< Yehezkiel 23 >

1 TUHAN berbicara kepadaku, kata-Nya,
Yahweh said to me,
2 "Hai manusia fana, ada dua wanita, kakak beradik.
“You human, [listen to this parable about Jerusalem and Samaria]. Once there were two women, daughters of the same mother.
3 Pada waktu muda, mereka tinggal di Mesir. Di sana mereka kehilangan keperawanannya, lalu mereka menjadi pelacur.
They lived in Egypt. And from the time that they were young women, they became prostitutes. In that land, [men] fondled their breasts and caressed their bosoms [DOU].
4 Yang sulung bernama Ohola; ia melambangkan Samaria. Adiknya bernama Oholiba; ia melambangkan Yerusalem. Aku kawin dengan mereka dan mendapat anak dari kedua-duanya.
The older [sister] was Oholah, and her [younger] sister was Oholibah. [It was as though] they became my [wives. Later] they gave birth to sons and daughters. Oholah represents Samaria, and Oholibah represents Jerusalem.
5 Meskipun Ohola sudah menjadi istri-Ku, ia tetap melacur, dan sangat bergairah melayani kekasih-kekasihnya dari Asyur.
Oholah acted like a prostitute while she was [still] my wife. She desired to have sex with those she loved—soldiers from Assyria.
6 Mereka itu adalah tentara yang berseragam merah ungu, para bangsawan dan pejabat-pejabat tinggi; semuanya perwira-perwira pasukan berkuda yang berwajah tampan.
[Some of them] were army officers and commanders. They wore [beautiful] blue [uniforms. They were] all handsome young men. Some of them rode horses.
7 Dengan pembesar-pembesar itulah Ohola berzinah. Lagipula karena sangat berahinya, ia menajiskan dirinya dengan menyembah berhala-berhala mereka.
She acted like a prostitute toward all the important Assyrian officials, and became unacceptable to me by worshiping all the idols of the men she wanted to have sex with.
8 Ia terus saja melacur seperti yang dahulu dilakukannya di Mesir, di mana ia kehilangan keperawanannya. Sejak masa kecilnya, ia telah ditiduri dan diperlakukan sebagai pelacur.
When she was a young woman in Egypt, she started being a prostitute, and [young] men caressed her breasts and had sex with her; and when she became older, she did not quit acting like a prostitute.
9 Sebab itu Kuserahkan dia kepada kekasih-kekasihnya, orang-orang Asyur yang sangat dirindukannya itu.
So I allowed the Assyrian soldiers, whom she wanted to have sex with, to capture her.
10 Ia ditelanjangi oleh mereka dengan kasar, lalu dibunuh dengan pedang, dan anak-anaknya dirampas. Di mana-mana nasibnya itu menjadi buah bibir kaum wanita.
They stripped all her clothes off her. They took away her sons and daughters. And then they killed her with a sword. [Other] women started talking about what had happened to her, about how she had been punished.
11 Oholiba, adiknya melihat kejadian itu, tetapi ia lebih bernafsu melakukan perzinahan daripada Ohola.
[younger] sister Oholibah saw those [that happened to Oholah], but she was a prostitute, and she desired to have sex with men more than [older] sister had desired.
12 Oholiba juga sangat menginginkan orang-orang Asyur itu, yaitu pemuda-pemuda tampan dari pasukan berkuda, para bangsawan dan pejabat tinggi, serta tentara yang berseragam merah ungu itu.
Oholibah [also] wanted to have sex with the Assyrian soldiers. [Some of them were] army officers and commanders. [They all] wore beautiful blue uniforms. They were all handsome young men. [Some of] them rode horses.
13 Aku melihat bahwa Oholiba itu sungguh bejat, sama seperti kakaknya.
I saw what she did that caused her to became unacceptable to me, just like [older] sister.
14 Makin lama makin bejatlah Oholiba. Ia sangat tertarik kepada gambar-gambar yang terukir pada dinding, dan yang diwarnai dengan cat semerah darah. Gambar-gambar itu melambangkan perwira-perwira Babel dengan ikat pinggang yang indah dan serban yang berjuntai.
But she did [even] worse things. She saw drawings of men from Babylonia on the walls, painted in red.
The [in the drawings] had belts around their waists and long turbans on their heads. They all resembled officers from Babylonia [DOU] [who rode in chariots].
16 Ketika Oholiba melihat gambar-gambar itu, berahinya memuncak dan ia mengirim undangan kepada perwira-perwira itu di Babel.
As soon as she saw those drawings, she wanted to have sex with those men, and she sent messages to them in Babylonia.
17 Maka datanglah mereka dan tidur dengan dia. Mereka menodai dia sedemikian rupa sehingga akhirnya ia menjadi muak dengan mereka.
Then the soldiers from Babylonia came to her, they lay in bed with her, and they had sex with her. Then she became disgusted with them and turned away from them.
18 Setelah itu dengan terang-terangan ia melacur dan mempertontonkan dirinya kepada umum. Aku muak melihat dia, seperti Aku muak terhadap kakaknya.
But when she continued to openly/boldly act like a prostitute [DOU], I became disgusted with her, and I rejected her like I had rejected [older] sister.
19 Makin lama makin sering ia berzinah, tak ada bedanya seperti di masa mudanya ketika ia melacur di Mesir.
But she became even more immoral, as she remembered when she was a young woman who was a prostitute in Egypt.
20 Ia sangat bergairah terhadap laki-laki yang meluap nafsu berahinya, dan yang gejolak berahinya sebesar nafsu kuda jantan.
There she wanted to have sex with those who loved her, whose genitals were [very long], like [SIM] those of donkeys, and whose sexual emissions were huge, [like] those of horses.
21 (Hai Oholiba, engkau ingin mengulangi kemesuman yang kaulakukan di masa mudamu, ketika orang Mesir bercumbu-cumbu denganmu.)"
So she desired to be immoral like she was when she was young, when men in Egypt caressed her bosom and fondled her breasts.”
22 TUHAN Yang Mahatinggi berkata, "Hai Oholiba, engkau sudah bosan dengan kekasih-kekasihmu, tetapi Aku akan menghasut mereka supaya mereka marah kepadamu dan mengepungmu.
“[represents you people of Jerusalem]. Therefore, this is what [I], Yahweh the Lord say: ‘I will cause those [soldiers] who loved you but whom you turned away from because you became disgusted with them, to be angry with you. I will cause them to come and attack you from every side—
23 Aku akan mengumpulkan dan membawa kepadamu semua kekasihmu dari Babel, Pekod, Soa, Koa, Asyur, serta orang-orang Kaldea. Kubawa kepadamu pemuda-pemuda tampan yang berpangkat tinggi, bangsawan, pejabat penting dan perwira-perwira pasukan berkuda.
soldiers from Babylon and all the other places in Babylonia, [their allies] from Pekod and Shoa and [regions], and all the army of Assyria. [Yes], all of them are handsome young men, army officers and commanders, officers who ride in chariots, all riding on horses.
24 Mereka akan menyerangmu dari utara dengan tentara yang besar, dengan kereta-kereta perang dan kereta-kereta pembawa bekal. Dengan dilindungi perisai dan topi-topi baja, mereka akan mengepungmu. Akan Kubiarkan mereka menghakimimu menurut hukum-hukum mereka sendiri.
Their huge army will attack you with weapons, riding in chariots and pulling wagons [that will carry their army supplies]. They will surround you, carrying large and small shields, and wearing helmets. I will allow them to capture you and punish you in the way that they [always] [their enemies].
25 Karena Aku marah kepadamu, Kubiarkan mereka memperlakukanmu dengan kejam. Hidung dan telingamu akan mereka potong dan anak-anakmu akan diambil dan dibakar hidup-hidup.
Because I am very angry with you, I will cause them to act [very] furiously toward you. They will cut off your noses and your ears. Then, those who are still alive, they will kill with their swords. They will take away your sons and daughters, and a fire will burn up those who remain alive.
26 Engkau akan ditelanjangi dan perhiasan-perhiasanmu akan dirampas.
They will strip off your clothes and your fine jewelry and take them away.
27 Demikianlah Aku akan menghentikan nafsu berahimu dan segala perzinahan yang kaulakukan sejak engkau ada di Mesir. Engkau tak akan lagi berharap kepada berhala mana pun atau teringat kepada Mesir."
In that way, I will stop all the immoral behavior that began when you became a prostitute in Egypt. You will no longer desire to do those things, or think [what you did in] Egypt.’
28 TUHAN Yang Mahatinggi berkata, "Aku akan menyerahkan engkau kepada orang-orang memuakkan yang kaubenci.
This is what [I], Yahweh the Lord say: ‘I am about to allow those whom you hate, those you became disgusted with and turned away from, to capture you.
29 Karena mereka benci kepadamu, segala hasil jerih-payahmu akan mereka rampas. Engkau akan ditinggalkan telanjang bulat sebagai pelacur dan menjadi tontonan umum. Nafsu berahi dan kecabulanmulah
They will be cruel and take away everything that you have worked hard to acquire. They will leave you completely naked [DOU], and everyone will see that you truly are a prostitute.
30 yang mendatangkan nasib buruk ini kepadamu. Engkau menjadi pelacur bagi bangsa-bangsa, dan menajiskan dirimu dengan berhala-berhala mereka.
It is because of what you have done that you will be punished like that; you have been an immoral prostitute; you have had sex with men of other nations, and you have caused yourselves to become unacceptable to me [worshiping] their idols.
31 Engkau mengikuti jejak kakakmu, oleh sebab itu engkau akan Kuhukum dengan hukuman yang sama."
You have behaved [the people of Samaria, who are like] your [older] sister. So I will cause you to be punished [MET] like they were punished.’
32 TUHAN Yang Mahatinggi berkata, "Isi cangkir kakakmu harus kautelan. Cangkir itu besar dan dalam. Isinya penuh olok-olok dan ejekan, yang harus kautanggung dari setiap orang.
This is what [I], Yahweh the Lord, say: ‘[You will suffer like people suffer when they drink from a cup a lot of strong alcoholic drink]: [It will be as though] you will drink from the cup that the people of Samaria drank from; a big and tall cup. Because of your drinking what is in that cup, many people will scorn you and make fun of you because there is a lot of liquid in that cup.
33 Cangkir kakakmu Samaria, berisi ketakutan dan kehancuran. Setelah kauminum seluruh isinya kau akan mabuk dan menderita. Dan dengan pecahan-pecahan cangkir itu engkau akan merobek-robek dadamu. Aku, TUHAN Yang Mahatinggi telah berbicara."
When you become very drunk, you will become very sad, [drinking what is in] that cup [MTY] will cause you to become ruined and deserted, like what happened [MET] to [the people of] Samaria, [who are like] [MET] your sister.
You will drink all the liquid that is in that cup; then you will break that cup into pieces [use those pieces to] gash/cut your [because you will be very sad].’ [That will surely happen because] I, Yahweh, have said it.
35 TUHAN Yang Mahatinggi berkata, "Karena engkau telah melupakan Aku dan membelakangi Aku, engkau akan menderita akibat nafsu berahimu dan pelacuranmu."
Therefore, this is what [I], Yahweh the Lord, say: ‘Because you have forgotten me and rejected me [IDM], you must be punished for your immoral behavior and for [like] a prostitute.’”
36 TUHAN berkata kepadaku, "Hai manusia fana, sudah siapkah engkau menghakimi Ohola dan Oholiba? Tegurlah mereka mengenai kekejian yang telah mereka perbuat.
Yahweh said to me, “You human, you must [RHQ] [the people of those two cities represented by] Oholah and Oholibah. You must remind them of their detestable behavior:
37 Mereka telah melakukan perzinahan dan pembunuhan; mereka telah berzinah dengan berhala-berhala dan membunuh anak-anak-Ku yang mereka lahirkan. Anak-anak itu telah mereka persembahkan kepada berhala-berhala mereka.
[It is as though the people of those cities] have committed adultery and have murdered [MTY] people. They have been unfaithful to me by [worshiping] idols. They have even sacrificed their own children, who belonged to me, to be food for their idols.
38 Dan bukan itu saja. Mereka juga menajiskan Rumah-Ku dan hari Sabat yang telah Kutetapkan itu.
They have done [disgraceful things]: They have caused my temple to be an unacceptable place for worship, and have not respected the Sabbath days.
39 Pada hari mereka membunuh anak-anak-Ku dan mempersembahkannya kepada berhala-berhala, kedua kakak beradik itu datang ke Rumah-Ku dan mencemarkannya!
On the same day that they sacrificed their children to their idols, they entered my temple, which caused it to be an unacceptable place for worshiping me.
40 Mereka bahkan mengirim undangan kepada pria-pria di negeri-negeri yang jauh, dan mereka memenuhi undangan itu. Untuk menyambut tamu-tamu itu, kedua kakak beradik itu mandi, memakai celak mata dan mengenakan perhiasan-perhiasannya.
They sent messages to men [in countries] far away. And when those men arrived, [the women of those two cities] bathed themselves for them, painted their eyebrows, and put on jewelry.
41 Lalu mereka duduk di atas tempat tidur yang indah. Di depannya ada meja yang penuh dengan hidangan-hidangan, termasuk dupa dan minyak zaitun yang telah Kuberikan kepada mereka.
They sat on a beautiful couch, with a table in front of it on which they had put incense and [olive] oil that belonged to me.
42 Dari luar terdengar suara gaduh orang banyak yang bersenang-senang. Orang-orang itu telah diundang datang dari padang pasir. Mereka memasukkan gelang pada lengan kakak beradik itu, dan memasang mahkota-mahkota indah pada kepalanya.
Soon there was a noisy crowd around them. Among the crowd there were men from Sheba who had come from the [of Arabia]. They put bracelets on the arms of the [two] sisters and put beautiful crowns on their heads.
43 Lalu pikir-Ku, 'Masih maukah orang-orang itu bermain cinta dengan pelacur-pelacur yang sudah layu karena perzinahan?'
Then I said about the woman who had become exhausted by her having sex with many men, ‘Now allow those men to act toward her as though she is a prostitute, because that is all that she is.’
44 Secara bergantian orang-orang mendatangi Ohola dan Oholiba, kedua pelacur yang sudah bejat itu.
So they had sex [EUP] with those two women, Oholah and Oholibah, like men have sex with prostitutes.
45 Tetapi, orang-orang saleh akan mengadili kakak beradik itu atas dasar perzinahan dan pembunuhan, sebab mereka memang bersalah."
But righteous men will condemn them to be punished, like women who commit adultery and who murder others are punished, because those women commit adultery and they murder [MTY] others.
46 TUHAN Yang Mahatinggi berkata, "Panggillah segerombolan orang untuk menyiksa dan merampok kedua pelacur itu.
So this is what [I], Yahweh the Lord, say: Bring a mob to attack Samaria and Jerusalem, and allow that mob to cause the people of those cities to be terrified, and to rob them.
47 Biarlah mereka dilempari dengan batu dan diserang dengan pedang. Biarlah anak-anak mereka dibantai dan rumah-rumah mereka dibakar.
The mob will throw stones at [to kill them]; they will cut them into pieces with their swords, they will kill their sons and daughters, and burn down their houses.
48 Di seluruh negeri akan Kuberantas kebejatan seperti itu. Tindakan-Ku itu akan menjadi peringatan bagi setiap wanita supaya jangan berzinah seperti kedua kakak beradik itu.
In that way I will cause them to stop their immoral behavior. It will warn other women to not imitate/do what you people of Jerusalem are doing.
49 Hai Ohola dan Oholiba, Aku akan menghukum kamu karena kamu berzinah dan menyembah berhala. Maka tahulah kamu bahwa Akulah TUHAN Yang Mahatinggi."
[people of Jerusalem] will be punished for your immoral behavior and for your worshiping idols. Then you will know that I, Yahweh the Lord, [have the power to do what I say that I will do].”

< Yehezkiel 23 >