< Daniel 11 >
1 Dialah yang ditugaskan untuk membantu dan membela aku pada tahun pertama pemerintahan Darius orang Media itu.
“As for me, during the first year that Darius was king, I helped and encouraged Michael.”
2 Dan apa yang akan kukatakan kepadamu adalah benar." Malaikat itu mengatakan, "Tiga raja lain akan memerintah Persia, diikuti oleh raja yang keempat yang akan lebih kaya daripada yang lain. Pada puncak kekuasaan dan kekayaannya, ia akan beradu kekuatan dengan kerajaan Yunani.
[The angel also said], “And what I am going to reveal to you now will truly [happen]. There will be three more kings to rule Persia, [one after the other]. Then there will be a fourth king, who will be much richer than the others. As a result of [his giving] a lot of money [to people, they will enable him to] become very powerful. Then he will incite/persuade many nations [HYP] [to fight] against the kingdom of Greece.
3 Kemudian akan muncul seorang raja yang perkasa. Ia akan memerintah kerajaan yang sangat besar dan akan berbuat semaunya.
Then a very powerful king will appear [in Greece]. He will rule over a very large empire, and he will do whatever he wants to do.
4 Tetapi pada puncak kejayaannya, kerajaannya akan pecah dan terbagi-bagi menjadi empat bagian. Raja-raja yang bukan keturunannya akan memerintah sebagai gantinya, dan mereka tidak akan sekuat dia.
But when he has become very powerful, [he will die]. Then his kingdom will be divided into four parts. Kings who are not his descendants will rule, but they will not be as powerful as he was.
5 Raja negeri selatan akan menjadi kuat. Tetapi salah seorang dari panglima-panglimanya akan menjadi lebih kuat daripadanya, dan ia akan memerintah kerajaan yang lebih besar lagi.
Then the King of Egypt [MTY] will become very powerful. But one of his army generals will become more powerful than he is, and he will rule a bigger area.
6 Beberapa tahun kemudian raja negeri selatan akan mengadakan persekutuan dengan raja negeri utara dan mengawinkan putrinya dengan raja negeri utara itu. Tetapi persekutuan itu tidak bertahan, dan putri itu akan dibunuh, demikian juga suami dan anaknya dan hamba-hamba yang telah mengantarkannya.
Several years later, the King of Egypt and the King of Syria will make an (alliance/agreement to help each other) [MTY]. The King of Syria will give his daughter to the King of Egypt to become his wife. But she will not be able to influence him [MTY] very long, and that woman, her husband, her child, and her servants will all be killed/assassinated.
7 Tidak lama setelah itu, seorang yang sekeluarga dengan putri itu akan menjadi raja. Ia akan menyerang tentara raja negeri utara, menyerbu bentengnya dan mengalahkannya.
Soon after that, one of her relatives [MET] will become King [of Egypt]. His army will attack the army of Syria. They will enter the fortress of the soldiers of Syria and defeat them.
8 Pada waktu ia kembali ke Mesir, ia akan membawa patung dewa musuhnya dan perkakas emas dan perak yang telah dipersembahkan kepada dewa itu. Beberapa tahun lamanya ia tidak akan memerangi raja negeri utara.
They will return to Egypt, taking the statues of the gods [of the people of Syria] and many items made of silver and gold that had been dedicated to those gods. Then for several years his army will not attack [the army of] the King of Syria.
9 Kemudian raja negeri utara akan menyerbu negeri selatan, tetapi ia akan dipukul mundur dan pulang ke negerinya sendiri.
Then the army of the King of Syria will invade Egypt, but they will soon return to Syria.
10 Lalu putra-putra raja negeri utara akan bersiap-siap untuk berperang dan membentuk tentara yang besar. Salah seorang dari mereka itu akan maju menyerbu seperti banjir. Dalam serbuan yang kedua ia menyerang benteng musuh.
However, the sons of the King of Syria will prepare to start a war, and they will gather a large army. That army will march [south] and spread all over [Israel] like a huge flood. They will attack a strong fortress [in the south of Israel].
11 Maka marahlah raja negeri selatan, dan ia akan maju ke medan perang melawan raja negeri utara. Ia akan berhasil mengalahkan tentara besar yang dikerahkan raja negeri utara.
Then the King of Egypt, having become very angry, will march [with his army north] from Egypt and fight against the army of Syria. The King [of Syria] will gather together a very large army, but [the army of the King of Egypt] will defeat them.
12 Kemudian ia akan bangga karena kemenangannya dan karena telah menewaskan banyak musuh, tetapi ia tidak akan terus berkuasa.
The King of Egypt will become very proud because of [his army] having killed a very large number of soldiers [from Syria], but his army will not continue to win battles.
13 Untuk kedua kalinya raja negeri utara akan membentuk pasukan yang besar, malahan yang lebih besar daripada yang pertama. Jika waktunya tiba, ia akan bergerak maju dengan tentara yang besar dan perlengkapan yang banyak sekali.
The King of Syria will again gather together an army that will be bigger than the one that he had before. After a few years, he will again march [south on their way to Egypt] with a large army and a lot of equipment [for fighting battles].
14 Maka banyak orang akan memberontak terhadap raja negeri selatan. Dan beberapa orang kejam dari bangsamu, Daniel, akan memberontak juga karena mereka telah melihat suatu penglihatan. Tetapi mereka akan gagal.
At that time, many people in Egypt will rebel against their king. In order to fulfill a vision that [one of their leaders had seen], some violent/lawless people from your country [of Israel] will also rebel [in order to not be controlled by Egypt any more], but they will be defeated.
15 Kemudian raja negeri utara akan mengepung sebuah kota berbenteng dan merebutnya. Tentara negeri selatan tidak akan dapat bertahan, dan pasukan-pasukan pilihannya pun tidak dapat lagi mengadakan perlawanan.
Then the King of Syria will come [south with his army] and pile up dirt against the walls of a city that is well protected, and they will [break through those walls and] they will capture the city. The soldiers from Egypt [who have come to defend that city], even the best troops, will not be strong enough to continue to fight.
16 Raja negeri utara itu akan berbuat semaunya tanpa mendapat perlawanan sedikit pun. Ia pun akan menduduki tanah yang permai dan menguasainya sepenuhnya.
So the King of Syria will do whatever he wants to, and no one will be able to oppose him. [His army] will occupy the glorious land [of Israel] and completely control/subdue it.
17 Kemudian raja negeri utara akan menyiapkan seluruh tentaranya untuk menyerang negeri selatan. Lalu dengan maksud menguasai seluruh kerajaan musuhnya, ia akan membuat persetujuan dengan dia dan mengawinkan putrinya dengan raja Mesir itu; tetapi rencananya itu tidak akan berhasil.
Then he will decide to march [south] with all the soldiers from his kingdom. He will make an alliance with the King [of Egypt] and in order that his own daughter will [help him to] destroy the kingdom of Egypt, he will give her to the King of Egypt to become his wife. But that plan will fail.
18 Setelah itu ia akan menyerang bangsa-bangsa di tepi laut, dan banyak yang dikalahkannya. Tetapi seorang pemimpin negeri asing akan menghentikan penghinaan yang dilakukannya itu, bahkan akan membalas penghinaan itu kepadanya.
After that, the [army of] the King of Syria will attack the regions that are close to the [Mediterranean] Sea, and his [army] will conquer many of them. But [the army of] a leader from another country will defeat the army of Syria and will stop their king from continuing to be proud. He will do to the King of Syria what he deserved for being very insolent.
19 Raja negeri utara itu akan kembali ke benteng-benteng negerinya sendiri, tetapi dia akan dikalahkan dan tak ada berita lagi tentang dia.
Then the King of Syria will return to the fortresses in his own land. But he will be defeated, and he will (die/be assassinated) [EUP] there.
20 Dia akan digantikan oleh seorang raja yang akan menyuruh pegawainya yang kejam untuk mengumpulkan pajak dengan paksa untuk menambah kekayaan kerajaannya. Dalam waktu yang singkat raja itu akan dibunuh, tidak secara terang-terangan dan tidak pula dalam peperangan."
Then another man will (succeed him/become king). That king will send one of his officers to oppress the people [in Jerusalem] by forcing them to pay big taxes, in order to get more money for his kingdom. But after a few years [HYP] that king will die, but he will not die as a result of people being angry with him or in a battle.
21 Malaikat itu berkata lagi, "Raja berikut yang memerintah negeri utara adalah seorang yang hina yang tidak berhak menjadi raja. Tetapi ia akan datang tanpa disangka-sangka dan merebut kedudukan raja dengan tipu daya.
The next King of Syria will be an evil man who, [because he will not be the son of the previous king, ] will not have the right to become king. But he will come when people do not expect it, and he will become king by tricking the people.
22 Segala tentara yang melawan dia, ya bahkan Imam Agung pun, akan disapu bersih dan dimusnahkan.
When his army advances, they will attack any armies that oppose him and destroy those armies. They will also kill God’s Supreme Priest.
23 Ia mengkhianati perjanjian-perjanjian yang baru saja dibuatnya dengan bangsa-bangsa lain. Dan ia akan menjadi semakin kuat, meskipun ia hanya memerintah negara yang kecil.
By making treaties/alliances with [the rulers of] other nations, he will deceive them, and he will become very powerful, even though he rules a nation that does not have a lot of people.
24 Dengan licik ia akan menyerbu daerah-daerah yang subur pada waktu penduduk merasa aman di situ. Ia akan melakukan apa yang belum pernah dilakukan oleh nenek moyangnya. Lalu ia akan membagi-bagikan kepada para pendukungnya segala barang rampasan dan kekayaan yang didapatnya dalam peperangan. Ia akan membuat siasat untuk menyerang tempat-tempat yang berbenteng, tetapi waktunya segera akan habis.
Suddenly his [army] will invade a province that is very wealthy, and they will do things that none of his ancestors did: they will capture in battles all kinds of possessions from the people whom they defeat. Then the king will divide those possessions among his friends. He will also plan [for his army] to attack fortresses [in Egypt], but only for a short time.
25 Kemudian dengan berani ia akan membentuk tentara yang besar untuk menyerang raja negeri selatan yang telah bersiap-siap pula hendak melawan dia dengan tentara yang kuat dan besar sekali. Tetapi raja negeri selatan tidak akan dapat bertahan karena ia akan dikhianati.
He will courageously/boldly conscript/gather a large and powerful army to attack [the army of] the king of Egypt. But the King of Egypt will prepare to fight against them with a huge and powerful army. However, someone will deceive him, with the result that his plan will not be successful.
26 Penasihat-penasihatnya yang paling dekat dengan dia akan menjatuhkan dia. Banyak di antara prajurit-prajuritnya akan terbunuh, dan tentaranya akan disapu bersih.
Even his most trusted advisors will plan to get rid of him. His army will be defeated and many of his soldiers will be killed.
27 Kemudian kedua raja itu akan duduk pada satu meja dan makan bersama, tetapi mereka bermaksud jahat, dan mereka akan saling membohongi. Tetapi rencana mereka gagal sebab masanya belum tiba.
Then the two [kings who both want to rule that area] will sit down at the same table and eat together, but they will both lie to each other. Neither of them will get what he wants, because it will not be the time [that God] has determined/set [for them to rule Egypt].
28 Kemudian raja negeri utara akan pulang ke negerinya dengan segala barang rampasan yang didapatnya. Ia bertekad untuk menghancurkan agama yang dianut oleh umat Allah. Ia akan berbuat semaunya lalu kembali ke negerinya sendiri.
[The army of] the King [of Syria] will return to Syria, taking with them all the valuable things [that they had captured]. The king will be determined to get rid of the Supreme Priest of the Jewish people. He will do what he wants to [in Israel], and then return to his own country.
29 Beberapa waktu kemudian ia akan menyerang negeri selatan lagi, tetapi akibatnya lain daripada kali yang pertama.
When it is the time that God has decided, the King of Syria [and his army] will invade Egypt again. But this time he will not be successful like he was before.
30 Sebab orang-orang Roma dengan kapal-kapalnya akan datang dari Siprus dan memerangi dia, sehingga ia menjadi ketakutan. Lalu ia akan pulang dengan marah sekali dan berusaha menghancurkan agama umat Allah. Ia akan mengikuti nasihat mereka yang telah murtad dari agama itu.
The army of Rome will come in ships and oppose his army and cause him to be afraid. So he will be very angry, and [with his army] he will return [to Israel] and try to get rid of the Supreme Priest. The King of Syria will do what those who have abandoned the Jewish religion advise/want him to do for them.
31 Lalu ia mengirim pasukan-pasukan yang mencemarkan Rumah TUHAN. Mereka akan menghapuskan kurban harian dan menegakkan sesuatu yang mengerikan yang disebut Kejahatan yang menghancurkan.
Some of his soldiers will do things to (defile the temple/cause the temple to become unholy for them). They will prevent the priests from offering sacrifices each day, and they will put [in the temple] something that is disgusting/abominable.
32 Maka dengan tipu daya raja itu akan membujuk orang-orang yang sudah meninggalkan agama mereka, supaya mau membantunya. Tetapi orang-orang yang taat kepada Allah akan berani melawan dia.
By deceiving those who have abandoned the Jewish religion, he will persuade them to (become his supporters/help him to do what he wants to do). But those who are devoted to their God will firmly oppose them.
33 Orang-orang bijaksana yang memimpin rakyat akan membuat banyak orang mengerti. Tetapi untuk beberapa waktu lamanya, beberapa di antara mereka akan terbunuh karena perang atau karena api, dan beberapa orang lagi akan dirampok dan ditawan.
And wise [Israeli] leaders will teach others also. But for a while, some of those wise leaders will be killed in battles, and some will be burned to death, and some will be robbed, and some will be put in prison.
34 Sementara pembunuhan itu berlangsung, umat Allah akan mendapat sedikit bantuan, tetapi banyak orang akan bergabung dengan mereka hanya untuk kepentingan mereka sendiri.
While God’s people are being persecuted, some people will help them a little bit, although some of those who help them will not do it sincerely.
35 Sebagian dari pemimpin-pemimpin yang bijaksana itu akan terbunuh, tetapi itu merupakan ujian bagi umat sehingga mereka akan menjadi murni. Hal itu akan berlangsung sampai pada akhir zaman, yaitu zaman yang telah ditetapkan Allah.
Some of those wise leaders will be killed [EUP], but as a result the others will be purified [DOU]. This suffering will continue until it is the time [that God] has appointed [for it to] end.
36 Raja negeri utara akan berbuat sekehendak hatinya. Dengan sombong ia akan mengatakan bahwa ia lebih besar daripada dewa mana pun, malahan juga lebih besar daripada Allah Yang Mahatinggi. Ia akan dapat berbuat begitu sampai murka Allah berakhir. Sebab apa yang sudah ditetapkan Allah harus terlaksana dahulu.
The King [of Syria] will do what he wants to. He will boast and say that he is greater than any god. He will even revile the Supreme God. He will be able to do what he wants until the time that [God] punishes [MTY] him. [God] will accomplish what he has planned.
37 Raja itu tidak akan mengindahkan dewa mana pun yang disembah oleh nenek moyangnya, termasuk dewa pujaan para wanita. Ia tidak mempedulikan dewa-dewa itu karena ia menganggap dirinya lebih besar dari mereka.
The [King of Syria] will ignore the god that his ancestors worshiped and the god that many women love. He will ignore every god, because he will think that he is greater than all of them.
38 Sebaliknya, ia akan menghormati dewa yang belum pernah disembah oleh nenek moyangnya, yaitu dewa pelindung benteng-benteng. Ia akan mempersembahkan emas, perak, permata dan persembahan-persembahan mewah lainnya kepada dewa yang belum pernah disembah oleh nenek moyangnya.
But he will honor the god who [people think] protects fortresses. That is a god whom his ancestors did not honor. And he will give gold, silver, (jewels/very valuable stones) and other expensive gifts to that god.
39 Ia akan memilih orang-orang yang menyembah dewa asing, untuk menyerang benteng-benteng kuat. Siapa yang mengakui dewa itu akan diberinya kehormatan besar dan kedudukan yang tinggi serta tanah sebagai upah.
He will ask that god (OR, people who worship a god) from another country to help him to defend his fortresses. He will greatly honor those who allow him [to be their ruler]. He will appoint [some of] them to important positions in the government; and to reward them, he will give them some land.
40 Bila akhir kekuasaan raja negeri utara sudah hampir tiba, raja negeri selatan akan menyerang dia. Lalu raja negeri utara akan membalas serangan itu dengan sengit. Ia akan mengerahkan banyak kereta perang, kuda dan kapal. Ia akan menyerbu seperti air bah, dan menduduki banyak negeri.
But when his time [to rule] is almost ended, [the army of] the King of Egypt will attack his [army]. The [army of the] King of Syria will fight against them furiously [SIM]. [His soldiers will be driving] chariots and [riding on] horses and [traveling in] many ships. His army will invade many countries and [spread all over those countries] like a flood [MET].
41 Bahkan tanah yang permai pun akan diserbunya juga, dan puluhan ribu orang akan dibunuhnya. Tetapi kerajaan-kerajaan Edom, Moab dan bagian yang terpenting dari kerajaan Amon akan selamat.
They will invade the glorious land [of Israel] and kill [EUP] tens of thousands of people. But the people of the Edom people-group and the people of the Moab people-group and the people of the Ammon people-group who are still alive will escape.
42 Pada waktu ia menduduki kerajaan-kerajaan itu, kerajaan Mesir pun tidak akan luput.
When the army of Syria invades other countries, even the people of Egypt will be defeated.
43 Ia akan merampas harta Mesir berupa emas dan perak serta harta lain yang sangat berharga. Ia akan dibantu orang Libia dan Sudan.
The army of Syria will take away from Egypt gold, silver, and other valuable items. The people of Libya and Ethiopia will allow [the King of Syria] to rule over them.
44 Lalu berita dari timur dan utara akan mengejutkannya, sehingga ia akan berperang dengan sengit dan membunuh banyak orang.
But he will become very frightened/alarmed when he hears reports about what is happening in the east and in the north. So he will become very angry, and send his army to fight furiously and kill many [of their enemies].
45 Bahkan ia akan memasang kemah kerajaannya di antara laut dan gunung tempat Rumah TUHAN. Tetapi kemudian ia akan mati dan tidak ada seorang pun yang akan menolongnya."
The [King of Syria] will set up his royal tents in the area between the [Mediterranean] Sea and the hill [in Jerusalem] on which the temple (exists/was built). But he will be killed there, because there will be no one to help him.”