< Zekaraya 10 >

1 Rịọọnụ Onyenwe anyị mmiri ozuzo nʼoge mmiri ozuzo nke ikpeazụ, nʼihi na ọ bụ Onyenwe anyị na-ezite oke amụma mmiri. Ọ bụ ya na-enye ụmụ mmadụ mmiri ozuzo, na-enyekwa mmadụ niile ihe ọkụkụ nke ubi.
Axe ye of the Lord reyn in late tyme, and the Lord schal make snowis, and reyn of myyt of cloude; and he schal yyue to hem, to ech bi hym silf, erbe in the feeld.
2 Arụsị niile na-ekwu okwu aghụghọ, ndị na-agba aja nʼahụ ọhụ bụ ụgha, ndị ha na-arọ nrọ, na-akọwakwa nrọ ụgha, okwu nkasiobi nke ihe na-adịghị nʼime ya ka ha na-enye. Ya mere, ndị mmadụ na-akpagharị dịka atụrụ a na-akpagbu ha nʼihi enweghị onye ọzụzụ atụrụ.
For symylacris spaken vnprofitable thing, and diuynours saien leesyng; and dremeris spaken veynli, ydily thei coumfortiden; therfor thei ben led awei as a floc, thei schulen be turmentid, for a scheepherd is not to hem.
3 “Iwe m na-ere ọkụ megide ndị ọzụzụ atụrụ, aga m atakwa ndị ndu niile ahụhụ; nʼihi na Onyenwe anyị, Onye pụrụ ime ihe niile ga-elekọta igwe anụ ụlọ ya, ya bụ ndị Juda, ọ ga-eme ka ha dịrị ka ịnyịnya dị ebube nʼagha.
On scheepherdis my strong veniaunce is wrooth, and on buckis of geet Y schal visite; for the Lord of oostis hath visitide his floc, the hous of Juda, and hath put hem as an hors of hys glorie in batel.
4 A ga-esi na Juda nweta nkume bụ ide ji ụlọ, a ga-esi na ha nweta ǹtu ụlọ ikwu, a ga-esi na ha nweta ụta a kwadoro maka agha, sitekwa na ha nweta ndị ndu dị iche iche.
Of hym `schal be a cornere, and of hym a litil pale, of hym a bowe of batel, and of hym ech vniust axere schal go out togidere.
5 Ha niile ga-ejikọta onwe ha ọnụ, dịka ndị bụ dike nʼagha, ha ga-azọda ndị iro ha nʼapịtị nke okporoụzọ niile. Nʼihi na Onyenwe anyị nọnyeere ha, ha ga-alụgbukwa ndị iro niile na-agba ịnyịnya.
And thei schulen be as stronge men, defoulynge clei of weies in batel, and thei schulen fiyte, for the Lord is with hem; and stieris of horsis schulen be confoundid.
6 “Aga m eme ka ụlọ Juda dị ike, zọpụtakwa ụlọ Josef. Aga m eme ka ha lọghachita, nʼihi na aga m egosi ha obi ebere. Ha ga-adị ka ndị m na-ajụghị mgbe ọbụla, nʼihi na mụ onwe m bụ Onyenwe anyị Chineke ha, aga m azakwa arịrịọ ha.
And Y schal coumforte the hous of Juda, and Y schal saue the hous of Joseph; and Y schal conuerte hem, for Y schal haue merci on hem; and thei schulen be as thei weren, whanne Y hadde not cast awei hem; for Y schal be the Lord God of hem, and Y schal graciousli here hem.
7 Ndị Ifrem ga-aghọ ndị dị ike nʼagha, ha ga-enwe ọṅụ dịka ndị na-aṅụ mmanya. Ụmụ ha ga-ahụ ya ṅụrịakwa ọṅụ, ha ga-ejikwa obi ha niile ṅụrịa ọṅụ nʼime Onyenwe anyị.
And thei schulen be as the stronge of Effraym, and the herte of hem schal be glad, as of wyn; and sones of hem schulen se, and be glad, and the herte of hem schal make ioie withoutforth in the Lord.
8 Mgbe ahụ, aga m akpọ ha oku, chịkọtaa ha. Nʼezie, aga m agbapụta ha, ha ga-adịkwa ukwuu dịka ha dị na mbụ.
Y schal hisse, `ether softli speke, to hem, and Y schal gadere hem, for Y ayen bouyte hem, and Y schal multiplie hem, as thei weren multiplied bifore.
9 A sịkwarị na m chụsara ha nʼetiti ndị dị iche iche, ma ha ga-echeta m site nʼala niile ahụ dị anya. Ha na ụmụ ha ga-adịkwa ndụ; ha ga-alọtakwa.
And Y schal sowe hem in puplis, and fro fer thei schulen bithenke of me; and thei schulen lyue with her sones, and schulen turne ayen.
10 Aga m esi nʼala Ijipt kpọlata ha, sitekwa nʼAsịrịa chịkọtaa ha. Aga m akpọta ha na Gilead na Lebanọn. Ha agaghị enwekwa ebe ga-ezuru ha niile.
And Y schal `ayen lede hem fro the lond of Egipt, and Y schal gadere hem fro Assiriens; and Y schal brynge hem to the lond of Galaad and of Liban, and place schal not be foundun to hem.
11 Ha ga-esi nʼosimiri nsogbu gafee. A ga-emekwa ka mmali elu nke osimiri dajụọ. Ebe obibi niile nke osimiri Naịl ga-atakọrọkwa. A ga-egbuda mpako niile nke Asịrịa, wezugakwa mkpara ọchịchị nke ndị Ijipt.
And he schal passe in the wawe of the see, and schal smyte wawis in the see, and alle depnessis of flood schulen be confoundid; and the pride of Assur schal be mekid, and the ceptre of Egipt schal go awei.
12 Aga m eme ka ha dị ike nʼime Onyenwe anyị, ọ bụkwa nʼaha ya ka ha ga na-ejegharị nʼudo.” Otu a ka Onyenwe anyị kwubiri.
Y schal coumforte hem in the Lord, and thei schulen walke in the name of hym, seith the Lord.

< Zekaraya 10 >