< Ayub 40 >

1 Hai Ayub, kautantang Aku, Allah Yang Mahakuasa; maukah engkau mengalah atau maukah engkau membantah?"
Moreover the LORD answered Job, and said:
Shall he that reproveth contend with the Almighty? He that argueth with God, let him answer it.
3 Maka jawab Ayub kepada TUHAN, "Aku berbicara seperti orang bodoh, ya TUHAN. Jawab apakah yang dapat kuberikan? Tak ada apa-apa lagi yang hendak kukatakan.
Then Job answered the LORD, and said:
Behold, I am of small account; what shall I answer Thee? I lay my hand upon my mouth.
5 Sudah terlalu banyaklah yang kututurkan."
Once have I spoken, but I will not answer again; yea, twice, but I will proceed no further.
6 Lalu, dari dalam badai TUHAN berbicara lagi kepada Ayub.
Then the LORD answered Job out of the whirlwind, and said:
7 Lalu TUHAN berkata kepada Ayub, "Hadapilah Aku sebagai laki-laki, dan jawablah segala pertanyaan-Ku ini.
Gird up thy loins now like a man; I will demand of thee, and declare thou unto Me.
8 Apakah hendak kausangkal keadilan-Ku, dan membenarkan dirimu dengan mempersalahkan Aku?
Wilt thou even make void My judgment? Wilt thou condemn Me, that thou mayest be justified?
9 Apakah engkau kuat seperti Aku? Dapatkah suaramu mengguntur seperti suara-Ku?
Or hast thou an arm like God? And canst thou thunder with a voice like Him?
10 Hiasilah dirimu dengan kemegahan dan kebesaran, kenakanlah keagungan dan keluhuran.
Deck thyself now with majesty and excellency, and array thyself with glory and beauty.
11 Pandanglah mereka yang congkak hatinya; luapkanlah marahmu dan rendahkanlah mereka.
Cast abroad the rage of thy wrath; and look upon every one that is proud, and abase him.
12 Ya, pandanglah orang yang sombong, tundukkan dia! remukkanlah orang jahat di tempatnya.
Look on every one that is proud, and bring him low; and tread down the wicked in their place.
13 Kuburlah mereka semua di dalam debu; kurunglah mereka di dunia orang mati.
Hide them in the dust together; bind their faces in the hidden place.
14 Maka engkau akan Kupuji karena engkau menang dengan kekuatan sendiri.
Then will I also confess unto thee that thine own right hand can save thee.
15 Perhatikanlah Behemot, si binatang raksasa; seperti engkau, dia pun ciptaan-Ku juga. Rumput-rumput menjadi makanannya, seperti sapi dan lembu biasa.
Behold now behemoth, which I made with thee; he eateth grass as an ox.
16 Tetapi amatilah tenaga dalam badannya dan kekuatan pada otot-ototnya!
Lo now, his strength is in his loins, and his force is in the stays of his body.
17 Ia menegakkan ekornya seperti pohon aras, otot-otot pahanya kokoh dan keras.
He straineth his tail like a cedar; the sinews of his thighs are knit together.
18 Tulang-tulangnya kuat seperti tembaga, kakinya teguh bagaikan batang-batang baja.
His bones are as pipes of brass; his gristles are like bars of iron.
19 Di antara segala makhluk-Ku dialah yang paling menakjubkan; hanya oleh Penciptanya saja ia dapat ditaklukkan!
He is the beginning of the ways of God; He only that made him can make His sword to approach unto him.
20 Di bukit-bukit tempat binatang liar bermain-main gembira, tumbuhlah rumput yang menjadi makanannya.
Surely the mountains bring him forth food, and all the beasts of the field play there.
21 Ia berbaring di bawah belukar berduri, di antara gelagah di rawa-rawa ia bersembunyi.
He lieth under the lotus-trees, in the covert of the reed, and fens.
22 Belukar berduri menaungi dia dengan bayang-bayangnya. Pohon gandarusa di pinggir sungai meneduhi dia.
The lotus-trees cover him with their shadow; the willows of the brook compass him about.
23 Ia tidak gentar biarpun Sungai Yordan sangat kuat arusnya, ia tetap tenang meskipun air melanda mukanya.
Behold, if a river overflow, he trembleth not; he is confident, though the Jordan rush forth to his mouth.
24 Siapakah berani membutakan matanya, lalu menangkap dia dengan menjerat moncongnya?
Shall any take him by his eyes, or pierce through his nose with a snare?

< Ayub 40 >