< 2 Cronicas 3 >

1 Kalpasanna, rinugian ni Solomon nga ipatakder ti balay ni Yahweh idiay Jerusalem iti Bantay Moria, a nagparangan ni Yahweh kenni David nga amana. Insaganana ti disso a pinanggep ni David para iti daytoy, iti pagir-irikan ni Ornan a Jebuseo.
Then Solomon began to build the house of Jehovah at Jerusalem on Mount Moriah, where he appeared to David his father, at the place that David had designated, on the threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite.
2 Nangrugi ti panangipatakderna iti maikadua nga aldaw iti maikadua a bulan, iti maikapat a tawen ti panagturayna.
And he began to build in the second month, in the fourth year of his reign.
3 Ita, dagitoy dagiti rukod ti pundasion nga inkabil ni Solomon para iti balay ti Dios. Iti panangusar ti daan nga estilo ti kubit, innem a pulo a kubit ti kaatiddogna ken duapulo a kubit ti kaakabana.
Now these are the foundations which Solomon laid for the building of God's house. The length, using the former standard measure, was one hundred three feet and four inches, and the breadth was thirty-four feet and five inches, and its height was fifty-one feet and eight inches.
4 Ti kaatiddog ti balkon iti sango ti balay ket duapulo a kubit, maiyannurot iti kaakaba ti pasdek. Duapulo a kubit met ti kangatona, ken kinalupkopan ni Solomon ti uneg daytoy iti puro a balitok.
The porch that was in front of the house was the same as the width of the house, thirty-four feet and five inches, and the depth was seventeen feet and three inches; and he overlaid it on the inside with pure gold.
5 Inaramidna ti bubida ti kadakkelan a siled babaen iti saleng a kinalupkopanna iti kasayaatan a balitok, a kinitikitanna kadagiti sinan kayo ti palma ken kadagiti sinan kawar.
The greater house he made a ceiling with fir wood, which he overlaid with fine gold, and ornamented it with palm trees and chains.
6 Inarkosanna ti balay kadagiti napapateg a bato; ti balitok ket balitok a naggapu iti Parvaim.
He garnished the house with precious stones for beauty: and the gold was gold of Parvaim.
7 Kinalupkopanna pay iti balitok dagiti aoanan, dagiti hamba, dagiti diding ken dagiti ruangan; ken inkitikitna dagiti imahen dagiti kerubim kadagiti didingna.
He overlaid also the house, the beams, the thresholds, and its walls, and its doors, with gold; and engraved cherubim on the walls.
8 Impatakderna ti kasasantoan a disso. Maiyannurot ti kaatiddogna iti kaakaba ti balay, duapulo a kubit, ken ti kaakabana ket duapulo a kubit met laeng. Kinalupkopanna daytoy iti kasayaatan a balitok nga aggatad iti innem a gasut a talento.
He made the most holy house: its length, according to the breadth of the house, was thirty-four feet and five inches, and its breadth thirty-four feet and five inches; and he overlaid it with fine gold, amounting to six hundred talents.
9 Limapulo a siklo a balitok ti kadagsen dagiti lansa. Kinalupkopanna iti balitok dagiti akin-ngato a siled.
The weight of the nails was fifty shekels of gold. He overlaid the upper rooms with gold.
10 Nangaramid isuna iti dua a sinan-kerubim a para iti kasasantoan a disso; kinalupkopan dagitoy dagiti kumukorte iti balitok.
In the most holy house he made two cherubim of sculptured work; and he overlaid them with gold.
11 Duapulo a kubit ti kaatiddog dagiti amin a payak dagiti kerubim; lima a kubit ti kaatiddog ti payak ti maysa a kerubim, a dumanon iti diding ti siled; kasta met a lima a kubit ti maysa pay a payak, a dumanon ti payak iti maysa pay a kerubim.
The wings of the cherubim were thirty-four feet and five inches: the wing of the one was eight feet and seven inches, reaching to the wall of the house; and the other wing was eight feet and seven inches, reaching to the wing of the other cherub.
12 Lima a kubit met ti payak ti maysa pay a kerubim, a dumanon iti diding ti siled; lima a kubit met ti maysa pay a payak daytoy, a sumagsagsagid iti payak ti umuna a kerubim.
The wing of the other cherub was eight feet and seven inches, reaching to the wall of the house; and the other wing was eight feet and seven inches, joining to the wing of the other cherub.
13 Nakaukrad dagiti payak dagiti kerubim nga agdagup a duapulo a kubit. Nakatakder dagiti kerubim a nakasango dagiti rupada iti kadakkelan a siled.
The wings of these cherubim were extended thirty-four feet and five inches: and they stood on their feet, and their faces were toward the house.
14 Inaramidna dagiti kurtina nga asul, maris ube ken nalabaga a de lana ken kasayaatan a lino, ken imburdana dagiti sinan-kerubim iti daytoy.
He made the veil of blue, and purple, and crimson, and fine linen, and ornamented it with cherubim.
15 Nangaramid pay ni Solomon iti dua nga adigi, tallopulo ket lima a kubit ti kangato dagitoy, para iti sangoanan ti balay; lima a kubit ti kangato ti paratok nga adda kadagiti tuktok dagitoy.
Also he made before the house two pillars sixty feet and three inches high, and the capital that was on the top of each of them was eight feet and seven inches.
16 Nangaramid isuna kadagiti kawar a para kadagiti adigi ket inkabilna dagitoy kadagiti tuktok dagiti adigi; nangaramid pay isuna iti sangagasut a sinan-granada ket inkapetna dagitoy kadagiti kawar.
He made chains in the inner sanctuary, and put them on the tops of the pillars; and he made one hundred pomegranates, and put them on the chains.
17 Impatakderna dagiti adigi iti sangoanan ti templo, maysa iti makannawan nga ima, ken ti sabali iti makannigid; pinanagananna iti Jakin ti adigi iti makannawan, ken Boas ti adigi iti makannigid.
He set up the pillars before the temple, one on the right hand, and the other on the left; and called the name of that on the right hand Jakin, and the name of that on the left Boaz.

< 2 Cronicas 3 >