< Ezra 8 >

1 Inilah daftar para kepala kaum yang telah dibuang ke Babel dan kembali bersama aku, Ezra, ke Yerusalem ketika Artahsasta memerintah sebagai raja:
And these [are] [the] heads of fathers their and recording genealogy they who came up with me in [the] reign of Artaxerxes the king from Babylon.
2 Gersom, dari kaum Pinehas; Daniel, dari kaum Itamar; Hatus anak Sekhanya, dari kaum Daud; Zakharia, dari kaum Paros, bersama dengan 150 laki-laki dari kaumnya (ada catatan mengenai silsilah mereka); Elyoenai anak Zerahya, dari kaum Pahat-Moab, bersama dengan 200 laki-laki; Sekhanya anak Yahaziel, dari kaum Zatu, bersama dengan 300 laki-laki; Ebed anak Yonatan, dari kaum Adin, bersama dengan 50 laki-laki; Yesaya anak Atalya, dari kaum Elam, bersama dengan 70 laki-laki; Zebaja anak Mikhael, dari kaum Sefaca, bersama dengan 80 laki-laki; Obaja anak Yehiel, dari kaum Yoab, bersama dengan 218 laki-laki; Selomit anak Yosifya, dari kaum Bani, bersama dengan 160 laki-laki; Zakharia anak Bebai, dari kaum Bebai, bersama dengan 28 laki-laki; Yohanan anak Hakatan, dari kaum Azgad, bersama dengan 110 laki-laki; Elifelet, Yehiel dan Semaya, dari kaum Adonikam, bersama dengan 60 laki-laki (mereka datang kemudian); Utai dan Zabud, dari kaum Bigwai, bersama dengan 70 laki-laki.
Of [the] descendants of Phinehas Gershom. Of [the] descendants of Ithamar Daniel. Of [the] descendants of David Hattush.
Of [the] descendants of Shecaniah. Of [the] descendants of Parosh Zechariah and with him a genealogical list of males one hundred and fifty.
Of [the] descendants of Pahath-Moab Eliehoenai [the] son of Zerahiah and with him [were] two hundred the males.
Of [the] descendants of (Zattu *X*) Shecaniah [the] son of Jahaziel and with him [were] three hundred the males.
And of [the] descendants of Adin Ebed [the] son of Jonathan and with him [were] fifty the males.
And of [the] descendants of Elam Jeshaiah [the] son of Athaliah and with him [were] seventy the males.
And of [the] descendants of Shephatiah Zebadiah [the] son of Michael and with him [were] eighty the males.
Of [the] descendants of Joab Obadiah [the] son of Jehiel and with him [were] two hundred and eight-teen the males.
And of [the] descendants of (Bani *X*) Shelomith [the] son of Josiphiah and with him [were] one hundred and sixty the males.
And of [the] descendants of Bebai Zechariah [the] son of Bebai and with him [were] twenty and eight the males.
And of [the] descendants of Azgad Johanan [the] son of Hakkatan and with him [were] one hundred and ten the males.
And of [the] descendants of Adonikam [the] last [ones] and these [are] names their Eliphelet Jeiel and Shemaiah and with them [were] sixty the males.
And of [the] descendants of Bigvai Uthai (and Zaccur *Q(K)*) and with him [were] seventy the males.
15 Seluruh kelompok itu kukumpulkan di pinggir sungai yang mengalir ke kota Ahawa, lalu kami berkemah di sana selama tiga hari. Setelah kuperiksa, ternyata ada beberapa imam di antara mereka, tetapi tak ada seorang pun dari suku Lewi.
And I assembled them to the river which goes to Ahava and we encamped there days three and I considered! the people and the priests and any of [the] descendants of Levi not I found there.
16 Lalu kupanggil sembilan orang di antara para pemimpin, yaitu: Eliezer, Ariel, Semaya, Elnatan, Yarib, Elnatan, Natan, Zakharia, Mesulam dan juga dua guru, yakni Yoyarib dan Elnatan.
And I sent! for Eliezer for Ariel for Shemaiah and for Elnathan and for Jarib and for Elnathan and for Nathan and for Zechariah and for Meshullam chiefs and for Joiarib and for Elnathan teachers.
17 Kemudian kuutus mereka menemui Ido, kepala masyarakat di Kasifya, dengan permintaan supaya Ido dan rekan-rekannya para pekerja di Rumah TUHAN, mengirimkan kepada kami orang-orang untuk melayani di Rumah TUHAN.
(And I commanded *Q(K)*) them to Iddo the chief in Casiphia the place and I put! in mouth their words to speak to Iddo brother his (the temple servants *Q(K)*) in Casiphia the place to bring to us servants for [the] house of God our.
18 Karena kebaikan hati Allah, mereka mengirim kepada kami Serebya, seorang Lewi yang cerdas dari kaum Mahli. Bersama-sama dengan dia datang juga anak-anak dan saudara-saudaranya, sejumlah 18 orang.
And they brought to us according to [the] hand of God our good on us a man of insight one of [the] descendants of Mahli [the] son of Levi [the] son of Israel and Sherebiah and sons his and brothers his eight-teen.
19 Hasabya dan Yesaya dari kaum Merari, dengan dua puluh orang sanak saudara mereka, dikirim juga kepada kami.
And Hashabiah and with him Jeshaiah one of [the] descendants of Merari brothers his and sons their twenty.
20 Di samping itu ada pula 220 orang pekerja Rumah TUHAN yang terdaftar namanya. Leluhur mereka sejak dahulu ditetapkan oleh Raja Daud dan para pembesar kerajaan untuk membantu orang Lewi.
And some of the temple servants whom he had appointed David and the officials for [the] work of the Levites temple servants two hundred and twenty all of them they had been designated by names.
21 Lalu di pinggir Sungai Ahawa itu aku mengumumkan bahwa semua harus berpuasa dan merendahkan diri di hadapan Allah. Kami berdoa supaya Allah memimpin kami dalam perjalanan itu, serta melindungi kami, anak-anak kami dan segala milik kami.
And I proclaimed there a fast at the river Ahava to humble ourselves before God our to seek from him a journey straight for us and for little one[s] our and for all property our.
22 Aku segan meminta tentara berkuda kepada raja guna melindungi kami terhadap musuh di perjalanan. Sebab aku sudah mengatakan kepadanya, bahwa Allah kami memberkati setiap orang yang berbakti kepada-Nya dan membenci serta menghukum setiap orang yang tidak setia kepada-Nya.
For I was ashamed to ask from the king an escort and horsemen to help us from an enemy on the journey for we had said to the king saying [the] hand of God our [is] on all [those who] seek him for good and strength his and anger his [are] towards all [those who] forsake him.
23 Maka berpuasalah kami serta berdoa kepada Allah meminta perlindungan dan Ia pun mengabulkan doa kami.
And we fasted! and we sought! from God our on this and he was entreated by us.
24 Dari antara para imam yang terkemuka aku memilih 12 orang: Serebya, Hasabya, dan 10 orang lagi.
And I set apart! of [the] leaders of the priests two [plus] ten to Sherebiah Hashabiah and with them of brothers their ten.
25 Kemudian kutimbang bagi mereka perak, emas dan perkakas-perkakas yang telah disumbangkan oleh raja, para penasihat serta pembesar dan oleh semua orang Israel, untuk dipakai di dalam Rumah TUHAN. Semuanya itu kuserahkan kepada para imam itu.
(And I weighed out! *Q(k)*) to them the silver and the gold and the vessels [the] contribution of [the] house of God our which they had offered the king and counselors his and officials his and all Israel who were found.
26 Inilah daftar sumbangan-sumbangan itu: perak-22 ton, 100 perkakas perak-70 kilogram, emas-3.400 kilogram, 20 mangkuk emas-8,4 kilogram, 2 mangkuk perunggu yang bagus sekali, yang sama nilainya dengan mangkuk emas.
And I weighed out! on hand their silver talents six hundred and fifty and vessels of silver one hundred of talents gold one hundred talent[s].
And bowls of gold twenty of darics a thousand and vessels of bronze gleaming fine two precious like gold.
28 Aku berkata kepada para imam itu, "Kalian dikhususkan untuk TUHAN, Allah yang disembah nenek moyang kita, begitu pula segala perkakas perak dan emas yang disumbangkan kepada TUHAN adalah khusus untuk TUHAN.
And I said! to them you [are] holy person[s] to Yahweh and the vessels [are] holy thing[s] and the silver and the gold [are] a freewill offering to Yahweh [the] God of ancestors your.
29 Jagalah benda-benda itu baik-baik sampai kalian tiba di Rumah TUHAN. Sesudah sampai di sana, kalian harus menimbang benda-benda itu, dan menyerahkannya kepada imam-imam kepala dan pemimpin-pemimpin orang Lewi, serta pemimpin-pemimpin orang Israel di Yerusalem."
Watch and keep [them] until you will weigh [them] out before [the] leaders of the priests and the Levites and [the] leaders of the fathers of Israel in Jerusalem the rooms of [the] house of Yahweh.
30 Lalu para imam dan orang-orang Lewi itu menerima perak, emas dan perkakas-perkakas itu untuk dibawa ke Rumah TUHAN di Yerusalem.
And they received the priests and the Levites [the] weight of the silver and the gold and the vessels to bring [them] to Jerusalem to [the] house of God our.
31 Pada tanggal dua belas bulan pertama kami meninggalkan Sungai Ahawa dan berangkat ke Yerusalem. Dalam perjalanan itu kami dilindungi Allah kami dari serangan dan penghadangan musuh.
And we set out! from [the] river of Ahava on [day] two [plus] ten of the month first to go Jerusalem and [the] hand of God our it was on us and he delivered us from [the] hand of an enemy and from an ambusher on the journey.
32 Ketika tiba di Yerusalem, kami beristirahat selama 3 hari.
And we came Jerusalem and we remained there days three.
33 Kemudian pada hari keempat pergilah kami ke Rumah TUHAN, lalu menimbang perak, emas dan perkakas-perkakas itu. Setelah itu kami menyerahkannya kepada Imam Meremot anak Uria dengan disaksikan oleh Eleazar anak Pinehas dan dua orang Lewi, yaitu Yozabad anak Yesua dan Noaja anak Binui.
And on the day fourth it was weighed out the silver and the gold and the vessels in [the] house of God our on [the] hand of Meremoth [the] son of Uriah the priest and with him Eleazar [the] son of Phinehas and with them Jozabad [the] son of Jeshua and Noadiah [the] son of Binnui the Levites.
34 Semua benda itu dihitung dan ditimbang, lalu dicatat dengan lengkap.
By number by weight for everything and it was written down all the weight at the time that.
35 Pada hari itu juga semua orang yang telah kembali dari pembuangan itu, mempersembahkan kurban bakaran kepada Allah Israel. Mereka mempersembahkan 12 ekor sapi jantan untuk seluruh Israel, 96 ekor domba jantan dan 77 ekor anak domba; selain itu juga 12 ekor kambing untuk kurban pengampunan dosa bagi mereka sendiri. Semua binatang itu dibakar sebagai kurban bagi TUHAN.
Those [who] had come from the captivity [the] children of the exile they brought near burnt offerings - to [the] God of Israel bulls two [plus] ten on all Israel rams - ninety and six lambs seventy and seven he-goats of sin offering two [plus] ten everything [was] a burnt offering to Yahweh.
36 Lalu dokumen yang diberikan raja kepada mereka, disampaikan kepada para gubernur dan pejabat provinsi Efrat Barat. Maka pejabat-pejabat itu memberi bantuan kepada rakyat supaya mereka dapat tetap beribadat di Rumah TUHAN.
And they gave - [the] decrees of the king to [the] satraps of the king and [the] governors of beyond the River and they supported the people and [the] house of God.

< Ezra 8 >