< Ulangan 9 >

1 "Dengarlah Saudara-saudara! Hari ini kamu menyeberangi Sungai Yordan untuk menduduki daerah bangsa-bangsa yang lebih besar dan lebih kuat dari kamu. Kota-kota mereka besar-besar dengan tembok-temboknya yang menjulang setinggi langit.
Hear O Israel you [are] about to pass over this day the Jordan to go to dispossess nations great and mighty more than you cities large and fortified in the heavens.
2 Orang-orangnya besar dan kuat perawakannya; mereka itu raksasa, dan kamu sudah mendengar bahwa tak seorang pun dapat melawan mereka.
A people great and lofty [the] descendants of [the] Anakites whom you you know and you you have heard who? will he stand before [the] descendants of Anak.
3 Tetapi sekarang, kamu akan menyaksikan sendiri bagaimana TUHAN Allahmu berjalan di depan kamu seperti api yang menghanguskan. Ia akan mengalahkan mereka di depan matamu, sehingga kamu dapat mengusir dan membinasakan mereka dengan cepat seperti yang dijanjikan TUHAN.
And you will know this day that Yahweh God your he [is] the [one who] is about to pass over before you a fire consuming he he will destroy them and he he will subdue them before you and you will dispossess them and you will destroy them quickly just as he spoke Yahweh to you.
4 Sesudah TUHAN Allahmu mengusir mereka untukmu, jangan menyangka bahwa kamu dibawa-Nya ke sana untuk memiliki tanah itu karena kamu baik dan melakukan kehendak TUHAN Allahmu sehingga pantas menerimanya. Sekali-kali tidak! TUHAN mengusir bangsa-bangsa itu untuk kamu karena mereka jahat. TUHAN membiarkan kamu mengambil tanah mereka, karena Ia ingin memenuhi janji-Nya kepada nenek moyangmu Abraham, Ishak dan Yakub.
May not you say in heart your when drives out Yahweh God your them - from to before you saying in righteousness my he has brought me Yahweh to take possession of the land this and in [the] wickedness of the nations these Yahweh [is] dispossessing them from before you.
Not in righteousness your and in [the] uprightness of heart your you [are] about to go to take possession of land their for in [the] wickedness of - the nations these Yahweh God your [is] dispossessing them from before you and so as to carry out the word which he swore Yahweh to ancestors your to Abraham to Isaac and to Jacob.
6 Yakinlah bahwa TUHAN Allahmu tidak menyerahkan tanah subur itu kepadamu oleh karena kamu pantas menerimanya. Tidak! Kamu ini bangsa yang keras kepala.
And you will know that not in righteousness your Yahweh God your [is] about to give to you the land good this to take possession of it for [are] a people stiff of neck you.
7 Ingatlah bagaimana kamu membuat TUHAN Allahmu marah di padang gurun. Sejak kamu meninggalkan Mesir sampai kamu tiba di sini, kamu menentang TUHAN.
Remember may not you forget this: you provoked to anger Yahweh God your in the wilderness from the day when you came out - from [the] land of Egypt until came you to the place this rebelling you have been with Yahweh.
8 Bahkan di Gunung Sinai kamu membuat TUHAN marah sekali, sehingga Ia mau membinasakan kamu.
And at Horeb you provoked to anger Yahweh and he was angry Yahweh with you to destroy you.
9 Saya mendaki gunung itu untuk menerima batu perjanjian yang dibuat TUHAN dengan kamu. Empat puluh hari dan empat puluh malam lamanya saya tinggal di atas gunung itu tanpa makan atau minum.
When went up I the mountain towards to receive [the] tablets of stone [the] tablets of the covenant which he had made Yahweh with you and I remained on the mountain forty day[s] and forty night[s] food not I ate and water not I drank.
10 Kemudian TUHAN memberi saya kedua batu yang telah ditulisi oleh Allah sendiri. Pada batu itu tertulis kata-kata yang diucapkan-Nya dari tengah-tengah api kepadamu, ketika kamu berkumpul di kaki gunung.
And he gave Yahweh to me [the] two [the] tablets of stone inscribed by [the] finger of God and [were] on them like all the words which he had spoken Yahweh with you on the mountain from [the] middle of the fire on [the] day of the assembly.
11 Ya, sesudah lewat empat puluh hari dan empat puluh malam, TUHAN memberikan kepada saya kedua batu perjanjian itu.
And it was from [the] end of forty day[s] and forty night[s] he gave Yahweh to me [the] two [the] tablets of stone [the] tablets of the covenant.
12 Lalu TUHAN berkata kepada saya, 'Turunlah segera, sebab bangsamu yang kaubawa keluar dari Mesir telah berbuat jahat. Mereka sudah menyimpang dari perintah-perintah-Ku, dan membuat patung untuk disembah.'
And he said Yahweh to me arise go down quickly from here for it has acted corruptly people your which you brought out from Egypt they have turned aside quickly from the way which I commanded them they have made for themselves a molten image.
13 TUHAN juga berkata kepada saya, 'Aku tahu bangsa itu amat keras kepala.
And he said Yahweh to me saying I have seen the people this and there! [is] a people stiff of neck it.
14 Jangan coba menghalangi Aku. Aku hendak membinasakan mereka sehingga mereka tidak diingat lagi. Tetapi engkau akan Kujadikan bapak dari suatu bangsa yang lebih besar dan lebih kuat daripada mereka.'
Refrain from me so I may destroy them and I may wipe out name their from under the heavens so I may make you into a nation mighty and great more than it.
15 Lalu saya berpaling, dan sambil membawa kedua batu perjanjian dengan kedua tangan, saya turuni gunung yang sedang menyala-nyala.
And I turned and I went down from the mountain and the mountain [was] burning with fire and [the] two [the] tablets of the covenant [were] on [the] two hands my.
16 Saya lihat bahwa kamu sudah melanggar perintah TUHAN Allahmu. Kamu sudah berdosa terhadap TUHAN karena membuat bagi dirimu sebuah patung sapi dari logam.
And I saw and there! you had sinned to Yahweh God your you had made for yourselves a calf of molten metal you had turned aside quickly from the way which he had commanded Yahweh you.
17 Maka di depan matamu kedua batu perjanjian itu saya banting sampai hancur berkeping-keping.
And I seized [the] two the tablets and I threw them from on [the] two hands my and I broke them to eyes your.
18 Lalu sekali lagi saya bersujud di depan TUHAN di puncak gunung selama empat puluh hari dan empat puluh malam, tanpa makan atau minum. Itu saya lakukan karena kamu telah berdosa terhadap TUHAN dengan melakukan apa yang dianggap-Nya jahat, sehingga Ia marah.
And I prostrated myself before Yahweh like the former [time] forty day[s] and forty night[s] food not I ate and water not I drank on all sin your which you had sinned by doing the evil in [the] eyes of Yahweh to provoke to anger him.
19 Saya takut kepada kemarahan TUHAN yang menyala-nyala terhadap kamu sehingga kamu mau dibinasakan-Nya, tetapi kali ini pun TUHAN mendengarkan saya.
For I was afraid of the anger and the rage which he was angry Yahweh towards you to destroy you and he listened Yahweh to me also at the time that.
20 TUHAN juga marah sekali kepada Harun sehingga Ia mau membunuhnya, maka saya berdoa untuk dia juga.
And with Aaron he was angry Yahweh exceedingly to destroy him and I prayed also for Aaron at the time (that *L(abh)*)
21 Patung sapi logam buatanmu, saya lemparkan ke dalam api. Lalu saya hancurkan dan tumbuk sampai halus seperti debu, dan debu itu saya lemparkan ke dalam anak sungai yang mengalir dari gunung itu.
and sin your which you had made the calf I took and I burned it - with fire and I crushed it grinding [it] well until that it was fine dust and I threw dust its into the wadi which was coming down from the mountain.
22 Juga di Tabera, Masa dan Kibrot-Taawa, kamu membuat TUHAN marah.
And at Taberah and at Massah and at Kibroth Hattaavah provoking to anger you were Yahweh.
23 Lalu pada waktu kamu disuruh TUHAN meninggalkan Kades-Barnea untuk maju dan menduduki tanah yang akan diberikan-Nya kepadamu, kamu menentang perintah TUHAN Allahmu; kamu tidak mau percaya atau taat kepada-Nya.
And when sent Yahweh you from Kadesh Barnea saying go up and take possession of the land which I have given to you and you rebelled against [the] mouth of Yahweh God your and not you believed him and not you listened to voice his.
24 Sejak saya kenal kamu, kamu selalu menentang TUHAN.
Rebelling you have been with Yahweh from [the] day knew I you.
25 Saya tahu TUHAN bertekad hendak membinasakan kamu. Maka selama empat puluh hari dan empat puluh malam saya sujud di depan TUHAN
And I prostrated myself before Yahweh [the] forty the day[s] and [the] forty the night[s] which I prostrated myself for he had said Yahweh to destroy you.
26 dan berdoa begini: Ya TUHAN Yang Mahatinggi, janganlah binasakan umat milik-Mu ini, bangsa yang Kaubebaskan dan Kauantar keluar dari Mesir dengan kekuatan dan kekuasaan-Mu yang besar.
And I prayed to Yahweh and I said O Lord Yahweh may not you destroy people your and inheritance your which you redeemed by greatness your which you brought out from Egypt by a hand strong.
27 Ingatlah akan hamba-hamba-Mu Abraham, Ishak dan Yakub, dan jangan perhatikan sifat keras kepala, kejahatan dan dosa bangsa ini.
Remember servants your Abraham Isaac and Jacob may not you turn to [the] stubbornness of the people this and to wickedness its and to sin its.
28 Kalau umat-Mu Kaumusnahkan juga, maka orang Mesir akan berkata bahwa Engkau tak sanggup membawa bangsa-Mu ke negeri yang Kaujanjikan kepada mereka, dan bahwa Engkau membawa mereka ke padang gurun untuk membunuh mereka, karena Engkau benci kepada mereka.
Lest they should say the land where you brought out us from there because not was able Yahweh to bring them into the land which he spoke to them and from hatred his them he led out them to put to death them in the wilderness.
29 Tetapi ingatlah, TUHAN, bahwa mereka ini bangsa yang Kaupilih menjadi umat-Mu, dan Kaubawa dari Mesir dengan kekuatan dan kekuasaan-Mu yang besar."
And they [are] people your and inheritance your which you brought out by strength your great and by arm your outstretched.

< Ulangan 9 >