< Zefanaya 3 >

1 Ahụhụ dịrị obodo ahụ ndị mmegbu, na ndị na-enupu isi, na ndị rụrụ arụ jupụtara nʼime ya.
Woe to her that is filthy and polluted, to the oppressing city!
2 Ọ naghị ege onye ọbụla ntị, ọ dịghị anabata ịdọ aka na ntị. Ọ dịghị atụkwasị Onyenwe anyị obi, ọ dịkwaghị abịakwute Chineke ya nso.
She obeyed not the voice; she received not correction; she trusted not in the LORD; she drew not near to her God.
3 Ndịisi nọ nʼetiti ya dịka ọdụm na-agbọ ụja, ndị ọkaikpe ya dịka nkịta ọhịa na-achụ nta anyasị, nke ihe ọ chụtara na nta adịghị anọ tutu chi abọọ.
Her princes within her are roaring lions; her judges are evening wolves; they gnaw not the bones till the morrow.
4 Ndị amụma ya bụ ndị ndu rụrụ arụ, ha bụkwa ndị aghụghọ. Ndị nchụaja ya na-emerụ ebe nsọ na-ejikwa ike emebi iwu.
Her prophets are light and treacherous persons: her priests have polluted the sanctuary, they have done violence to the law.
5 Ma Onyenwe anyị, onye nọ nʼetiti ya bụ onye ezi omume. Ọ nakwaghị eme ihe ọjọọ. Ụtụtụ niile ka ọ na-eme ka ikpe ziri ezi ya pụta ìhè; ụbọchị ọbụla ọ naghị ahapụ igosi ya, ma ndị ajọ omume enweghị ihere.
The just LORD is in the middle thereof; he will not do iniquity: every morning does he bring his judgment to light, he fails not; but the unjust knows no shame.
6 “Egbuchapụla m mba niile dị iche iche, kwatukwaa ebe ha niile e wusiri ike. Ahapụla m okporoụzọ ha ka ọ bụrụ ihe a gbahapụrụ agbahapụ, ọ dịkwaghị onye na-esi na ha agabiga. A laala obodo ha niile nʼiyi, ọ dịkwaghị onye fọdụrụ, ọ bụladị otu onye.
I have cut off the nations: their towers are desolate; I made their streets waste, that none passes by: their cities are destroyed, so that there is no man, that there is none inhabitant.
7 Asịrị m, banyere Jerusalem, ‘Nʼezie, ị ga-atụ egwu m, ma nabatakwa ntụziaka.’ Mgbe ahụ, agaghị ebibi ebe mgbaba ya, ma ọ bụkwanụ ntaramahụhụ m niile agaghị abịakwasịkwa ya. Ma otu ọ dị, ọ nụrụ ha ọkụ nʼobi ịga nʼihu mee omume rụrụ arụ nʼihe niile bụ nke ha mere.
I said, Surely you will fear me, you will receive instruction; so their dwelling should not be cut off, howsoever I punished them: but they rose early, and corrupted all their doings.
8 Nʼihi nke a, cherenụ m,” otu a ka Onyenwe anyị kwubiri, “nʼụbọchị ahụ m ga-ebili ịgba akaebe. Mkpebi m bụ ịchịkọta mba niile dị iche iche, na ịkpọkọta alaeze niile, ịwụkwasị ha oke iwe m, ọ bụladị ọnụma niile nke iwe m. Ọkụ, nke iwe si nʼekworo m, ka a ga-eji rechapụ ụwa niile.
Therefore wait you on me, says the LORD, until the day that I rise up to the prey: for my determination is to gather the nations, that I may assemble the kingdoms, to pour on them my indignation, even all my fierce anger: for all the earth shall be devoured with the fire of my jealousy.
9 “Mgbe ahụ, aga m anụcha egbugbere ọnụ ndị niile dị iche iche mee ka ọ bụrụ ihe dị ọcha, ka ha niile nwee ike ịkpọku aha Onyenwe anyị, ma jikọta aka fekwaa ya ofufe.
For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call on the name of the LORD, to serve him with one consent.
10 Site nʼofe osimiri niile nke Kush, bụ ndị m a chụsasịrị achụsasị, ndị na-akpọ isiala nye m, ga-ewetara m onyinye dị iche iche.
From beyond the rivers of Ethiopia my suppliants, even the daughter of my dispersed, shall bring my offering.
11 Nʼụbọchị ahụ, gị bụ Jerusalem, agaghị eme ka ihere mee gị, nʼihi omume njehie niile i jere megide m, nʼihi na aga m esite nʼetiti gị wezuga ndị gị niile na-aṅụrị ọṅụ na mpako ha. A gaghị ahụkwa ndị na-afụli onwe ha elu nʼugwu nsọ m.
In that day shall you not be ashamed for all your doings, wherein you have transgressed against me: for then I will take away out of the middle of you them that rejoice in your pride, and you shall no more be haughty because of my holy mountain.
12 Ma aga m eme ka ndị dị nwayọọ nʼobi, na ndị dị umeala nʼobi fọdụ nʼetiti ndị Izrel, ha ga-agbabakwa nʼaha Onyenwe anyị.
I will also leave in the middle of you an afflicted and poor people, and they shall trust in the name of the LORD.
13 Ha agaghị emekwa ihe ọjọọ, ha agaghị ekwu okwu ụgha. Ire na-ekwu okwu aghụghọ agaghị adịkwa nʼọnụ ha. Ha ga-akpa nri ma dinakwa ala, ọ dịkwaghị onye ga-eme ka ha tụọ egwu.”
The remnant of Israel shall not do iniquity, nor speak lies; neither shall a deceitful tongue be found in their mouth: for they shall feed and lie down, and none shall make them afraid.
14 Bụọ abụ, gị nwaada Zayọn; tie mkpu, gị Izrel. Ṅụrịa ọṅụ, e, jiri obi gị niile ṅụrịa ọṅụ, gị nwaada Jerusalem.
Sing, O daughter of Zion; shout, O Israel; be glad and rejoice with all the heart, O daughter of Jerusalem.
15 Nʼihi na Onyenwe anyị ewezugala ahụhụ dịrị gị, chụghachikwa ndị iro gị azụ. Onyenwe anyị, onye bụ Eze Izrel, nọ nʼetiti gị. Ị gaghị atụkwa egwu ihe ọjọọ ọzọ.
The LORD has taken away your judgments, he has cast out your enemy: the king of Israel, even the LORD, is in the middle of you: you shall not see evil any more.
16 Nʼụbọchị ahụ, ihe a ga-agwa Jerusalem ga-abụ, “Atụla egwu, gị Zayọn, ekwela ka aka gị daa mba.
In that day it shall be said to Jerusalem, Fear you not: and to Zion, Let not your hands be slack.
17 Onyenwe anyị bụ Chineke gị nọ nʼetiti gị, ọ bụ Dike nʼagha nke na-enye mmeri. Ọ ga-eji ọṅụ nwee mmasị na ahụ gị; nʼihi ịhụnanya ya, ọ gaghị abakwara gị mba, kama ọ ga-eji oke iti mkpu abụ ṅụrịa ọṅụ nʼebe ị nọ.”
The LORD your God in the middle of you is mighty; he will save, he will rejoice over you with joy; he will rest in his love, he will joy over you with singing.
18 “Nʼụbọchị mmemme a kara aka, aga m ewepụrụ gị ọdachi iru ụjụ, nke bụ ibu arụ na ihe ịta ụta dịrị gị.
I will gather them that are sorrowful for the solemn assembly, who are of you, to whom the reproach of it was a burden.
19 Nʼoge ahụ, aga m emesi ndị ahụ niile na-emegbu gị ike. Aga m azọpụta ndị ụkwụ rụrụ, chịkọtakwa ndị niile e mere ka ha gaa biri nʼala ndị ọzọ. Aga m agbanwe ihere ha ka ọ bụrụ ihe otuto nʼihe na-ewu ewu nʼụwa ebe ha natara ihere.
Behold, at that time I will undo all that afflict you: and I will save her that halts, and gather her that was driven out; and I will get them praise and fame in every land where they have been put to shame.
20 Nʼoge ahụ, aga m akpọlata unu nʼụlọ; mgbe m ga-akpọkọta unu ọnụ. Aga m eme ka unu na-ewu ewu ka unu nwekwaa otuto nʼetiti mmadụ niile bi nʼụwa, mgbe m ga-eweghachi ihe ọma unu nʼihu anya unu.” Ka Onyenwe anyị kwuru.
At that time will I bring you again, even in the time that I gather you: for I will make you a name and a praise among all people of the earth, when I turn back your captivity before your eyes, said the LORD.

< Zefanaya 3 >