< Yehezkiel 32 >
1 Pada tanggal satu bulan dua belas dalam tahun kedua belas masa pembuangan kami, TUHAN berkata kepadaku,
Almost twelve years [after we had been taken to Babylonia], on the first day of the twelfth month [of that year], Yahweh gave me another message. He said,
2 "Hai manusia fana, berilah peringatan keras kepada raja Mesir. Sampaikanlah pesan-Ku ini kepadanya, 'Engkau berlagak seperti singa muda di antara bangsa-bangsa, tetapi engkau lebih menyerupai buaya yang berkecimpung di dalam air. Kakimu mengeruhkan dan mengotorkan segala sungai.
“You human, sing a sad/funeral song about the king of Egypt. Sing this to him: ‘You [think that you] [IRO] are like [SIM] a lion among the nations; or like [SIM] a monster/crocodile in the river thrashing around in the water, churning/stirring up the water with your feet and causing the water to become muddy.
3 Pada waktu bangsa-bangsa berkumpul, Aku akan menangkap engkau dengan jala-Ku, dan membiarkan bangsa-bangsa itu menyeret engkau ke darat.
But this is what Yahweh the Lord says: “I will send many people to throw my net over you, and they will haul/drag you up [onto the land] in my net.
4 Engkau akan Kuhempaskan ke tanah dan semua burung serta binatang dari seluruh dunia akan Kusuruh memakan engkau.
They will throw you into a field [DOU] [to die]; I will allow the birds to sit on you, and all the wild animals will eat the flesh of your corpse until their stomachs are full.
5 Lalu gunung-gunung dan lembah-lembah akan Kupenuhi dengan bangkaimu yang membusuk itu.
I will cause them to scatter your flesh on the hills and fill the valleys with your bones.
6 Darahmu akan Kutumpahkan sehingga membasahi gunung-gunung dan memenuhi sungai-sungai.
I will cause them to fill the land with your blood, all the way to the mountains, and the ravines will be filled with your flesh.
7 Pada saat Aku membinasakan engkau, langit akan Kuselubungi dan bintang-bintang akan Kuredupkan. Matahari akan Kusembunyikan di balik awan dan bulan tidak akan bercahaya.
When I get rid of you, I will cover the sky and not allow the stars to shine. I will put a dark cloud in front of the sun, and the moon will not shine.
8 Sungguh, segala terang di langit akan Kupadamkan, dan bumi akan Kujadikan gelap gulita. Aku, TUHAN Yang Mahatinggi telah berbicara.
I will cause the stars in the sky to be dark, and there will be darkness over your entire land; [that will surely happen because] I, Yahweh the Lord, have said it.
9 Pada waktu Aku menyiarkan berita tentang kehancuranmu di negeri-negeri yang belum kaukenal, banyak bangsa akan menjadi cemas.
And when the people of many nations hear about your being destroyed, many of them will be afraid/worried— people living in countries that you have never known about.
10 Sungguh, Aku akan mengayunkan pedang-Ku dan mengalahkan engkau. Raja-raja dan bangsa-bangsa akan melihat tindakan-Ku itu terhadap engkau. Pada saat itu mereka akan gemetar ketakutan dan menggigil karena takut mati.'"
I will cause many people to be appalled because of [what has happened to] you, and their kings will be horrified and shudder/shake because of your [being destroyed], when I swing my sword in front of them. At the time that you will be destroyed, all of them will tremble, fearing that they also will be killed.”
11 TUHAN Yang Mahatinggi berkata kepada raja Mesir, "Pedang raja Babel akan diacungkan kepadamu.
This is what Yahweh the Lord says: “The swords of [the army of] the King of Babylon will strike you.
12 Prajurit-prajurit dari bangsa-bangsa yang kejam akan Kusuruh mencabut pedang mereka dan membantai seluruh rakyatmu. Rakyatmu dan segala apa yang kaubanggakan akan hancur lebur.
I will cause very many of your people to be killed by the swords of mighty soldiers [from Babylonia], who are more ruthless/cruel than the soldiers of all other nations. They will cause the people of Egypt to quit being proud, because very many [HYP] of their people will be killed.
13 Ternakmu akan Kubantai di tepi sungai-sungai tempat mereka minum. Baik manusia maupun hewan tak akan mengeruhkan air sungai itu lagi.
I will destroy all the cattle in Egypt that (graze/eat grass) alongside the streams. As a result, the water in those streams will never again become muddy because of people and cattle walking in them.
14 Maka sungai-sungai di negerimu akan Kujernihkan dan Kubuat mengalir dengan tenang. Aku, TUHAN Yang Mahatinggi telah berbicara.
Then I will allow the streams in Egypt to become calm again and flow [as smoothly] [SIM] as olive oil flows.
15 Bilamana Mesir Kujadikan padang gurun yang sepi, serta Kubinasakan semua yang tinggal di situ, mereka akan tahu bahwa Akulah TUHAN.
When I cause Egypt to become empty/desolate and strip off everything that grows on the land, and when I get rid of all the people who live there, people will know that I, Yahweh, [have the power to do what I say that I will do].”’
16 Peringatan yang keras ini akan menjadi nyanyian kabung. Kaum wanita dari bangsa-bangsa lain akan menyanyikannya sebagai tanda berkabung bagi Mesir dan seluruh rakyatnya. Aku, TUHAN Yang Mahatinggi telah berbicara."
That sad song about Egypt will also be sung by the people. Women of many nations will sing it. They will chant it about Egypt and all its people; [that will surely happen because] I, Yahweh, have said that it would happen.”
17 Pada tanggal lima belas bulan satu dalam tahun kedua belas masa pembuangan kami, TUHAN berkata lagi kepadaku,
On the fifteenth day of that same month, Yahweh gave me another message. He said,
18 "Hai manusia fana, berkabunglah bagi rakyat di Mesir. Kirimlah mereka ke dunia orang mati bersama-sama dengan negeri-negeri kuat lainnya.
“You human, wail about the many people of Egypt, because I will send them to the place under the earth, where they and people of other mighty nations will be. I will send them there, along with others, down to the place where the dead are.
19 Katakanlah kepada mereka, 'Sangkamu kamukah yang paling jelita? Kamu akan turun ke dunia orang mati, dan dibaringkan di antara orang-orang yang tidak mengenal Allah.'
Say to them, ‘You people of [APO] Egypt, [you think that] [IRO, RHQ] you are more beautiful than the people of other nations. But you also will descend to the place where the godless dead people are.
20 Bangsa Mesir akan mati bersama dengan mereka yang tewas dalam pertempuran. Sebuah pedang sudah siap untuk membunuh mereka semua.
[Your enemies] will pull out their swords and kill many of you. A huge number of the people of Egypt who remain will be dragged away.
21 Pahlawan-pahlawan yang gagah berani dan orang-orang yang berperang di pihak Mesir menyambut dengan gembira kedatangan orang Mesir ke dunia orang mati. Mereka bersorak begini, 'Orang-orang yang tidak mengenal Allah itu telah tewas dalam pertempuran. Sekarang mereka datang ke mari dan berbaring di sini!' (Sheol )
In the place where the dead people are, mighty leaders [of other countries] will [make fun of the people of Egypt] and say, “They have come here to lie with us godless people who were killed by our enemies’ swords!”’ (Sheol )
22 Asyur berbaring di sana, dikelilingi oleh kuburan prajurit-prajuritnya. Mereka semua telah tewas dalam pertempuran. Kuburan mereka ada di bagian yang paling dalam di dunia orang mati. Ketika masih hidup, mereka menimbulkan ketakutan di dunia.
[The corpses of the people of] Assyria will be there. They will be surrounded by [corpses of] soldiers who were killed by [their enemies’] swords.
The people’s graves are there in the deep pit, and [corpses of soldiers of] their army lie around their graves. Corpses of all those who had caused many others in other places to be terrified also will be there, having been killed by swords.
24 Elam ada di sana dengan kuburan prajuritnya di sekelilingnya. Tanpa disunat, mereka semua tewas dalam pertempuran, lalu turun ke dunia orang mati. Ketika hidup, mereka menimbulkan ketakutan, tetapi sekarang mereka telah mati dan harus menanggung malu bersama orang-orang yang telah tewas dalam pertempuran.
A great number of the people of Elam will be there. They also were killed by [their enemies’] swords. They had caused people in many places [HYP] to be terrified. At that time they will lie there in that deep pit below the earth, and they, along with the others who have gone there, will be disgraced.
They will lie there among others who were slaughtered, surrounded by the graves of a huge crowd of other people. While they were alive, they caused people of other nations to be terrified; but they were godless, and now, having been killed by [their enemies] swords, they will lie with others in that deep pit, disgraced, all of them avoiding each other.
26 Mesekh dan Tubal ada di situ, dikelilingi oleh kuburan prajurit-prajurit mereka. Tanpa disunat, mereka semua tewas dalam pertempuran. Ketika hidup, mereka menimbulkan ketakutan di dunia.
[Corpses of] soldiers of Meshech and Tubal will be there, surrounded by the graves of a huge crowd of their people. They were all godless people who were killed by swords because while they were alive, they also caused people in many places [HYP] to be terrified.
27 Mereka tidak mendapat penguburan secara terhormat seperti pahlawan di zaman dahulu yang turun ke dunia orang mati dengan bersenjata lengkap. Pahlawan-pahlawan itu dikuburkan dengan pedang di bawah kepala dan perisai di atas dada. Waktu masih hidup, pahlawan-pahlawan sungguh perkasa sehingga membuat takut semua orang. (Sheol )
They will surely [RHQ] not be buried honorably like the soldiers who have died, whose shields were buried with their corpses, whose swords were placed on their skulls in the graves. While those godless people were alive, they had caused many people in the land to be terrified, so they were punished for their sins. (Sheol )
28 Demikianlah orang Mesir akan dikuburkan dan dibaringkan di tengah orang-orang yang tidak mengenal Allah dan tewas dalam pertempuran.
You king of Egypt, you also be killed and will lie there with other godless people who have been killed by [their enemies’] swords.
29 Edom ada di sana dengan semua raja dan penguasanya. Dahulu mereka adalah prajurit-prajurit yang kuat, tetapi sekarang mereka terbaring di dunia orang mati bersama dengan orang-orang mati lainnya yang tidak mengenal Allah.
People of the Edom people-group will be there, along with their kings and leaders. They were powerful, but they will [be killed and] lie there in the place where the other dead people are. They will lie there in that deep pit, with the other godless people.
30 Semua pangeran dari utara ada di sana, demikian juga orang-orang Sidon. Dahulu kekuasaan mereka menimbulkan ketakutan, tetapi sekarang mereka dipermalukan dan tanpa disunat turun ke dunia orang mati bersama orang-orang yang tewas dalam pertempuran. Di sana mereka berbaring dan menanggung noda bersama orang-orang yang turun ke dunia orang mati.
All the rulers of countries north [of Israel], including people from Sidon, will be there. Because of their power, they caused people to be terrified, but they will lie there. They were godless, and they will lie there along with others who were killed by [their enemies’] swords. They, along with everyone else who descends into that deep pit, will be disgraced.
31 Bilamana raja Mesir dan tentaranya tiba di dunia orang mati dan melihat semua orang itu yang telah tewas dalam pertempuran, mereka akan merasa terhibur. Aku TUHAN Yang Mahatinggi telah berbicara.
The king of Egypt and all his army will see them, and they will be comforted to know that there were other huge groups of people who were killed by [their enemies’] swords.
32 Akulah yang menyebabkan raja Mesir menimbulkan ketakutan pada orang-orang yang hidup, tetapi dia dan tentaranya akan tewas dan dibaringkan bersama semua orang yang tidak mengenal Allah dan gugur dalam pertempuran. Aku TUHAN Yang Mahatinggi telah berbicara."
While he was living, I allowed him to cause others in many countries to be terrified, but he and his huge army will be there among other godless people who had been killed by [their enemies’] swords. [That will surely happen because] I, Yahweh the Lord, am the one who has said [that it would happen].”