< Amos 5 >

1 Dengarlah hai umat Israel! Aku hendak menyanyikan bagimu sebuah nyanyian duka:
You people [MTY] of Israel, listen to this funeral song that I will sing about you:
2 Telah jatuh Israel yang masih perawan, ia tak akan bangkit lagi! Di atas tanahnya sendiri ia dibiarkan, tak ada yang membantu ia berdiri.
“You are like [MET] a young woman, but in spite of that, you will certainly be struck down and you will never get up again! You will lie on the ground, abandoned, and there will be no one to help you stand up.”
3 TUHAN Yang Mahatinggi berkata, "Sebuah kota di Israel mengerahkan seribu orang prajurit, tapi yang kembali hanyalah seratus; kota yang lain mengerahkan seratus orang, yang kembali hanya sepuluh."
This is what Yahweh the Lord says to the people [MTY] of Israel: [“When your enemies attack you, ] and when 1,000 [of your soldiers] will go [to a battle], there will be only 100 who will survive. When 100 soldiers march out [from a city to fight], there will be only ten who will remain alive.”
4 TUHAN berkata kepada umat Israel, "Kembalilah kepada-Ku, maka kamu akan hidup.
Yahweh continues to say to the people [MTY] of Israel: “You Israeli people, return to me! If you do that, you will continue to remain alive.
5 Jangan pergi ke Bersyeba untuk berbakti. Jangan mencari Aku di Betel, sebab Betel akan lenyap. Jangan juga pergi ke Gilgal, sebab penduduk kota itu akan diangkut ke pembuangan."
Do not go to Bethel to seek [my help]; do not go to Gilgal [to worship]; do not [even] go to Beersheba, because [your enemies] will drag away [the people of] Gilgal to other countries, and Bethel will be completely destroyed.”
6 Kembalilah kepada TUHAN, maka kamu akan hidup. Jika kamu tidak kembali kepada-Nya, Ia akan datang seperti api yang menjalar dan membakar habis orang Israel. Di Betel tak seorang pun dapat memadamkan api itu.
So, come to Yahweh; if you do that, you will remain alive. If you do not do that, Yahweh will descend on you descendants [MTY] of Joseph like [SIM] a fire; that fire will burn everything in Bethel, and (nothing/no one) will be able to save that town.
7 Celakalah kamu, kamu yang memutarbalikkan keadilan dan memperkosa hak orang!
You people distort what is fair/right and cause [people to think that] it is something that is very bitter; you treat good things as though they are evil.
8 Tuhanlah yang membuat bintang-bintang di angkasa--bintang Belantik dan bintang Kartika. Ia mengubah gelap menjadi terang dan siang menjadi malam; air dari laut dituangkan-Nya ke daratan. Yang melakukan semua itu nama-Nya ialah TUHAN.
[Do you know who] created all the groups of stars and put them in their places? [Each morning] he causes the darkness to become the dawn, and [each evening] he causes the daylight to become darkness. He scoops up water from the oceans [to become clouds], and then he dumps the water [from the clouds] onto the earth. The one who does those things is named Yahweh.
9 Ia membinasakan orang berkuasa bersama pertahanan mereka.
He causes strong [soldiers] to be killed, and causes the (high walls around/fortresses of) cities to be torn down.
10 Kamu membenci orang yang menentang ketidakadilan dan yang berbicara benar dalam pengadilan.
[He is the one who will punish you] because you hate those who challenge anyone who tries to make unjust decisions, and you hate those who tell the truth in your courts.
11 Kamu menindas orang miskin dan gandumnya kamu rampas. Karena itu kamu tidak akan tinggal di dalam rumah-rumahmu yang mewah, yang telah kamu bangun itu. Kamu tidak akan minum anggur dari kebun-kebun anggur yang kamu tanami.
You oppress poor people and force them to pay big taxes. You have built big stone mansions [for yourselves], but you will not be able to live in them. You have planted vineyards, but there will not be any [grapes for you to harvest to make] wine.
12 Aku tahu betapa besar kejahatanmu dan betapa banyak dosamu. Kamu menindas orang baik; kamu menerima sogok dan membiarkan orang miskin diperlakukan tidak adil di pengadilan.
I know all of your sins and the terrible crimes that you have committed. You oppress righteous/honest people, and you accept bribes. You do not allow judges to treat poor people justly.
13 Karena perbuatanmu itu, maka orang-orang yang bijaksana merasa lebih baik diam saja pada masa yang jahat seperti itu.
This is a time when [many people do] evil things, so people who have good sense say nothing [when they hear about such things being done].
14 Berusahalah berbuat baik dan jangan berbuat jahat, supaya kamu hidup. Maka TUHAN Yang Mahakuasa akan sungguh-sungguh tinggal di antara kamu seperti yang kamu katakan.
In order to remain alive, you must stop doing what is wrong, and start doing what is right. If you do that, the Commander of the armies of angels will be with you like you claim [that he always is].
15 Bencilah yang jahat, cintailah yang baik, dan tegakkanlah keadilan. Mungkin TUHAN akan mengasihani orang-orang yang tersisa dari bangsa Israel.
Love what is good, and hate what is evil! Try to cause [judges] in your courts to make decisions that are right/fair! If you do those things, perhaps the Commander of the armies of angels will act mercifully toward [you descendants of] Joseph who are still alive.
16 TUHAN Yang Mahakuasa berkata, "Di jalan-jalan kota, orang akan meratap dan berkeluh-kesah karena sedih. Bahkan para petani akan dipanggil untuk turut menangis bersama orang-orang yang dibayar untuk meratapi orang mati.
“Because I, Yahweh, [will punish you for your sins], this is what I have solemnly declared: People will be wailing loudly in every street, and people will be very sorrowful in every plaza. Farmers will be summoned to [come and] weep, along with the other official mourners who will wail [for those who have died].
17 Di semua kebun anggur, orang akan meratap karena Aku datang dan menghukum kamu. Aku, TUHAN, telah berbicara."
People will be wailing in your vineyards, because I will punish you [IDM] severely. [That will surely happen because] I, Yahweh, have said it!”
18 Sungguh celakalah kamu yang merindukan hari TUHAN! Apa gunanya hari itu bagimu? Hari itu hanya merupakan hari yang gelap, bukan hari yang terang bagimu.
Terrible things will happen to you who desire that it will soon be the day when Yahweh [will punish your enemies], because that will be a day of darkness, not of light.
19 Keadaannya seperti orang yang melarikan diri dari singa, tapi bertemu dengan beruang. Atau seperti orang yang pulang ke rumah dan bertopang dengan tangannya ke tembok, lalu dipagut ular!
[At that time, ] when you try to run from a lion, you will face a bear. When you run into your house [to be safe], and you put your hand on a wall, it will be bitten by a snake.
20 Hari TUHAN memang mendatangkan kegelapan, bukan terang--hari mendung yang suram.
That day, [when he punishes people], will certainly be [RHQ] a very dark day [MET], without even a little bit of light.
21 TUHAN berkata, "Aku benci dan muak melihat perayaan-perayaan agamamu!
[Yahweh says], “I hate your religious celebrations and the times when you gather to worship me; I detest them [DOU].
22 Kalau kamu membawa kurban bakaran dan kurban gandum, Aku tidak akan menerimanya. Aku tak mau menerima binatang-binatangmu yang gemuk-gemuk itu yang kamu persembahkan kepada-Ku sebagai kurban perdamaian.
Even if you bring me offerings that will be completely burned [on the altar] and offerings of grain, I will no longer accept them. Even if you bring me offerings to renew/maintain fellowship with me, I will not pay any attention to them.
23 Hentikan nyanyian-nyanyianmu yang membisingkan itu; Aku tak mau mendengarkan permainan kecapimu.
So, stop singing noisy/loud songs! I will not listen when you play harps.
24 Lebih baik, berusahalah supaya keadilan mengalir seperti air, dan kejujuran seperti sungai yang tak pernah kering.
Instead, your continually acting justly/fairly and righteously should be [never stop, ] like [SIM] [the water in] a river that never stops flowing.
25 Hai umat Israel, pada waktu Aku menuntun kamu melalui padang gurun empat puluh tahun lamanya, Aku tidak menuntut persembahan dan kurban dari kamu.
You Israeli people [MTY], your [ancestors] wandered through the desert for 40 years; and during that time, they never brought any sacrifices and offerings to me!
26 Tapi sekarang kamu menyembah Sakut yang kamu anggap rajamu itu, dan Kewan, bintang yang kamu dewakan itu. Karena itu arca-arca yang telah kamu buat itu harus kamu angkut sendiri.
But they carried the two idols that they had made— the idols of Succoth, the god [that they considered to be] their king, and Kaiwan, [the image of the] star [that they worshiped].
27 Apabila Aku membuang kamu ke suatu negeri yang lebih jauh dari Damsyik. Aku TUHAN yang bernama Allah Yang Mahakuasa telah berbicara."
Therefore, now I will force you to go to [a country that is] far beyond Damascus! [That will surely happen because] I, the Commander of the armies of angels, have said it!”

< Amos 5 >