< Yesaya 55 >
1 TUHAN berkata, "Marilah kamu semua yang haus, minumlah, air tersedia. Datanglah kamu yang tidak punya uang, terimalah gandum tanpa membayar, dan makanlah! Anggur dan susu tersedia, terimalah dengan cuma-cuma.
Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price.
2 Untuk apa membeli sesuatu yang tidak memuaskan, dan bekerja untuk apa yang tidak mengenyangkan? Turutlah perintah-Ku, maka kamu akan makan yang baik, dan menikmati hidangan yang lezat.
Why do ye spend money for that which is not bread? and your labour for that which satisfieth not? hearken diligently to me, and eat ye that which is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness.
3 Dengarlah, hai bangsa-Ku, datanglah kepada-Ku, kamu akan Kuberi hidup sejati. Demi kasih dan kesetiaan yang Kujanjikan kepada Daud, Aku mengikat janji abadi dengan kamu.
Incline your ear, and come to me: hear, and your soul shall live; and I will make an everlasting covenant with you, even the sure mercies of David.
4 Sesungguhnya, dia Kujadikan pemimpin dan panglima, saksi dari kuasa-Ku untuk bangsa-bangsa.
Behold, I have given him for a witness to the people, a leader and commander to the people.
5 Kamu akan memanggil bangsa-bangsa asing, dan mereka segera datang kepadamu, demi Aku, TUHAN Allahmu, Allah kudus Israel, sebab Aku telah mengagungkan kamu."
Behold, thou shalt call a nation that thou knowest not, and nations that knew not thee shall run to thee because of the LORD thy God, and for the Holy One of Israel; for he hath glorified thee.
6 Kembalilah kepada TUHAN selama masih dapat; berserulah kepada-Nya selama Ia dekat.
Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near:
7 Hendaklah orang jahat memperbaiki hidupnya, dan mengubah jalan pikirannya. Biarlah ia kembali kepada TUHAN, supaya mendapat belas kasihan-Nya. Hendaklah ia berpaling kepada Allah kita, sebab TUHAN mengampuni dengan murah hati.
Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return to the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.
8 TUHAN berkata, "Pikiran-Ku bukan pikiranmu, dan jalan-Ku bukan jalanmu.
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.
9 Setinggi langit di atas bumi, setinggi itulah pikiran-Ku di atas pikiranmu, dan jalan-Ku di atas jalanmu.
For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.
10 Seperti hujan turun dari langit, dan tidak kembali, melainkan membasahi bumi, menyuburkannya dan menumbuhkan tanam-tanaman, memberi hasil untuk ditabur dan dimakan,
For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not there, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater:
11 begitu juga perkataan yang Kuucapkan tidak kembali kepada-Ku dengan sia-sia, tetapi berhasil melakukan apa yang Kukehendaki, dan mencapai segala yang Kumaksudkan.
So shall my word be that proceedeth from my mouth: it shall not return to me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.
12 Kamu akan meninggalkan Babel dengan sukacita, dan diantar keluar dengan selamat. Gunung dan bukit akan bergembira dan bersorak-sorai, pohon-pohon di ladang bertepuk tangan.
For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.
13 Pohon cemara akan menggantikan semak berduri, tanaman bunga menggantikan semak belukar. Itu terjadi supaya Aku dimasyhurkan; sebagai tanda abadi yang tak akan hilang."
Instead of the thorn shall come up the fir tree, and instead of the brier shall come up the myrtle tree: and it shall be to the LORD for a name, for an everlasting sign that shall not be cut off.