< Ulangan 4 >
1 Lalu Musa berkata kepada bangsa itu, "Taatilah semua hukum yang saya ajarkan kepadamu, supaya kamu boleh hidup sampai mendiami tanah yang akan diberikan TUHAN, Allah leluhurmu, kepadamu.
“Now, you Israeli people, obey all the rules and regulations [DOU] that I will teach you. If you do that, you will remain alive and you will enter and occupy/capture the land that Yahweh, the God whom your ancestors [worshiped], is giving to you.
2 Apa yang saya perintahkan, jangan ditambah atau dikurangi sedikit pun. Taatilah perintah-perintah TUHAN Allahmu yang saya berikan kepadamu.
Do not add anything to what I command you, and do not take anything away from what I tell you. Obey all the commands of Yahweh our God that I am giving to you.
3 Kamu melihat sendiri apa yang dilakukan TUHAN Allahmu di Gunung Peor. Setiap orang yang menyembah Baal di tempat itu dibinasakan-Nya,
“You have seen what Yahweh did at Baal-Peor [Mountain]. He got rid of all the people who worshiped [the god] Baal there,
4 sedangkan kamu yang tetap setia kepada TUHAN Allahmu masih hidup sampai sekarang.
but you who faithfully [continued to worship] Yahweh our God are still alive today.
5 Semua hukum itu saya ajarkan kepadamu seperti yang diperintahkan TUHAN Allahku. Taatilah kesemuanya itu di negeri yang akan kamu masuki dan diami itu.
“Note that I have taught you all the rules and regulations, just like Yahweh our God told me to do. He wants you to obey them [when you are living] in the land that you are about to enter and occupy.
6 Lakukanlah itu dengan setia. Kalau kamu berbuat demikian, maka kebijaksanaanmu menjadi nyata bagi bangsa-bangsa lain. Apabila mereka mendengar tentang hukum-hukum itu, mereka akan berkata, 'Alangkah bijaksana dan cerdasnya bangsa yang besar itu!'
Obey them faithfully because, [if you do that], you will show the people of other nations that you are very wise. When they hear about all these laws, they will say, ‘The people of this great nation [of Israel] are certainly very wise [DOU]!’
7 Bangsa besar manakah yang mempunyai ilah yang begitu dekat apabila diperlukan seperti TUHAN Allah kita dekat kepada kita? Ia menjawab kapan saja kita berseru minta tolong kepada-Nya.
Even if other nations are great, there is none [RHQ] of them that has a god who is as near to them as Yahweh our God is to us! Whenever we call out to him [to help us, he answers/helps us]
8 Dan bangsa besar manakah yang mempunyai hukum-hukum yang begitu adil seperti hukum-hukum yang saya ajarkan kepadamu hari ini?
And there is no [RHQ] other nation, even if it is a great nation, that has laws that are as just/fair as the laws that I am telling to you today.
9 Perhatikanlah dan ingatlah baik-baik, supaya seumur hidupmu kamu tidak lupa apa yang sudah kamu saksikan sendiri. Ceritakanlah kepada anak-cucumu
“But be very careful! [DOU, IDM] Do not forget what you [SYN] have seen [God do]. Remember those things as long as you are alive. Tell them to your children and your grandchildren.
10 tentang hari itu, ketika kamu berdiri di depan TUHAN Allahmu di Gunung Sinai. Pada waktu itu Ia berkata kepadaku, 'Kumpulkanlah bangsa itu. Aku ingin mereka mendengar apa yang hendak Kusampaikan, supaya mereka belajar taat kepada-Ku seumur hidup, dan supaya mereka mengajar anak-anak mereka untuk taat kepada-Ku.'
Tell them about the day that your ancestors stood in the presence of Yahweh our God at Sinai [Mountain], when he said to me, ‘Gather the people together, in order that they can hear what I say. I want them to learn to have an awesome respect for me as long as they are alive, and I want them to teach their children to do that also.’
11 Ceritakanlah kepada anak-anakmu bagaimana kamu datang dan berdiri di kaki gunung yang diliputi asap gelap seperti awan tebal dan apinya menyala sampai ke langit.
[Tell them that] your ancestors came near the bottom of the mountain, while the mountain burned with a fire that went up to the sky, and the mountain was covered with dark clouds and black [smoke].
12 Kemudian TUHAN berbicara kepadamu dari api dan kamu mendengar suara-Nya, tetapi tidak melihat-Nya dalam bentuk apa pun.
Then Yahweh spoke to your ancestors out of the middle of the fire. Your ancestors heard him speak, but they did not see him. They only heard his voice.
13 Di sana Ia memaklumkan kepadamu apa yang harus kamu lakukan untuk menepati perjanjian yang dibuat-Nya dengan kamu. Sepuluh Perintah yang telah ditulis-Nya pada kedua batu tulis itu harus kamu lakukan.
And he declared to them his agreement. That agreement contained the Ten Commandments that he wants you to obey. He wrote those on two stone tablets.
14 TUHAN menyuruh saya mengajarkan kepadamu semua hukum yang harus ditaati di negeri yang nanti kamu masuki dan diami itu."
Yahweh commanded me to teach all the rules and regulations to you, in order that you would obey them in the land that you are about to enter and occupy.”
15 "Ingatlah baik-baik! Ketika TUHAN berbicara kepadamu dari dalam api di Gunung Sinai, kamu tidak melihat apa-apa.
“On the day that Yahweh spoke to your ancestors at Sinai [Mountain], he was invisible. So, be careful
16 Jadi jagalah supaya kamu jangan sampai berdosa karena membuat bagi dirimu sendiri patung untuk disembah dalam bentuk apa pun, laki-laki atau perempuan,
that you do not sin by making for yourselves any idol [of something that can be seen!] not make an idol that resembles any person, either a man or a woman,
17 burung atau ikan, binatang melata atau binatang lainnya.
or that resembles any animal or any bird
or any (reptile/creature that scurries across the ground) or any fish in the deep ocean.
19 Janganlah berdosa karena menyembah dan mengabdi kepada apa yang kamu lihat di langit: matahari, bulan dan bintang-bintang. TUHAN Allahmu membiarkan bangsa-bangsa lain menyembah benda-benda itu.
And be careful to not look up toward the sky and be tempted to worship anything that you see there—the sun or the moon or the stars. Yahweh our God has given those to [be a blessing to] all people everywhere, [but you must not worship them].
20 Tetapi kamu adalah bangsa yang diselamatkan-Nya dari Mesir, tempat kamu menderita dengan hebat. Kamu dibawa-Nya keluar dari negeri itu, supaya menjadi bangsa-Nya sendiri seperti keadaanmu sekarang ini.
Yahweh has brought your ancestors out of Egypt, where [they were suffering as though] they were in a blazing furnace, in order that they would be people who belong to him, which is what you are today.
21 Tetapi TUHAN Allahmu menjadi marah kepada saya oleh karena kamu, dan Ia bersumpah bahwa saya tak akan menyeberangi Sungai Yordan untuk masuk ke tanah subur yang akan diberikan-Nya kepadamu.
“But Yahweh was angry with me because of [what] your ancestors [made me do]. He vowed that I would not cross the Jordan [River] to enter the good/fertile land that he is giving to you.
22 Tak lama lagi kamu akan menyeberang dan menduduki tanah yang subur itu; tetapi saya tidak ikut, sebab saya akan mati di sini.
He said that I must die here in this land and never cross the Jordan [River]. But you will go across it, and you will occupy that land.
23 Ingatlah baik-baik! Jangan lupa akan perjanjian yang dibuat TUHAN Allahmu dengan kamu. Taatilah perintah-Nya; jangan sekali-kali membuat bagi dirimu patung dalam bentuk apa pun untuk disembah,
Be sure that you do not forget the agreement that Yahweh our God made with you. He commanded you to not make any kind of idol, because he has forbidden that.
24 sebab TUHAN Allahmu seperti api yang menghanguskan. Ia tak mau disamakan dengan apa pun.
[You must not do that] because Yahweh your God will destroy [anyone who worships idols, ] like [MET] a fire completely destroys things. He [wants people to worship only him, he] (cannot accept/will punish) people who worship anyone or anything else.
25 Juga kalau kamu nanti sudah lama tinggal di negeri itu dan sudah beranak cucu, jangan berdosa karena membuat bagi dirimu patung dalam bentuk apa saja. Perbuatan itu suatu kejahatan di mata TUHAN Allahmu dan akan membuat Ia marah.
“When you have been in the land [of Canaan] for a long time and you have children and grandchildren, do not sin by making an idol that represents anything at all, because Yahweh says that is evil, and if you do that, you will cause him to become angry with you [and punish you].
26 Kiranya langit dan bumi hari ini menjadi saksi bahwa kalau kamu tidak taat kepada saya, kamu akan segera lenyap dari tanah yang kamu diami di seberang Sungai Yordan itu. Kamu tak akan lama tinggal di situ; kamu akan dibinasakan sama sekali.
Today I am requesting everyone who is in heaven and everyone who is on the earth [MTY] to watch what you are doing. [If you disobey what I am telling you], you will soon all die in the land that you will be crossing the Jordan [River] to occupy. You will not live very long there; Yahweh will completely get rid of many [HYP] of you.
27 TUHAN akan menceraiberaikan kamu di antara bangsa-bangsa lain dan hanya sedikit di antara kamu yang tetap hidup.
And [the rest of you], Yahweh will force you to go and live among the people of many other nations. Only a few of you will (survive/remain alive) there.
28 Di situ kamu akan berbakti kepada ilah-ilah yang dibuat dengan tangan manusia, ilah-ilah dari kayu dan batu yang tidak dapat melihat atau mendengar, tidak dapat makan atau mencium.
When you are in those nations, you will worship gods that are made of wood and stone, gods made by humans, gods that cannot see anything or hear anything or eat anything or smell anything.
29 Lalu kamu akan mencari TUHAN Allahmu, dan kalau kamu mencari-Nya dengan segenap hatimu, kamu akan menemukan Dia.
But while you are there, if you will try to know Yahweh your God, and if you try with your entire inner being to know him, he will (answer/reveal himself to) you.
30 Apabila kamu ditimpa semua bencana itu dan kamu ada dalam kesukaran, maka kamu akan kembali kepada TUHAN Allahmu dan taat kepada-Nya.
In the future, after you have been mistreated there and all those bad things happen to you, you will again worship only Yahweh and obey him.
31 TUHAN Allahmu adalah Allah yang sangat berbelaskasihan. Ia tak akan meninggalkan atau membinasakan kamu, atau melupakan perjanjian yang dibuat-Nya sendiri dengan leluhurmu.
Yahweh is a God who acts mercifully. [If you continue to obey him], he will not abandon you or destroy you or forget the agreement that he solemnly made with your ancestors.”
32 Selidikilah masa lampau, jauh sebelum kamu lahir, mulai dari hari ketika Allah menciptakan manusia di bumi ini. Carilah di seluruh muka bumi. Pernahkah hal sehebat ini terjadi sebelumnya? Pernahkah ada orang yang mendengar tentang kejadian semacam ini?
“Now think about the past, about the time before you were born, about all the time since God first created people here on the earth. You could search everywhere, in heaven and on the earth. (Has anything like this ever happened that is as great as [what Yahweh did for the Israeli people]?/Certainly nothing has ever happened that is as great [as what Yahweh did for the Israeli people].) [RHQ] (Has anyone ever heard of anything like this?/Certainly no one has ever heard of anything like this.) [RHQ]
33 Pernahkah ada bangsa yang tetap hidup setelah mendengar suatu ilah berbicara kepada mereka dari api, seperti yang kamu alami?
(Has any group ever remained alive after they heard a god speak to them from the middle of a fire, like we did?/Certainly no group has ever remained alive after they heard a god speak to them from the middle of a fire, like we did.) [RHQ]
34 Pernahkah ada suatu ilah yang berani mengambil suatu bangsa dari bangsa-bangsa yang ada lalu menjadikan mereka umatnya sendiri, seperti yang dilakukan TUHAN Allahmu untukmu di Mesir? Kamu lihat sendiri bagaimana Allah dengan kekuatan yang besar mendatangkan bencana dan perang, mengerjakan keajaiban-keajaiban dan melakukan hal-hal yang dahsyat.
Certainly no other god has ever tried to take a [huge] group of people from one nation [to another location], like he did for us when he brought us out of Egypt. We saw Yahweh our God use great power [MTY, DOU] when he performed many kinds of [DOU] miracles, and sent plagues, and did many other very terrifying things in Egypt for us, [and rescued us when the army of Egypt tried to fight against us].
35 Semua itu ditunjukkan TUHAN kepadamu untuk membuktikan bahwa hanya TUHAN itu Allah, dan tidak ada yang lain.
“Yahweh showed all these things to you, in order that you would know that only he is truly God, and that there is no other God.
36 Dari langit Ia memperdengarkan suara-Nya kepadamu untuk mengajar kamu; di bumi ini Ia telah memperlihatkan kepadamu api-Nya yang hebat, dan dari api itu Ia berbicara kepadamu.
He allowed your ancestors to hear him speak from heaven in order that he could discipline them. Here on the earth he allowed them to see his great fire [on Sinai Mountain], and he spoke to them from the middle of the fire.
37 Karena Ia mencintai leluhurmu, maka kamu telah dipilih-Nya; dengan kuasa-Nya yang besar kamu telah dibawa-Nya keluar dari Mesir.
Because he loved our ancestors, he chose you Israelis who are their descendants, and by his great power he brought your ancestors out of Egypt.
38 Bangsa-bangsa yang lebih besar dan lebih kuat diusir-Nya dari hadapanmu, untuk mengantar kamu ke negeri mereka yang diberikan-Nya kepadamu, negeri yang sekarang menjadi milikmu.
[As they advanced], he expelled the people of nations that were greater and more powerful than they were, in order that he could allow them to capture their land and cause it to become yours, which is [what is happening] now.
39 Sebab itu sadarilah hari ini dan jangan lupa: TUHAN satu-satunya Allah di langit dan di bumi; tak ada yang lain.
“So today you should (meditate on/think about) the fact that Yahweh is God, that he is/rules in heaven and also on the earth, and that there is no other god.
40 Taatilah semua hukum yang saya berikan kepadamu hari ini, maka kamu dan keturunanmu akan sejahtera dan terus hidup di negeri yang diberikan TUHAN Allahmu menjadi milikmu untuk selama-lamanya."
Obey all the rules and regulations that I am giving to you today, in order that things will go well for you and for your descendants, and that you will live a long time in the land that Yahweh our God is giving to you, [to belong to you] forever.”
41 Lalu Musa menunjuk tiga kota di sebelah timur Sungai Yordan
Then Moses/I set apart three cities that are on the east side of the Jordan [River].
42 menjadi kota suaka, tempat orang dapat menyelamatkan diri kalau ia dengan tidak sengaja telah membunuh orang yang bukan musuhnya. Ia dapat melarikan diri ke salah satu kota itu supaya tidak dibunuh juga.
If someone accidentally killed another person, a person who had not been his enemy previously, he could escape to one of those cities. He would be safe/protected in one of those cities [because the people there would protect him].
43 Untuk suku Ruben disediakan kota Bezer di dataran tinggi padang gurun; untuk suku Gad kota Ramot di daerah Gilead, dan untuk orang Manasye kota Golan di daerah Basan.
For the tribe of Reuben, Moses/I set apart Bezer [city] in the (plateau/high level) area. For the tribe of Gad, Moses/I set apart Ramoth [city] in the Gilead [area]. For the tribe of Manasseh, Moses/I set apart Golan [city] in the Bashan [region].
44 Lalu Musa memberi hukum-hukum dan peraturan-peraturan Allah kepada bangsa Israel.
Moses/I gave [God’s] laws to the Israeli people.
45 Hal itu dilakukannya sesudah mereka keluar dari Mesir dan berada di lembah sebelah timur Sungai Yordan, berhadapan dengan kota Bet-Peor. Wilayah itu bekas daerah Sihon, raja orang Amori, yang dahulu memerintah di kota Hesybon. Musa dan bangsa Israel mengalahkan dia pada waktu mereka keluar dari Mesir.
They included all the rules and instructions and commands that Moses/I gave to them, after they/we had come out of Egypt,
when they/we were in the valley east of the Jordan [River]. They/We were across from Beth-Peor [town], in the land that [previously] was ruled by Sihon, the king of the Amor people-group, who lived in Heshbon [city]. Moses/I and the other Israelis had defeated his [army] when they/we came out of Egypt.
47 Mereka menduduki tanah Raja Sihon itu, juga tanah Raja Og dari Basan, seorang raja Amori lain yang tinggal di sebelah timur Sungai Yordan.
They/We captured Sihon’s land and the land that Og, the king of the Bashan [region], ruled. They were the two kings who ruled the Amor people-group [in the area] east of the Jordan [River].
48 Tanah itu terbentang dari kota Aroer di tepi Sungai Arnon, terus ke utara sampai Gunung Siryon, yaitu Gunung Hermon,
Their land extended from Aroer [town in the south] along the Arnon [River], as far [north] as Sirion Mountain, which [most people] call Hermon Mountain.
49 dan seluruh daerah di sebelah timur Sungai Yordan ke selatan sampai Laut Mati di kaki Gunung Pisga.
It also included all the area east of the Jordan [River] Valley, all the way south to the Dead Sea and east to the slopes of Pisgah [Mountain].