< Ulangan 28 >
1 "Kalau kamu mentaati TUHAN Allahmu dan setia melakukan segala perintah yang saya berikan kepadamu hari ini, maka Ia akan menjadikan kamu bangsa yang paling masyhur di dunia.
“If you do what Yahweh our God tells you to do and faithfully obey everything that I am today commanding you to do, he will cause you to become greater than any other nation on the earth.
2 Taatilah TUHAN Allahmu, maka semua berkat ini akan diberikan kepadamu:
If you obey Yahweh, this is what he will do to bless you:
3 Diberkatilah kota-kota dan ladang-ladangmu.
He will bless everything that you do when you are in the cities and he will bless everything that you do when you are [working] in the fields.
4 Diberkatilah kamu, sehingga anak-anakmu banyak, hasil tanahmu berlimpah dan sapi serta kambing dombamu berjumlah besar.
He will bless you by giving you many children [IDM] and by giving you abundant crops, and plenty of cattle and sheep.
5 Diberkatilah panen gandummu serta makanan yang kamu buat dari gandum itu.
He will bless you by causing you to have good harvests with plenty of grain [MTY] to make bread.
6 Diberkatilah segala usahamu.
He will bless you [everywhere]—when you go out [of your houses] and when you come into [your houses].
7 Jika kamu diserang, TUHAN akan mengalahkan musuhmu. Mereka akan melancarkan serangan dengan teratur, tetapi lari dengan berantakan.
Yahweh will enable you to defeat [the armies of] your enemies; they will attack you from one direction, but they will run away from you in seven/many directions.
8 TUHAN Allahmu akan memberkati usahamu dan mengisi lumbung-lumbungmu dengan gandum. Ia akan memberkati kamu di negeri yang diberikan-Nya kepadamu.
Yahweh will bless you [by filling] your barns [with grain], and he will bless all the work that you do; he will bless you in the land that he is giving to you.
9 Kalau kamu mentaati TUHAN Allahmu dan melakukan segala perintah-Nya, kamu akan dijadikan umat-Nya sendiri, seperti yang dijanjikan-Nya.
“If you obey all the commandments that Yahweh our God [has given to you] and if you conduct your lives as he wants you to do, you will continue to be his people, which is what he promised.
10 Maka semua bangsa di bumi akan melihat bahwa kamu bangsa pilihan TUHAN, dan mereka akan menyegani kamu.
“When all the people-groups on the earth will realize that you belong to [MTY] Yahweh, and they will be afraid of you.
11 Kamu akan dianugerahi banyak anak. Ternakmu akan banyak dan hasil tanahmu berlimpah di negeri yang dijanjikan TUHAN kepada nenek moyangmu untuk diberikan kepadamu.
“And Yahweh will cause you to prosper very much. He will give you many children [IDM], many cattle, and abundant crops in the land that he vowed to our ancestors that he would give to you.
12 TUHAN akan menurunkan hujan pada musimnya dari tempat penyimpanan-Nya yang berlimpah di langit. Ia akan memberkati segala usahamu, sehingga kamu dapat memberi pinjaman kepada banyak bangsa, tetapi kamu sendiri tidak usah meminjam.
“When rain is needed, Yahweh will send it from where he stores it in the sky, and he will bless all your work, with the result that you [will be able to] lend money to many other nations, but you will not need to borrow [money from them].
13 TUHAN Allahmu akan menjadikan kamu pemimpin di antara bangsa-bangsa, dan bukan pengikut. Kalau kamu setia mentaati semua perintah TUHAN yang saya berikan kepadamu hari ini, kamu akan semakin makmur dan tak pernah mundur.
If you faithfully obey all of the commands of Yahweh our God that I am giving you today, Yahweh will cause your nation to be a leader among the nations, not inferior to them; you will always be prosperous and never be needy/poor [IDM].
14 Tetapi jangan sekali-kali melalaikan perintah-perintah itu dengan cara bagaimanapun juga. Jangan juga memuja dan mengabdi kepada ilah-ilah lain."
[Yahweh will do all these things for you] if you do not turn away from [obeying] what I am commanding you today, and if you never worship or serve other gods.
15 "Tetapi kalau kamu tidak mentaati TUHAN Allahmu, dan tidak setia melakukan segala perintah dan hukum-Nya yang saya berikan kepadamu hari ini, maka segala kutuk ini akan menimpa kamu:
But if you do not do what Yahweh our God is telling you to do, and if you do not faithfully obey all his rules and regulations that I am giving to you today, this is what he will do to curse you:
16 Terkutuklah kota-kota dan ladang-ladangmu.
He will curse you when you are in the cities and he will curse you when you are [working] in the fields.
17 Terkutuklah panen gandummu dan makanan yang kamu buat dari gandum itu.
He will curse you by not allowing you to have good harvests with plenty of grain [MTY] to make bread.
18 Terkutuklah kamu, sehingga hanya sedikit anakmu, hasil tanahmu, serta sapi dan kambing dombamu.
He will curse you by giving you only a few children [IDM], by causing you to have poor crops, and by not enabling you to have many cattle and sheep.
19 Terkutuklah segala usahamu.
He will curse you [everywhere]—when you go out [of your houses] and when you come into [your houses].
20 Kalau kamu berbuat jahat dan menolak TUHAN, Ia akan mendatangkan bencana, kekacauan dan kesulitan dalam segala yang kamu lakukan, sehingga dalam waktu singkat saja kamu dibinasakan sama sekali.
If you do evil things and reject Yahweh, he will curse you by causing you to (be confused/not know what to do), and to be frustrated in everything that you do, until [your enemies] quickly and completely destroy you {you will be quickly and completely destroyed}.
21 Penyakit demi penyakit akan menimpa kamu, sampai akhirnya tak seorang pun dari kamu masih tinggal di negeri yang kamu duduki itu.
Yahweh will cause you to experience terrible diseases, until not one of you remains alive in the land that you are about to enter and occupy.
22 TUHAN akan menghukum kamu dengan penyakit-penyakit menular, bengkak-bengkak dan demam. Ia akan mendatangkan kekeringan dan angin yang menghanguskan sehingga panenmu rusak. Bencana-bencana itu terus menimpa kamu sampai kamu binasa.
Yahweh will strike/afflict you with diseases that shrivel your bodies, with fever, with inflammation/swelling. It will be extremely hot, and it will not rain. There will be scorching winds, and [Yahweh will cause] your crops to rot. All these things will strike you until you die.
23 Hujan tak akan turun dan tanahmu menjadi keras seperti besi.
There will be no rain [MET], [with the result that] the ground will be [as hard as] iron [MET].
24 TUHAN tak akan menurunkan hujan air, melainkan hujan debu dan pasir sampai kamu habis binasa.
Instead of sending rain, Yahweh will send strong winds to blow sand and dust over your land, until your land is ruined.
25 Kalau kamu tidak mentaati TUHAN Allahmu, Ia akan membuat kamu dikalahkan musuh-musuhmu. Kamu akan melancarkan serangan dengan teratur, tetapi lari dengan berantakan. Semua bangsa di bumi akan merasa ngeri melihat kemalanganmu.
Yahweh will enable your enemies to defeat you; your soldiers will attack your enemies from one direction, but they will run away from your enemies in seven/many directions, and when the people of other nations see what is happening to you, they will say that it is horrible.
26 Kalau kamu mati, mayatmu menjadi makanan burung-burung dan binatang buas, dan tidak ada yang mengusir binatang-binatang itu.
[You will die], and birds and wild animals will come and eat your corpses, and there will not be anyone to scare/shoo them away.
27 TUHAN akan menghukum kamu dengan bisul-bisul seperti yang dilakukan-Nya terhadap orang Mesir. Badanmu akan penuh dengan borok dan kudis yang gatal, tetapi tak ada obatnya.
Yahweh will cause you to have boils on your skin, like he caused the people of Egypt to have [many years ago]. He will cause you to have tumors, open sores, and your skin will itch, and there will be nothing that will cure those diseases.
28 TUHAN akan membuat kamu menjadi gila, buta dan kebingungan.
Yahweh will cause [some of] you to become insane; he will cause some of you to become blind, and he will cause [some of] your minds to become confused.
29 Di siang bolong kamu meraba-raba seperti orang buta, tetapi tak dapat menemukan jalan. Segala usahamu akan gagal. Kamu terus-menerus ditindas dan dirampok, dan tidak ada yang menolong kamu.
[Because you will not be able to see where you are going], at midday you will (grope/feel your way) around with your hands, like people do in the darkness. You will continually be oppressed and robbed, and no one will help you.
30 Kalau kamu tidak mentaati TUHAN Allahmu, hal-hal ini akan menimpa dirimu: Kamu akan bertunangan, tetapi orang lain kawin dengan tunanganmu. Kamu akan membangun rumah, tetapi tidak mendiaminya. Kamu akan menanami kebun anggur tetapi tidak makan buah-buahnya.
Some of you men will be engaged/promised to marry a young woman, but someone else will rape her. You will build houses, but you will never live in them. You will plant grapevines, but you will not eat the grapes; [someone else will eat them].
31 Sapimu akan disembelih di depan matamu, tetapi kamu tidak makan dagingnya. Keledai-keledaimu akan digiring pergi sementara kamu memandanginya dan tak akan dikembalikan. Domba-dombamu akan diberikan kepada musuh-musuhmu dan tak ada yang menolong.
Your enemies will butcher your cattle while you watch them, and you will not get any of the meat to eat. They will drag away your donkeys while you watch them do it, and they will not give them back to you. They will take away your sheep; and no one will help you [rescue them].
32 Di depan matamu anak-anakmu akan diberikan sebagai budak kepada orang asing. Tiap hari matamu pedih mencari anak-anakmu, tetapi usahamu sia-sia, sebab mereka tidak akan kembali.
While you watch, your sons and daughters will be given to foreigners to become their slaves. Every day you will very sadly watch for your children to return, but (you will watch in vain/they will never return).
33 Bangsa asing akan mengambil semua hasil tanah yang kamu peroleh dengan kerja keras, tetapi kamu sendiri tidak mendapat apa-apa selain penindasan terus-menerus dan perlakuan yang kejam.
People from a foreign nation will take all the crops that you worked hard to produce, and they will constantly treat you harshly and cruelly [DOU].
34 Kamu akan menjadi gila karena apa yang kamu alami.
The result will be that all these terrible things that you see/experience will cause you to become insane.
35 TUHAN akan membuat kakimu penuh borok-borok yang sakit dan tak dapat sembuh; dari kaki sampai ujung kepala kamu akan penuh bisul-bisul.
Yahweh will cause your legs [to be covered with] painful boils that cannot be healed, and you will have boils from the bottoms of your feet to the tops of your heads.
36 Kamu dan rajamu akan dibawa TUHAN ke negeri asing yang tidak kamu kenal dan tidak pula dikenal nenek moyangmu. Di situ kamu akan mengabdi kepada ilah-ilah yang dibuat dari kayu dan batu.
Yahweh will cause your king and the rest of you to be taken to another country, to a place in which you and your ancestors have never lived before, and there you will worship and serve gods that are made of wood or stone.
37 Di negeri-negeri tempat kamu diceraiberaikan TUHAN, orang-orang akan ngeri melihat kamu; kamu akan diolok-olok dan ditertawakan mereka.
When the people-groups in nearby countries see what has happened to you, they will be shocked/horrified; they will make fun [DOU] of you.
38 Banyak benih yang kamu taburkan, tetapi sedikit hasil yang kamu peroleh, karena tanamanmu habis dimakan belalang.
You will plant plenty of seeds in your fields, but you will reap only a small harvest, because locusts will eat the crops.
39 Kamu akan menanami kebun-kebun anggur dan memeliharanya, tetapi tidak memetik buah anggur atau minum air anggurnya, karena pohon-pohon anggur itu habis dimakan ulat.
You will plant grapevines and take care of them, but you will not pick any grapes to make wine, because worms will eat the vines.
40 Di seluruh negerimu tumbuh pohon zaitun, tetapi buah-buahnya akan gugur, sehingga kamu tidak memperoleh minyaknya.
Olive trees will grow everywhere in your land, but you will not get any olive oil to rub on your skin because the olives will drop [on the ground before they are ripe].
41 Kamu akan mendapat anak-anak laki-laki dan perempuan, tetapi mereka diambil sebagai tawanan perang, sehingga kamu kehilangan mereka.
You will have sons and daughters, but they will not stay with you, because they will be captured and taken away.
42 Semua pohon dan tanamanmu akan habis dimakan serangga.
Swarms of locusts/insects will eat your crops and [the leaves of] all your trees.
43 Orang asing yang tinggal di negerimu akan semakin berkuasa, sedangkan kuasamu sendiri semakin berkurang.
Foreigners who live in your land will become more and more [powerful], and you will become less and less [powerful].
44 Mereka punya uang untuk dipinjamkan kepadamu, tetapi kamu tidak punya apa-apa untuk dipinjamkan kepada mereka. Dan akhirnya kamu dikuasai mereka.
They will [have money to] lend to you, but you will not [have any money to] lend to them. They will be superior [IDM] to you, and you will be inferior to them [IDM].
45 Segala malapetaka itu akan menimpa kamu dan terus mengganggu kamu sampai kamu binasa, karena kamu tidak taat kepada TUHAN Allahmu dan tidak melakukan hukum-hukum yang diberikan-Nya kepadamu.
“You will experience all these disasters, and you will continue to experience them you until you are destroyed, if you do not do what Yahweh your God told you to do, and do not obey all the rules and regulations that he gave to you.
46 Bencana-bencana itu merupakan bukti dari hukuman TUHAN atas kamu dan keturunanmu untuk selama-lamanya.
“These disasters will warn [DOU] you and your descendants forever [about what happens to groups who disobey Yahweh].
47 Kamu sudah diberkati TUHAN Allahmu dalam segala hal, tetapi tidak mau mengabdi kepada-Nya dengan hati yang ikhlas dan gembira.
“Because Yahweh blessed you abundantly in many ways, you should have served him very joyfully [DOU], but you did not do that.
48 Karena itu kamu harus mengabdi kepada musuh-musuh yang dikirim TUHAN untuk melawan kamu. Kamu akan kelaparan, kehausan dan telanjang serta berkekurangan dalam segala hal. TUHAN akan menindas kamu dengan kejam sampai kamu binasa.
“Therefore, you will work for the enemies whom Yahweh will send to attack you. You will be hungry and thirsty; you will not have clothes to wear; and you will lack everything else that you need. And Yahweh will cause you to become slaves [MET] and work hard until he gets rid of you.
49 Suatu bangsa yang tidak kamu mengerti bahasanya akan didatangkan TUHAN dari ujung bumi untuk melawan kamu. Seperti burung rajawali mereka akan menyambar kamu.
“Yahweh will cause an army from very far away [HYP] to attack you, whose soldiers speak a language that you do not know/understand. They will swoop down on you [quickly] like an eagle [SIM] attacks its prey.
50 Mereka kejam dan tidak menaruh kasihan kepada orang tua-tua maupun anak-anak.
They will be fierce looking. They will not act mercifully toward anyone, not even young children and old people.
51 Mereka akan menghabiskan ternak dan hasil tanahmu, dan tidak meninggalkan bagimu gandum, air anggur, minyak zaitun atau sapi dan kambing dombamu sampai kamu mati kelaparan.
They will [kill and] eat your livestock, and they will eat your crops, and you will (starve/die because you do not have anything to eat). They will not leave for you any grain or wine or [olive] oil or cattle or sheep; and you will all die [from hunger].
52 Mereka akan menyerang setiap kota di negeri yang diberikan TUHAN Allahmu kepadamu sehingga tembok-temboknya yang tinggi dan diperkuat yang kamu andalkan itu runtuh.
Your enemies will surround your towns throughout the land that Yahweh your God is about to give to you, and they will break down the high and strong walls [around your towns], walls which you trusted/thought would protect you.
53 Sementara musuh-musuhmu mengepung kota-kotamu, kamu akan putus asa karena kelaparan, sehingga kamu memakan anak-anakmu sendiri, anak-anak yang dianugerahkan TUHAN Allahmu kepadamu.
“When your enemies are surrounding [your towns], you will be extremely hungry, with the result that you will eat the flesh of your own sons and daughters that Yahweh your God has given to you.
54 Bahkan orang bangsawan yang paling luhur budinya akan putus asa selama pengepungan itu, sehingga ia makan anak-anaknya sendiri karena tidak ada makanan lain. Tak sedikit pun ia berikan kepada saudaranya atau istrinya yang dicintainya atau anak-anaknya yang masih hidup.
When your enemies have surrounded your towns, even the most gentle and sensitive men among you will want food very desperately, with the result that they will [kill their own children and] eat their flesh, because they will not have anything else to eat. They will not even share any of it with their brothers or wives whom they love very much or with any of their children who are still alive.
56 Bahkan wanita bangsawan yang paling luhur budinya dan yang sangat kaya sehingga tak pernah harus berjalan kaki, akan berbuat begitu juga. Pada waktu musuh mengepung kota, wanita itu akan putus asa karena kelaparan, sehingga ia dengan sembunyi-sembunyi makan anaknya yang baru lahir dan ari-arinya. Tidak sedikit pun ia berikan kepada suaminya yang dicintainya atau kepada anak-anaknya.
Even the most gentle and sensitive/kind women among you, who are very refined/rich with the result that they have never had to walk anywhere [HYP], will do the same thing. When your enemies have surrounded your towns, those women will be extremely hungry, with the result that after they give birth to a baby, they will secretly [kill it and] eat its flesh and also eat its afterbirth. And they will not share any of it with their husbands whom they love very much or with any of their other children.
58 Kalau kamu tidak setia mentaati semua hukum TUHAN Allahmu yang tertulis dalam buku ini dan tidak menghormati TUHAN Allahmu yang agung dan menakjubkan,
“If you do not faithfully obey all of the laws that I am writing, and if you do not revere Yahweh our glorious God [MTY],
59 TUHAN akan mendatangkan atas kamu dan keturunanmu penyakit-penyakit yang tak dapat disembuhkan dan wabah-wabah yang tak dapat dihentikan.
he will [punish you by] causing you and your descendants to experience great afflictions and plagues which will last for many years.
60 Penyakit-penyakit mengerikan yang kamu saksikan di Mesir akan menimpa kamu, dan kamu tak dapat sembuh.
He will cause you to experience the plagues that he sent on the people of Egypt, and you will never be healed.
61 TUHAN juga akan mendatangkan macam-macam penyakit dan wabah yang tidak disebut dalam buku ini, buku Hukum TUHAN. Lalu kamu akan dibinasakan.
He will also cause you to experience many other sicknesses and diseases that I have not talked about in these laws, until you all will die.
62 Walaupun jumlahmu sudah sebanyak bintang di langit, hanya sedikit saja di antara kamu yang masih hidup, karena kamu tidak taat kepada TUHAN Allahmu.
You became as numerous as the stars in the sky, but only a few of you will remain alive, if you do not obey Yahweh your God.
63 Seperti TUHAN senang memberi kemakmuran kepadamu dan menambah jumlahmu, Ia akan senang membinasakan dan memusnahkan kamu. Kamu akan dicabut dari negeri yang tak lama lagi kamu duduki.
Yahweh was very happy to do good things for you and to cause you to become very numerous, but now he will be happy to ruin you and get rid of you. [Those of] you [who do not die from these plagues] will be snatched away from the land that you will soon be entering to possess.
64 TUHAN akan menceraiberaikan kamu di antara bangsa-bangsa di seluruh muka bumi. Di sana kamu akan menyembah ilah-ilah yang dibuat dari kayu dan batu, ilah-ilah yang tidak kamu kenal dan tidak pula dikenal nenek moyangmu.
“Yahweh will scatter you among many people-groups, all over the earth, and in those areas/places you will serve other gods that are made of wood or stone, gods which you and your ancestors have never known/worshiped.
65 Di antara bangsa-bangsa itu kamu tak akan menemukan ketentraman, dan tak ada tempat yang dapat kamu sebut milikmu; TUHAN akan membuat kamu sangat cemas dan putus asa tanpa harapan.
In those places you will be restless. Yahweh will cause you to be constantly worried/anxious, feel hopeless, and discouraged.
66 Hidupmu akan selalu terancam bahaya. Siang malam kamu merasa ngeri dan takut mati.
You will always be afraid that your enemies will kill you. You will be very fearful, all day and all night.
67 Waktu melihat apa saja jantungmu berdebar-debar karena takut. Pagi-pagi kamu mengharapkan malam, dan malam-malam kamu mengharapkan pagi.
Because you will be very fearful/afraid because of the [terrible] things that you see, each morning you will say ‘I wish it were evening already!’ and each evening you will say ‘I wish it were morning already!’
68 TUHAN akan mengirim kamu kembali ke Mesir dengan kapal, biarpun Ia telah berkata bahwa kamu tak akan kembali lagi ke sana. Di sana kamu akan berusaha menjual dirimu sebagai budak kepada musuhmu, tetapi tak seorang pun mau membeli kamu."
Yahweh will send [some of] you back to Egypt in ships, even though he promised that you would never [be forced to] go there again. There in Egypt you will try to sell yourselves to become slaves of your enemies [in order to have food to eat], but no one will buy you. [All those things will happen to you if you do not obey the laws that Yahweh is giving to you].”