< 2 Samuel 17 >

1 Tidak lama setelah itu, Ahitofel berkata lagi kepada Absalom, "Izinkanlah aku memilih 12.000 orang. Nanti malam aku akan berangkat mengejar Daud.
Then Ahithophel said to Absalom, “Allow me to choose 12,000 men, and I will leave [with them] tonight to pursue David.
2 Dia akan kuserang sewaktu dia lelah dan jatuh semangatnya. Aku akan mengejutkan dia, sehingga seluruh anak buahnya melarikan diri. Hanya Raja Daud saja yang akan kubunuh.
We will attack him while he is tired and discouraged, and cause him to be very frightened. All the soldiers who are with him will run away. We will kill only the king.
3 Tetapi seluruh anak buahnya akan kukembalikan kepada Tuanku seperti pengantin perempuan kembali kepada suaminya. Bukankah Tuanku hanya menginginkan nyawa satu orang saja? Yang lain tidak akan diapa-apakan."
Then we will bring back all his soldiers to you, like [SIM] a (bride/woman comes to her husband when she is married). You are wanting to kill only one man; so the other people will not be harmed.”
4 Nasihat itu dipandang baik oleh Absalom dan oleh semua pemimpin Israel.
Absalom and all the Israeli leaders [who were with him] thought that what Ahithophel said would be good to do.
5 Meskipun begitu Absalom berkata, "Panggillah sekarang Husai; mari kita dengar bagaimana pendapatnya."
But Absalom said, “Summon Hushai also, and we will hear what he suggests.”
6 Ketika Husai datang menghadap, Absalom memberitahukan rencana Ahitofel, lalu berkata, "Akan kita turutikah nasihat itu? Jika tidak, berikan usul yang lain."
So when Hushai arrived, Absalom told him what Ahithophel had suggested. Then he asked Hushai, “What do you think we should do? If you do not think that we should do what Ahithophel suggests, tell us [what you think that we should do].”
7 Husai menjawab, "Nasihat Ahitofel kali ini tidak baik.
Hushai replied, “This time what Ahithophel has suggested is not good advice.
8 Paduka pasti tahu bahwa Daud dan anak buahnya itu adalah pejuang yang gagah berani. Mereka seganas beruang betina yang kehilangan anaknya. Lagipula Daud adalah prajurit berpengalaman yang tidak pernah bermalam bersama-sama dengan anak buahnya.
You know that your father and the men who are with him are strong soldiers, and that now they are very angry, like [SIM] a mother bear whose cubs have been stolen from her. Furthermore, your father knows how to fight because he has fought in many battles. He will not stay with his troops during the night.
9 Mungkin pada saat ini pun dia sedang bersembunyi di dalam sebuah gua atau tempat lain. Jadi, seandainya anak buah Paduka diserang oleh Daud, dan ada yang tewas, maka siapa saja yang mendengar hal itu akan berkata bahwa anak buah Absalom telah dikalahkan.
Right now he is probably already hiding in one of the pits, or in some other place. [If his soldiers start to attack your soldiers, and] if they kill some of them, whoever hears about that will say ‘Many of the soldiers with Absalom have been killed!’
10 Maka orang-orang yang paling berani dan gagah perkasa seperti singa pun pasti akan menjadi takut. Sebab semua orang Israel tahu bahwa ayah Paduka itu adalah pahlawan, dan bahwa anak buahnya adalah pejuang-pejuang yang gagah berani.
Then your other soldiers, even if they are as fearless [SIM, IDM] as lions, they will become very afraid. Do not forget that everyone in Israel knows that your father is a great/strong soldier, and that the soldiers who are with him are also very brave/courageous.
11 Oleh sebab itu, nasihatku begini: Kumpulkanlah semua orang Israel dari seluruh negeri, sehingga jumlahnya sebanyak pasir di tepi laut. Lalu Paduka sendirilah yang memimpin mereka maju bertempur.
“So what I suggest is that you summon all the Israeli soldiers, from Dan [in the far north] to Beersheba [in the far south]. They will be as many as the grains of sand on the seashore [HYP]. And then you yourself lead us into the battle.
12 Kita akan menemukan Daud di mana pun dia berada, dan kita serang dia sebelum dia sadar apa yang terjadi. Tak ada yang akan dapat lolos, baik dia maupun anak buahnya.
We will find [your father], wherever he is, and we will attack him [from all sides], like [SIM] dew covers all the ground. And neither he nor any of the soldiers who are with him will survive.
13 Jika dia lari ke dalam sebuah kota, seluruh rakyat kita akan mengambil tali-temali dan menyeret kota itu lalu menjatuhkannya ke dalam lembah yang terdekat. Sebuah batu pun tak akan ada yang tertinggal di atas bukit itu."
If he escapes into some city, all our soldiers will bring ropes and pull that city down into the valley. As a result, not one stone will be left there [on top of the hill where that city was]!”
14 Mendengar itu Absalom dan semua orang Israel berkata, "Nasihat Husai lebih baik daripada nasihat Ahitofel." Memang, TUHAN telah menentukan untuk menggagalkan nasihat Ahitofel yang baik itu, supaya Absalom tertimpa malapetaka.
Absalom and all the other Israeli men [who were with him] said, “What Hushai suggests is better than what Ahithophel suggested.” The reason that happened was that Yahweh had determined that if they would accept the good advice that Ahithophel had given them, [they would have been able to defeat/kill David]. But [as a result of their doing what Hushai suggested], Yahweh would cause a disaster to happen to Absalom.
15 Sesudah itu Husai melaporkan kepada Imam Zadok dan Imam Abyatar tentang nasihat Ahitofel dan nasihatnya sendiri kepada Absalom dan para pemimpin Israel.
Then Hushai told the two priests, Zadok and Abiathar, what both he and Ahithophel had suggested to Absalom and the Israeli leaders.
16 Kata Husai, "Cepat! Beritahukanlah kepada Daud supaya jangan bermalam di tempat penyeberangan sungai di padang gurun. Ia harus segera menyeberangi Sungai Yordan. Jika tidak, dia dan seluruh pasukannya akan dihancurkan."
Then he said to them, “Send [a message] quickly to David. Tell him to not stay at the place where people walk across the river, near the desert. Instead, he and his soldiers must cross [the Jordan River] immediately, in order that they will not be killed/wiped out.”
17 Sementara itu Yonatan anak Abyatar dan Ahimaas anak Zadok sedang menunggu di dekat mata air En-Rogel, di pinggir kota Yerusalem. Mereka tidak berani masuk kota sebab takut dilihat orang. Seperti biasanya, seorang budak wanita menyampaikan kepada mereka berita yang harus dilaporkan kepada Raja Daud.
[The priest’s two sons, ] Jonathan and Ahimaaz, were waiting at En-Rogel [Spring], outside Jerusalem. They did not [dare to] enter the city, because if someone saw them, [he would report it to Absalom]. [While they were at En-Rogel, ] a female servant [of the two priests] would frequently go to them and report to them [what was happening], and then they would go and report it to King David.
18 Tetapi kali itu seorang anak laki-laki kebetulan melihat mereka, dan memberitahukannya kepada Absalom. Jadi mereka cepat-cepat pergi dan bersembunyi di rumah seorang penduduk desa Bahurim. Di dekat rumahnya ada sumur dan mereka masuk ke dalamnya.
But a young man saw them, and went and reported it to Absalom. [They found out what the young man had done, ] so both of them left quickly and went to stay in the house of a man in Bahurim. That man had a well in his courtyard; so the two men went down into the well [to hide].
19 Istri pemilik rumah itu membentangkan sehelai kain di atas lubang sumur itu dan menaburkan gandum di atasnya, sehingga sumur itu tidak kelihatan.
The man’s wife took a cloth/mat and covered the well, and scattered grain on top of it in order that no one would know [that two men were hiding inside it].
20 Orang-orang suruhan Absalom datang ke rumah itu dan bertanya kepada wanita tadi, "Di mana Ahimaas dan Yonatan?" "Mereka baru saja menyeberangi sungai," jawabnya. Mereka mencari kedua pemuda itu, tetapi tidak menemukannya, lalu pulanglah mereka ke Yerusalem.
Some of Absalom’s soldiers [found out where the two men had gone. So they] went to the house, and asked the woman, “Where are Ahimaaz and Jonathan?” She replied, “They crossed the river.” So the soldiers [crossed the river and] searched for them. But they could not find them, so they returned to Jerusalem.
21 Ahimaas dan Yonatan keluar dari sumur itu, lalu cepat-cepat pergi menemui Raja Daud dan melaporkan semuanya. Kata mereka, "Ahitofel memberi nasihat untuk menyerang Baginda. Jadi berangkatlah sekarang juga menyeberangi sungai ini."
After they had gone, the two men came out of the well and went and reported to King David [what had happened and] what Ahithophel had suggested. Then they said to him, “Cross the river quickly!”
22 Lalu Daud dan anak buahnya menyeberangi Sungai Yordan, dan sampai di seberang pada waktu fajar.
So David and all his soldiers quickly started to cross the Jordan [River], and by dawn they had all crossed to the other side.
23 Ketika Ahitofel mengerti bahwa nasihatnya tidak dituruti, ia memasang pelana keledainya lalu pulang ke kotanya sendiri. Sesudah membereskan segala urusannya ia menggantung diri, lalu dikuburkan dalam kuburan keluarganya.
When Ahithophel realized that Absalom was not going to do what he suggested, he put a saddle on his donkey and returned to his own town. He gave [to his family] instructions about his possessions, and then he hanged himself [because he knew that Absalom would be defeated and that he would be considered a traitor and be killed]. His body was buried in the tomb where his ancestors [had been buried].
24 Daud telah sampai ke kota Mahanaim ketika Absalom menyeberangi Sungai Yordan, diiringi oleh orang-orang Israel.
David [and his soldiers] arrived at Mahanaim. And Absalom [and all his Israeli soldiers] also crossed the Jordan [River].
25 (Absalom telah mengangkat Amasa menjadi kepala pasukan menggantikan Yoab. Amasa anak Yitra orang Ismael; ibunya bernama Abigail anak Nahas, yakni saudara perempuan Zeruya ibu Yoab.)
Absalom had appointed [his cousin] Amasa to be the commander of his army, instead of Joab. Amasa was the son of a man named Jether, a descendant of Ishmael. Amasa’s mother was Abigail, the daughter of Nahash and the sister of Joab’s mother Zeruiah.
26 Absalom dan anak buahnya berkemah di tanah Gilead.
Absalom and his Israeli soldiers set up their tents in [the] Gilead [region].
27 Ketika Daud tiba di Mahanaim, ia disambut oleh Sobi anak Nahas dari kota Raba di Amon, dan oleh Makhir anak Amiel dari Lodebar, dan oleh Barzilai dari Rogelim di Gilead.
When David [and his soldiers] arrived at Mahanaim, Shobi the son of Nahash from Rabbah [city] in the Ammon area, and Machir the son of Ammiel from Lo-Debar [city], and Barzillai from Rogelim [town] in [the] Gilead [region]
28 Mereka membawa mangkok, kuali, dan kasur untuk Daud dan anak buahnya, juga gandum, jelai, tepung, gandum panggang, kacang merah, kacang merah besar, madu, keju, kepala susu dan beberapa ekor domba. Mereka tahu bahwa Daud dan anak buahnya sedang lapar, haus dan lelah karena perjalanan di padang gurun.
brought sleeping mats, bowls, clay pots, barley, wheat flour, parched grain, beans, and lentils to them.
They brought honey and curds, sheep, and some cream/cheese for David and his soldiers to eat. They knew that David and his soldiers would be hungry and tired and thirsty [from marching] in the desert.

< 2 Samuel 17 >