whose territory they traveled.
18 Dan ketika kita memasuki negeri ini, TUHAN mengusir semua orang Amori yang tinggal di sini. Jadi, kami mau mengabdi kepada TUHAN, sebab Dialah Allah kita!"
As our forefathers advanced, Yahweh expelled the descendants of Amor and the other people-groups who lived in this land. Yahweh is our God, so [we are saying that] we also will serve/worship him.”
19 Lalu Yosua berkata, "Tetapi kalian barangkali tidak akan sanggup mengabdi kepada TUHAN, sebab Ia Allah yang kudus, Yang Maha Esa. Ia tidak mau ada saingan. Kalau kamu meninggalkan Dia dan mengabdi kepada ilah-ilah lain, Ia tidak akan mengampuni dosamu. Sebaliknya, Ia akan melawan dan menghukum kalian. Ia akan membinasakan kalian, sekalipun dahulu Ia baik kepadamu."
Joshua replied to the people, “[I think that] you are not able to serve/worship Yahweh, because he is a holy God. He will not forgive your sinning and rebelling [against him]. He demands that you serve/worship only him [IDM].
He has been good to you [in the past], but if you turn away from him and serve/worship foreign/other gods, he will turn [against you] and he will cause you to experience disasters. He will punish [IDM] you severely!”
21 Maka orang-orang Israel itu menyahut, "Tidak! Kami tidak akan mengabdi kepada ilah-ilah lain. Kami akan mengabdi hanya kepada TUHAN!"
But the people replied to Joshua, “No, [we will not turn away from worshiping/serving Yahweh] We will serve/worship Yahweh!”
22 Lalu Yosua berkata, "Nah, kalian sendirilah saksinya bahwa kalian sudah memutuskan untuk mengabdi hanya kepada TUHAN." "Benar," sahut mereka, "kami sendirilah saksinya."
Then Joshua said, “You yourselves are saying that you have decided to serve/worship Yahweh.” They replied, “Yes, we are saying that.”
23 "Kalau begitu, singkirkanlah ilah-ilah bangsa-bangsa lain yang ada padamu itu," kata Yosua, "dan berjanjilah bahwa kalian akan setia kepada TUHAN, Allah Israel."
Then Joshua said, “Since [you have decided] that, you must throw away all the other gods/idols that you have among you. You must also promise that you will wholeheartedly give yourselves to Yahweh, the God whom we Israelis [serve/worship].”
24 Lalu orang-orang itu berkata kepada Yosua, "Kami akan mengabdi hanya kepada TUHAN, Allah kita. Kami akan mentaati perintah-perintah-Nya."
The people replied, “We will serve/worship Yahweh, our God, and obey him.”
25 Maka pada hari itu di Sikhem Yosua mengadakan perjanjian dengan umat Israel; dan di situ ia memberikan kepada mereka hukum-hukum dan peraturan-peraturan yang harus mereka taati.
That day, Joshua established an agreement between the people and Yahweh. He wrote for them all the laws that they were required to obey.
26 Semua hukum dan peraturan-peraturan itu ditulisnya di dalam buku Hukum Allah. Kemudian ia mengambil sebuah batu yang besar, lalu menegakkannya di bawah pohon yang besar di tempat yang khusus untuk TUHAN.
He wrote all those laws on a scroll. He called it ‘The laws of God’. Then he [told some men to] set up a large stone there at Shechem, under the [large] oak tree near the place where [they worshiped] Yahweh.
27 Sesudah itu berkatalah Yosua kepada semua orang itu, "Batu ini menjadi saksi kita. Semua kata-kata yang diucapkan TUHAN kepada kita, sudah diucapkan di depan batu ini. Jadi, batu inilah yang akan menjadi saksi terhadap kalian, untuk mengingatkan kalian supaya tidak melawan Allahmu."
He said to all the people, “Look! [It is as though] this stone has heard everything that Yahweh said to you [and that you promised Yahweh]. It will serve as a witness against you if you rebel against your God!”
28 Akhirnya Yosua menyuruh orang-orang itu pulang; lalu mereka semuanya kembali ke tanah mereka masing-masing.
Then Joshua sent the people away, and all of them returned to their own areas/homes.
29 Kemudian Yosua anak Nun hamba TUHAN itu, meninggal pada usia seratus sepuluh tahun.
Some time after that, Nun’s son Joshua, the faithful servant of Yahweh, died. He was 110 years old when he died.
30 Ia dimakamkan di tanah miliknya sendiri di Timnat-Serah di pegunungan Efraim sebelah utara Gunung Gaas.
The Israeli people buried his body on his own property in Timnath-Serah [town] town. It is north of Gaash Mountain in the hilly area of the tribe who were descendants of Ephraim.
31 Selama Yosua hidup, umat Israel mengabdi kepada TUHAN. Dan setelah ia meninggal pun mereka tetap mengabdi kepada TUHAN selama di antara mereka masih ada pemimpin-pemimpin yang sudah menyaksikan sendiri segala sesuatu yang dilakukan TUHAN untuk umat Israel.
The Israeli people served/worshiped Yahweh as long as Joshua was alive. After Joshua died, they continued serving/worshiping Yahweh while the elders who had experienced everything that Yahweh had done for the Israeli people were still alive.
32 Jenazah Yusuf yang dibawa oleh umat Israel dari Mesir, dimakamkan di Sikhem di tanah yang telah dibeli Yakub seharga seratus uang perak dari anak-anak Hemor, ayah Sikhem. Tanah itu diwariskan kepada keturunan Yusuf.
Joseph’s bones, which the Israeli people had brought with them from Egypt, were also buried at Shechem. The people buried them in the piece of land that Jacob had bought long ago for 100 pieces of silver from Hamor, the father of Shechem. That piece of land was in the area that was given to the people who were descendants of Ephraim and Manasseh, Joseph’s sons.
33 Kemudian Eleazar anak Harun juga meninggal, dan dimakamkan di Gibea, yaitu kota yang terletak di daerah pegunungan Efraim. Kota itu sudah diberikan kepada Pinehas, anak Eleazar.
Eleazar, the Supreme Priest, the son of Aaron, also died. They buried his body at Gibeah, in the area that had been given to Eleazar’s son Phinehas, in the hilly area that belonged to the people who were descendants of Ephraim.

< Yosua 24 >