< 1 Raja-raja 14 >

1 Pada waktu itu anak laki-laki Yerobeam yang bernama Abia jatuh sakit.
At the time that he became sick Abijah [the] son of Jeroboam.
2 Berkatalah Yerobeam kepada istrinya, "Bersiap-siaplah untuk pergi ke Silo ke rumah Nabi Ahia yang dahulu mengatakan bahwa saya akan menjadi raja Israel. Tetapi menyamarlah supaya orang tidak tahu siapa engkau.
And he said Jeroboam to wife his arise please and you will disguise yourself and not people will know that (you *Q(K)*) [are] [the] wife of Jeroboam and you will go Shiloh there! [is] there Ahijah the prophet he he spoke on me to king over the people this.
3 Bawalah untuk dia sepuluh roti, sedikit kue dan madu sebotol. Tanyalah kepadanya apa yang akan terjadi dengan Abia, anak kita. Nabi itu akan memberitahukannya kepadamu."
And you will take in hand your ten bread[s] and cakes and a jar of honey and you will go to him he he will tell to you what? will it happen to the lad.
4 Maka pergilah istri Yerobeam ke rumah Nabi Ahia di Silo. Nabi itu tidak bisa melihat lagi karena ia sudah tua sekali.
And she did thus [the] wife of Jeroboam and she arose and she went Shiloh and she went [the] house of Ahijah and Ahijah not he was able to see for they were fixed eyes his from old age his.
5 Tetapi TUHAN memberitahukan kepadanya bahwa istri Yerobeam sedang datang untuk menanyakan tentang anaknya yang sakit. Dan TUHAN juga memberitahukan kepada Nabi Ahia apa yang harus dikatakannya nanti. Ketika istri Yerobeam tiba di sana, ia berbuat seolah-olah ia orang lain.
And Yahweh he had said to Ahijah here! [the] wife of Jeroboam [is] about to come to seek a word from with you concerning son her for [is] sick he like this and like this you will speak to her and it may be when comes she and she [will be] acted as a stranger.
6 Tetapi begitu Nabi Ahia mendengar bunyi langkahnya di pintu, ia berkata, "Mari masuk, saya tahu engkau istri Yerobeam. Tak usah berpura-pura. Ada berita buruk untukmu.
And it was when heard Ahijah [the] sound of feet her coming in the entrance and he said come O wife of Jeroboam why? this [are] you acting as a stranger and I [have been] sent to you hard.
7 Pulanglah dan beritahukan kepada Yerobeam bahwa inilah yang dikatakan TUHAN, Allah Israel, 'Engkau telah Kupilih dari antara rakyat dan Kujadikan penguasa atas umat-Ku Israel.
Go say to Jeroboam thus he says Yahweh [the] God of Israel because that I raised up you from among the people and I made you a ruler over people my Israel.
8 Engkau telah Kuberikan kerajaan yang Kurenggut dari keturunan Daud. Tetapi engkau tidak seperti hamba-Ku Daud. Ia setia betul kepada-Ku dan taat kepada perintah-Ku. Ia melakukan hanya yang Kusetujui.
And I tore away the kingdom from [the] house of David and I gave it to you and not you have been like servant my David who he kept commandments my and who he walked after me with all heart his to do only the right in view my.
9 Tetapi engkau melakukan kejahatan yang lebih besar daripada yang dilakukan oleh mereka yang memerintah sebelum engkau. Engkau meninggalkan Aku dan membangkitkan amarah-Ku dengan membuat berhala serta patung-patung dari logam untuk disembah.
And you have done evil to act more than all [those] who they were before you and you have gone and you have made for yourself gods other and molten images to provoke to anger me and me you have cast behind back your.
10 Karena itu Aku akan mendatangkan celaka ke atas keluargamu. Semua keturunanmu yang laki-laki, apa pun kedudukannya, akan dibunuh. Aku akan melenyapkan keluargamu, sama seperti orang menyapu bersih kotoran.
Therefore here I [am] about to bring calamity to [the] house of Jeroboam and I will cut off to Jeroboam [one who] urinates on a wall shut up and freed in Israel and I will sweep away behind [the] house of Jeroboam just as someone sweeps away dung until is complete it.
11 Anggota keluargamu yang mati di kota akan dimakan anjing, dan yang mati di luar kota akan dimakan burung. Ingat, Akulah TUHAN yang berbicara!'"
The [one who] dies of Jeroboam in the city they will devour the dogs and the [one who] dies in the open country they will devour [the] bird[s] of the heavens for Yahweh he has spoken.
12 Selanjutnya Nabi Ahia berkata kepada istri Yerobeam, "Nah, pulanglah sekarang! Pada saat engkau memasuki kota, anakmu itu akan meninggal.
And you arise go to house your when go feet your the city towards and he will die the child.
13 Seluruh rakyat Israel akan berkabung dan menguburkannya. Dialah satu-satunya anggota keluarga Yerobeam yang akan dikubur secara terhormat, sebab hanya dia yang berkenan di hati TUHAN, Allah Israel.
And they will mourn for him all Israel and they will bury him for this [one] to only him he will go of Jeroboam into a grave because it was found in him something good to Yahweh [the] God of Israel in [the] house of Jeroboam.
14 Israel akan diberi TUHAN seorang raja yang akan mengakhiri kedudukan keturunan Yerobeam sebagai raja. Harinya sudah tiba! Mulai sekarang
And he will raise up Yahweh for himself a king over Israel who he will cut off [the] house of Jeroboam this the day and what? also now.
15 TUHAN akan menghukum Israel sehingga tergoyang-goyang seperti gelagah di dalam air. TUHAN akan mencabut rakyat Israel dari negeri yang baik ini yang diberikan-Nya kepada leluhur mereka. Ia akan menceraiberaikan mereka ke seberang Sungai Efrat, karena mereka telah membangkitkan kemarahan-Nya dengan membuat patung-patung dewi Asyera.
And he will strike down Yahweh Israel just as it sways reed in the water and he will pluck up Israel from on the ground good this which he gave to ancestors their and he will scatter them from [the] other side of the River because that they have made Asherah poles their provoking to anger Yahweh.
16 TUHAN akan meninggalkan Israel karena Yerobeam telah berdosa dan menyebabkan orang Israel pun berdosa juga."
So he may give up Israel on account of [the] sins of Jeroboam which he has sinned and which he has caused to sin Israel.
17 Setelah itu berangkatlah istri Yerobeam ke Tirza. Pada saat ia masuk ke rumahnya, anaknya meninggal.
And she arose [the] wife of Jeroboam and she went and she came Tirzah towards she [was] coming at [the] threshold of the house and the lad he died.
18 Rakyat Israel berkabung lalu menguburkannya seperti yang telah dikatakan TUHAN melalui Nabi Ahia, hamba-Nya.
And they buried him and they mourned for him all Israel according to [the] word of Yahweh which he spoke by [the] hand of servant his Ahijah the prophet.
19 Kisah lainnya mengenai Raja Yerobeam, yaitu pemerintahannya dan peperangan yang dipimpinnya, sudah dicatat dalam buku Sejarah Raja-raja Israel.
And [the] rest of [the] matters of Jeroboam which he waged war and which he reigned there they [are] written on [the] scroll of [the] matters of the days of [the] kings of Israel.
20 Dua puluh dua tahun lamanya Yerobeam memerintah sebagai raja, kemudian ia meninggal dan dikubur. Anaknya yang bernama Nadab menggantikan dia sebagai raja.
And the days which he reigned Jeroboam [were] twenty and two year[s] and he lay down with ancestors his and he became king Nadab son his in place of him.
21 Ketika Rehabeam, anak Salomo, menjadi raja Yehuda, ia berumur empat puluh satu tahun. Ia memerintah tujuh belas tahun lamanya di Yerusalem. Dari seluruh Israel kota itu telah dikhususkan TUHAN sebagai tempat ibadat kepada-Nya. Ibu Rehabeam ialah Naama dari bangsa Amon.
And Rehoboam [the] son of Solomon he reigned in Judah [was] a son of forty and one year[s] Rehoboam when became king he and seven-teen year[s] - he reigned in Jerusalem the city where he had chosen Yahweh to put name his there from all [the] tribes of Israel and [the] name of mother his [was] Naamah the Ammonite [woman].
22 Bangsa Yehuda melakukan yang jahat pada pemandangan TUHAN. Perbuatan mereka lebih membangkitkan kemarahan TUHAN daripada segala perbuatan leluhur mereka.
And it did Judah the evil in [the] eyes of Yahweh and they made jealous him more than all that they had done ancestors their by sins their which they sinned.
23 Di atas bukit-bukit dan di bawah pohon-pohon besar, mereka membangun tempat-tempat penyembahan berhala, dan mendirikan tugu-tugu serta patung-patung dewi Asyera untuk disembah.
And they built also they for themselves high places and sacred pillars and Asherah poles on every hill high and under every tree luxuriant.
24 Di tempat-tempat itu mereka mengadakan pelacuran sebagai penyembahan kepada dewa. Bahkan laki-laki pun bertugas sebagai pelacur. Orang Yehuda melakukan semua perbuatan keji yang dilakukan oleh bangsa-bangsa yang telah diusir TUHAN pada waktu orang Israel memasuki negeri itu.
And also cult prostitute[s] he was in the land they did according to all the abominations of the nations which he had dispossessed Yahweh from before [the] people of Israel.
25 Pada tahun kelima pemerintahan Rehabeam, Sisak, raja Mesir menyerang Yerusalem.
And it was in the year fifth of the king Rehoboam he came up (Shishak *Q(K)*) [the] king of Egypt on Jerusalem.
26 Ia merampas semua barang berharga yang terdapat di Rumah TUHAN dan di istana raja, juga perisai-perisai emas yang dibuat oleh Salomo.
And he took [the] treasures of [the] house of Yahweh and [the] treasures of [the] house of the king and everything he took and he took all [the] shields of gold which he had made Solomon.
27 Maka sebagai gantinya Raja Rehabeam membuat perisai-perisai perunggu, dan mempercayakannya kepada para perwira yang mengawal pintu gerbang istana raja.
And he made the king Rehoboam in place of them shields of bronze and he entrusted [them] on [the] hand of [the] commanders of the runners who guarded [the] entrance of [the] house of the king.
28 Setiap kali raja ke Rumah TUHAN, para pengawal membawa perisai-perisai itu, kemudian mengembalikannya ke kamar jaga.
And it was as often as went the king [the] house of Yahweh they carried them the runners and they returned them to [the] guardroom of the runners.
29 Kisah lainnya mengenai Raja Rehabeam sudah dicatat dalam buku Sejarah Raja-raja Yehuda.
And [the] rest of [the] matters of Rehoboam and all that he did ¿ not [are] they written on [the] scroll of [the] matters of the days of [the] kings of Judah.
30 Semasa pemerintahan Rehabeam, selalu ada perang antara Rehabeam dan Yerobeam.
And war it was between Rehoboam and between Jeroboam all the days.
31 Kemudian Rehabeam meninggal dan dikubur di makam raja-raja di Kota Daud. Abiam, putranya, menggantikan dia sebagai raja.
And he lay down Rehoboam with ancestors his and he was buried with ancestors his in [the] city of David and [the] name of mother his [was] Naamah the Ammonite [woman] and he became king Abijam son his in place of him.

< 1 Raja-raja 14 >