< Yeremia 16 >
1 TUHAN berbicara lagi kepadaku, kata-Nya,
And it came [the] word of Yahweh to me saying.
2 "Jangan kawin dan mendapat anak di tempat ini.
Not you must take for yourself a wife and not they will belong to you sons and daughters in the place this.
3 Akan Kukatakan kepadamu apa yang akan terjadi dengan anak-anak yang lahir di sini dan dengan orang tuanya.
For thus - he says Yahweh on the sons and on the daughters born in the place this and on mothers their who bore them and on fathers their who fathered them in the land this.
4 Mereka akan mati diserang penyakit yang membawa maut, dan mereka akan tewas dalam pertempuran atau mati kelaparan. Tak seorang pun akan menangisi atau menguburkan mereka. Mayat mereka akan terserak seperti pupuk di tanah, dan dimakan burung serta binatang buas.
Deaths of diseases they will die not they will be mourned and not they will be buried dung on [the] surface of the ground they will become and by the sword and by famine they will come to an end and it will become corpse[s] their food for [the] bird[s] of the heavens and for [the] animal[s] of the earth.
5 Janganlah pergi ke rumah orang yang sedang berduka, Yeremia. Jangan berkabung untuk siapa pun. Aku tidak akan memberkati umat-Ku lagi dengan kesejahteraan, dan tidak juga akan menunjukkan rasa sayang atau belas kasihan kepada mereka.
For thus - he says Yahweh may not you enter a house of mourning and may not you go to lament and may not you show sympathy to them for I have withdrawn peace my from with the people this [the] utterance of Yahweh the covenant loyalty and compassion.
6 Orang kaya dan orang miskin di negeri ini akan mati tanpa ada yang menguburkan mereka. Tak seorang pun akan menyiksa diri atau menggunduli kepalanya sebagai tanda berkabung untuk mereka.
And they will die great [people] and insignificant [people] in the land this not they will be buried and not people will mourn for them and not anyone will cut himself and not anyone will make himself bald for them.
7 Tak ada pula yang mau mengadakan selamatan untuk menghibur orang yang sedang berkabung. Tidak ada yang ikut berduka cita bahkan dengan orang yang kehilangan ayah atau ibunya.
And not people will break for them on mourning to comfort him on a dead [person] and not people will give to drink them a cup of consolations on father his and on mother his.
8 Jangan masuk ke rumah orang yang sedang berpesta. Jangan makan minum dengan mereka.
And a house of a feast not you must go to sit with them to eat and to drink.
9 Dengarkan apa yang Aku, TUHAN Yang Mahakuasa, Allah Israel, hendak katakan kepadamu. Suara gembira dan sukacita serta keramaian pesta kawin akan Kuhentikan semua. Hal itu akan disaksikan oleh orang-orang yang hidup di zamanmu ini.
For thus he says Yahweh of hosts [the] God of Israel here I [am] about to cause to cease from the place this to eyes your and in days your [the] sound of joy and [the] sound of gladness [the] sound of a bridegroom and [the] sound of a bride.
10 Apabila engkau menyampaikan semua ini kepada mereka, barangkali mereka akan bertanya mengapa Aku mau menghukum mereka begitu keras. Mereka akan bertanya apa kesalahan dan dosa mereka terhadap Aku, TUHAN Allah mereka.
And it will be that you will tell to the people this all the words these and they will say to you concerning what? has he spoken Yahweh on us all the calamity great this and what? [is] iniquity our and what? [is] sin our which we have sinned to Yahweh God our.
11 Beritahukanlah kepada mereka bahwa Aku berkata begini, 'Leluhurmu telah meninggalkan Aku untuk menyembah dan beribadat kepada ilah-ilah lain. Mereka mengabaikan Aku dan tidak mau taat kepada peraturan-peraturan-Ku.
And you will say to them on that they forsook ancestors your me [the] utterance of Yahweh and they walked after gods other and they served them and they bowed down to them and me they forsook and law my not they kept.
12 Tapi kamu melakukan yang lebih jahat lagi. Kamu keras kepala dan hanya mengikuti kemauanmu sendiri yang jahat. Kamu tidak mau taat kepada-Ku.
And you you have done evil to act more than ancestors your and here you [are] walking everyone after [the] stubbornness of own heart his wicked to not to listen to me.
13 Karena itu, kamu akan Kuusir dari negeri ini dan Kubuang ke sebuah negeri yang sama sekali asing bagimu dan bagi leluhurmu. Di sana kamu akan beribadat siang malam kepada ilah-ilah lain, dan Aku tidak akan berbelaskasihan kepadamu.'"
And I will throw out you from on the land this to the land which not you have known you and ancestors your and you will serve there gods other by day and night that not I will give to you favor.
14 TUHAN berkata, "Akan datang waktunya orang tidak lagi bersumpah demi Aku, Allah yang hidup, yang membawa umat Israel keluar dari Mesir,
Therefore here! days [are] coming [the] utterance of Yahweh and not it will be said again [by] [the] life of Yahweh who he brought up [the] people of Israel from [the] land of Egypt.
15 melainkan demi Aku, Allah yang hidup, yang membawa umat Israel keluar dari sebuah negeri di utara dan dari semua negeri lain di mana mereka telah Kuceraiberaikan. Mereka akan Kubawa kembali ke tanah air mereka, negeri yang telah Kuberikan kepada leluhur mereka."
That except [by] [the] life of Yahweh who he brought up [the] people of Israel from a land of [the] north and from all the lands where he had banished them there towards and I will bring back them to land their which I gave to ancestors their.
16 TUHAN berkata, "Aku hendak memanggil banyak nelayan untuk menangkap orang-orang ini. Kemudian Aku akan memanggil banyak pemburu untuk memburu mereka di setiap gunung dan bukit, dan di gua-gua bukit batu.
Here I [am] about to send (for fishermen *Q(K)*) many [the] utterance of Yahweh and they will fish out them and after thus I will send for many hunters and they will hunt them from on every mountain and from on every hill and from [the] clefts of the rocks.
17 Aku melihat segala yang mereka lakukan. Tak ada yang tersembunyi bagi-Ku; dosa-dosa mereka pun sudah Kulihat.
For eyes my [are] on all ways their not they have been hidden from to before me and not it has been concealed iniquity their from before eyes my.
18 Dosa dan kejahatan mereka akan Kubalas dengan hukuman dua kali lipat, karena mereka sudah menajiskan negeri-Ku dengan banyak berhala. Berhala-berhala itu tak bernyawa seperti mayat."
And I will repay first [the] double of iniquity their and sin their because have profaned they land my with [the] corpse[s] of detestable things their and abominations their they have filled inheritance my.
19 TUHAN, Engkaulah yang melindungi aku dan memberikan kekuatan kepadaku; Engkau menolong aku pada masa kesukaran. Bangsa-bangsa dari ujung bumi akan datang kepada-Mu dan berkata, "Leluhur kami hanya mempunyai ilah palsu yang sama sekali tak berguna.
O Yahweh strength my and stronghold my and place of escape my in a day of trouble to you nations they will come from [the] ends of [the] earth so they may say surely falsehood they possessed ancestors our futility and not [there was] in them a [thing that] profits.
20 Dapatkah manusia membuat ilahnya sendiri? Tentu tidak! Yang dibuatnya itu pasti bukan Allah."
¿ Will he make for himself anyone gods and they not [are] God.
21 "Karena itu," kata TUHAN, "sekali ini Aku akan membuat bangsa-bangsa merasakan kekuasaan dan kekuatan-Ku supaya untuk selama-lamanya mereka akan tahu bahwa Akulah TUHAN."
Therefore here I [am] about to make know them at the time this I will make know them hand my and might my and they will know that name my [is] Yahweh.