< Abụ nke Abụ 5 >

1 Abatala m nʼubi m a gbara ogige, nwanne m nwanyị, nwunye ọhụrụ m. Achịkọtala m máá ya na ụda m, arachakwala m mmanụ aṅụ m na ugbugbo mmanụ aṅụ. Aṅụkwala m mmiri ara ehi na mmanya m. Ndị Enyi Rie, ṅụọkwa, unu ndị bụ enyi; ṅụjuo afọ, unu ndị hụrụ onwe unu nʼanya.
I am come into my garden, my sister, my bride; I have gathered my myrrh with my spice; I have eaten my honeycomb with my honey; I have drunk my wine with my milk. Eat, O friends; drink, yea, drink abundantly, O beloved.
2 A rahụrụ m ụra, ma obi m mụ anya. Gee ntị, onye ahụ m hụrụ nʼanya na-akụ aka nʼibo ọnụ ụzọ. “Megheere m ụzọ, nwanne m nwanyị, onye m hụrụ nʼanya, nduru m, onye na-enweghị ntụpọ. Igirigi ezokwasịla m nʼisi, agịrị isi m jupụtara na mmiri nke abalị.”
I sleep, but my heart waketh; Hark! my beloved knocketh: 'Open to me, my sister, my love, my dove, my undefiled; for my head is filled with dew, my locks with the drops of the night.'
3 Eyipụlarị m uwe m. Ọ bụ m yirikwa ha ọzọ? Asaala m ụkwụ m, aga m eme ka ha ruo unyi ọzọ?
I have put off my coat; how shall I put it on? I have washed my feet; how shall I defile them?
4 Onye m hụrụ nʼanya gbatịrị aka ya imeghe ụzọ, mgbe ahụ, obi m chọsikwara ya ike.
My beloved put in his hand by the hole of the door, and my heart was moved for him.
5 Mụ onwe m biliri imeghere onye m hụrụ nʼanya ụzọ, ma aka m abụọ jupụtakwara na mmanụ máá, mmanụ máá si na mkpịsịaka m niile na-atapụsi, nʼelu ihe mkpọchi nke ibo.
I rose up to open to my beloved; and my hands dropped with myrrh, and my fingers with flowing myrrh, upon the handles of the bar.
6 Mgbe m megheere onye m hụrụ nʼanya ụzọ, ma lee, ọ nọkwaghị ya, ọ laala. Obi fepụrụ m mgbe ọ pụwara. Elegharịrị m anya chọọ ya ma ahụghị m ya ebe ọbụla. Akpọrọ m ya oku ma ọ zaghị.
I opened to my beloved; but my beloved had turned away, and was gone. My soul failed me when he spoke. I sought him, but I could not find him; I called him, but he gave me no answer.
7 Ndị nche hụrụ m mgbe ha na-agagharị nʼobodo, ha tiri m ihe merụọ m ahụ. Ndị nche mgbidi obodo napụrụ m akwa mkpuchi m.
The watchmen that go about the city found me, they smote me, they wounded me; the keepers of the walls took away my mantle from me.
8 Unu ụmụ agbọghọ Jerusalem, ana m agba unu iyi, ọ bụrụ na unu ahụ onye m hụrụ nʼanya, gịnị ka unu ga-agwa ya? Gwa ya na abụ m onye ịhụnanya mere ka ike gwụchasịa nʼahụ.
'I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem, if ye find my beloved, what will ye tell him? that I am love-sick.'
9 Gị nwanyị kachasị mma, olee otu onye ị hụrụ nʼanya si dị mma karịa ndị ọzọ? Olee otu onye ị hụrụ nʼanya si dị mma karịa ndị ọzọ nke i ji enye anyị iwu dị otu a?
'What is thy beloved more than another beloved, O thou fairest among women? What is thy beloved more than another beloved, that thou dost so adjure us?'
10 Onye m hụrụ nʼanya chapụrụ achapụ, dị mma ile anya. Ọ pụrụ iche nʼetiti puku ndị nwoke iri.
'My beloved is white and ruddy, pre-eminent above ten thousand.
11 Isi ya dịka ọlaedo a nụchara anụcha, agịrị isi ya na-eruda dịka igu nkwụ, na-ejikwa nji dịka ugolọma.
His head is as the most fine gold, his locks are curled, and black as a raven.
12 Anya ya abụọ dịka nduru nọ nʼakụkụ mmiri iyi nke e jiri mmiri ara ehi sachaa, dịka nkume dị oke ọnụahịa e doro nʼahịrị.
His eyes are like doves beside the water-brooks; washed with milk, and fitly set.
13 Nti ya abụọ dị ka ihe ndina ụda nke jupụtara na mmanụ isi ụtọ. Egbugbere ọnụ ya dị ka okoko urodi, nke na-agbụsị mmanụ máá.
His cheeks are as a bed of spices, as banks of sweet herbs; his lips are as lilies, dropping with flowing myrrh.
14 Aka ya abụọ dị ka mkpara ọlaedo a kpụziri akpụzi, nke a hịọnyere nkume oke ọnụahịa beril nʼime ya. Ahụ ya na-akwọ mụrụmụrụ dịka ọdụ nke e ji nkume dị oke ọnụahịa safaia chọọ mma.
His hands are as rods of gold set with beryl; his body is as polished ivory overlaid with sapphires.
15 Ogwe ụkwụ ya abụọ dị ka ogidi e ji nkume mabụl kpụọ, nke e ji ọlaedo a ṅụchara anụcha tọọ ntọala ha. Ụdịdị ya dị ka Lebanọn, dịkwa oke ọnụ dịka osisi sida ya.
His legs are as pillars of marble, set upon sockets of fine gold; his aspect is like Lebanon, excellent as the cedars.
16 Ọnụ ya bụ ihe tọkarịsịrị ụtọ nʼonwe ya, ihe niile banyere ya dị mma nʼile anya. Unu ụmụ agbọghọ Jerusalem, onye dị otu a bụ onye ahụ m hụrụ nʼanya, ọ bụkwa enyi m.
His mouth is most sweet; yea, he is altogether lovely. This is my beloved, and this is my friend, O daughters of Jerusalem.'

< Abụ nke Abụ 5 >