< Yesaya 61 >
1 Kuasa TUHAN Yang Mahatinggi ada padaku; Ia memilih dan mengutus aku untuk membawa kabar baik kepada orang miskin dan menyembuhkan orang yang remuk hatinya; untuk mengumumkan kepada orang tahanan bahwa mereka segera dibebaskan, dan kepada orang-orang dalam penjara bahwa mereka akan dilepaskan.
The spirit of the Lord is on me, because I am marked out by him to give good news to the poor; he has sent me to make the broken-hearted well, to say that the prisoners will be made free, and that those in chains will see the light again;
2 Ia mengutus aku untuk memberitakan bahwa sudah tiba saatnya TUHAN menyelamatkan; untuk menghibur semua yang berduka cita, dan membalas musuh-musuh mereka;
To give knowledge that the year of the Lord's good pleasure has come, and the day of punishment from our God; to give comfort to all who are sad;
3 untuk memberi kegembiraan dan sukacita kepada orang yang bersedih dan berkabung; untuk mengubah kesedihan mereka menjadi lagu pujian. Mereka akan seperti pohon yang ditanam TUHAN sendiri. Mereka akan melakukan yang baik dan benar, sehingga TUHAN diagungkan.
To give them a fair head-dress in place of dust, the oil of joy in place of the clothing of grief, praise in place of sorrow; so that they may be named trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, and so that he may have glory.
4 Mereka akan membangun kota-kota yang sudah lama runtuh dan mendirikan tempat-tempat yang sudah lama sunyi.
And they will be building again the old broken walls, and will make new the old waste places, and will put up again the towns which have been waste for long generations.
5 Hai, bangsaku, orang asing akan melayani kamu; mereka akan menggembalakan ternakmu dan mengerjakan ladang serta kebun anggurmu.
And men from strange countries will be your herdsmen, and those who are not Israelites will be your ploughmen and vine-keepers.
6 Kamu akan disebut hamba Allah dan dinamakan imam TUHAN kita. Kamu akan menikmati kekayaan bangsa-bangsa dan merasa bangga karena harta mereka.
But you will be named the priests of the Lord, the servants of our God: you will have the wealth of the nations for your food, and you will be clothed with their glory.
7 Karena kamu sudah mendapat malu dua kali lipat, dan noda serta kehinaan telah menjadi bagianmu, maka kamu mendapat warisan dua kali lipat di negerimu dan memiliki sukacita abadi.
As they had twice as much grief, and marks of shame were their heritage, so in their land they will be rewarded twice over, and will have eternal joy.
8 TUHAN berkata, "Aku mencintai keadilan dan membenci penindasan serta kejahatan. Aku akan memberi upahmu dengan setia, dan mengikat janji abadi dengan kamu.
For I, the Lord, take pleasure in upright judging; I will not put up with the violent taking away of right; and I will certainly give them their reward, and I will make an eternal agreement with them.
9 Keturunanmu terkenal di mana-mana, termasyhur di antara segala bangsa. Maka semua orang yang melihatnya akan mengakui, bahwa bangsa ini Kuberkati."
And their seed will be noted among the nations, and their offspring among the peoples: it will be clear to all who see them that they are the seed to which the Lord has given his blessing.
10 Yerusalem berkata, "Aku bergembira karena TUHAN, hatiku bersuka ria karena Allah. Seperti pengantin pria dan wanita memakai perhiasan serba indah, begitulah TUHAN mengenakan padaku baju keselamatan dan kemenangan.
I will be full of joy in the Lord, my soul will be glad in my God; for he has put on me the clothing of salvation, covering me with the robe of righteousness, as the husband puts on a fair head-dress, and the bride makes herself beautiful with jewels.
11 Seperti benih yang ditaburkan akan tumbuh menjadi tanaman, begitulah TUHAN Allah menumbuhkan keselamatan dan semua bangsa akan memuji Dia."
For as the earth puts out buds, and as the garden gives growth to the seeds which are planted in it, so the Lord will make righteousness and praise to be flowering before all the nations.