< Ayub 28 >

1 Ada pertambangan di mana perak ditemukan; ada tempat di mana emas dimurnikan.
“It is true that there are places where men dig to find silver, and there are places where people refine/purify gold [that they have dug].
2 Besi digali dari dalam tanah; dari batu dilelehkan tembaga.
People dig iron [ore] out of the ground, and they (smelt copper ore/heat copper ore to get the copper from it).
3 Gelap yang pekat ditembusi, tempat yang paling dalam diselidiki. Di situ, di dalam kegelapan, orang mencari batu-batuan.
Men use lamps while they work far down under the ground to search for the ore inside the mines where it is very dark.
4 Jauh di tempat yang tak ada penghuni, yang belum pernah diinjak dan dilalui, orang bekerja sambil bergantungan pada tali di dalam terowongan yang sunyi sepi.
They dig (shafts/narrow holes very deep down into the ground) in places that are far from where people live, where travelers do not go. They work far away from [other] people, swinging back and forth on ropes [as they descend into the mine shafts].
5 Tanah menghasilkan pangan bagi manusia, tapi di bawah tanah itu juga, semua dibongkarbalikkan sehingga isi bumi berantakan.
Food grows on the surface of the ground, but down under the ground, [where there is no food, ] the miners make fires to break apart the rocks.
6 Batu di dalam tanah mengandung nilakandi, dan debunya berisikan emas murni.
The stones [that are dug from under the ground] contain (sapphires/very valuable blue stones), and the dirt contains bits of gold.
7 Burung elang tak kenal jalan ke sana, dan burung nasar pun belum pernah terbang di atasnya.
[Some birds have very good eyes, ] but even hawks do not know [where the mines are], and falcons/vultures have not seen those places.
8 Belum pernah singa maupun binatang buas lainnya melalui jalan sepi yang menuju ke sana.
Lions or [other] proud wild animals have not walked on the roads near those mines.
9 Orang menggali dalam batu yang betapa pun kerasnya, dibongkarnya gunung sampai pada akarnya.
Miners tear apart [MTY] very hard rock; [it is as though] they turn the mountains upside down [to get the ore].
10 Ketika ia membuat tembusan di dalam gunung batu, didapatinya permata yang sangat bermutu.
They cut tunnels through the rocks, and they find (precious/very valuable) things.
11 Sampai kepada sumber sungai-sungai ia menggali, lalu menyingkapkan apa yang tersembunyi.
They dam up small streams in order that water does not flow, and they bring up into the light valuable things that are hidden [in the ground and in the streams].
12 Tetapi di manakah hikmat dapat dicari? Di manakah kita dapat belajar agar mengerti?
“But wisdom: Where can people find that? Where can we find out how to truly understand things?
13 Hikmat tidak ada di tengah-tengah manusia; tak ada yang tahu nilainya yang sesungguhnya.
Humans do not know where to find it; no one can find it [here on this earth] where they are living.
14 Dasar-dasar laut dan samudra berkata bahwa hikmat tidak ada padanya.
[It is as though] water that is deep [inside the earth] and [water that is in] the seas say [PRS], ‘Wisdom is not here!’
15 Hikmat tak dapat ditukar walau dengan emas murni, dan dengan perak pun tak dapat dibeli.
[People] cannot buy wisdom by paying for it with silver or gold.
16 Emas dan permata yang paling berharga tidak dapat mengimbangi nilainya.
Wisdom is worth much more than fine gold from Ophir [land] or other very valuable stones.
17 Emas atau kaca halus tak dapat berbanding dengannya, tak dapat dibayar dengan jambangan kencana.
It is worth much more than gold or beautiful glass, worth more than vases made from fine gold.
18 Hikmat jauh lebih tinggi nilainya daripada merjan, kristal, atau mutiara.
Wisdom is worth more than coral or crystal/pure quartz; the price of wisdom is higher/more than the price of pearls.
19 Batu topas yang asli dan emas yang murni, kurang nilainya dari akal budi.
The prices of (topaz/very valuable yellow stones) from Ethiopia and of pure gold are lower/less than the price of wisdom.
20 Di manakah sumbernya kebijaksanaan? Di mana kita mendapat pengertian?
“So, where does wisdom come from? Where can we find out how to truly understand things?
21 Tak ada makhluk hidup yang pernah melihatnya, bahkan burung di udara tak menampaknya.
No living humans can see it [MTY]; and birds cannot see it while they are flying [MTY].
22 Maut dan kebinasaan pun berkata, mereka hanya mendengar desas-desus belaka.
[It is as though] the places where people go after they die say [PRS], ‘We have only heard rumors about [where to find wisdom].’
23 Hanya Allah tahu tempat hikmat berada, hanya Dia mengetahui jalan ke sana,
God [is the only one who] knows how to find wisdom; he knows where it is,
24 karena Ia melihat ujung-ujung bumi; segala sesuatu di bawah langit Ia amati.
because he can see things even in the most remote/distant places on the earth; he can see everything that is below the sky.
25 Ketika angin diberi-Nya kekuatan, dan ditetapkan-Nya batas-batas lautan;
When he decided how strongly the winds should blow, and how much rain would be in the clouds,
26 ketika ditentukan-Nya tempat hujan jatuh, dan jalan yang dilalui kilat dan guruh;
and when he decided where rain [should fall], and what path lightning should take [from the clouds down to the ground],
27 pada waktu itulah hikmat dilihat-Nya, diuji-Nya nilainya, lalu diberikan-Nya restu-Nya.
at that time he saw wisdom and decided that it is extremely valuable. He examined it and (approved it/said that it was very good).
28 Allah berkata kepada manusia, "Untuk mendapat hikmat, Allah harus kamu hormati. Untuk dapat mengerti, kejahatan harus kamu jauhi."
And [then] he said to humans, ‘Listen! To have an awesome respect for me is [what will enable you to become] wise; and to truly understand everything, you must first turn away from doing what is evil.’”

< Ayub 28 >