< Ayub 30 >
1 Tetapi kini aku diejek oleh orang yang lebih muda. Dahulu ayah mereka kupandang terlalu hina untuk menjaga dombaku bersama anjing gembala.
But now the youngest have laughed me to scorn, now they reprove me in [their] turn, whose fathers I set at nothing; whom I did not deem worthy [to be with] my shepherd dogs.
2 Bagiku mereka tidak berguna karena sudah kehabisan tenaga.
Yes, why had I the strength of their hands? for them the full term [of life] was lost.
3 Mereka lapar dan menderita sekali, sehingga makan akar kering di gurun yang sunyi.
[One is] childless in lack and famine, [such as] they that fled but lately the distress and misery of drought.
4 Mereka mencabut belukar di padang belantara lalu memakan baik daun maupun akarnya.
Who compass the salt places on the sounding [shore], who had salt [herbs] for their food, and were dishonourable and of no repute, in lack of every good thing; who also ate roots of trees by reason of great hunger.
5 Mereka diusir dengan tengking seperti orang mengusir maling.
Thieves have risen up against me,
6 Mereka tinggal di dalam gua-gua; lubang-lubang di dinding gunung menjadi rumah mereka.
whose houses were the caves of the rocks, who lived under the wild shrubs.
7 Di rimba mereka meraung-raung seperti binatang, berkelompok di bawah semak belukar di hutan.
They will cry out amongst the rustling [bushes].
8 Mereka tak bernama dan tak berharga, orang-orang yang sudah dihalau dari negerinya.
[They are] sons of fools and vile men, [whose] name and glory [are] quenched from off the earth.
9 Sekarang mereka datang dan aku ditertawakannya; bagi mereka, aku ini lelucon belaka.
But now I am their music, and they have me for a byword.
10 Aku dipandang oleh mereka hina dan keji, bahkan mukaku mereka ludahi.
And they stood aloof and abhorred me, and spared not to spit in my face.
11 Karena Allah membuat aku lemah tidak berdaya, mereka melampiaskan amukan mereka.
For he has opened his quiver and afflicted me: they also have cast off the restraint of my presence.
12 Gerombolan itu menyerang aku dari depan, dan kejatuhanku mereka rencanakan.
They have risen up against [me] on the right hand of [their] offspring; they have stretched out their foot, and directed against me the ways of their destruction.
13 Mereka memotong jalanku untuk membinasakan aku; tak seorang pun menghalangi ketika mereka menyerbu.
My paths are ruined; for they have stripped off my raiment: he has shot at me with his weapons.
14 Bagaikan banjir mereka dobrak tembok pertahananku; beramai-ramai mereka datang menindih tubuhku.
And he has pleaded against me as he will: I am overwhelmed with pains.
15 Kedahsyatan meliputi diriku; bagaikan hembusan angin, harga diriku berlalu; bagaikan awan lewat, hilanglah kebahagiaanku.
My pains return upon [me]; my hope is gone like the wind, and my safety as a cloud.
16 Sekarang hampir matilah aku; tak ada keringanan bagi deritaku.
Even now my life shall be poured forth upon me; and days of anguish seize me.
17 Pada waktu malam semua tulangku nyeri; rasa sakit yang menusuk tak kunjung berhenti.
And by night my bones are confounded; and my sinews are relaxed.
18 Allah mencengkeram aku pada leher bajuku sehingga pakaianku menggelambir pada tubuhku.
With great force [my disease] has taken hold of my garment: it has compassed me as the collar of my coat.
19 Ke dalam lumpur aku dihempaskan-Nya, aku menjadi seperti sampah saja!
And you have counted me as clay; my portion in dust and ashes.
20 Aku berseru kepada-Mu, ya Allah, Kau tak memberi jawaban; bila aku berdoa, Kau tak memperhatikan.
And I have cried to you, but you hear me not: but they stood still, and observed me.
21 Engkau berlaku kejam terhadapku, Kautindas aku dengan seluruh kekuatan-Mu.
They attacked me also without mercy: you have scourged me with a strong hand.
22 Engkau membiarkan angin melayangkan aku; dalam angin ribut Kauombang-ambingkan diriku.
And you have put me to grief, and have cast me away from safety.
23 Aku tahu, Kaubawa aku kepada alam kematian, tempat semua yang hidup dikumpulkan.
For I know that death will destroy me: for the earth is the house [appointed] for every mortal.
24 Mengapa Kau menyerang orang yang celaka, yang tak dapat berbuat apa pun kecuali mohon iba?
Oh then that I might lay hands upon myself, or at least ask another, and he should do this for me.
25 Bukankah aku menangis bersama orang yang kesusahan, dan mengasihani orang yang berkekurangan?
Yet I wept over every helpless man; I groaned when I saw a man in distress.
26 Aku mengharapkan bahagia dan terang, tapi kesukaran dan kegelapanlah yang datang.
But I, when I waited for good things, behold, days of evils came the more upon me.
27 Aku terkoyak oleh duka dan nestapa; hari demi hari makin banyak yang kuderita.
My belly boiled, and would not cease: the days of poverty prevented me.
28 Di dalam kelam, tanpa cahaya, aku berkeliaran; aku berdiri di muka umum, minta pertolongan.
I went mourning without restraint: and I have stood and cried out in the assembly.
29 Suaraku sedih penuh iba seperti tangis serigala dan burung unta.
I am become a brother of monsters, and a companion of ostriches.
30 Kulitku menjadi hitam; tubuhku terbakar oleh demam.
And my skin has been greatly blackened, and my bones are burnt with heat.
31 Dahulu kudengar musik gembira, kini hanya ratapan tangis belaka.
My harp also has been turned into mourning, and my song into my weeping.