< Kejadian 47 >

1 Kemudian Yusuf membawa lima orang dari saudara-saudaranya lalu menghadap raja. Katanya, "Ayah dan saudara-saudara hamba telah datang dari Kanaan dengan kawanan kambing domba, sapi dan segala milik mereka. Sekarang mereka ada di daerah Gosyen." Lalu diperkenalkannya saudara-saudaranya itu kepada raja.
Joseph chose five of his [older] brothers to go with him to talk to the king. He introduced his [older] brothers to the king, and then he said, “My father and my [older] brothers [and younger brother] have come from the Canaan region. They have brought all their sheep and goats and cattle and everything else that they own, and they are living now in Goshen region.”
3 Raja bertanya kepada mereka, "Apa pekerjaanmu?" Mereka menjawab, "Kami ini gembala seperti leluhur kami.
The king asked the brothers, “What work do you do?” They replied, “We are shepherds, just as our ancestors were.”
4 Kami datang untuk tinggal di negeri ini, karena di tanah Kanaan kelaparan sangat hebatnya, sehingga tidak ada rumput lagi untuk kawanan kambing domba kami. Izinkanlah kami tinggal di daerah Gosyen."
They also said to him, “We have come here to live for a while in this land, because the famine is very severe in Canaan, and our animals have no (pasture/grass to eat) there. So now, please let us live in the Goshen region.”
5 Lalu berkatalah raja kepada Yusuf, "Sekarang ayah dan saudara-saudaramu sudah ada di sini.
The king said to Joseph, “I am happy that your father and your [older] brothers [and younger brother] have come to you.
6 Anggaplah negeri Mesir sebagai negerimu sendiri. Biarlah mereka menetap di daerah Gosyen, daerah yang paling baik di negeri ini. Dan tugaskanlah kepada orang yang cakap bekerja untuk mengurus ternakku."
They can live wherever you want in the whole country of Egypt. Give your father and your brothers the best part of the land. They can live in Goshen. And if you know that any of them have any special ability to work with livestock, have them be in charge of my own livestock, too.”
7 Yusuf juga memperkenalkan ayahnya kepada raja. Yakub memberkati raja,
Then Joseph brought his father Jacob [into the palace] and introduced him to the king. Jacob asked God to bless the king.
8 dan raja bertanya kepadanya, "Berapa umur Bapak?"
Then the king asked Jacob, “How old are you?”
9 Jawab Yakub, "Hamba sudah hidup seratus tiga puluh tahun sebagai pengembara. Hidup hamba itu penuh kesukaran dan pendek apabila dibandingkan dengan umur leluhur hamba sebagai pengembara."
Jacob replied, “I have been traveling around for 130 years. I have not lived as long as my ancestors, but my life has been full of troubles.”
10 Setelah itu Yakub minta diri dan memberi berkat perpisahan.
Then Jacob again [asked God to] bless the king, and left him.
11 Yusuf membantu ayah dan saudara-saudaranya menetap di Mesir. Diberikannya kepada mereka tanah sebagai hak milik di bagian yang paling baik di negeri itu, di dekat kota Rameses, sesuai dengan perintah raja.
[That is how Joseph enabled his father and older] brothers [and younger brother] to start living in Egypt. As the king had commanded, he gave them property in the best part of the land, in [Goshen, which is now called] Rameses.
12 Dan Yusuf melengkapi persediaan makanan bagi ayahnya, saudara-saudaranya, dan seluruh sanak saudaranya, sampai kepada yang paling muda.
Joseph also provided food for all his father’s family. The amounts that he gave them were according to how many children each of them had.
13 Kelaparan itu begitu hebat, sehingga di mana-mana tidak ada makanan lagi. Rakyat Mesir dan rakyat Kanaan lemah dan tidak berdaya karena lapar.
There were no crops growing in the whole region, because the famine was very severe. The people of Egypt and Canaan [MTY] became weak because they did not have enough food to eat.
14 Setiap kali mereka membeli gandum, Yusuf mengumpulkan uang pembayar gandum itu, lalu disimpannya di istana raja.
Joseph collected all the money that the people in Egypt and Canaan paid for the grain they were buying from him, and he brought the money to the king’s palace.
15 Setelah habis uang di Mesir dan di Kanaan, orang-orang Mesir datang kepada Yusuf dan berkata, "Berilah kami makanan! Jangan biarkan kami mati. Uang kami sudah habis."
When the people of Egypt and Canaan had spent all their money for grain, they all kept coming to Joseph and saying, “Please give us some food! If you do not give us grain, we will die [RHQ]! We have used all our money to buy food, and we have no money left!”
16 Yusuf menjawab, "Jika uangmu sudah habis, berilah ternakmu; aku akan memberi makanan kepadamu."
Joseph replied, “Since your money is all gone, bring me your livestock. If you do that, I will give you food in exchange for your livestock.”
17 Lalu mereka memberikan ternaknya kepada Yusuf, dan ia memberi makanan kepada mereka sebagai ganti kuda, domba, kambing, sapi dan keledai mereka. Pada tahun itu Yusuf memberi makanan kepada mereka dan mereka membayar dengan ternak.
So they brought their livestock to Joseph. He gave them food in exchange for their horses, their sheep and goats, their cattle, and their donkeys.
18 Pada tahun berikutnya mereka datang lagi kepadanya dan berkata, "Kami berterus terang kepada Tuan bahwa uang kami sudah habis dan ternak kami sudah menjadi milik Tuan. Kami tidak punya apa-apa lagi yang dapat kami berikan kepada Tuan, selain diri kami sendiri dan tanah kami.
The next year they came to him again and said, “We cannot hide this from you: We have no more money, and now our livestock belongs to you. We have only our bodies and our land to give to you. We have nothing else left.
19 Jangan biarkan kami mati! Jangan biarkan ladang-ladang kami menjadi tandus. Belilah kami dan tanah kami dengan gandum sebagai pembayarannya. Kami dan tanah kami akan menjadi milik raja. Berilah kami gandum untuk menyambung hidup kami dan juga benih untuk ditabur di ladang kami!"
(If you do not give us some food, we will die!/Do you want to watch us die?) [RHQ] If you do not give us seeds, our fields will become useless [IDM]. Buy us and our land in exchange for food. Then we will be the king’s slaves, and he will own the land. Give us seeds that we can plant and grow food, in order that we will not die, and in order that our land will not become like a desert.”
20 Lalu Yusuf membeli semua tanah di mesir untuk raja. Setiap orang Mesir terpaksa menjual tanahnya, karena masa kelaparan itu sangat dahsyat; lalu semua tanah di Mesir menjadi milik raja.
So Joseph bought all the farms in Egypt for the king. The people of Egypt each sold their land to him because the famine was very severe, [and they had no other way to get money to buy food]. So all the farms became the king’s farms.
21 Seluruh rakyat Mesir dijadikan hamba oleh Yusuf.
As a result, Joseph caused all the people from one border of the country to the other to become the king’s slaves.
22 Satu-satunya tanah yang tidak dibelinya ialah tanah para imam. Mereka tidak perlu menjual tanah mereka karena diberi tunjangan tetap oleh raja untuk keperluan hidup mereka.
But he did not buy the priests’ land, because they received food from the king regularly, so the food that the king gave them was enough for them. That is the reason they did not sell their land to him.
23 Yusuf berkata kepada rakyat itu, "Lihatlah, kamu dan tanahmu sudah kubeli untuk raja. Inilah benih yang dapat kamu tabur di ladangmu.
Joseph said to the people [who sold themselves and their land to him], “Listen to me! Today I have bought you and your land for the king. So here are seeds for you so that you can plant them in the ground.
24 Pada waktu panen, kamu harus memberikan seperlima bagian hasilnya kepada raja. Selebihnya boleh kamu pakai untuk benih dan untuk makanan bagimu dan bagi keluargamu."
But when you harvest the crop, you must give one-fifth of the crop to the king. The rest of the crop you can keep, to be seed to plant in the fields, and to be food for you and your children and for everyone else in your household to eat.”
25 Jawab mereka, "Tuan telah menyelamatkan kami dan kami berterima kasih. Kami rela menjadi hamba raja."
They replied, “You have saved our lives! We want you to be pleased with us. And we will be the king’s slaves.”
26 Kemudian Yusuf menjadikan hal itu undang-undang di negeri Mesir, yaitu bahwa seperlima dari hasil panen harus menjadi milik raja. Sampai sekarang undang-undang itu masih berlaku. Hanya tanah imam-imamlah yang tidak menjadi milik raja.
So Joseph made a law about all the land in Egypt, stating that one-fifth of the crops that are harvested belongs to the king. That law still exists. Only the land that belonged to the priests did not become the king’s land.
27 Demikianlah orang-orang Israel menetap di Mesir, di daerah Gosyen. Mereka menjadi kaya dan beranak cucu banyak di situ.
Jacob and his family started to live in Egypt, in the Goshen region. They acquired property there. Many children were born to them there. As a result, their population increased greatly.
28 Yakub masih hidup tujuh belas tahun di Mesir sampai umurnya menjadi seratus empat puluh tujuh tahun.
Jacob lived in Egypt 17 years. Altogether he lived 147 years.
29 Ketika sudah dekat saatnya akan meninggal, dipanggilnya Yusuf, anaknya itu, lalu berkata kepadanya, "Letakkanlah tanganmu di antara pangkal pahaku dan bersumpah bahwa engkau tidak akan menguburkan aku di Mesir ini.
When it was almost time for him to die, he summoned his son Joseph and said to him, “If I have pleased you, make a solemn promise that you will be kind to me and faithfully do what I am now asking you: When I die, do not bury me here in Egypt.
30 Aku mau dikuburkan di tempat para leluhurku; bawalah mayatku dari negeri ini dan kuburkan dalam makam mereka." Lalu jawab Yusuf, "Saya akan melakukan apa yang Ayah katakan itu."
Instead, take my body out of Egypt, and bury it in Canaan where my ancestors are buried.” Joseph replied, “I will do that.”
31 Kata Yakub, "Bersumpahlah bahwa engkau akan melakukannya." Yusuf bersumpah, dan Yakub mengucapkan syukur di tempat tidurnya.
Jacob said, “(Swear/Solemnly promise) to me that you will do it!” So Joseph swore to do it. Then Jacob turned over in bed, bowed his head, and worshiped God.

< Kejadian 47 >