< Abụ nke Abụ 6 >

1 Gị onye mara mma nʼetiti ndị inyom, ebee ka onye ị hụrụ nʼanya jere? Olee ụzọ o sitere? Ka anyị soro gị chọọ ya.
'Whither is thy beloved gone, O thou fairest among women? Whither hath thy beloved turned him, that we may seek him with thee?'
2 Ọ gara nʼubi ya a gbara ogige, nʼebe ihe ndina ya nke e fesara ụda na-esi isi ụtọ, ijegharị nʼetiti okoko urodi, na ịchịkọta okoko lili.
'My beloved is gone down into his garden, to the beds of spices, to feed in the gardens, and to gather lilies.
3 Abụ m nke onye m hụrụ nʼanya, onye m hụrụ nʼanya bụkwa nke m. Ọ na-azụ igwe atụrụ ya nʼetiti okoko urodi.
I am my beloved's, and my beloved is mine, that feedeth among the lilies.'
4 Onye m hụrụ nʼanya, ị mara mma dịka Tịaza, ị mara mma nke ukwu dịka Jerusalem, ị dị ebube ka usuu ndị agha ji ọkọlọtọ. Ị dị mma ile anya dịka Jerusalem; Ị dị ka ndị agha bu ọkọlọtọ.
Thou art beautiful, O my love, as Tirzah, comely as Jerusalem, terrible as an army with banners.
5 Wepụ anya gị nʼebe m nọ, nʼihi na i jirila anya gị dọta m. Agịrị isi gị dị ka igwe ewu nke na-arịdata site nʼugwu Gilead.
Turn away thine eyes from me, for they have overcome me. Thy hair is as a flock of goats, that trail down from Gilead.
6 Eze gị dị ka igwe atụrụ nke si nʼebe a sapụrụ ha ahụ na-arịpụta. Nke ọbụla chi ụmụ abụọ, ọ dịghịkwa nke nwa ya furu efu nʼetiti ha.
Thy teeth are like a flock of ewes, which are come up from the washing; whereof all are paired, and none faileth among them.
7 Agba ntị gị abụọ nke dị nʼime akwa mkpuchi gị dị ka pomegranet e kere abụọ.
Thy temples are like a pomegranate split open behind thy veil.
8 E nwere ike nwee iri eze nwanyị isii, na iri ndị iko nwanyị asatọ, na ọtụtụ ụmụ agbọghọ a na-apụghị ịgụta ọnụ,
There are threescore queens, and fourscore concubines, and maidens without number.
9 ma gị onwe gị, nduru m, ezigbo m zuruoke, pụrụ iche nʼetiti ha niile. Naanị otu nwanyị nne ya nwere, ọ masịrị onye mụrụ ya. Ụmụ agbọghọ hụrụ ya kpọọ ya onye a gọziri agọzi, ndị eze nwanyị na ndị iko nwanyị tooro ya.
My dove, my undefiled, is but one; she is the only one of her mother; she is the choice one of her that bore her. The daughters saw her, and called her happy; yea, the queens and the concubines, and they praised her.
10 Onye bụ onye a, pụtara ihe dịka chi ọbụbọ, nke mara mma dịka ọnwa, na-enwu dịka anyanwụ, dị ebube ka dị usuu kpakpando na-aga nʼahịrị nʼahịrị?
Who is she that looketh forth as the dawn, fair as the moon, clear as the sun, terrible as an army with banners?
11 Agara m nʼubi a gbara ogige ebe a kụrụ mkpụrụ osisi, ile ihe na-etopụta ọhụrụ na ndagwurugwu, ilekwa akwụkwọ ndụ ọhụrụ ndị na-epupụta nʼosisi vaịnị, na ị mata ma nʼosisi pomegranet ọ mara ifuru.
I went down into the garden of nuts, to look at the green plants of the valley, to see whether the vine budded, and the pomegranates were in flower.
12 Tupu m mata ebe m nọ, agụ nke mkpụrụobi m adọtala m tinye nʼetiti ụgbọ agha nke ndị eze ala m.
Before I was aware, my soul set me upon the chariots of my princely people.
13 Laghachi azụ, gị onye Shulam, laghachi azụ; laghachi azụ, e, laghachi azụ ka anyị lee gị anya. Onye hụrụ ibe ya nʼanya Maka gịnị ka unu ga-eji lee onye Shulam anya dịka ọ bụ ite egwu ndị Mahanaim?
Return, return, O Shulammite; Return, return, that we may look upon thee. What will ye see in the Shulammite? As it were a dance of two companies.

< Abụ nke Abụ 6 >