< Yosua 22 >

1 Kemudian Yosua memanggil orang-orang dari suku Ruben, Gad dan sebagian suku Manasye yang di sebelah timur Sungai Yordan,
Then did Joshua call the Reubenites, and the Gadites, and the half tribe of Menasseh,
2 lalu berkata kepada mereka, "Kalian sudah melakukan segala sesuatu yang diperintahkan kepadamu oleh Musa, hamba TUHAN itu. Dan kalian juga sudah mentaati semua perintahku.
And he said unto them, Ye have indeed kept all that Moses the servant of the Lord commanded you, and ye have obeyed my voice in all that I commanded you:
3 Selama ini tidak pernah kalian membiarkan saudara-saudaramu, orang Israel lainnya, berjuang sendirian. Kalian sudah mentaati perintah-perintah TUHAN Allahmu dengan sungguh-sungguh.
Ye have not forsaken your brethren these many days, until this day; but ye have kept the obligation of the commandment of the Lord your God.
4 Maka sesuai dengan janji-Nya, TUHAN Allahmu telah memberikan ketentraman kepada saudara-saudaramu, orang Israel lainnya. Jadi, sekarang kembalilah ke wilayahmu sendiri di sebelah timur Sungai Yordan itu yang diberikan Musa kepadamu dahulu.
And now the Lord your God hath given rest unto your brethren, as he promised them; therefore now turn yourselves, and get you unto your tents, unto the land of your possession, which Moses the servant of the Lord gave unto you on the other side of the Jordan.
5 Dan jagalah agar kalian mentaati hukum yang diperintahkan Musa kepadamu, yaitu: Kasihilah TUHAN Allahmu, ikutilah kemauan-Nya, taatilah perintah-perintah-Nya, setialah kepada-Nya, dan mengabdilah kepada-Nya dengan sepenuh hatimu dan dengan segenap jiwamu."
Only take diligent heed to practise the commandment and the law, which Moses the servant of the Lord hath commanded you, to love the Lord your God, and to walk in all his ways, and to keep his commandments, and to cleave unto him, and to serve him with all your heart and with all your soul.
6 Kemudian Yosua memberikan restunya dan melepaskan mereka kembali ke wilayah mereka dengan memberikan pesan ini, "Kalian sekarang kaya dan kalian kembali dengan membawa banyak ternak, perak, emas, tembaga, besi dan pakaian. Bagi-bagikanlah juga hasil jarahanmu itu kepada orang-orang sesukumu yang lain." Maka suku Ruben, Gad, dan suku Manasye yang di timur Yordan itu meninggalkan orang Israel lainnya, lalu berangkat dari Silo di Kanaan menuju ke tanah mereka sendiri di daerah Gilead. Mereka mendiami tanah itu atas perintah TUHAN melalui Musa. (Separuh suku Manasye sudah menerima dari Musa, tanah di sebelah Sungai Yordan, dan separuh suku Manasye yang lainnya menerima dari Yosua tanah di sebelah barat Sungai Yordan bersama-sama dengan suku-suku yang lain.)
And Joshua blessed them, and sent them away; and they went unto their tents.
Now to the one half of the tribe of Menasseh Moses had given possession in Bashan; but unto the other half thereof gave Joshua with their brethren on this side of the Jordan westward; and when Joshua sent them also away unto their tents, he blessed them;
And he said unto them, as followeth, With much riches return unto your tents, and with very much cattle, with silver, and with gold, and with copper, and with iron, and with very many garments: divide the spoil of your enemies with your brethren.
And the children of Reuben and the children of Gad and the half tribe of Menasseh returned, and departed from the children of Israel from Shiloh, which is in the land of Canaan, to go unto the country of Gil'ad, to the land of their possession, whereof they were possessed, according to the order of the Lord by the hand of Moses.
10 Ketika suku Ruben, Gad, dan suku Manasye di timur Yordan itu tiba di Gelilot--masih di sebelah barat Sungai Yordan--mereka mendirikan sebuah mezbah yang besar dan megah di dekat sungai.
And when they came unto the districts of the Jordan, that are in the land of Canaan, the children of Reuben and the children of Gad and the half tribe of Menasseh built there an altar by the Jordan, a great altar for a show.
11 Orang-orang Israel lainnya mendengar sesama bangsa mereka berkata, "Orang-orang suku Ruben, Gad dan suku Manasye di timur Yordan sudah mendirikan sebuah mezbah di Gelilot dekat Sungai Yordan di bagian wilayah kita!" Maka mereka semua berkumpul di Silo hendak memerangi suku-suku Israel yang di bagian timur Sungai Yordan itu.
And the children of Israel heard, as followeth, Behold, the children of Reuben and the children of Gad and the half tribe of Menasseh have built an altar in the front of the land of Canaan, in the districts of the Jordan, at the side belonging to the children of Israel.
And when the children of Israel heard it, the whole congregation of the children of Israel assembled themselves together at Shiloh, to go up against them to war.
13 Lalu Pinehas, anak Imam Eleazar, diutus oleh umat Israel kepada suku Ruben, Gad, dan suku Manasye yang di daerah Gilead di timur Yordan.
And the children of Israel sent unto the children of Reuben, and to the children of Gad, and the half tribe of Menasseh, into the land of Gil'ad, Phinehas the son of Elazar the priest.
14 Bersama-sama dengan Pinehas berangkat pula sepuluh pemuka bangsa Israel, --satu orang dari setiap suku di sebelah barat Sungai Yordan, masing-masing adalah kepala keluarga dalam kaum mereka.
And ten princes with him, one prince each for every division of all the tribes of Israel; and each one was a head of their family divisions among the thousands of Israel.
15 Maka sampailah mereka di tempat suku Ruben, Gad dan suku Manasye di daerah Gilead.
And they came unto the children of Reuben, and to the children of Gad, and to the half tribe of Menasseh, unto the land of Gil'ad, and they spoke with them, saying:
16 Lalu atas nama seluruh umat TUHAN, mereka berkata kepada orang-orang dari suku Ruben, Gad dan suku Manasye itu, "Mengapa kalian melakukan hal yang jahat ini terhadap Allah Israel? Dengan membangun mezbahmu sendiri, kalian melawan TUHAN! Kalian tidak lagi menuruti perintah-perintah-Nya!
Thus have said the whole congregation of the Lord, What trespass is this that ye have committed against the God of Israel to turn away this day from following the Lord, in that ye have built yourselves an altar, that ye might rebel this day against the Lord?
17 Apa kalian tidak ingat dosa kita di Peor? Pada waktu itu kita dihukum TUHAN dengan suatu wabah, sekalipun kita ini umat-Nya sendiri! Sampai sekarang kita masih menanggung akibatnya. Apakah itu belum cukup juga?
Have we had too little in the iniquity of Peor, —from which we are not yet cleansed until this day, —when there was a plague in the congregation of the Lord?
18 Dan sekarang, apakah kalian mau membelakangi TUHAN lagi? Kalau hari ini kalian melawan TUHAN, besok Ia akan marah kepada seluruh umat Israel.
And will ye turn away this day from following the Lord? and it will be, that when ye will rebel this day against the Lord, tomorrow he will be wroth with the whole congregation of Israel.
19 Kalau daerahmu itu najis dan tidak patut untuk dijadikan tempat ibadat kepada TUHAN, pindahlah saja ke mari ke daerah TUHAN, di mana terdapat Kemah TUHAN. Mintalah sebagian daerah kami, tetapi janganlah melawan TUHAN atau melawan kami dengan menambah sebuah mezbah lain, sedangkan sudah ada mezbah TUHAN Allah kita.
But, notwithstanding, if the land of your possession be unclean, then pass ye over unto the land of the possession of the Lord, wherein dwelleth the tabernacle of the Lord, and take possession in the midst of us; but rebel not against the Lord and against us do not rebel, in building yourselves an altar beside the altar of the Lord our God.
20 Ingat, Akhan anak Zerah tidak mau menuruti perintah TUHAN mengenai barang-barang yang harus dimusnahkan, dan apa akibatnya? Seluruh umat Israel dihukum! Yang berdosa hanya Akhan, tetapi yang mati bukan dia sendiri saja!"
Did not 'Achan the son of Zerach commit a trespass on the devoted things, and wrath fell on all the congregation of Israel? and he, though but one man, perished not alone in his iniquity.
21 Lalu orang-orang suku Ruben, Gad dan Manasye di sebelah timur itu menjawab,
But the children of Reuben and the children of Gad and the half tribe of Menasseh answered, and they spoke unto the heads of the thousands of Israel,
22 "Yang Mahakuasa ialah TUHAN! Yang Mahakuasa ialah TUHAN! Ia tahu mengapa kami melakukan hal ini, dan kami mau supaya kalian pun mengetahuinya! Seandainya kami melakukan hal itu dengan maksud melawan TUHAN atau karena kami tidak percaya lagi kepada-Nya, biarlah kami mati sekarang juga!
The God of gods, the Eternal, the God of gods, the Eternal, he knoweth, and Israel also shall know: if it be in rebellion, or if in transgression against the Lord, [aid us not this day, ]
23 TUHAN sendiri yang menghukum kami, jikalau kami bermaksud melawan TUHAN dan mendirikan mezbah kami sendiri untuk mempersembahkan kurban bakaran atau kurban gandum atau kurban persahabatan di atasnya.
That we have built us an altar to turn away from following the Lord; or if to offer thereon burnt-offering or meat-offering, or if to offer thereon peace-offerings, may the Lord himself require it;
24 Bukanlah itu maksud kami, Saudara-saudara! Kami mendirikan mezbah itu, karena kami kuatir nanti di kemudian hari keturunan kalian akan berkata kepada keturunan kami, 'Kalian tidak punya hubungan apa-apa dengan TUHAN, Allah Israel!
Or whether we have not done it for fear of this thing, saying, In time to come your children might say unto our children, as followeth, What have ye to do with the Lord, the God of Israel?
25 Lihat, Ia menempatkan Sungai Yordan ini di tengah-tengah kita justru untuk memisahkan kami dengan kalian orang-orang Ruben dan Gad. Sungguh kalian tidak punya hubungan apa-apa dengan TUHAN.' Maka apakah yang akan terjadi nanti? Tentulah keturunan kalian akan membuat keturunan kami berhenti beribadat kepada TUHAN.
For the Lord hath made a boundary between us and you, ye children of Reuben and children of Gad, —the Jordan; ye have no part in the Lord: thus might your children make our children cease so as not to fear the Lord.
26 Jadi, kami mendirikan mezbah, bukan untuk kurban bakaran atau untuk persembahan-persembahan kami,
Wherefore we said, Let us now act for ourselves to build this altar, not for burnt-offering, nor for sacrifice;
27 tetapi untuk menjadi tanda bagi kita kedua belah pihak, dan bagi keturunan kita di kemudian hari, bahwa betul kami ini beribadat kepada TUHAN di Kemah Kehadiran-Nya dengan membawa kurban bakaran, persembahan-persembahan dan kurban persahabatan. Dengan demikian keturunan kalian tidak akan berkata bahwa keturunan kami tidak punya hubungan apa-apa dengan TUHAN.
But it shall be a witness between us, and you, and our generations after us, that we may perform the service of the Lord before him with our burnt-offerings, and with our sacrifices, and with our, peace-offerings; and that your children may not say in time to come to our children, Ye have no portion in the Lord.
28 Jadi, maksud kami ialah: seandainya keturunan kalian berkata demikian, maka keturunan kami dapat berkata, 'Lihatlah mezbah itu! Nenek moyang kami mendirikan sebuah mezbah yang serupa dengan mezbah TUHAN, bukan untuk kurban bakaran atau untuk persembahan, tetapi untuk menjadi tanda bagi kita kedua belah pihak.'
And we said, that it shall be! when they should say this to us and to our generations in time to come, that we may say, Behold the pattern of the altar of the Lord, which our fathers made, not for burnt-offering, nor for sacrifice; but it is a witness between us and you.
29 Percayalah, kami tidak mau melawan TUHAN atau berhenti mengabdi kepada-Nya dengan menambah mezbah lain untuk kurban bakaran atau kurban gandum atau untuk persembahan, sedangkan mezbah TUHAN Allah kita sudah ada di depan Kemah Kehadiran TUHAN."
Far be it from us that we should rebel against the Lord, and turn away this day from following the Lord, to build an altar for burnt-offering, for meat-offering, or for sacrifice, beside the altar of the Lord our God that is before his dwelling.
30 Semua yang dijelaskan oleh orang-orang dari suku Ruben, Gad dan suku Manasye di sebelah timur itu didengar oleh Imam Pinehas beserta kesepuluh pemuka masyarakat Israel dari bagian barat Sungai Yordan. Maka mereka pun puas dengan keterangan itu.
And when Phinehas the priest, and the princes of the congregation and the heads of the thousands of Israel who were with him, heard the words which the children of Reuben and the children of Gad and the children of Menasseh had spoken, it was pleasing in their eyes.
31 Lalu kata Pinehas, anak Imam Eleazar, kepada orang-orang suku Ruben, Gad dan Manasye Timur, "Sekarang kami tahu TUHAN menyertai kita, karena kalian tidak melawan Dia. Kalian telah menyelamatkan umat Israel dari hukuman TUHAN."
And Phinehas the son of Elazar the priest said unto the children of Reuben, and to the children of Gad, and to the children of Menasseh, This day do we know that the Lord is in our midst, because ye have not committed this trespass against the Lord: now have ye delivered the children of Israel out of the hand of the Lord.
32 Setelah itu berangkatlah Pinehas dengan para pemuka Israel itu. Mereka meninggalkan orang-orang Ruben dan Gad itu di Gilead, lalu kembali ke Kanaan, kemudian melaporkan perkara itu kepada umat Israel.
And Phinehas the son of Elazar the priest, and the princes, returned from the children of Reuben, and from the children of Gad, out of the land of Gil'ad, unto the land of Canaan, to the children of Israel, and they brought them word again.
33 Maka umat Israel pun puas dengan hal itu, sehingga mereka memuji-muji Allah. Mereka tidak berbicara lagi tentang niat mereka untuk memerangi orang-orang Ruben dan Gad, dan untuk memusnahkan negerinya.
And the thing was pleasing in the eyes of the children of Israel; and the children of Israel blessed God; and they did not speak any more to go up against them to battle, to destroy the land wherein the children of Reuben and Gad dwelt.
34 Akhirnya suku Ruben dan Gad itu berkata, "Mezbah ini menjadi saksi untuk kita semuanya bahwa TUHAN ialah Allah." Maka mereka menamakan mezbah itu "Saksi".
And the children of Reuben and the children of Gad called the altar [“'Ed”]; for [they said] it is a witness between us that the Eternal is God.

< Yosua 22 >