< Yohanes 1 >
1 Pada mulanya, sebelum dunia dijadikan, Sabda sudah ada. Sabda ada bersama Allah dan Sabda sama dengan Allah.
In the beginning the Word was; and the Word was with God; and the Word was God.
2 Sejak semula Ia bersama Allah.
He was in the beginning with God;
3 Segalanya dijadikan melalui Dia, dan dari segala yang ada, tak satu pun dijadikan tanpa Dia.
through him all things came into being, and nothing came into being apart from him.
4 Sabda itu sumber hidup, dan hidup memberi terang kepada manusia.
That which came into being in him was life; and the life was the light of humanity;
5 Terang itu bercahaya dalam kegelapan, dan kegelapan tak dapat memadamkannya.
and the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness never overpowered it.
6 Datanglah orang yang diutus Allah, Yohanes namanya.
There appeared a man sent from God, whose name was John;
7 Ia datang mewartakan tentang terang itu, supaya semua orang percaya.
he came as a witness – to bear witness to the light so that through him everyone might believe.
8 Ia sendiri bukan terang itu, ia hanya mewartakannya.
He was not the light, but he came to bear witness to the light.
9 Terang sejati yang menerangi semua manusia, datang ke dunia.
That was the true light which enlightens everyone coming into the world.
10 Sabda ada di dunia, dunia dijadikan melalui Dia, tetapi dunia tidak mengenal-Nya.
He was in the world; and through him the world came into being – yet the world did not know him.
11 Ia datang ke negeri-Nya sendiri tetapi bangsa-Nya tidak menerima Dia.
He came to his own – yet his own did not receive him.
12 Namun ada juga orang yang menerima Dia dan percaya kepada-Nya; mereka diberi-Nya hak menjadi anak Allah,
But to all who did receive him he gave power to become children of God – to those who believe in his name.
13 yang dilahirkan bukan dari manusia, sebab hidup baru itu dari Allah asalnya.
For not to natural conception, nor to human instincts, nor to human will did they owe the new life, but to God.
14 Sabda sudah menjadi manusia, Ia tinggal di antara kita, dan kita sudah melihat keagungan-Nya. Keagungan itu diterima-Nya sebagai Anak tunggal Bapa. Melalui Dia kita melihat Allah dan kasih-Nya kepada kita.
And the Word became human, and lived among us, (We saw his glory – the glory of the Only Son sent from the Father), full of love and truth.
15 Yohanes datang sebagai saksi-Nya, ia mewartakan: "Inilah Dia yang kukatakan: Dia akan datang lebih kemudian dari aku, tetapi lebih besar dari aku, sebab sebelum aku ada, Dia sudah ada."
(John bears witness to him; he cried aloud – for it was he who spoke – “He who is coming after me is now before me, for he was ever first”);
16 Ia penuh kasih; tiada hentinya, Ia memberkati kita.
out of his fullness we have all received gift after gift of love;
17 Hukum Tuhan kita terima melalui Musa. Tetapi kasih dan kesetiaan Allah dinyatakan melalui Yesus Kristus.
for the Law was given through Moses, love and truth came through Jesus Christ.
18 Tak ada yang pernah melihat Allah, selain anak tunggal Bapa, yang sama dengan Bapa dan erat sekali kepada-Nya. Dialah yang menyatakan Bapa kepada kita.
No one has ever yet seen God; God the only Son, who is ever with the Father – he has revealed him.
19 Para penguasa Yahudi di Yerusalem menyuruh imam-imam dan orang-orang Lewi pergi kepada Yohanes dan menanyakan kepadanya, "Engkau ini siapa?"
When the religious authorities in Jerusalem sent some Priests and Levites to ask John – “Who are you?”,
20 Yohanes mengaku dengan terus terang, "Saya bukan Raja Penyelamat."
he told them clearly and simply, “I am not the Christ.”
21 "Kalau begitu, engkau siapa?" tanya mereka. "Apakah engkau Elia?" "Bukan," jawab Yohanes. "Apakah engkau Sang Nabi?" tanya mereka lagi. "Bukan," jawabnya.
“What then?” they asked. “Are you Elijah?” “No,” he said, “I am not.” “Are you ‘the prophet’?” He answered, “No.”
22 "Kalau begitu, katakanlah kepada kami siapa engkau ini," kata mereka, "supaya kami dapat memberi jawaban kepada orang-orang yang menyuruh kami. Apa katamu tentang dirimu sendiri?"
“Who then are you?” they continued. “Tell us so that we have an answer to give to those who have sent us. What do you say about yourself?”
23 Yohanes menjawab, "Sayalah dia yang dikatakan oleh Nabi Yesaya: 'Orang yang berseru di padang pasir: Ratakanlah jalan untuk Tuhan.'"
“I,” he answered, “am – ‘The voice of one crying aloud in the wilderness: make a straight road for the Lord’, as the prophet Isaiah said.”
24 Orang-orang yang diutus oleh orang Farisi
These men had been sent from the Pharisees;
25 bertanya, "Kalau engkau bukan Raja Penyelamat, bukan Elia, bukan juga Sang Nabi, mengapa engkau membaptis?"
and their next question was, “Why then do you baptize, if you are not the Christ or Elijah or ‘the prophet’?”
26 Yohanes menjawab, "Saya membaptis dengan air. Tetapi di tengah-tengah kalian ada orang yang tidak kalian kenal.
John’s answer was – “I baptize with water, but among you stands one whom you do not know;
27 Ia datang lebih kemudian dari saya, tetapi untuk membuka tali sepatu-Nya pun saya tidak layak."
he is coming after me, yet I am not worthy even to unfasten his sandal.”
28 Semuanya itu terjadi di Betania, sebelah timur Sungai Yordan tempat Yohanes membaptis.
This happened at Bethany, across the Jordan, where John was baptizing.
29 Keesokan harinya, Yohanes melihat Yesus datang kepadanya. Lalu Yohanes berkata, "Lihat, itulah Anak Domba Allah yang menghapus dosa dunia.
The next day John saw Jesus coming towards him, and exclaimed, “Here is the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!
30 Dialah yang saya katakan akan datang kemudian dari saya, tetapi lebih besar dari saya, sebab sebelum saya lahir, Dia sudah ada.
I was talking about him when I said ‘After me there is coming a man who ranks ahead of me, because before I was born he already was.’
31 Sebelumnya, saya tidak tahu siapa Dia itu. Padahal saya datang membaptis dengan air supaya bangsa Israel mengenal Dia."
I did not know who he was, but I have come baptizing with water to make him known to Israel.”
32 Yohanes juga memberi kesaksian ini, "Saya melihat Roh Allah turun seperti merpati dari langit lalu tinggal di atas-Nya.
John also said: “I saw the Spirit come down from heaven like a dove and rest on him.
33 Waktu itu saya belum tahu siapa Dia. Tetapi Allah yang menyuruh saya membaptis dengan air sudah berkata kepada saya, 'Bila engkau melihat Roh Allah turun, lalu tinggal di atas seseorang, Dialah yang akan membaptis dengan Roh Allah.'
I myself did not know him, but he who sent me to baptize with water, he said to me ‘He on whom you see the Spirit descending, and remaining on him – he it is who baptizes with the Holy Spirit.’
34 Saya sudah melihat-Nya sendiri," kata Yohanes, "dan saya memberi kesaksian bahwa Dialah Anak Allah."
This I have seen myself, and I have declared my belief that he is the Son of God.”
35 Keesokan harinya Yohanes ada di tempat itu lagi dengan dua pengikutnya.
The next day, when John was standing with two of his disciples,
36 Ketika ia melihat Yesus lewat, ia berkata, "Lihat! Itulah Anak Domba Allah."
he looked at Jesus as he passed and exclaimed, “There is the Lamb of God!”
37 Kedua pengikut Yohanes mendengar kata-kata itu, lalu pergi mengikuti Yesus.
The two disciples heard him say this, and followed Jesus.
38 Yesus menoleh ke belakang, dan melihat mereka sedang mengikuti Dia. Ia bertanya, "Kalian mencari apa?" Jawab mereka, "Rabi, di manakah Rabi tinggal?" (Kata 'Rabi' artinya guru.)
But Jesus turned around, and saw them following. “What are you looking for?” he asked. “Rabbi,” they answered (or, as we should say, ‘Teacher’), “where are you staying?”
39 "Mari lihat sendiri," kata Yesus. Mereka pergi dengan Dia dan melihat di mana Ia tinggal. Waktu itu pukul empat sore. Hari itu mereka tinggal bersama Dia.
“Come, and you will see,” he replied. So they went, and saw where he was staying, and spent that day with him. It was then about four in the afternoon.
40 Salah satu dari kedua orang yang telah mendengar apa yang dikatakan Yohanes dan kemudian pergi mengikuti Yesus, adalah Andreas, saudara Simon Petrus.
One of the two, who heard what John said and followed Jesus, was Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother.
41 Cepat-cepat Andreas mencari Simon, saudaranya, dan berkata kepadanya, "Kami sudah bertemu dengan Mesias!" (Mesias sama dengan Kristus, yaitu: Raja Penyelamat.)
He first found his own brother Simon, and said to him, “We have found the Messiah!” (a word which means ‘Christ,’ or ‘Consecrated’.)
42 Andreas mengantar Simon kepada Yesus. Yesus menatap Simon, lalu berkata, "Engkau Simon, anak Yona. Engkau akan disebut Kefas." (Kefas sama dengan Petrus, artinya: gunung batu.)
Then he brought him to Jesus. Looking straight at him, Jesus said, “You are Simon, the son of John; you will be called Cephas” (which means ‘Peter,’ or ‘Rock’).
43 Keesokan harinya Yesus memutuskan untuk pergi ke Galilea. Ia berjumpa dengan Filipus, dan berkata kepadanya, "Mari ikut Aku!"
The following day Jesus decided to leave for Galilee. He found Philip, and said to him, “Follow me.”
44 Filipus berasal dari Betsaida, yaitu tempat tinggal Andreas dan Petrus.
Philip was from Bethsaida, the same town as Andrew and Peter.
45 Filipus bertemu dengan Natanael dan berkata kepadanya, "Kami sudah menemukan orang yang disebut oleh Musa dalam Buku Hukum Allah, dan yang diwartakan oleh nabi-nabi. Dia itu Yesus dari Nazaret, anak Yusuf."
He found Nathanael and said to him, “We have found him of whom Moses wrote in the Law, and of whom the prophets also wrote – Jesus of Nazareth, Joseph’s son!”
46 Tetapi Natanael menjawab, "Mungkinkah sesuatu yang baik datang dari Nazaret?" "Mari lihat sendiri," jawab Filipus.
“Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” asked Nathanael. “Come and see,” replied Philip.
47 Yesus melihat Natanael datang, lalu berkata tentang dia, "Lihat, itu orang Israel sejati. Tak ada kepalsuan padanya."
When Jesus saw Nathanael coming towards him, he said, “Here is a true Israelite, in whom there is no deceit!”
48 "Bagaimana Bapak mengenal saya?" tanya Natanael kepada Yesus. Yesus menjawab, "Sebelum Filipus memanggilmu, Aku sudah melihat engkau di bawah pohon ara itu."
“How do you know me?” asked Nathanael. “Even before Philip called you,” replied Jesus, “when you were under the fig tree, I saw you.”
49 "Bapak Guru," kata Natanael, "Bapak adalah Anak Allah! Bapaklah Raja bangsa Israel!"
“Rabbi,” Nathanael exclaimed, “you are the Son of God, you are king of Israel!”
50 Yesus berkata, "Engkau percaya, hanya karena Aku mengatakan bahwa Aku sudah melihat engkau di bawah pohon ara itu? Hal-hal yang jauh lebih besar dari itu akan kaulihat!"
“Do you believe in me,” asked Jesus, “because I told you that I saw you under the fig tree? You will see greater things than those!
51 Kata Yesus pula, "Sungguh, percayalah, engkau akan melihat langit terbuka, dan malaikat-malaikat Allah naik turun pada Anak Manusia."
In truth I tell you,” he added, “you will all see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man.”